Monday, April 6, 2009

What's On Your Mind?


Anonymous said...

I woke up this morning with "This is the day that the Lord has made...YOU can do better!" I think I heard a couple of men of God say that recently...[smile]

Anyway, so I've been watching for what that means for TODAY.

The "today" is important for me so that I'll stay in the now...and away from the past and future that so easily beset me...

And the "watching" is important for me so that I will walk by the Spirit. I've learned by the stings of the things that I've ignored that I can overwhelm myself with unimportant little stuff and not get to the important little stuff.

Ebony said...

It's a great week!

1. Woke up!

2. My natural and Spiritual fathers celebrated birthdays on Friday (Happy Belated by the Way!!!)

3. At the current moment, I have NO HOMEWORK for grad school, and I might actually stay in the program.

4. Just finished my research rough draft.

Happy Monday

P Nancy said...

I am AWARE of God's presence.

And this is the confidence that we have in him: if we ask for anything according to his will, he listens to us.

jules said...

Praise God! My Dad just got out of hip surgery and everything went well! Thank you to everyone who prayed with me!

JB said...

wordver - neostra; somehow makes me think of new light, new star, new enlightenment, and new day.

peaceful thoughts are still reigning within me from yesterday's message.

JB said...

second wordver - lisin; makes me think of be still and know that I Am.

Just lisin to that still small voice JB, its all good.

Izumi/JOY said...

Q: "What's on Your Mind?"

A: A lot.

* The pic, for starters. All different colors, all beings of the same stature, all made in the same image. And, (possibly) all made of clay. (unless those are marshmallows - then, never mind) One offers L O (which could be short for hello or missing the L for laughter out loud)

I just read something interesting about art:(

Wen I Chang translated a book called, Art and Physics, stating that whenever our collective human consciousness wants to shift our direction, art is always a vanguard; always a forefront.

I'm re-thinking Jesus riding into town on a donkey, and why He was not exactly a picture of a hero. I'm re-thinking big words like juxtaposition and duality and prophetic pictures. How can a servant and King be the same person?

I'm re-thinking big words like is.

Also, about that comment; Jesus having to learn obedience. Specifically, Matthew 3:17. Because, "Lo!", there's a voice from heaven, speaking. If, everything Jesus did and said, was what He saw the Father doing and saying, when did that occur? (after the age of 12? Or, before He asked who His mother was?)

There's more. Sorry you asked?

I liked how we went right from P&W to the word; very smooth transition. (no time for me to obsess about grumbling stomach sounds; communion was a blessing)

I found the comment about the Jesus' crucifixion site and what is built on it, oddly fascinating. My flesh wants to groan that it's sacrilegious, while my spirit says He's not on the old rugged cross, anymore, either.

The grave can't hold Him, yet, hearts can.

Is this juxtaposition?

Izumi/JOY said...

LO could also be Light Orchestra.

(hey, I like it)

Northern Light said...

What's On My Mind you ask?

WHAT the heck are we doing with up to 7" FRESH WHITE SNOW on the ground today?? Today is the big day...the day of the NCAA game in town. I know the Carolina fans must not be too happy with the weather "surprise", but neither are we. Local MSU families are not happy for sure, these roads & conditions are not condusive to the outdoor activities in town.
Trusting God has a plan when he shares HIS beautiful fresh white cover with us, perhaps it's for our southern visitors. Happy to share, then. It's a gift, whew... I feel better already about the snow! Think of it like a "souvenier". IS all about the way you look at things.

As for the picture of the colorful forms...........reminds me of simpler days when I was young and played with "Gumby"......and his horse, what was his name >?

Northern Light
p.s.......power outage as I tried to post...I'm assuming it did not get you, so I am sending this one now.

Go MSU !

Vanessa F.Church said...

I awoke this morning at 4:58 AM. I had asked the Lord to wake me at 5AM--He's an on-time God, Yes!
Yesterday's message was awesomely timely (as usual--confirmation for me).I didn't think there was anyone who shared my point of view on the religiosity pandemic and the need for global reconcilliation. I find it refreshing to laugh at my own folly as well as the folly perpetrated by the world in the Name of Jesus, Allah, Buddah, Abraham and the like.
CITN--what a refreshing concept in church going. Where else could I go on a Sunday morning and be serenaded by songs from Jesus Christ Superstar? Such a rich learning experience each week. Like Pastor Debye says,
You Go, Bishop!

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

NL, it's Pokey...

River said...

Started the day making breakfast as I opened the egg carton that I got at Aldi's this was on the inside of the carton.
This Is The Day The Lord Has Made I Will Rejoice And Be Glad In It.
What a wonderful way to start the day.

Lots of things on my to do list When I get to them fine. All That matters is that I will get them done and remember how the day started.

Rejoice for it is a new day.

April J. said...

I am so excited about this that you posted. I have now spent an entire hour (okay maybe two) making playlists! I think you have rather good taste in music, I always appreciate those with have a diverse range of musicality. If I could only sing myself!!

My mind is so full and today is my first time EVER blogging on this site! Maybe blogging ever (does FB count?) Happy Belated Birthday!

Yesterday's service was GREAT and so filled with the Word. Having just experienced the third death in our family from December to just this Saturday I could relate to the humbleness and family and peace that you too experienced. I am so glad to be releasing ego and calling those things that aren't as though they are.
Thank you for being so exposed to us all, living as a sacrifice in order to fulfill us!

Northern Light said...

POKEY ~!!!
Yes,it was....thank you ! haha

Even my now-grown 20 something sons played with Gumby & Pokey and loved them. Are they even still sold in stores? My younger kids don't care much unless it's Legos or electronics........what a world.


Northern Light said...

word ver: berthed (birthed)
I MUST act on this one....get this~

I just got a phone call inquiring if I would "rescue" a mother of a brand newborn baby and 5 year old by taking them for the day, so Mom can just SLEEP. Sounds like she's in trouble, so even though I do not know her, if she's willing to let me take her babies, by God I will go get them. Someone from church told her about me and that I would be happy to help.......hhmm..the closets will wait, the task of the day is HIS !
Out in the snow we go...

Peace.. and prayers for this mom,

Anonymous said...

NL, I don't know if its confirmation or not, but just before waking today I dreamt about walking into a home and finding out that the young mom [of two] desperately just needed some sleep...peeps I knew took over and cried while they watched her sleep, that they had been able to do such a simple but important thing.
Agreeing that the mom will trust you!

Northern Light said...

OMG Avatar.....well, let me say this, the word ver for this post is: "litabi"
which when I saw it my brain read "little baby", THEN I read your post.......and now I'm cryin.

So YEAH......I'm sayin some confirmation.....I get the dream things and "snapshots" and such. And had confirmation on that from two other "strangers" this week, so ugh.......yeah ! wow

Northern Light

Did I mention all the SNOW >>> haha

Anonymous said...

There is no other name, that affects me like the name, Jesus.

Lisa said...

Started my 1st class at Kim Clements School for prophets. Digging into perceptions and the different types etc... I've been doing a lot of soul searching the last weeks and trying to be still, Rethinking perception has been a struggle for me. Today started with great anticipation. I am so excited to see what Daddy has in his pockets!!! It has been such a rocky road and I am so joyful to have the anticipation back in my life.
NL we awoke to snow on the ground this morning too... Zoe was sad winter came back!!! I told her GOD wanted to make the yard white 1 more time so we can remember he makes all things new.

Anonymous said...

What's on my mind?
Plenty but the most important of all is how much the Lord loves me that He allowed me to be a part of such a wonderful, insightful family. He is truly the lover of my soul. Sunday's message was so on time as I so needed that.

God be praised!


Yvonne said...

Having a lot of funky things happened with my extended family and I, I totally understood Bishop where you were coming from. However, it is encouraging to know that God is perfecting everything that the prince of Peace manifested His presence for your family over last weekend and that it really is all good!

The Lord knows your heart and you are right you are really on a very different level than most, somehow I can totally relate to that too. So as we shared at the Parking lot ministry yesterday, we have to continue to Let God be God and His word be true and just trust God to work everything out for us.

Last year when I was seeking him in regards for my family, I was impressed by Him to "TRUST HIM TO BE THEIR SAVIOR". That was a great word from Him as He is training me to be both "Light and salt". We are called to salt the earth and not necessarily to "sugar" the earth as we go along on our journey to give the world "flavor".

So thank you Bishop for having the courage to be vulnerable and yet real before us. Even in the highs and lows of last week you still kept it very real. Also, may I go on record as saying that the grace and love of God beams out of your writing and for those of us "in the now", we receive the light of His love through this blog and your other writings. And yes peace is a great gift....

I thank the Holy
Spirit for peace like a river that floods our soul.

Oh, BTW, are we having a sunrise service this year...maybe I overlooked it on the webpage but I don't remember an annoucement.
love, Yvonne

water walker said...

Just wondering, this may be for Pr. Debye, what is happening with Real Women. Really missing it...

Water Walker

River said...

Needing a break or a really great party. Who's up for that idea.
The Guy's have the game.
Ya what about Real Women we need to party also.

Larry Usher said...

Was thinking of a vision I had last night of Jesus washing my feet and how wonderful and humbling it was, that the Son of God would serve me!
Like you pointed out Izumi Joy- juxtaposition is a perfect description- Son of God/Son of man.
He had His treasure also in an earthen vessel- the perfect sacrifice, the perfect intercessor and advocate before His and our Father. The Sheep of sheep- the Lamb of lambs, The King of kings and Lord of lords.
We are the righteousness of God in Christ
We have the mind of Christ
We can do all things through Christ
Christ has been made unto us wisdom

"Because He lives, I can face tomorrow." Why? Because He lives in me.
Acknowledge the treasure in you and allow the earthen vessel to keep you humble-God's love is always lifting us up and simultaneously reminding us that to serve is the ultimate gift that anchors our soul squarely in Him.



Larry Usher said...

Word ver: GRILEAT- just too funny!

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Hey,, we're not having a Sunrise Service this year...didn't want to spend the money for renting staging and lighting, especially because we're planning on building a permanent stage area by the lake with volunteer help through E.A.C.H. in a few weeks...

Donald said...

Keep me posted on that permanent stage.
I might not be able to get up there for church, but I might be able to come up and help some of the guys out sometime.

Son of Zadok said...



Pay attention to everything around you.

God is there. God is in everything.

There were pillars of fire and parting seas, but God spoke to Moses through a burning bush. It doesn't seem like that much of a miracle, bushes burn all the time. Maybe God was waiting to see if Moses could stop and pay attention long enough to see what God was doing? While staring into the flames you see that the bush is not being consumed. Maybe Moses had to be still long enough to recognize the divine right before him.

God asks us, "Who is paying attention to what is around them?"

We need not look far to find God, for God has been here all along.

We are God's hands; designed for and planned to work out the perfect design of the ages. The Torah of God sings out through all creation. Be still and hear it. See God in your enemy and those that come against you. We sing that all things come into God. Let us herald to every creature that restoration is just a mere thought away. Nothing now stands in our way.

clark kent said...

Hey, stop, what's that sound, everybody look what's going 'round.

Izumi/JOY said...

Hey Larry!

Re: Juxtaposition - I read an interesting phrase the other day, called, "simultaneous inclusion".

Where Western thought is often dualistic (i.e. is, or is not) the author meditates and practices awareness of life occurring simultaneously.

So, yes, Jesus is the Sheep of sheep, Lamb of lambs, and King of kings.

Also, He was a carpenter who worked with wood and nails. After He was worked over, He was nailed on wood.

And, in spite of how it looked, it was/is Good News.

Lisa said...

We heard that in class today about God lighting the bush and Moses actually walks past it then rethinks and goes back to SEE what the heck was going on and that is when GOD spoke to him. How many burning bushes have we passed by and not SEEN that GOD was trying to get our attention.
Thanks for the confirmation!!!!

Son of Zadok said...

Wow Lisa, that is really cool. Yes!

Bishop and all the church, I just wanted to say thanks for laying it down like you do by coming out to participate in CITN each week. Just watched yesterday's service again, but with some family this time. We always have the best time laughing and learning together with you all. Everything is always so good and such a blessing.
I believe Jesus is really glad that this side of Him is getting out and about. He is pulling in those with ears to hear.

Northern Light said...

Hey SOZ,

You say you just watched yesterday's service again.....watching it how? I wait days to get my DVD's (and I practice that patience thing...), but you surely got my curiousity aroused with your statement.

It occured to me yesterday there may be a way to copy the entire service, as I'm streaming (as the DVD only gives me the main Word and concluding service,) but often times, highlights and extra things missed.

Care to share >? Thanks :)


Son of Zadok said...

Hi Northern Light.

I do tape the services along with sharing and spreading the word about them here in the "great midwest". I'm doubly blessed because I have also found a local church here in Dayton that I attend. By the way all, our site was recently revamped and streaming audio sermons are a breeze now. They are really unique, compelling, and educational words.

But anyways Light, as it turns out, our get togethers start at 1030 which allow me to use Realplayer to begin recording CITN on my pc at 10. That way I can watch it when I get home.

But like I mentioned earlier, it wouldn't be there unless it weren't for EACH of you and the consistent sacrifice and commitment you all put into CITN by bringing your Spirit in that building every chance you get! Don't ever forget that your all reaching out into the whole world together by energizing the gospel that is echoing out from Conyers. And if someone didn't buy a dvd because of Realplayer, I would hope that that seed money would still be used in some way to help maintain and further the well that so freely gives such fresh and life giving water for all to drink.

Son of Zadok said...

That last post got me thinking Bishop. You should give a word sometime that is just so "not for the regulars." A sermon that you could add to your website and one we could make copies of on dvd to hand out to people. Something that really encapsulates the beauty and excitement of what it means to be a streamer in the Now. Something full of Paul's gospel. A kind of clarion call message that hits and infuses the one being called as to why their Spirit will be blessed here. Along with practical help in how to get involved with streaming. Like streaming times and registering with Streaming Faith to get started. Just a thought..your the skipper.

Son of Zadok said...

ver word:


Church In The Now's Final Frontier.

EvEn WhEn "TiMeS aRe ToUgH"

KeEp ThInKiNg BiG ! ! !

Northern Light said...

7.2" of snow still out there as the well deserved Carolina-ers (?) depart the Ford Field after a much deserved win. I love my MSU, but man, they lost something right out the gate and never really got it back. You have to give the YEAH to the team in light blue. BUT....and I know you do not start a sentence with that word, but I am flustered.......can anyone tell me I'm wrong for being bothered by the commentators all wearing light blue........shirts, ties...c'mon. There wasn't any green on anyone or any other color........HHMMMM

I hope Project 404 was packed and you made some well deserved monies to further the "greater things that are yet to come in your city"... I couldn't resist, that song just popped in my head as the keystrokes were happening.

Have a great night! Hope all those wings and chips don't cause you guys there to have "tummy troubles"...hee hee

Northern Light

Erik said...

When in the midst of religion, it is focused to see a whole person, knowing the excellence and the atrocious joined together, while still seeing the excellent. That highlights how it is with every person. All have excellence that is solid, among any other thing. Not one person has more atrocity than excellence. If it is seen on one, it is seen in all. Jesus made this plain.

I know many thrillers and fantasy movies, books, and plays, music, that portray bitterness, hatred, revenge, some drama of slow burning anger or on the other hand some great threat overcome in the last second. Those are fun, kind of like Tom & Jerry.

My faves are the reality themes of edification, building oneself or others up through consistent love, speaking what one sees, no reading between the lines. I realize that has the secret code thing going, but life is so open and clear, that it just takes so much orchestration to pass on codes and creating a surface that is different than the beneath, it is like the Keystone cops. Funny for a show every now and then, like cotton candy.

Remember, anything secret has no real value. Anything of value, is already distributed through the Spirit. All that has value, is known. Everything else is entertainment.

Erik said...

Sometimes, like tonight, when I end up staying up , waiting for sleep to come, I watch the shows on various channels of The Knights Templar, The Lost Gospels, all that stuff of drama. However, the truth is known in each fractal of thought. It is the archetype of everything. John Stewart , The Hannity guy, and the narraters of these other shows speak the same truth. The late night pastors, HBO movies, and even old sitcoms have the same truth.

It is in everything. It is interestingly entertaining (sometimes) how power, politics, and faith are shaped into what is to be believed. Dogma is schogma. Doctrine exists inside of each of us, There is not one ‘Doctrine’ that has more than any other, mostly they have less than what flows naturally through every person from The Spirit, What The Creator endows each one with. It is designed to be unique in every one. Like snowflakes, of the same substance, displayed uniquely.

Anytime some organization believes they know what is right, exclusively, is a sure sign they have no idea what is right. Exclusivity of what is right, does not exist. Remember, our country was founded by traitors, terrorists, criminals who by the law at the time would have been ‘rightly’ executed for their ‘crimes’. Kind of like Jesus was. Not comparing them to The Christ, just reminding that traitor is a moving target, used by those who perceive they have power. Usually out of fear. Which of course puts them at the front of the line for The Lake of Fire. However, fear not, The LOF is a fine place to be, kind of like the intense ‘Intervention’.

So many times, what is deemed ‘right’ is ‘turned on its head’ to see what is ‘right’ afterward. Our country was founded precisely so. It happens over and over , displaying there is no such thing. Remember, at one time, in our country, it was ‘right’ to see human value differences in the races or in the sexes. In our country now, certain thought is seen as ‘right’ and other thought seen as ‘wrong’. That changes as well.

Fear based thought, is the only one that claims it is ‘right’ and attacks what it sees as ‘wrong’.

Anonymous said...

Pop Swilley,
Last night Word was very enlightened, and it is also a confirmation; that I am not in the wrong with in my prayers. This is something I have been doing since last year every time I would pray. I said to the Lord show me. Make me an instrument that He will want to use.
I remember every morning and every night, up to now I still say the same kind of prayer, Father Lord please show me, “Me”. Change in me everything in me that don’t please you. Bring down from Heaven the Kettly that’s up there, to this kettly that’s down here on this Earth, so, that your will and your purpose will be done in me.
The thing is I never thought that I was asking the Lord to AUDIT my life. How cool is that our Heavenly Father is auditing our lives, so that He can changes us for the better. And to bring us to the kind of man and woman He sees us to be. Like pop Swilley said last night, we have to want and need God to do this auditing in our lives.
Pop Swilley; thank so much for this Word. I am forever grateful. May the Lord continue to use you to deliver these special Messages as only you can!
God Bless you,

River said...

Want adventure? Need a break? Throw down the chains that seem can't break. Take a step. Look up. The new day's light is shining. Miracles are in your reach. Let prayer be your main teach. Live today brand new. The Father is in control of everyone and that includes you.

Northern Light said...

We both are up it seems, waiting for the sleep. You are "thought-full" and I am "prayer-full"(intentionally spelled)tonight, and now, at almost 2am, I am going to lay my head down, continue to pray for all of the CITN BINT family I feel HIS love and feel called to pray for tonight in a magnetic, pulling- force way.

I hope your thoughts take you to that sleep place soon, too. Morning sure has a way of coming the same time, whether we get enough of the ole' shut eye or not, huh ?

Northern Light

Erik said...

Northern Light,

Yes, sleep is coming, and the morning comes all the same. Prayer-full, amen !

Michigan person, yes? Motown is my town of origin. Nice to see the appreciation for the Spartans (after the Wolverines,of course). However, HS has been counseling me on that issue in recent months. It seems that the unity in the World, the forgiveness among nations and religions, the peace between peoples and cultures actually applies to such a matter of gravity as college sports.

I know, I know, at first, I thought HS was having a Micky with me, but HS was actually serious! If the principals of peace and love apply in the world stage, it is an example for college sports. It was really hard for me to take, but with consistent metoring, HS actually brought me to where my heart sank when Ohio State lost to Texas.

(SOZ, this is the first time I could put in print, but yes, I shed a heartfelt tear when they lost)

I suppose foundational peace and love find there way into college sports, who knew? If it can reach there, all is consumed in God's love for sure!