Happy Monday!
There's new stuff in all the rooms today...
Today's AYITN (DEVOTIONAL) is a good one..."PARADIGM SHIFT"...while you're there, scroll down to what I posted yesterday...in the book there is a poem for every month, and "MARCH IN THE NOW" was kind of ironic, considering Sunday's winter wonderland...
And there's a cool new song from Slumdog Millionaire on AW4W (ENTREPRENEURS)...actually, there are quite a few new songs there, and a nice little post about WINNERS...BTW, if you haven't joined the site yet, you can still do it...it helps to advertise the blog...
I only post on LifeSkills on Wednesdays, but I did add the Far Side cartoon that I was talking about the other night...scroll down to "Overcoming the Impostor Syndrome" and you'll see it...
There are some questions for you ministers to answer on Now Ministries (MINISTRY NETWORK)...
And a new post (really a re-post with a new title and pic) on 20/20 VISION (PERCEPTION)...
And I like the flow that's going on at WHERE2OR3RGATHERED (PRAYER REQUESTS)...go there and write your requests and we'll agree...
Yesterday's services were wonderful...I really needed that corporate anointing...and I was amazed at how good the morning crowd was...and, Pastors, I was really proud of you...and as soon as church was over I started getting great, complimentary texts and e-mails from streamers from everywhere about the sermon...in fact, the most messages I've ever received like that right after a service...must have been a word in season...
And where did that crowd come from last night? Wow...that was miraculous, considering...and Mom did a great job...there was a powerful anointing, and a strong atmosphere of faith...I'm expecting some good reports of healings...
And thanks for your beautiful words from yesterday's post...
Theme for today: Less Blurking...More Blogging!
I know its early and I'm awake and blogin and its all good because God don't know time and when he says do it I do. It was not a question for me would I go to the service last night I couldn't wait to get there. I came looking and believing for something and I want you to know God was there and I will never be the same again.
It all began with the song on healing which put us in a posture to receive from Him. I sat on the edge of my seat waiting because I knew I was in anticipation of something but I didn't know what. It was a little cold so my feet began to hurt and I said soon I will be healed of this and I'm going to be able to wear my heels again and things will be normal in my body again I couldn't wait. Mama Swilley began and her message was so simple, so sweet, so down to earth yet so powerful until I soon realized it was not just the pain in my body that I came for but the thirst in my soul that I was yearning for. When I came up to be prayed for, Mama Swilley prayed a different type of prayer and I thought how did she know I needed to hear that and it had nothing to do with the pain in my body but the hole in my heart. I went back to my seat pondering what I had just heard feet still hurting. After the service I went and spoke to Pastor Debye telling her what I swore not to tell anyone because I felt so stupid about it but it was like I was compelled to say it. She said I felt like that was what I was talking about when I gave the praise report and she began to minister to me and to my surprise it was and extention of the prayer that Mama Swilley prayed. After we talked I went home feet still hurting but knowing in my heart things were not the same. There had been a shifting in my atmosphere but I didn't know how. Went to sleep still wondering over the things that I had heard that night and then God woke me up at 2am and said you have now been made whole and all the pieces began to come together. Oh my God, years of stuff began to fall off and I remembered Mama Swilley saying some were not healed right then but as they went. I just got out of bed and fell on my face thanking God that he loved me so much. Again I say my life will never be the same again. My body was healed when Mama Swilley prayed for me at the New Years Eve service '07 but last night I was made whole and what was meant for evil in my life and what I thought was stupid has now been made for my good. Thanks Mama Swilley, Thanks Pastor Debye, Thanks Bishop, its all good. By the way when I woke up my feet were not hurting and I could flex my toes without pain shooting through my legs that was just a bonus.
Happy Monday, Happy March, both new beginnings. Monday speaks of starting out the journey of the week, taking the first step in the direction of our life as it is ordered before us. March speaks of "change" a new paradigm shift as it says in AYITN. Looking forward to the beginning of spring. The world springing to life all around us. God reminding us that he brings life out of death and produce out of peaceful rest. I am looking forward to a new day, a new season, and new growth.
SOZ, good quote from Gandhi yesterday....
I listened to that sermon you recommended from your church; it was great. You were right I did fully appreciate it.
I am also looking forward to seeing "The Shack" movie. I wonder if they have started on it?
Got a lot to do today, gotta go....
Stopping by to say hi... in between playing out in the snow!
Snow on the ground Monday, mid 70's forecasted for Saturday... dare I say, only in the south!?!
Have a gr8 day!
Bishop - Thanks for the honorable mention Sunday morning. Things are happening so fast it makes my head spin! - which was a prophetic word from the not-so-distant past.
Did you happen to catch the entry that I posted referencing your word about "a change of plans" on February 25th? Pretty much, I have known that all of this was coming for a while. This season of my life is over - and I accept it.
I know that I'm covered, I have a strange peace about everything that has occurred. I have held-fast to Pastor Debye's word that "everything you need is here" - meaning within the congregation of CITN and with our corporate ties to an awesome God.
I know that you have my back - Thank You. Please know that I have yours.
I love you dearly.
Yeah, I read it, Dreamer...very interesting...I can't remember the exact quote, but I was listening to someone on the radio last week who said something to this effect -"success is basically learning to be comfortable in a constant state of discomfort"...
Thanks for the good word...
Still enjoying the word from yesterday's service.. it's very very cold outside, but warm in heart.
It's made news all the way up to MI about the GA snow and accidents, and what all. I hope and pray that it's all settling down and you can just enjoy the pure white stuff as a beautiful and fun time, a "gift".
I hope P. Debye got some fresh milk and bread.........(hee hee)
Northern Light
Great services yesterday, Bish, and I especially enjoyed Pastor Darlene and the healing service. She was "right on" in her prayer/decree for Eddie and me, individually. It was definitely worth driving thru the beautiful snow to be in God's beautiful presence and receive His healing touch. Both of us will need to see a doctor to confirm the healings, but we believe it is done! Rene
Good Day Every-1!! Been outside playing w/the kids and the white stuff. (smile)
Last night was so "intimate"..so much faithfulness. The presence of God showed up. Thank You, Karen, for leading us w/ that beautiful song. Mama Swilley when you prayed for me...you knew exactly what to say to my need in healing. Thanks for the agreement and touch! That prayer touched my soul.
~Peace, Love, Dream BIG, & Keep Believing~
Man wish I could have been ITB last night. Sounds like it was great. I just sat in the dark and prayed for the light. Take it for what you think it means. I hope to be ITB Wed.
Driving down to our facility today I passed the spot on 124 where you can see the mountain. First time I've ever seen it with snow on it, got some good pics.
Listening to the song, "I'll Take You There" and the part where it says "ain't no worryin' there"- have to agree worryin' is over!
God doesn't play "hot potato" with worry...He doesn't worry. Why should we?
Gotta go,
Love y'all this much......................................................................................................................
... be GONE, oh wretched white stuff... in Jesus' name!
I typed that with all the fervor I could muster :}
Sorry all you snow lovers, but I'm not a snow bunny! I'll admit to it being beautiful as it falls, but after that?... just a big 'ol inconvenience! Enjoy it while it lasts; I can't wait for this weekend ;O
The entire day yesterday was absolutely beautiful!
The Word of Reconciliation that was preached was filled with the Love of God and so needed on every level! Thanks honey!
Communion and baptism was particularly special yesterday. Maybe it is just me, but, everything seems deeper and purer and sweeter!
For all who came out last night for the healing service....I am anticipating the miraculous reports! Virtue was in the house!!! Pastor Darlene's word was full of faith and then she put it into action with the laying on of hands! I am reminded of the woman with the issue of blood.....for those who fought the snow storm regardless of natural circumstances....you touch the hem of Jesus' garment last night!
Thank you to all who came out to support the service, you helped fill the place with God's presence!
God is seriously up to something really amazing at CITN! I am so stoked about what HE has in store for us!!!!
Many moons have passed. Just wanted to drop in and say, "Hi". I have mulled the idea that relationships take time and time takes relationships. I wonder if it's because it's supposed to be that way or if we cause it to happen. Or it is.
Don't know if you have traversed "The Shack" or not. If you have, I would like to know what you think of it, if you haven't, I can't say that I would recommend it, but it might be worth the two or three hours it takes to read.
Anywho (sic), hope all is well in your kingdom and that you have all of your needs met.
Waiting for a recount...
Ain't God Good?
Somebody kill the fatted calf!
I was thinking about you this morning...a few days ago I posted a "20 Questions" thing, and one of the Q's was something like "Who would you most like to hear from on the blog again?", and, as I remember, the answer was, unanimously, you...
Be careful what you say...lots of avid Shack devotees here...it has been discussed on the blog at length (a while back)...haven't read it, but everyone has told me about it...
I'm too busy writing books to read books right now...I'm more of a "wait til the movie comes out" kind of guy...
But I hear that it sounds a lot like me...
So what motivated you to re-connect?
Wasn't your return to the blog one of the last signs to be fulfilled before the Apocalypse?
Something happened last night... I just know. I have sensed it all day. Today I have been looking at pictures of the things I am believing for and visualizing my husband and I there together. I know God knows the desires of our hearts and we are waiting on Him and trusting that He has it under control! He so good ALL the time!
Thank you Pastor Darlene! You are an amazing woman!
We kinda missed ya around here; hope ya stick around awhile!
"The Shack" seems myopic to me. I guess I could see parts of you in it, if it espoused that there was a Jesus in every faith. I fear that any comparison limits you greatly. For my view, it might be more of a Benny Hinn than you, but I could be wrong. That isn't a slant to the Hinn man, I just think you are more broad than the book.
I do, however, love the analogy of the Holy Spirit as every changing light that is difficult to focus on. Not sure that Tyler Perry should be playing "Papa", though.
Decided to reconnect for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that I miss the interaction of folks that want to talk about God stuff that doesn't fit into four walls.
Quite humbled by the "Twenty Questions". Played that game a s pre-pubescent lad and remember it as a fun time indeed. Relationships are so important and we toss them aside for little or no reason it seems. Absence does not make the heart grow fonder. Tell you body that losing its heart will make it long more fondly for it. It will die. It cannot escape its need for nearness to the vitality of the life giving blood support of the vessel of nurture. Mother Nurture.
Anyway, as to the Apocalypse; I hope it doesn't happen too soon, I want to hear Geithner explain the stimulus package. It really is a great time to be alive in America. I am in direct opposition to the party in power and it feels awesome to wade in the ebb and flow of the political current. God must really get a kick out of all of this.
I am stimulated by all of you.
Ain't God Good?
WELCOME BACK, DBA! I was driving when your post came through on my phone...fortunately stopped at the time! We are especially fond of you, as Bishop and "elle" indicated above and really glad that you're here today. Fractals are morphing and chartreuse and golden silvers are shooting your way. Can you see them?
Interesting term, myopic. I disagree. I actually thought it was good at making distant objects appear more clear...whatever...its GOOD to see YOU!
Thank you, Mom Swilley, for the beautiful evening. Today I heard the word "koinonia" mentioned about the service last night. Yes, I agree. Sweet-healing, sharing love for each other and for God, hearing of His mercy and His grace in the healing stories with Miss Karen's song and you bringing the fire and the fireplace where we could come and warm our hands and hearts against the cold. Divine evening, indeed.
I'm with ya Elle! I will just hang a nice picture of a snow scene in my closet and open the door and take a quick look a couple of times a year.
Hey DBA! Good to hear from ya! but I certainly didn't see any narrow-mindedness in the shack; quite the opposite. To each their own perspective I suppose. I may be looking at the bottom while your looking at the top or vice-versa.
Here's a big cyber (((hug))) bro!
Sounds like a plan, P. Dennis!
We've had some BEAUTIFUL weather here in SC recently, so of course, the joke was on me this time around. I was WRONG! Yes... I said it... I was wrong! Didn't think it would happen. 4 inches here. It's melting, but it will re-freeze tonight. Hopefully all gone by tomorrow aft. UGGGHHHH!!!!!
The snow yesterday actually made me think of Christ's righteousness freely covering and blanketing all our sins!
Though your sins be as scarlet they will be white as snow!...Isaiah
It was so beautiful watching the big flakes cascading down from the sky.
I was thinking about Bishop's references to Romans and the many being made righteous, and when I was in my backyard looking at the snow the thought came to mind that ALL THE TREES GET COVERED WITH SNOW, THE GOOD ONES, AND THE ROTTED DEAD ONES!...and it was ALL beautiful.
Clark Kent...
I was thinking the same thing. When the care pastors took the trays to put them up during communion, it was pouring down snow...
Oh precious is the flow, that makes us white as snow
No other fount I know
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Testing blogger account
Hey,is anyone else having trouble seeing the prayer request page for today ? I get a blank page where the requests were an hour ago.
Northern Light
Northern Light, you are not the only one having trouble pulling up the prayer request page. Thought I'd let you know. So I will continue praying for everyone who asked for prayer and slip in a - Father meet the needs and Bless all those I don't know about in my natural man, but sense in my spirit. May great PEACE AND BLESSINGS fill the hearts of all who reach for HIS HEART! How deeply does HE LOVE YOU!
The Kings Cup,
Thank you for the reply...and I stand in agreement with your additional prayer for those gone unwritten, but to HIS ears all known.
Northern Light
Prayer site is fine on my computer...try it again...
And, Avatar, thanks for the article about using Twitter...BLOGINTHENOW is on there now...
Hi DBA! Good to "see" you back!
I read "The Shack" and thoroughly enjoyed it! Not from a theological standpoint but from a compassionate, gracious Savior standpoint. The one recurrent theme in the book to me is love. Love. Since God can speak through the mouth of a donkey, and be shown to exist by His Creation and since the rocks would cry out even if humanity didn't, I believe the book shows, more than anything else, that God will meet us where we are, whoever we are in a way taylor made for us. God is a God of the Body, but of snowflake individuality as well, dealing with none of us exactly alike but always within the framework of love, compassion, mercy and kindness.
Blessings to all,
word ver: ANOUS, "A/We", nous being French for "we", hence individual/Body...E Pluribus Unum- "One made out of many"
The saints have heard the term "apocalypse" and it conjures up ideas of the wrath and vengeance of God, tribulation, destruction, and the end of the world. Yet the word apokalupsis from which our English word "apocalypse" is derived, carries no negative connotation in the Greek! The whole book of Revelation is the Apocalypse that is so important to us! Whatever is happening, good or bad, sweet or painful, is a part of the unveiling of Jesus Christ! Thank God! The "apocalypse" is a thing of rarest beauty and divine majesty rather than a frightening, dreadful and fearful time as the preachers of Babylon proclaim. True, not all the uncovering is glorious at the time, the woes and thunders are fearful experiences, and the occurrences of the beast and the dragon, with their rise and fall, are shuddering to the natural mind; but viewed from the position that all is the consequence of HIS UNVEILING, and results in a new heaven and a new earth within us, indeed all things new, so overwhelms us and enthralls us that we can but respond in glad unison with the revered Seer of Patmos, "Even so, Come (be revealed), Lord Jesus!"
You are correct, Anon1:41, as anyone who has heard me teach for any period of time would know...but the word was used as a little welcome back joke for DBA...
But thanks for clearing that up for anyone without a sense of humor...
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