Hey bloggers...what a beautiful day today!
While I'm finishing up some things (including the rest of MITN XIII), check out AYITN and 20/20 VISION (DEVOTIONAL and PERCEPTION)...
I'm getting all of the blogs better organized and more functional...make yourself at home in all the rooms of the house...
And thanks for the tweets from those of you who have joined Twitter...it's really a cool concept once you get used to it...
Also, I'm really happy to see the ministry blog starting to come to life...
Good stuff is happening everyhwere (if you know how to look for it!)...
Hey...I'm not going to get any more writing done tonight, but here's what's new...
Most of the blogs have been updated...thanks for the feedback that's already on them...
I've been working on the music. Now the playlist on BLOGINTHENOW is just 25 upbeat worship or positive songs (a few new things) that have good intros and create a nice energy...
The playlist on AW4W is a totally different concept...70 songs, pretty much all jazz, intended for extended play when you just want to chill out...
The 10 songs on the Now Ministries blog are all about changing the world, or reaching the nations...all very encouraging...
And there are 25 songs on WHERE2OR3RGATHERED that are perfect for prayer and meditation...
Anyway, I hope that you enjoy them all...
I think I'm done for the night...
I'll have to look into the Twitter.
sounds interesting "?"
Who, what, when and where?
It's amazing what you miss when you're not paying attention - just for a couple of days!
Greetings All.. Here is a word from GOD hot off the press. Was going to post this earlier today, but GOD prompted me to wait until the blog was updated for Friday. So, here goes....
Friday Afternoon
06 March 2009 @ 1330 Hours
Hallelujah! Let everything that have breath praise ye' the Lord. Rejoice! dear people, declares the Lord of Hosts- for I alone am the Begin All and End all. I am Lord over all, the great and the small. Let my people, whom I call according to My Holy Name ARISE to proclaim the Goodness of the Lord in the land of the Living. For regardless of the appearance of things, surely I am in the midst of it ALL. My dear people, you are to acknowledge Me in mine Sovereignty and for WHO I AM, not simply for what I provide, nor complain of that which you do not have! For AM I not the Lord over all Creation? It is mine desire for mine precious people to not only know OF ME, but have a hunger to KNOW ME PERSONALLY AND INTIMATELY as I know them. In order for them to KNOW ME and LEARN ME, they must be willing and available, having a wanting to SPEND TIME WITH ME! When they blatantly ignore Me and come to Me only when they want or need something, as opposed to inquiring of Me what I may need or require of them, they they are treating Me as a common street pimp and sugar daddy...
I AM the Lord of Hosts. Therefore, am I not worthy of more RESPECT and regard than this? Yet, they often wonder as to why I may be unresponsive to their requests...whereas I implore My People not to take me for granted or to enter and depart through casual relations and encounters with Me. Not only am I Lord over all Creation and Provider unto mine people, I am Father of Humanity and I too have a heart, yet mine heart thirsts for TRUE RELATIONSHIP, Communion, and Continuous Fellowship with those whom KNOW that I have been a TRUE and Faithful Father unto them. Selah...
Therefore, I inquire of thee: WHERE IS THE REAL LOVE? Those whom treat Me with utter, blatant disregard are also guilty of treating their fellow brothers and sisters in the same manner. They offer up platitudes, empty notions, and meaningless religious, feel-good jargon, yet are void of REAL LOVE, Caring, Compassion, and Ministry of Helps. Let the records show that those whom only help others for the sake of boasting and bragging about their so-called good works and seek glory in what they have done and given to others and to whom it was administered-- it be FAR BETTER for them simply to not have given at all! For these things, Dear People, are but works of the flesh and bring glory neither to the recipients / benefactors, or to Me- the Lord Almighty! So I beseech you, refrain from treating my people as Charity Cases and placing yourselves upon pedestals. These acts are absolute Piety, Arrogance, and Selfish Motives where the so-called givers long for the limelights and spotlights, seeking the attention and approval of others! Selah... And these notions are but Filthy Rags in mine sight!
Now, do I have any witnesses, Repentant Hearts, or those whom worship Me in Spirit and in TRUTH? However, declares GOD, carefully examine yourselves through the eyes and heart of the Holy Spirit BEFORE the aforementioned question is answered. As well, you may Lie to yourselves if you so desire to blanket yourselves in false humility and comfort zones, YET I- the Lord Almighty do not sleep or slumber; I see all, hear all, and Know all, even those things that may be hidden from the people. Let those who have ears to hear LISTEN AND DISCERN My Heart, for I AM COME to set the records straight, the captives free, and the houses in order! Selah... Amen.
Furthermore, one may be / SEEM Sincere in their words and deeds, yet they can also be SINCERELY WRONG in their Motives. Can i get a witness, or has all departed, inquires GOD?
Be not partakers in the folly and debauchery of others. For when your brothers and sisters are smug in their misdeeds, especially when they KNOW right from wrong- CALL THEM OUT, Hold them Accountable, and minister to them that which is Mine ABSOLUTE TRUTH. For those whom uphold another in his / her wrong and goes along with the program of evil, they shall be held as much, if not more so accountable because they KNEW MY WAYS, yet refused to walk in it or set an example in Mine Standards of Excellence and Holiness. For TRUE HOLINESS is NOT a garment that is to be pulled on and taken off like a sweatshirt, based on the temperature or climate, but TRUE HOLINESS is a Lifestyle set apart unto Me- NOT PUFFED UP OR ARROGANT, but a Peace in KNOWING that the Holy Spirit within is perfecting everything from the Inside out, whether a single word is uttered or NOT! For Spirit recognizes Spirit and the Holy Spirit testifies IN, OF, and FOR HIMSELF. Selah...Amen.
Rejoice! for I alone am the Lord Almighty and worthy to be praised. Standfast! and bear witness to the Salvation of the Lord thy God in the Land of the Living, for I AM the Holy of Holies. I AM not a man that I should lie, neither the Son of Man that I should repent! Oh, GIVE THANKS unto the Lord, for I AM WORTHY of all praise, honor, and Glory. May the words of thy mouth and meditations of thine hearts prove pleasing and acceptable to ME at all times. I grant seed to the sowers and bread unto those who feed My Sheep. Let the Redeemed of the Lord boldly stand up, ARISE from their slumber and Proclaim of Mine Goodness, Mercy, Favor, and GRACE on this day and everyday. LOVE covers a multitude of sin. So, be not found guilty of throwing rocks at others and then hiding your hands, nor getting caught with your pants down and your works in Me and through Me undone! REJOICE! for Divine Awakenings explode with Sonic Booms.
Scribe, so what you're sayin' is God wants His props!
Saw the eyes of a goat today up close and noticed they were sort of rectangular like a box. Hmmm...
Yes, today was and is a beautiful one-something about the feeling, sights and sounds of the coming of Spring! The Robins are flocking around en mass in my neighborhood, peepers(tree frogs) got warmed up enough to start peepin' again as did a couple of crickets.
Hey Dreamer! Been gettin' out on the bike at all lately? Man I sure would if my bike was on the street!
Been adding friends on Facebook past couple of days, something about that spreading net! See what the haul is!
word ver: METED- just thought it was interesting. "...to every man has been given a measure..."
Bro Lar
Word ver: HEWATE- just like you were sayin' Scribe...He Wait on us to answer the call!
Goats Eye
Twitter cofounder and CEO Ev Williams is headed to the White House today.
The administration invited him to join a “young business leaders" summit to discuss the economic crises.
As Ev himself puts it -- in a Twitter message, of course -- "[this] must mean they're *really* out of ideas."
A reminder: With 6 million members and 700% plus growth, Twitter makes no money in the US. (It sells some ads in Japan).
word ver: ISMECI- (prob referring to the economy) Ha!
I'm all "atwitter"! :)
"Somebody Stop Me!
Excuse me for sounding totally ignorant, and extremely old… but could somebody tell me what tweeting is… Hmmm… is it when people are standing around imitating birds…. Or maybe it is kind of knitting mechanism…. Please don’t tell me I’m not going to have to add to my book collection, by purchasing another one of those books for dummies… Like “Tweeting for dummies made easy.
your pic on the prayer site touched something in me,not sure why ...but touched something deep and sweet and pure. I am receiving David's healing....
Do you mean the pic at the Wailing Wall?
Iris, just go to www.twitter.com...
I feel the same as Tracy. The first time I saw the pic at the Wailing Wall it brought tears to my eyes and I explain why. It does the same every time I see it.
yes that is the one.
I speak peace to David's body, and agree with the prayers and thoughts expressed for him on
Bishop... oh I get it... that must be something the congress people do...
Everything you do is a well thought out about way to produce something good... something positive... something loving... something God-like. In your church, in your family, in your books, in your blog music... everything.
THIS is really why I love you.
Chad, thanks for expressing my heart as well... you rock
Like some others have recently mentioned, I couldn't leave a comment on the prayer site just a minute ago... so I'll leave it here.
I saw the comments about the wailing wall. Up late tonight, as Joe is in Daytona for the weekend, and I just finished watching the movie "The Secret Life of Bees." I was so touched by that film, and as irony would have it, they had their own version of the wailing wall in it.
I have a praise report and a prayer request. Firstly, I haven't mentioned him lately, but my dad had another good report from his doctor a couple of weeks ago. And regarding the dormancy of his lung cancer, his doctor used the 'm' word... miraculous. Can't explain it (but I can ;}) He still has lots of discomfort from his hip, and has been back and forth on whether or not he should go ahead with replacement surgery, but he is 81 years old and the recovery period would be long and difficult. So it's looking like he probably won't go through with that. But he's happy to be here, and he's happy to keep getting good reports... so bless God a million times!
The prayer request involves my younger sister's son, Jeremy... and I guess my mother, too. My mother has basically raised him since he was about 3. I say my mother, because my dad hasn't been able to be very involved for several years due to his health. Without going into great detail, Jeremy has had behavioral problems since he was 11, and he will be 15 in April. There is alot of animosity between he and my mom. I think much of it has to do with her 'religious pretense' and his utter disrespect. When I was going through my own health issue last year, I just had to stay away from all of them for awhile, because I had enough on my plate and I was trying my best to steer clear of any negativity. I 'fessed-up' to that later when I actually told them what had been going on in my world, so my mom has stopped telling my about all of the stuff that involves Jeremy unless I specifically ask. I'm good with that, because I honestly get real tired of the implication that he is a bad kid. He has problems, for sure, but I think mostly that he has serious self-esteem and identity issues from his mom being more absent than present, and his dad being killed in a car wreck when he was not quite 4. I think my mother really wants someone to validate her feelings, but I can't do that... not really. I CHOSE not to be a parent, so I can't tell her how to handle him; I have no clue. All I know is that the anger and disappointment between the two of them is doing neither any good, and even though my sister might be a questionable choice for his care, Jeremy loves his mom, and in my opinion, it's time she stepped-up. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening. So please help me pray that my mother and my nephew will someday soon sit down together without any hysterical emotions, without the finger-wagging, and instead be willing to talk candidly with open minds and forgiving hearts in order to mend fences once and for all... and stop the insanity. Gosh, they're both just making life real difficult for one another. It shouldn't be that hard. Wow! Guess I did get carried away, huh? Sorry! But we'd greatly appreciate your prayers!
And please know that though I don't always acknowledge individuals, I see the requests that pass through these rooms. And I do lift you up and agree with you for answers.
Thanks, guys!
"elle", I'm able to post on W2o3RG, so I took the liberty to post for you.
DITTO, Dreamer, on what we miss not paying attention! And I only went to bed a little early!! Blessedly, the blog isn't an express train, but Twitter is!
We're living in the clouds this morning...(some call it fog)...but I prefer Magee's poem...I have slipped the surly bonds of earth and danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings...and touched the face of God!
(author: John Gillespie Magee, Jr.)
Speaking of trains...I'm trying to catch Larry to STOP HIM!!!
Word ver: joingam...amazing, just amazing! Welcome to the game, crownjewel and NL!!
Scribe, I'm awakening from my slumber, praising God in ALL His Glory and REJOICING! for Divine Awakenings that explode with Sonic Booms!!
Bishop...what Chad and Iris said!
wordver: mieredie, I didn't catch Larry but "me ready" now to go check out the music on AW4W and get to exercising...I was welcomed by Twila's "Come Worship" in W2or3RG...lots of God memories attached to that song, so I left that screen open to come back here.
Later, Bloggers and Blogmaster. You ALL inspire such JOY in me, thanks.
These are great words on goodness. A further thought on what is happening in connection with merry hearts leads me to post more on what was inspired by Bishop's question concerning how is everything in our world.
Fear is often referred to as paranoia by clinicians who treat it with chemicals and psychotherapy and it is a recognized progressive disease that has symptoms ranging from passive aggressive behavior to socio-psychopathic behavior as seen in serial killers and genocidal dictators like Adolph Hitler and Saddam Hussein. Those are two names that will not easily be forgotten and need to be remembered as a note on what our human development can do if we yield to the progressive disease of fear in our collective self. We may call them monsters but those type leaders were not just allowed to come to power but were placed there by the will of the people or the collective self of their nations and were representative of the people’s fear.
Love is said to be the ideal in contrast to fear that we desire for our collective self and it has indeed saved humanity from self annihilation so far. The best therapeutic action that can be taken to move a nation away from fear is not in a bottle or surgery but is in the heart of that nation. It is in the collective self of that nation’s people that there will be a change for the good. That is what has happened in past episodes of social paranoia and it is what is happening right now on a global level.
Cheerful giving and doing is the medicine that will make the heart merry and the more merry hearts there are in a society the less evidence there is that can be found of fear.
Merry hearts produce compassionate people whose will is directed to those that are trying to find their way through the cloud of doubt to see the light that will set them free from their self imposed bondage and deliver them from the progressive disease of fear.
The teachings of Bishop and other anointed people who are truly seeking the Spirit of Divine Love for their own guidance is leading the collective self out of the fear that is foundational to all those that have done harm to others. Imagine what A. Hitler may have become if as a child he had been taught that he is part of a good creation given life by a good Creator. It is most likely that he would have seen creation around him as being good also and not in need of being erased from the earth. I know this is bitter medicine to taste but it is sweet in the belly.
We are at that place in human development where our collective self must assure that everything it takes into itself is good. A good rule of thumb for considering that, among those of us who want to show others that the true God of Divine Love lives within us, is if it isn’t good then it isn’t God. As we apply this to every scripture and commentary that we study then we will more clearly understand the motive of the writer. If it makes us feel bad or manipulated to think in a way contrary to the Love we believe God to be then it will counteract the good medicine of a merry heart and lead back to fear.
Therefore let us think on those things that are holy, pure and true. God is good and so is creation, all of it. Let us keep our eyes on the prize that glorifies that God. Let us listen to and support the ministry of those who promote the gospel that produces a merry heart and we will be conscious of our own cheerful actions that render peace on earth and good will toward humanity. This will make the collective self whole.
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