29. Jesus went on from there and passed along the shore of Lake Galilee. Then He went up into the hills and sat down in a particular place, quieted Himself, and just remained there in a meditative state.
30. And in practically no time the local people started to sense His presence there, and began to be attracted to the spot where He sat. They gathered until, eventually, a massive throng completely surrounded Him. And they brought with them paraplegics, the blind, the maimed, the mute - people with all kinds of health issues - and they pushed the very sick ones up to the front of the huge crowd to see what He would do with them. And the flow of healing power became so strong there on that spot that they were all made well.
31. And the whole crowd was amazed when they saw the mutes speaking, the maimed made healthy, the paraplegics walking, and the blind seeing. It should be noted that on this particular day there were no people there from His hometown to doubt or defy Him…no angry Pharisees to confront or challenge Him…just happy, healed people who were grateful to be there...who were too blessed, and too thankful for what they had received to waste the experience in any unnecessary analysis of it. On that day on that hillside, people just praised and thanked and glorified the God of Israel for His goodness.
32. In fact, the gathering was so glorious that the multitudes refused to leave the locale. They stayed there for three whole days, until Jesus finally called His disciples to Him and said, “I’m really touched by this crowd…I hurt for them, and am deeply moved by their devotion, because they have been with Me now three days without anything to eat. I don’t want to send them away empty…I don’t want them to be weak, hungry, or faint on their journey home.
33. But the disciples said to Him, "Where are we going to get enough food to feed all these people in this isolated place?”
34. Jesus then asked them, “How many loaves of bread do you have?” They replied, “Seven…and we have a few small fish.”
35. At that, Jesus ordered the entire crowd to sit down on the ground, wherever they were, right where they were,
36. and He took the seven loaves and the fish, and gave thanks for what He had in His hand. Then He began to break up the food, and started doling it out to the disciples, who, in turn, started passing it to the people.
37. And, as had happened in the previous, similar miracle, every person there ate heartily, until they were completely full. And, just like before, the disciples began to move around the crowd, picking up all the leftovers, this time gathering up seven large baskets full.
38. And, again, there were so many people fed there that day that they just counted the men – this time about 4,000 of them. So, including all the women and children, several thousand people were miraculously fed from a few loaves of bread and some little fish.
39. Then He dismissed the full and contented crowds…these people with whom He had so connected…and got into a boat headed for the district of Magadan.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
MITN XV, Verses 29 - 39
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I can't tell you how many times this miracle has manifested itself in the past. My sister, sister in law, and myself were all single mothers at one time....we used this parable many times while preparing dinner with a couple of dollars for our combined six kids. It's amazing! :) Thankfully we are not in that situation anymore, but we all had faith that we would get through it. Never one time did we ever not have plenty of leftovers.
This is one of my favorite stories. It's amazing the things that WE can do if we have faith and are surrounded by positive people who are not shooting us down. ALL THINGS (healings & miracles) are possible through God who strengthens us!
Another beautiful rendering, verse thirty one is especially remarkable. It leads us to recognize the importance of just enjoying what God has done around us and see it as good without overthinking how it could be better or how it in someway takes away from our perception of personal power. In western Christianity today over analyzing things is prevailent. I have quite an analytical mind myself.
I have learned through your teachings and the encouragement of others like minded with you how to just take a deep breath and fully appreciate the glory of God that is all around me all the time. Even those times when there is strong temtation to employ analytical skills it is the still small Voice that speaks best and gives the most gratifying comfort. I'll take that over macaroni and cheese any day.
He was always putting everyone else's needs and desires ahead of his own.
MITN XV 1-39 Catching up - been VERY busy, moving again and settling in (still boxes waist deep and another storage building full)by the end of the day just totally exhausted..... BIG YARD SALE COMING "SOON"!
MITN XV 1-39 favorite phrases
their hearts are total strangers to Me.
9. Their worship of Me is useless, for they invent self-serving commands that are obviously man-made, and then obsess over them, elevating them to the status of God-inspired doctrines’”.
is this really so difficult for you to understand? It just isn’t that complicated…the truth never is...
“She’s ahead of schedule…it’s not time……By faith you have reached into the future,
just remained there in a meditative state.
(sport where He sat)?
who were too blessed, and too thankful for what they had received to waste the experience in any unnecessary analysis of it.
Loving MITN.....
wish I had more time....I'll get caught up someday.
Miss our fellowship here..
Hey! to everyone.
Something about the "crumbs from the master's table" and "gathering up the fragments taht nothing be wasted". Something there...
nothing wasted, everything essential, all needful...
Thanks, everyone...
Yeah, P. Dennis, "spot where He sat" make a little more sense than "sport where He sat"...where did that come from?
...makeS a little more sense!
Now I am confused, I just took it for granted that in this rendering He was sitting somewhere watching a ball game so I just went with it.
Donald, you're a trip...
It's quiet here today...thanks to those of you who have commented in the other rooms...
And thanks for the comments on Streaming Faith (www.streamingfaith.com)...my article on transition is still on the Editorial Page, but I have one on the Daily Devotional page today which will be there until midnight
My next one will be there on Easter Sunday...
I'm not a regular visitor to the Streaming Faith site so thanks for mentioning it, although I do remember seeing something about it on twitter earlier.
I checked it out and it was well worth the visit.
Go read it people!!!
Why have I lost the avatars? has anyone else?
Just read the streaming faith devotional. It was great! Also, after reading it I would like you to disregard the first & last part of my comment at 12:06 pm
Have to tell you this...the verification word says...idint
I've been revisiting all of the previous postings of MITN today. The pictures speak so loudly and deep. Thank you for this extra dimension, Bishop.
v.30...I love "started to sense His presence there". For those who are ready to hear its a beautiful call to the possibilities of walking by the Spirit.
v.31...same thing for "it should be noted..." Little clues, pointing the way [and the pic shows all smiling faces too].
v.36..."gave thanks for what He had in His hand." More clues.
but the most endearing verse is 39..."these people with whom He had so connected...". I agree JB, MITN inspires just enjoying Jesus.
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