Hey bloggers...thanks for the comments about last night on the LifeSkills blog...I'm working on MITN XVI when I find the time...
...also, I've gotten everyone's texts and e-mail(s)?...I never know if you should say "e-mail" or "e-mails" (plural)...I mean, we don't say "I'm going to the mailbox to get the mails"...so why do we say "I had 13 e-mails"?...anyway, it doesn't matter, just please forgive me for not personally returning them all...just being still...
I already explained why I deleted the previous posts, and then I deleted the explanation...I don't want to talk about that any more...I shouldn't have talked about it in the first place, because it opened the blog up to a lot of negative things, and it's not worth it to try to deal with them...live and learn...
Thanks for the birthday cards I got last night and today...in the midst of a lot of craziness, I am surrounded by love...
God is good.
Let not your heart be troubled.
Good to be back home, here in this room. Ahhh.......
Have a great evening and a very blessed & Happy Birthday tomorrow!
Love and Best of Everything in 2009!
Northern Light
Glad to see you're back. :-)
YEs. Thank you. I should have read this before tweeting. "Let not your heart be troubled." A now word for me. I must remember that all things that exist are working together for good of thosee that love. Thank you, Bishop. And it is good to have BITN back. Peace.
Happy Birthday, Bishop!! Do you celebrate at midnight? (smile)
Glad you have the blog up and running again. I love sun setting photos. All the different colors at the end of day..its like breath of refresh air; awww Just what I needed.
Gonna be out of town tomorrow so I may not be able to say Happy Birthday then, so Happy Birthday NOW!
Have a great one!
(((Haaaapeeee Birrrrth daaaaay!)))
(((Biiishaauup Jiiim)))
I was gonna give you a million dollars for your birthday but my lottery ticket didn't win :)
May your day be blessed and your heart be full! Happy Birthday, Bish!
Well Bishop I can't keep silent Happy Birthday. Go and enjoy your day.
Happy Birthday Bishop...
One song can spark a moment,
One flower can wake the dream.
One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring.
One smile begins a friendship,
One handclasp lifts a soul.
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal.
One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam lights a room.
One candle wipes out darkness,
One laugh will conquer gloom.
One step must start each journey,
One word must start each prayer.
One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.
One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what's true.
One life can make the difference,
Bishop Swilley, we thank you.
Enjoy your day... and when evening comes... think to yourself... What a wonderful world.
YEA! Happy Birthday, Bishop! We celebrate you!!! So thankful for you! Love to hang out at your "house" but like it best when you're there too! ahah Love you!
Happy Birthday Bishop Hope you have great day. Love from Keith & family
How cool to have an article on Streaming Faith on your BIRTHDAY!
Another good word, and just a wonderful opportunity for others to get a glimpse of your efforts and style of sharing the word in this mode of communication.
Awesome...........and again, have a Blessed and Great Day!
Northern Light
Happy Birthday Bish. Have a great day. NTL
Thought this might be a Word for someone today (today's lesson from ACIM)
Light and joy and peace abide in me
You think you are the home of evil, darkness and sin You think if anyone could see the truth about you he would be repelled, recoiling from you as if from a poisonous snake. You think if what is true about you were revealed to you, you would be struck with horror so intense that you would rush to death by your own hand, living on after seeing this being impossible.
These are beliefs so firmly fixed that it is difficult to help you see that they are based on nothing That you have made mistakes is obvious. That you have sought salvation in strange ways; have been deceived, deceiving and afraid of foolish fantasies and savage dreams; and have bowed down to idols made of dust, - all this is true by what you now believe.
Today we question this, not from the point of view of what you think, but from a very different reference point, from which such idle thoughts are meaningless These thoughts are not according to God's Will. These weird beliefs He does not share with you. This is enough to prove that they are wrong, but you do not perceive that this is so.
Why would you not be overjoyed to be assured that all the evil that you think you did was never done, that all your sins are nothing, that you are as pure and holy as you were created, and that light and joy and peace abide in you? Your image of yourself cannot withstand the Will of God You think that this is death, but it is life. You think you are destroyed, but you are saved.
The self you made is not the Son of God Therefore, this self does not exist at all. And anything it seems to do and think means nothing. It is neither bad nor good. It is unreal, and nothing more than that. It does not battle with the Son of God. It does not hurt him, nor attack his peace. It has not changed creation, nor reduced eternal sinlessness to sin, and love to hate. What power can this self you made possess, when it would contradict the Will of God?
Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God Over and over this must be repeated, until it is accepted. It is true. Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God. Nothing can touch it, or change what God created as eternal. The self you made, evil and full of sin, is meaningless. Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God, and light and joy and peace abide in you.
Salvation requires the acceptance of but one thought; - you are as God created you, not what you made of yourself Whatever evil you may think you did, you are as God created you. Whatever mistakes you made, the truth about you is unchanged. Creation is eternal and unalterable. Your sinlessness is guaranteed by God. You are and will forever be exactly as you were created. Light and joy and peace abide in you because God put them there.
Just being still
Just be
Still be
Be just, still
Live and learn
And be like a tree planted by rivers of water
Bring forth nourishing fruit in season
Being instant
Flourish and prosper
Happy Birthday, Bish!
on second thought, my lottery ticket may actually win......so I might not give you quite a million....but a bunch! hope you aint mad....
:) Dennis
ver word prests
Deep within the level of your unconscious, where pure being-ness originates; where you are fully awake, you have sat in divine silence and have heard God.
That still, small, voice has whispered: "Be still...", reassuring you of, and reaffirming you to, the greatest of callings--To Be.
Be...calm. Be...joyful. Be...strong. Be...confident. Be...wise. Be...fearless. Be...at Peace.
Happy Birthday...Today, you are born again.
HAPPY HAPPY Birthday Bish!!! I pray above and beyond anything you can imagine in the coming year!
Happy B.D. B...
word ver: PREFUNB- "We're in the 'pre-fun' stages Bishop"...oh yah!
What follows dwarfs what was...
Have a happy day!
Happy Birthday Bishop!
Awesome photo.
Rhema word for me today because my mind is running 200mph about everything and I was about to "hit the wall" (funny how that phrase crept into pop culture from NASCAR),until I stopped by BITN to get my daily word.
GOD is clearly telling me to "PARK IT" and listen to HIM !
Hope everybody has a grateful day.
Happy birthday Bish!
You did it you circled the sun one mo gan :)
Peace and Love
Happy Birthday Bishop!!!! I pray you have a wonderful blessed day!!!!
I missed whatever you were talking about, but I am glad to see a post. I thought you may be some other country, bringing peace to the nations! I am coming to church this Sunday from North GA, and I was really hoping you where in town and where planning to bring a word. I am excited about what you will be talking about this Sunday!
Even thought I have no idea what it is, I am trusting the spirit will bless you and us thru you. Happy Birthday! You’re 29, right?
Anon in North GA
Happy Birthday Bishop!!!
We are all glad that you were born! You have and will continue to make a tremendous mark in the body of Christ and the world!!!!
Thank you Pastors Jim and Darlene.
We hope you have a great day and many more to come.
We love you,
Pastor Henry & Lou and Leslie Smith
Just got back from Streaming faith Devotional. Bishop, awesome! you shared the TRUE gospel in such a palatable way that all will be able to hear un-offended and unafraid to believe and call us brethern....you know us heretics.
Trivia(s?) are us:
51 is considered to be the second milepost in life. Think Cary Grant in North by Northwest at the intersection of his life.
51 is a very strong number in numerology for various and extremely uninteresting reasons.
51 is an area in New Mexico that is shrouded in mystery.
51 is the number of Dick Butkus.
51 is the Federalist Manifesto that established checks and balances as a basis for a republic (it isn't a democracy folks)
51 is the percentage of females to male in the world (when the ancients practiced polygamy, was the number greater?)
51 is the number beneath the screen at NASA on all of the moon landings.
51 is the number of the Mustang prop fighter that won WWII.
51 is the atomic number of Antimony, a favorite of alchemists
51 is the original number of books in the Bible. Someone will argue - I don't care.
51 is the number of years that you have accounted for on the earth. May the next 51 be as kind.
Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday... "chillax" and blessed!
Happy Birthday Bishop!
Happy Birthday Bishop! The birth stone for April is a diamond. I send many diamonds your way!!!!
Just want to join in with the early birds and say happy happy day Bish. Reaaly liked Chuck's 51 redition and add my good vibes to the rest of the bloggers on your behalf. BTW, that anon at 6:41 am was not me but it could have been. Who ever it was is definately recieving the same stuff that I have been. Your teachings are double awesome Bish, I believe you will be one of a rare few that actually live to see and understand the great work that God has accomplished through you.
Blessings, blessings and again blessings.
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to share this story with you all. It’s about how we let ourselves judge someone before we get or understand the whole story. May all of us learn from this little story from Lisa.
God bless!
Hi Tom & Penelope,
I had to share this story with you as it is a great illustration
and support for what you teach about how to be careful what you
think or say that is not positive. It will come back to you with
more strength and just as quickly.
I want to preface this with I have had life changing results with
your system and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of
the efforts you put out to get this system to the general public.
It is very powerful and if more people would take the time to do it
their lives would improve dramatically and our world would be a
much better place.
So, here is my story....
Yesterday a friend of mine called and told me a story of how
someone had a lost 1 year old child in their neighborhood that
morning. My first thought was "how in the heck can anyone lose a 1
year old"!! And then I took it a step further and thought to
myself...the mother must be neglectful...a 1 year old should be
watched constantly, what was she doing? She must have been on
drugs....I have 3 children and nothing like that has ever happened
to me...etc..etc.
So, I continued with my day with my 18 month old son. I was busy
making lunch in the kitchen and he was in the family room like he
always is, suddenly I noticed that I haven't heard any noise for
about a minute.
I went into the family room and he wasn't there.
I went upstairs looked in all of the rooms and bathrooms and he was
not there!
I ran downstairs into the kitchen and the bathroom....and there was
no sign of him!
I checked in the office and the backyard.....HE WAS GONE!!!
I ran back into the house and noticed the front door was ajar....OH
I sprinted outside in a state of panic.... when I saw my little 18
month son grinning from ear to ear at the end of the driveway,
holding on to his big brother's skateboard and getting ready to sit
and ride down the driveway!
The condemnation and judgment that I sent out came back to me in
less than 30 minutes, with the exact same scenario!!
I will never... never....NEVER... judge, condemn, think bad of,
send negativity out in any way shape or form. I am going to be
very mindful of what I think from now on!
Thanks for your great advice.
Have a fantastic weekend!
I checked in-- the 2nd time today-and was blessed to be referred to read the Streaming Faith thing!!
Yea! There are no accidents! This came out on your birthday. I think this is an omen. I have believed and am hoping this world wide inclusion message gets out to the nations. This blog and things like Streaming Faith are going out to the nations. I believe that as the spirit of God brought about the Protestant and Catholic Reformation, in the 1600’s, this spirit is getting the knowledge of the love of God, for all, out to this generation. So then, if I follow your text in the Streaming Faith- all will worship God. They will go from theology to doxology. All nations and all peoples are glorifying God and will glorify God! It’s also very cool for me to hear John Lennon at times, giving God the Glory, with some of his words on the songs on the blog. Who knew God would be given glory by Lennon. I was into the Beatles as a teen, when music was really great. But as an adult in a legalistic bunch, I came to condemn many who did not have the same doctrine as I. And just to be brave,- I must say: I saw a group of American Muslims on TV, after 911, who sounded just like the loving and open minded Southern white Christians, who were for integration, and sounded exactly as if they had the same spirit. They said things like, ‘the God we worship does not condone terroristic killing.’ In my opinion, they had the spirit of the Christ, even though they did not use his name. Yes, Yes, Yes, all will worship God!
That was a cool story Kettley.
Bish, I just dropped back in to tell you about something that you would have really appreciated seeing. Yesterday morning I stopped in Starbucks in Conyers and was really enjoying the King of Soul laying down the beat with "I Feel Good". I was kinda doing that little dance that white people do by moving my head a lttle to the beat and as I walked out the door with my caffiene and bannana nut bread fix I noticed about a half dozen people sitting and tapping their feet and or bobbing their head to the beat. They were all middle aged or above and white. Why did JB hafta go and do that to a bunch of white folk. The coffee and bread was great but it was a little hard to consume with such a long lasting grin on my face. I would say you shuda been there but you were, at least in my thoughts.
The previous blog should have read happy birthday but it is probably OK to say happy happy day at this point. Oh what the heck, I hope everyone who reads this has a happy happy day.
Dear Bishop,
We hope you have a good birthday. And may there be many better ones ahead.
You have been and always will be an inspiration to us.
Our wish to you, on your Birthday is this:
“Happiness is a habit. Cultivate it.” This is a wish or rather an advice that is always in season, but particularly so on birthdays. So, Bishop count your blessings, give yourself a pat on the back, treat yourself to something special, and practice the happiness habit.
There is only one way to happiness :that is to cease worrying about things that are beyond the power of your will.
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts; therefore guard you’re thoughts accordingly.
Contentment is a gift we give ourselves. It follows that a happy birthday starts on the inside and works its way out. If you’re searching for a better birthday, or any other day for that matter, remember that happiness is one of life most beautiful flowers and always cultivated between the ears.
Happiness is a matter of your own doing. You can be happy or you can be unhappy. It’s just according to the way you look at things.
Happiness doesn’t depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends upon what you think.
Happiness means having something to do, and something to live for. To love what you do and feel that it matters; how could anything else be more fun.
We love you Bishop and we pray and hope that the “BEST IS YET TO BE IN YOUR LIFE.”
Fritz and Kettly
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BISHOP! May this be the sweetest day of your life thus far!
Your word - Be Still and Know that I AM GOD! This has been HIS WORD to me for weeks! Thank you for being such confirmation!
I am not much of a story writer, but I just wanted to share this with you for it speaks so much of what is it like in being a child and seeing the kingdom.
A few nights ago a little boy of three was busily engaged in watching his favorite cartoon show when his Dad came in the room and wanted to love on him. Well we all know what it is like when the very best part of what ever we're concentrating on comes on and someone totally unaware enters our space and is commanding our attention. Amidst all the hugs and kisses this little guy was peering over his Dad's shoulder, under his arm - really any space he could find to not miss the action in that which he had been watching. When his Dad realized that he was really not into him, but in his own little world he shrugged his shoulders and walked out of the room. The three year old never lost his focus on his program but I heard him say to himself; Whatever!
Oh, to come to that place within our hearts so focused on our FATHER'S Way and Will that whatever or whoever - good or evil that tries to divert us that we can say in our heart - WHATEVER! looking only to HIM! This is our prayer!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BISHOP! May this be the sweetest day of your life thus far!
Your word - Be Still and Know that I AM GOD! This has been HIS WORD to me for weeks! Thank you!
I am not much of a story writer, but I just wanted to share this with you for it speaks so much of what is it like in being a child and seeing the kingdom.
A few nights ago a little boy of three was busily engaged in watching his favorite cartoon show when his Dad came in the room and wanted to love on him. Well we all know what it is like when the very best part of what ever we're concentrating on comes on and someone totally unaware enters our space and is commanding our attention. Amidst all the hugs and kisses this little guy was peering over his Dad's shoulder, under his arm - really any space he could find to not miss the action in that which he had been watching. When his Dad realized that he was really not into him, but in his own little world he shrugged his shoulders and walked out of the room. The three year old never lost his focus on his program but I heard him say to himself; Whatever!
Oh, to be like a child - with our hearts so focused on our FATHER'S Way and Will that whatever or whoever - good or evil that tries to divert us may we say in our heart - WHATEVER! looking only to HIM!
Happy Birthday Bish,
My Spirtual Father,
Your Teaching is..
Light to my eyes.
Music to my ears.
Joy to my heart.
Peace, Love and Joy to You and P. Debye
Happy Birthday BIshop!
So glad that you were born, so glad that you came into our lives, and changed our way a thinkin"
All our love,
Debee and Dante
Happy Birthday, Bishop!
We love you.
Pastors Tim and Debbie
Just came from the prayer room....feeling peace, feeling happy.
Reminds me........Bobby McFerrin..
Don't Worry......Be HAPPY! yep
ha...word ver: ohniter OH WHAT A NIGHT ....guess I'm into old songs tonight ~
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