Still pondering this destination is never a place...
wordver, you appear to be finished: musedit ...okay, you "mused it", so post something then...I'm still musing it.
WordVer response: caterr error? caterer? What? No more words, wordver? Hmph.
I'm here all alone...(well, okay, we all know God is with me)...and I'm talking to a computer word generator! Sleep is not my "destination" either but it appears to be the next advisable step in the journey--smile!
New way to see Stress Free. Faith, the way I saw it Wed night (031809), during worship, was really fun.
Stress Free faith. Knowing we each are and always have been good enough, actually a masterpiece in God’s vision. We were born a masterpiece. Born into Grace.
I saw the clear field of faith. We always have Heaven within and all around us. We exist far beyond the mere touch of Heaven, we are consumed in it, and synchronistically intact as every one of us, all people were uniquely created.
We are fractals of God - No one the same, while sharing the same particles. We all are cohorts with God and Angels Clear, stress free in our faith.
Every prayer is ‘good enough’. Perfectionism is antithetical to perfect. Perfect is as we are, including all of the challenges we grow through, the strong weaknesses. All who exists or has existed is a masterpiece of God.
God is always with us, every one is always in God’s presence. We see God’s beauty every moment – Stress Free. We are Free. The Yoke is light. Deliverance has long been confirmed for every one.
We all are God’s beloved. This is verified by our existence. God does not waste breath, and all who exist or have existed in this continuum, are specifically created and agreed with God to exist here, even if they exist in and perceive other continuums.
If we are here, we can only be because God ratified each of us to be here. Peace in faith.
Visualize a big stamp on your soul—“APPROVED” with some really cool God designed symbol underneath, confirming God’s personal review and approval. -----
That is what I saw, the personal review and approval of all of humanity by God,-- the existence of God’s mate, in this perception. We all are God’s Unequivocal Peace.
Here or ‘There’ wherever ‘There’ is, we all are God’s glory, God’s expression in THIS space and time (as we perceive time and space).
Relax, Enjoy, Love, - All are engraved with God’s approval. Second guessing God brings stress. Agitation (movement causing change) is beneficial. Stress (as we often see it) is agitation that is circular, feeds on itself, and brings little, if any benefit.
If one's destination were nothing more than a place, then eventually what was being sought could become boring. For example, if my destination was Disney World, then I would probably be all jazzed up about getting there. After a few days of visiting the park I would probably have had my fill and be ready to move on to something else. I've even thought that about heaven. If it's just a place and I'm supposed to be there for like zillions of years, I could actually see where boredom could set in after awhile. But, if it is a new way of looking at things then we may never have to stay in the same place for any length of time but always be moving and changing. Static - boring Dynamic - unboring
When I came to Christ, nothing around me changed. My perceptions changed which made everything different. According to what I know, we are destined to be with Christ which doesn't happen until we change our way of thinking by the renewing of our minds. Destinations are not finite for me, rather where I am able to get to today. Since I am living in the now, I perceive today as a good one. Hello destiny!
"Don't ask what the fish is made of... it's square fish!" :):):)
You're still funny; PLEASE don't ever lose the 'funny!'
That reminded me of the wonderful Mrs. Pauls (?, I think) commercial with that cute little girl. I'm sure it just appeals to me as a foodie. But she takes the box of frozen fish to her mother and says, "Minced?.. you feed me MINCED?!? You ever catch a minced fish?"
And, no, that's assuredly not all I got out of last night, but I don't follow the lifeskills blog. Quite honestly, I've missed a ton of Wednesdays this year. But I can totally relate to one person's management being different from someone elses. I've discovered that I have to sleep whenever sleep will come to me, because at night (at least a great portion of it) it usually doesn't want to. Unless, of course, I take a sleepy pill or two (rapid release Tylenol PM... GREAT STUFF!) Also, I'm there with ya on the right-brain thing. Some of my best times in my studio have been late at night, when I can work completely uninhibited and can get into that mode. Before I know it, it's morning, and I'm wondering, "How did that happen?" Unfortunately, I haven't had any of those inspired art moments lately. I don't so much like this about myself, but I usually need to have a reason or definite goal to get motivated enough to work on a piece. And I have a couple other goals that are taking priority right now. But hey, are you guys planning to do the art show again this year? Loved participating last year, and would consider it if I had a heads-up enough to get cracking on something.
Donald that was awesome, insightful, and in my opinion, right(At least for now. "Right" is a relative term in accordance with the speed of revelation and spiritual evolution). In my time of contemplation early this morning, I was thinking on this concept before I read what Bishop posted. I'm not surprised by that anymore. That seems to happen more and more frequently between he and I. Anyway, I totally agree with you. I don't think we really ever "arrive", and I'm good with that. There are maybe places along the way to visit for a while, or rest stops even, but never a final destination. It is in the process; or journey, that the learning and excitement is found. So much to see and do. This idea has even changed the way I look at God. I no longer see God as a person/place that I’m striving to get to. In Christian context, Paul said, “In him we live, and move, and have our being"(sic). That confirms to me: GOD IS THE JOURNEY ITSELF, not the destination, which to me, resonates, and is way more exciting and satisfying than arriving at His eternal “home” some glad day to live, as you put it, for “zillions of years”. As this has become more and more real to me, it certainly has changed the way I look at my life, why I’m here, my relationships, and everything concerning my destiny and purpose while visiting this human experience.
Lord, Our Father, we enter into your presence today just to say THANK YOU! We thank you that we were able to awake, arise, and see the light of a brand new day. We say thank you that we not only have a roof over our heads, but also food to eat, clothes to wear, the use of all or at least some of our physical faculties, indoor plumbing, electricity, and the sensibilities to know that were it not for you, NONE of these things would be possible.
We thank you Lord, that we are created in YOUR IMAGE and likeness, that you welcome us with opened arms because we are your creation and your righteousness through Christ. We thank you that one had to go so that the Greater One- "The Holy Spirit" could come and dwell with and within us. We give you all the glory, honor, and praise on this day. And for those of us that have been ungrateful in any way and neglected to recognize the REAL BLESSING, which is LIFE in you, we repent. For the blessing is not simply that which you provide, but the True Blessing is that we know you and you know us, love us, and have genuine concern for us- in spite of who we are within ourselves. We THANK YOU, Father for you are Worthy to be praised.
I come to you in adoration and worship on this day and proclaim this day to be an outstanding day in the land of the living. I cannot speak for others, but I CHOOSE to walk by faith, not by sight, and lean not to my own understanding. For Great and Mighty are YOU over all the earth. I stand in proxy Lord, and thank you in the place of those that are not thankful and ungrateful. For you said that IF the People that you have called by your name call out to you with a Pure Heart, humble themselves before you, Thank you, and Repent, YOU SHALL HEAL THE LAND. So, as I come before you today, I repent for those who have knowingly and unknowingly taken you for granted, while failing to seek YOUR HEART instead of your hand. For your warriors know that those who seek your Face and Your Heart, and acknowledge you in all our ways, the ALL OTHER THINGS shall be generously given to us. We come to you to today and ask NOT what YOU oh Lord can do for US, but we seek your presence and ask what WE MAY BE ABLE TO GIVE, Offer, and DO for you and unto you on this day. For you said that the greatest among them are the servants. Yes, we have rights and covenant with you that we can and should expect great things, but what I desire MOST is Your Presence.
I speak Peace, Grace, and Mercy over the lives of all my brothers and sisters that are represented in this place, as well as in other places. We seek your WISDOM in ALL THINGS, that we shall no longer seek the blessing, We shall SERVE AS THE BLESSING TO OTHERS, then that which we have poured out into others, it shall also be measured back into our lives; thus the blessing shall hunt us down and abide with and within us continually.
We THANK YOU Lord that you are the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and Last, the Start and Finish. We say YES AND AMEN to your declarations and decrees. Also we thank you that you have shown us that Your promises and provisions are readily available to WHOSOEVER WILL walk / abide in YOUR PURPOSE and Precepts, while having a Obedient Spirit that we may not only speak and teach, but shall LISTEN, LEARN, and OBEY, being TEACHABLE people, not arrogant, prideful, puffed up, self-indulgent or Self Righteous. For one cannot be an effective minister unto you and your people if they are unwilling to LEARN and Be Taught by you and Hear clearly through the Holy Spirit. We thank you Lord that as we worship, honor, and Praise you on this day, that MIRACLES, Divine Release, Holy Spirit Ordained Connections, Supernatural Provision, Magnanimous FAVOR, GRACE, Mercy, and Previously Untapped Power and Resources are being Poured Out through us and around us. We thank you that All Needs represented here and elsewhere are Met when we acknowledge that Our One GREATEST NEED is YOUR PRESENCE, Your Spirit, and Mercy- and the wisdom to HEAR AND DISCERN your voice, and the Radical Faith to OBEY YOUR INSTRUCTIONS and Follow Your Directions.
We Thank You Lord that although we may not be where we thought we should be in our lives according to our own timelines, that we are RIGHT WHERE YOU need us to be at this time as the Holy Spirit has His Way in our lives. For it is NOT BY MIGHT, nor by Power, but by Your Spirit that the captives are set free. We thank you for Freedom and Liberty in you and as our words begin to fall into direct alignment and agreement with your RIGHT NOW WORD to Us, then all obstacles, hindrances that have previously clouded our perceptions, Vision, and Misguided Judgments are hereby Destroyed. And those things that were stumbling blocks are now Stepping Stones which has enabled us to ARISE and Climb into Your Greater Glory in this Right Now Season. For we know that timing is crucial to all that we do, so we will not allow ourselves to become discouraged over what has been, should have been, or could have been, but we shall MOVE by Your Spirit and be led by the sound of your voice; as you speak and provide direction, we shall be QUICK to obey and not allow deceptive voices to talk us out of the decision to move in the right now moment- even if the negative voice is our own. We Thank You Lord for WHO YOU ARE, For Great is Your Faithfulness Indeed. We Praise you in the midst of all things, knowing that it is not over until you have declared such. We allow our YES to Be Yes and Our No to suffice as a simple No, being steadfast in what we believe and Profess. And We choose to believe YOUR WORD on this Day and we shall SPEAK YOUR WORD, calling life into dry and barren lands. We shall LIVE and not Die, Flourish and NOT FAIL, and are Blessed to serve as a Blessing to others. We command that Sickness has flee and where there was darkness, the Light of the Holy Ghost has flooded in, illuminating the territory. Lord, you said Let Your Redeemed Stand up and SAY SO!
Therefore, We Thank you that by and through your Wisdom and Direction, coupled with OUR OBEDIENCE, debts are paid in full, the sick shall recover, the tormented are released from bondage, the depressed are filled with Joy and Hope, as the Peace of God which surpasses all human understanding Permeates the Hearts, Minds, Bodies, and Livelihoods of those that needed a touch from you and to hear a word in due season from you.
May our minds be free from clutter, distractions, and everything that is contrary to WHO YOU ARE and what YOUR WORD says. Every Need is Met right now and Families are Restored. Divine Absolute TRUTH shall prevail in all things as you Oh Lord have Revealed New Dimensions of your Spirit unto Us and we embrace YOU in your fullness. Impart into us Your Wisdom and Your Grace to accept that which is Pure and of YOU, regardless of how it may taste or feel,or whom you choose to use to deliver your TRUTH, for we know that your concern is more about the conditions of our hearts than about our comforts. Allow Forgiveness of others and Self to Flow freely through us, so that there is nothing standing as a barrier between us and that which you desire to Pour through Us, Father God Almighty!
Thank You Father! In our Gratitude, Reverence, and THANKSGIVING, we Rejoice in You that those who have entered in will not leave the same way that they came today, in Jesus Name, we call it done. AMEN.
Destination Is Never A Place. It's a state of mind. As for me my destination is doing what comes my way. You have to have action to reach a destination. Destination does not come to you. You have to go to it. Your actions are your destination. Go and have fun finding your destination today.
We live in, or have our being (be-ing, as I AM in the now) “in” our mind or thoughts; looking out through the widows (eyes) of our soul - intellectual understanding and perception and feeling towards our circumstances derived at by our present belief of or in what we are seeing. This can be changed or altered by a change in information, understanding or faith in the unseen and what we believe that to be. So we live in our minds, not in our surroundings.
Newspaper Heading: Destination is “A new way of looking at things’ “Change your perception, change your world” “Happiness is an inside job” “See it and receive it” “Power of Intention’
This matches up with “ the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven is within me.” I can only look at things in a new way, or do any of these on the list using the thoughts which are within me.
It is interesting to me that the “secular” world, and the truth seekers who do not go to church, have discovered many insights that the ‘indoctrinated’, like me, are just now getting insights about ; like the list above. I memorized the Children’s Catechism, the Shorter Catechism and have had at least two extensive courses on the Westminster Confession of Faith. But I have had to reject much of what they claim is truth. No I’m not Catholic, I’m Presbyterian. Goes to show you: you will not have to teach your neighbor, the spirit will teach all. I have received much truth from sources outside of the “church.” I am grateful and excited that the earth is being filled with the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. So there really is no secular world, no ‘us’ and ‘them’, we are all neighbors, brothers and sisters. The spirit is at work teaching everyone on the planet the truth.
But it still bothers me a little when I hear any spiritual statement that is not a direct quote form the scriptures or a direct quote from the Westminster Confession of Faith. Which is why I like to find a scripture to ‘back up’ statements like the one posted. I really am discovering that the translation and interpretations of scripture need a new overhaul---and I support our pastor in paraphrasing them ‘in the now’.
So shout outs to Erik and Pm.. really good post.. I checked out some other rooms..I was a touch freaked out when i saw the location thigerue on the homepage but i did look to see where other ppl were coming frm so cool function. random good news today I was given an opportunity to change my attitude.. I was a bit down and pouty then i said whoa.. this is the part where i use my muscle.. oppp oppp there we go.. i know its random but hey.. i was thrilled that positive thinking really changed my day.. it wasn't just a lame seminar lesson.. amped for sunday
Como esta? I have been an infrequent visitor to these environs as of late. I must say that seeing you here slakes my sweet tooth for sublime spiritualism. I loved the breviloquent bon mots between you and Dennis.
As for destinations, does that include institutions that purvey a formulaic manifesto as to what should or should not be believed? I know that higher education changes constantly and spiritual matters do as well. What if the destination for each member of the flock is different? How would one keep a flock together as a good shepherd if the fields and feed are ever changing? What if the feed is different for each sheep? How can the shepherd know what to feed each little lamb?
That has to be a tough task for anyone feeding his hungry flock.
Donald, no kidding...I've wondered what we would DO too.
Happy 1+1+1monthiversary, BITN! [that would be one year, one month and one day late!] I wonder if Miss Manners knows the protocol on monthiversarys stop after the first year?
Whatever is appropriate, gracious goodness BITN, it seems you've been with us since the beginning of time. How sweet it is that you have graced us with your manifestation...and blessings to Blogmaster too on this gorgeously good day!
DBA, Muy bien, gracias. Glad you decided to visit. I missed your last appearance a few days ago. But I got to say, I'm glad you showed up because Dude, you were certainly summoned.
As for your question, you know as well as I that there are countless millions that would not want it any other way. They found the place they want to spend the rest of their natural lives attending. They feel they have arrived at heaven on earth because mama and grandmamma thought so. They want to sit in the safety of 4 walls, physically as well as spiritually, and be told by the hierarchy what they should and should not believe. Anything else would be blasphemy and heretical. That’s the easy way. No fuss, no muss.
But things are changing-- In and out of traditional church. I do believe there are Spiritual Leaders emerging from among the rank and file of closed-minded fundamentalist thinking who are awakening to, along with their flocks, the ever changing landscape of spiritual revelation. They are the ones who lead their "flock" into those changes trusting their discretion to what satisfies their own hunger without fear of compromise or need for control. At the same time themselves finding and being open to new and deeper fields to share with their flocks as they digest what they’ve just eaten.
At a point, when “little lambs” become mature, the good shepherd realizes he doesn't need to feed certain ones any longer, but marvels at, and even shares in, the food found by their own seeking.
Heya~I'm with ya Elle on the square fish thingy! I laughed a couple of times today when i thought about it! Actually tempted to dress in disguise and go to McDonalds and ask for spaghetti! =)
DBA & Peacemaker, Loved the banter between you two. Good points and posts. And the word ver has clearly been playing me lately. Guess what it is right now... 'herresse' ... yep, indeedy! Perhaps the "closed-minded fundamentalist thinking" is the greatest heresy traversing the globe today. But then, what do I know?
And Donald, I soooo get what you mean about the zillion years. I've asked myself that question at least as many times. It's funny that as a kid in the 'old-school' church if you asked what we'd be doing in Heaven, you usually got a lame, generic sort of "...oh, singing praises to Jesus," or something to that effect. As I got a little older and still had that question (never being satisfied with the answer), I kind of wondered what the point would be in inheriting this wonderful bejeweled kingdom if all we would be doing is standing around and singing for eternity. Don't at all mean to sound sacrilegious, but wouldn't it be refreshing if people would just admit that nobody knows?! And just maybe we're not supposed to.
Still pondering this destination is never a place...
wordver, you appear to be finished: musedit
...okay, you "mused it", so post something then...I'm still musing it.
WordVer response: caterr error? caterer?
No more words, wordver? Hmph.
I'm here all alone...(well, okay, we all know God is with me)...and I'm talking to a computer word generator! Sleep is not my "destination" either but it appears to be the next advisable step in the journey--smile!
Love ya, blog fam! Remember to play some today!
New way to see Stress Free. Faith, the way I saw it Wed night (031809), during worship, was really fun.
Stress Free faith. Knowing we each are and always have been good enough, actually a masterpiece in God’s vision. We were born a masterpiece. Born into Grace.
I saw the clear field of faith. We always have Heaven within and all around us. We exist far beyond the mere touch of Heaven, we are consumed in it, and synchronistically intact as every one of us, all people were uniquely created.
We are fractals of God - No one the same, while sharing the same particles. We all are cohorts with God and Angels Clear, stress free in our faith.
Every prayer is ‘good enough’. Perfectionism is antithetical to perfect. Perfect is as we are, including all of the challenges we grow through, the strong weaknesses. All who exists or has existed is a masterpiece of God.
God is always with us, every one is always in God’s presence. We see God’s beauty every moment – Stress Free. We are Free. The Yoke is light. Deliverance has long been confirmed for every one.
We all are God’s beloved. This is verified by our existence. God does not waste breath, and all who exist or have existed in this continuum, are specifically created and agreed with God to exist here, even if they exist in and perceive other continuums.
If we are here, we can only be because God ratified each of us to be here. Peace in faith.
Visualize a big stamp on your soul—“APPROVED” with some really cool God designed symbol underneath, confirming God’s personal review and approval. -----
That is what I saw, the personal review and approval of all of humanity by God,-- the existence of God’s mate, in this perception. We all are God’s Unequivocal Peace.
Here or ‘There’ wherever ‘There’ is, we all are God’s glory, God’s expression in THIS space and time (as we perceive time and space).
Relax, Enjoy, Love, - All are engraved with God’s approval. Second guessing God brings stress. Agitation (movement causing change) is beneficial. Stress (as we often see it) is agitation that is circular, feeds on itself, and brings little, if any benefit.
If one's destination were nothing more than a place, then eventually what was being sought could become boring.
For example, if my destination was Disney World, then I would probably be all jazzed up about getting there. After a few days of visiting the park I would probably have had my fill and be ready to move on to something else.
I've even thought that about heaven. If it's just a place and I'm supposed to be there for like zillions of years, I could actually see where boredom could set in after awhile.
But, if it is a new way of looking at things then we may never have to stay in the same place for any length of time but always be moving and changing.
Static - boring
Dynamic - unboring
If the pic is an extension of Tuesday's MITN's post, is the answer, "competition"? It seems to fit the allegorical stories.
When I came to Christ, nothing around me changed. My perceptions changed which made everything different. According to what I know, we are destined to be with Christ which doesn't happen until we change our way of thinking by the renewing of our minds. Destinations are not finite for me, rather where I am able to get to today. Since I am living in the now, I perceive today as a good one. Hello destiny!
Regarding last night...
"Don't ask what the fish is made of... it's square fish!" :):):)
You're still funny; PLEASE don't ever lose the 'funny!'
That reminded me of the wonderful Mrs. Pauls (?, I think) commercial with that cute little girl. I'm sure it just appeals to me as a foodie. But she takes the box of frozen fish to her mother and says, "Minced?.. you feed me MINCED?!? You ever catch a minced fish?"
And, no, that's assuredly not all I got out of last night, but I don't follow the lifeskills blog. Quite honestly, I've missed a ton of Wednesdays this year. But I can totally relate to one person's management being different from someone elses. I've discovered that I have to sleep whenever sleep will come to me, because at night (at least a great portion of it) it usually doesn't want to. Unless, of course, I take a sleepy pill or two (rapid release Tylenol PM... GREAT STUFF!) Also, I'm there with ya on the right-brain thing. Some of my best times in my studio have been late at night, when I can work completely uninhibited and can get into that mode. Before I know it, it's morning, and I'm wondering, "How did that happen?" Unfortunately, I haven't had any of those inspired art moments lately. I don't so much like this about myself, but I usually need to have a reason or definite goal to get motivated enough to work on a piece. And I have a couple other goals that are taking priority right now. But hey, are you guys planning to do the art show again this year? Loved participating last year, and would consider it if I had a heads-up enough to get cracking on something.
Donald that was awesome, insightful, and in my opinion, right(At least for now. "Right" is a relative term in accordance with the speed of revelation and spiritual evolution).
In my time of contemplation early this morning, I was thinking on this concept before I read what Bishop posted. I'm not surprised by that anymore. That seems to happen more and more frequently between he and I.
Anyway, I totally agree with you. I don't think we really ever "arrive", and I'm good with that. There are maybe places along the way to visit for a while, or rest stops even, but never a final destination. It is in the process; or journey, that the learning and excitement is found. So much to see and do.
This idea has even changed the way I look at God. I no longer see God as a person/place that I’m striving to get to. In Christian context, Paul said, “In him we live, and move, and have our being"(sic). That confirms to me: GOD IS THE JOURNEY ITSELF, not the destination, which to me, resonates, and is way more exciting and satisfying than arriving at His eternal “home” some glad day to live, as you put it, for “zillions of years”.
As this has become more and more real to me, it certainly has changed the way I look at my life, why I’m here, my relationships, and everything concerning my destiny and purpose while visiting this human experience.
Bish, I gotta say: you are the man!
Lord, Our Father, we enter into your presence today just to say THANK YOU! We thank you that we were able to awake, arise, and see the light of a brand new day. We say thank you that we not only have a roof over our heads, but also food to eat, clothes to wear, the use of all or at least some of our physical faculties, indoor plumbing, electricity, and the sensibilities to know that were it not for you, NONE of these things would be possible.
We thank you Lord, that we are created in YOUR IMAGE and likeness, that you welcome us with opened arms because we are your creation and your righteousness through Christ. We thank you that one had to go so that the Greater One- "The Holy Spirit" could come and dwell with and within us. We give you all the glory, honor, and praise on this day. And for those of us that have been ungrateful in any way and neglected to recognize the REAL BLESSING, which is LIFE in you, we repent. For the blessing is not simply that which you provide, but the True Blessing is that we know you and you know us, love us, and have genuine concern for us- in spite of who we are within ourselves. We THANK YOU, Father for you are Worthy to be praised.
I come to you in adoration and worship on this day and proclaim this day to be an outstanding day in the land of the living. I cannot speak for others, but I CHOOSE to walk by faith, not by sight, and lean not to my own understanding. For Great and Mighty are YOU over all the earth. I stand in proxy Lord, and thank you in the place of those that are not thankful and ungrateful. For you said that IF the People that you have called by your name call out to you with a Pure Heart, humble themselves before you, Thank you, and Repent, YOU SHALL HEAL THE LAND. So, as I come before you today, I repent for those who have knowingly and unknowingly taken you for granted, while failing to seek YOUR HEART instead of your hand. For your warriors know that those who seek your Face and Your Heart, and acknowledge you in all our ways, the ALL OTHER THINGS shall be generously given to us. We come to you to today and ask NOT what YOU oh Lord can do for US, but we seek your presence and ask what WE MAY BE ABLE TO GIVE, Offer, and DO for you and unto you on this day. For you said that the greatest among them are the servants. Yes, we have rights and covenant with you that we can and should expect great things, but what I desire MOST is Your Presence.
I speak Peace, Grace, and Mercy over the lives of all my brothers and sisters that are represented in this place, as well as in other places. We seek your WISDOM in ALL THINGS, that we shall no longer seek the blessing, We shall SERVE AS THE BLESSING TO OTHERS, then that which we have poured out into others, it shall also be measured back into our lives; thus the blessing shall hunt us down and abide with and within us continually.
We THANK YOU Lord that you are the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and Last, the Start and Finish. We say YES AND AMEN to your declarations and decrees. Also we thank you that you have shown us that Your promises and provisions are readily available to WHOSOEVER WILL walk / abide in YOUR PURPOSE and Precepts, while having a Obedient Spirit that we may not only speak and teach, but shall LISTEN, LEARN, and OBEY, being TEACHABLE people, not arrogant, prideful, puffed up, self-indulgent or Self Righteous. For one cannot be an effective minister unto you and your people if they are unwilling to LEARN and Be Taught by you and Hear clearly through the Holy Spirit. We thank you Lord that as we worship, honor, and Praise you on this day, that MIRACLES, Divine Release, Holy Spirit Ordained Connections, Supernatural Provision, Magnanimous FAVOR, GRACE, Mercy, and Previously Untapped Power and Resources are being Poured Out through us and around us. We thank you that All Needs represented here and elsewhere are Met when we acknowledge that Our One GREATEST NEED is YOUR PRESENCE, Your Spirit, and Mercy- and the wisdom to HEAR AND DISCERN your voice, and the Radical Faith to OBEY YOUR INSTRUCTIONS and Follow Your Directions.
We Thank You Lord that although we may not be where we thought we should be in our lives according to our own timelines, that we are RIGHT WHERE YOU need us to be at this time as the Holy Spirit has His Way in our lives. For it is NOT BY MIGHT, nor by Power, but by Your Spirit that the captives are set free. We thank you for Freedom and Liberty in you and as our words begin to fall into direct alignment and agreement with your RIGHT NOW WORD to Us, then all obstacles, hindrances that have previously clouded our perceptions, Vision, and Misguided Judgments are hereby Destroyed. And those things that were stumbling blocks are now Stepping Stones which has enabled us to ARISE and Climb into Your Greater Glory in this Right Now Season. For we know that timing is crucial to all that we do, so we will not allow ourselves to become discouraged over what has been, should have been, or could have been, but we shall MOVE by Your Spirit and be led by the sound of your voice; as you speak and provide direction, we shall be QUICK to obey and not allow deceptive voices to talk us out of the decision to move in the right now moment- even if the negative voice is our own. We Thank You Lord for WHO YOU ARE, For Great is Your Faithfulness Indeed. We Praise you in the midst of all things, knowing that it is not over until you have declared such. We allow our YES to Be Yes and Our No to suffice as a simple No, being steadfast in what we believe and Profess. And We choose to believe YOUR WORD on this Day and we shall SPEAK YOUR WORD, calling life into dry and barren lands. We shall LIVE and not Die, Flourish and NOT FAIL, and are Blessed to serve as a Blessing to others. We command that Sickness has flee and where there was darkness, the Light of the Holy Ghost has flooded in, illuminating the territory. Lord, you said Let Your Redeemed Stand up and SAY SO!
Therefore, We Thank you that by and through your Wisdom and Direction, coupled with OUR OBEDIENCE, debts are paid in full, the sick shall recover, the tormented are released from bondage, the depressed are filled with Joy and Hope, as the Peace of God which surpasses all human understanding Permeates the Hearts, Minds, Bodies, and Livelihoods of those that needed a touch from you and to hear a word in due season from you.
May our minds be free from clutter, distractions, and everything that is contrary to WHO YOU ARE and what YOUR WORD says. Every Need is Met right now and Families are Restored. Divine Absolute TRUTH shall prevail in all things as you Oh Lord have Revealed New Dimensions of your Spirit unto Us and we embrace YOU in your fullness. Impart into us Your Wisdom and Your Grace to accept that which is Pure and of YOU, regardless of how it may taste or feel,or whom you choose to use to deliver your TRUTH, for we know that your concern is more about the conditions of our hearts than about our comforts. Allow Forgiveness of others and Self to Flow freely through us, so that there is nothing standing as a barrier between us and that which you desire to Pour through Us, Father God Almighty!
Thank You Father! In our Gratitude, Reverence, and THANKSGIVING, we Rejoice in You that those who have entered in will not leave the same way that they came today, in Jesus Name, we call it done. AMEN.
Destination Is Never A Place.
It's a state of mind.
As for me my destination is doing what comes my way.
You have to have action to reach a destination. Destination does not come to you.
You have to go to it.
Your actions are your destination.
Go and have fun finding your destination today.
WordVer responce: gosem
Go some?
We live in, or have our being (be-ing, as I AM in the now) “in” our mind or thoughts; looking out through the widows (eyes) of our soul - intellectual understanding and perception and feeling towards our circumstances derived at by our present belief of or in what we are seeing. This can be changed or altered by a change in information, understanding or faith in the unseen and what we believe that to be.
So we live in our minds, not in our surroundings.
Dang Pastor Dennis, Thats pretty metaphysical for a country preacher. I mean that as a compliment, too. Great stuff!
Thanks Peacemaker,
Actually, it was just what formed in me as I reflected on the picture. Yeah, I had to push real hard to get that one out.....:)
Thats an awesome post.
Oh yeah and that was an awesome message this Sunday Bishop just in case I didn't mention that on any of the posts this week
Newspaper Heading:
Destination is “A new way of looking at things’
“Change your perception, change your world”
“Happiness is an inside job”
“See it and receive it”
“Power of Intention’
This matches up with “ the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven is within me.” I can only look at things in a new way, or do any of these on the list using the thoughts which are within me.
It is interesting to me that the “secular” world, and the truth seekers who do not go to church, have discovered many insights that the ‘indoctrinated’, like me, are just now getting insights about ; like the list above.
I memorized the Children’s Catechism, the Shorter Catechism and have had at least two extensive courses on the Westminster Confession of Faith. But I have had to reject much of what they claim is truth.
No I’m not Catholic, I’m Presbyterian. Goes to show you: you will not have to teach your neighbor, the spirit will teach all. I have received much truth from sources outside of the “church.” I am grateful and excited that the earth is being filled with the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
So there really is no secular world, no ‘us’ and ‘them’, we are all neighbors, brothers and sisters.
The spirit is at work teaching everyone on the planet the truth.
But it still bothers me a little when I hear any spiritual statement that is not a direct quote form the scriptures or a direct quote from the Westminster Confession of Faith. Which is why I like to find a scripture to ‘back up’ statements like the one posted. I really am discovering that the translation and interpretations of scripture need a new overhaul---and I support our pastor in paraphrasing them ‘in the now’.
So shout outs to Erik and Pm.. really good post.. I checked out some other rooms..I was a touch freaked out when i saw the location thigerue on the homepage but i did look to see where other ppl were coming frm so cool function. random good news today I was given an opportunity to change my attitude.. I was a bit down and pouty then i said whoa.. this is the part where i use my muscle.. oppp oppp there we go.. i know its random but hey.. i was thrilled that positive thinking really changed my day.. it wasn't just a lame seminar lesson..
amped for sunday
Como esta? I have been an infrequent visitor to these environs as of late. I must say that seeing you here slakes my sweet tooth for sublime spiritualism. I loved the breviloquent bon mots between you and Dennis.
As for destinations, does that include institutions that purvey a formulaic manifesto as to what should or should not be believed? I know that higher education changes constantly and spiritual matters do as well. What if the destination for each member of the flock is different? How would one keep a flock together as a good shepherd if the fields and feed are ever changing? What if the feed is different for each sheep? How can the shepherd know what to feed each little lamb?
That has to be a tough task for anyone feeding his hungry flock.
Ain't God Good?
Cool, dgm2007
Donald, no kidding...I've wondered what we would DO too.
Happy 1+1+1monthiversary, BITN! [that would be one year, one month and one day late!] I wonder if Miss Manners knows the protocol on monthiversarys stop after the first year?
Whatever is appropriate, gracious goodness BITN, it seems you've been with us since the beginning of time. How sweet it is that you have graced us with your manifestation...and blessings to Blogmaster too on this gorgeously good day!
Muy bien, gracias.
Glad you decided to visit. I missed your last appearance a few days ago. But I got to say, I'm glad you showed up because Dude, you were certainly summoned.
As for your question, you know as well as I that there are countless millions that would not want it any other way. They found the place they want to spend the rest of their natural lives attending. They feel they have arrived at heaven on earth because mama and grandmamma thought so. They want to sit in the safety of 4 walls, physically as well as spiritually, and be told by the hierarchy what they should and should not believe. Anything else would be blasphemy and heretical. That’s the easy way. No fuss, no muss.
But things are changing-- In and out of traditional church.
I do believe there are Spiritual Leaders emerging from among the rank and file of closed-minded fundamentalist thinking who are awakening to, along with their flocks, the ever changing landscape of spiritual revelation.
They are the ones who lead their "flock" into those changes trusting their discretion to what satisfies their own hunger without fear of compromise or need for control. At the same time themselves finding and being open to new and deeper fields to share with their flocks as they digest what they’ve just eaten.
At a point, when “little lambs” become mature, the good shepherd realizes he doesn't need to feed certain ones any longer, but marvels at, and even shares in, the food found by their own seeking.
Heya~I'm with ya Elle on the square fish thingy! I laughed a couple of times today when i thought about it! Actually tempted to dress in disguise and go to McDonalds and ask for spaghetti! =)
...still pondering 'destination'!
~just checkin in with ya peeps!
Love & have great evening!!!
DBA & Peacemaker,
Loved the banter between you two. Good points and posts. And the word ver has clearly been playing me lately. Guess what it is right now... 'herresse' ... yep, indeedy!
Perhaps the "closed-minded fundamentalist thinking" is the greatest heresy traversing the globe today. But then, what do I know?
And Donald, I soooo get what you mean about the zillion years. I've asked myself that question at least as many times. It's funny that as a kid in the 'old-school' church if you asked what we'd be doing in Heaven, you usually got a lame, generic sort of "...oh, singing praises to Jesus," or something to that effect. As I got a little older and still had that question (never being satisfied with the answer), I kind of wondered what the point would be in inheriting this wonderful bejeweled kingdom if all we would be doing is standing around and singing for eternity. Don't at all mean to sound sacrilegious, but wouldn't it be refreshing if people would just admit that nobody knows?! And just maybe we're not supposed to.
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