Last night after the service, P. Scott, Judah and Jonah and I went to see a late showing of Slumdog Millionaire, which is currently nominated for best picture...very cool...very well done...brutal, but extremely inspirational...perhaps the best movie about the concept of destiny fulfillment that I have ever seen, even though my ideas about destiny are kind of in flux right now...
I like what Peacemaker said on the 20/20 blog (PERCEPTION) about using the term "creator" instead of "co-creator"...I understood what he meant, and I agree...(BTW, there's a brand new post on that blog today, just waiting for your comment)...
Anyway, that's why I say that my ideas about destiny are changing...
More about that later...
There's a response from P. Ben on the Now Ministries site (MINISTRY NETWORK)...
As I said last night in the service, Pastor Dony McGuire is having major surgery this morning...I posted an e-mail prayer request that I received from his staff on the prayer blog (PRAYER REQUESTS)...be in agreement for his speedy recovery, and while you're over there, write your own prayer requests...
There's a nice little motivational poem on AW4W (ENTREPRENEURS)...it's kind of like a mental vitamin booster shot...
And the AYITN blog (DEVOTIONAL) is "HELP SOMEBODY!"...it's a good one to cut and paste and e-mail to someone who is too self-absorbed...
I thought last night's word was a good one for all of us to hear...go to the LifeSkills blog and tell me what you got out of it...
And several of you mentioned yesterday about my 20 Questions posts...I'll do one for tomorrow...

Here's my thought on filling the seats.....just think if you really had a way to "know a count" of the people streaming in. Just one Sunday at service, imagine name/location cards sitting in a chair, like the OSCARS ! I wonder truly how many more people you'd have ITB.
Just random thought I guess, but the red seats in the photo made it come to mind !
Northern Light
Moving from room to room here is an adventure! There's a blessing and a surprise in every one!
Thanks for putting out the welcome matt!
that sounds like a pretty cool idea Northern Light
Interesting idea, NL...thanks
Thanks, NJT...there's good stuff all over the place today...great comments from everyone...
JWB, I love what you wrote on the 20/20 blog...
The movie, Slum Dog Millionaire is now added to my favorites. Yes it was a bit raw but quite a powerful story of two brothers all the same.
There were many aspects of the story that were very real in a disturbing way but the triumph of the pure heart is always a treat to my soul.
The cinematography was also quite good. The artist did a good job of bringing Mumbai to the minds of our world outside of it.
I love it when the guy gets the girl.
The thing I liked most about it is that he had an answer for everything his torturers aked him about his success on the show...I like that he had learned something from everything that had happened to him, and every lesson ended up serving him in the end...and the soundtrack was cool...and the editing was awesome...and the kid actors were incredible...
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