Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, does not faint or grow weary; there is no searching of His understanding. He gives power to the faint and weary, and to him who has no might He increases strength [causing it to multiply and making it to abound]. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and [selected] young men shall feebly stumble and fall exhausted; But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.
(Isaiah 40:28 - 31 - AMP)
I woke this morning and began talking with God about something that I wanted to do but was not sure if I could and I heard this small voice say to me trust the power in you. I then open up my computer go to read the morning blog and you are speaking on he gives power to the faint and weary and to him who has no might he increases strength. I could not believe my eyes because it was the same thing God had just said to me because that scripture came to me as I was meditating on what I had heard. If that isn't confirmation I don't know what is and so I will not doubt but move forward. If God be for me who can be against me, and I can do all things through him.
Thanks for being that tangible voice that makes the word so clear.
Even the best of the modern inspirational speakers can't top that word of encouragement.
The word today - right on!!!!! Yes!!!!!
This Word confirmed what a friend has prophesied to me last night.
Sometimes, because we want something badly and in our own times, we don’t allowed ourselves enough time for the Lord to work His supernatural on our favor.
The Word I received last night was to be “PATIENCE and WAIT FOR THE LORD.” Because the delay that we are experiencing and is taking longer for us to close on the house is simply the LORD’S doing. He says; He is about to do a Supernatural thing concerning our future home that each time I look at it, I will want to give a testimony of His supernatural work regarding of how this house became ours. And the way I see things work for other people, will not be the same way things will work for me in my life.
To read this Word you posted this morning, is truly letting me know what the Lord requires from Fritz and Me. He wants us to “wait on Him”, not to be anxious about anything, but pray about everything and give Him thanks for all He has done and is doing right now. And also to remind us the way we are getting this house is not by power, nor by might, only by His Spirit.
Your post says it better on Isaiah 40:31- [But those who trust in the Lord and wait for Him to act in their favors, will find new strength]. Yes! We have found new strength to wait on God Supernatural Mighty Spirit to work in our favor. Because trusting in God is the expectation that He will fulfill His promises in His Word and strengthen us to rise above life’s difficulties. [His strength is our source of strength].
May all of us make a conscious decision today, “TO WAIT IN THE LORD”? May His blessings be on all of us today and always!
Peace, Joy, and Love,
When you pray blessings over us at CITN and on the stream it is always a beautiful moment. I often streatch my hand toward you in a manner of saying that I recieve it and right back atcha. It seems to me that many others do the same.
Today's word feels that way to me.
I recieve it and right back atcha.
Interestingly my veriword is hibring. That feels like the kind of greeting where I might offer a warm hello with the anticipation of recieving one in return.
friends share the goodness of God...
Matthew 18:20__ For where two or more gather together in My name, I am in the midst of them."
Today I believe all of us are in agreement with this Word. Guess What? THE LORD IS THE MIDST OF US!
Oi, sou o Clausewitz e gostaria de convidar você para visitar meu Blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil. Abração
Don't give up because the prize is in reach. You will survive. You will come through. Winners never quit. Rise above the situation that you think holds you down. The so called situation is just that a so called. Quit giving more power to the negative and look at the positive. A new hope is in view. Follow your heart and see the good in all things even when it doesn't seem so good.
In my own personal experience I have found when something bad happens there will always be something good will come from it.
Example- My father & I were not very close when I was growing up. He was a busy man who provided for the family but was hardly around. We really never saw each other eye to eye. Don't get me wrong he still was my daddy but we just didn't talk to each other. After my mother passed I was beside myself because her and I were like best friends. Not so much mother & daughter but more like best buds. after she passed my father and I really started to get to know each other and you know what, he was really a funny and cool man to know. We still had days where the situations would get in the way but we did rise above them and we saw the good in each other.
I really liked the pic. of the eagle. Patience is a virtue. I was in search for a small eagle to put on top a money tree for my daughters grad. party. It's a sad thing when the toy dept. doesn't carry educational wildlife items. It seems that we miss seeing the beauty of the nature around us and focus more on caracters in a cartoon more or at least the toy dept. do.
Last thought-
Keep looking for that which you seek the good, The positive, the prize and you will find it.
Just don't give up.
word ver cleardi - clarity
God, I need that right now!
NL, sometimes I have to go to - tools - internet options - clear temp. intentet files - then delete - temp files - cookies - history - web form data - but I would not check the "passwords" box.
you may have already figured this out but anyway....
Judah, while praying for you this morning, all of a sudden the old song by Queen "we will rock you" came into my mind with you singing it - very well I might add. Now I wouldn't apply the rest of the lyrics to you but I did think maybe you should take the tune and rewrite it? or maybe it just means your "Gonna Rock" in your ministry. Or maybe it just means I like the song and my mind drifted off.....anyway I thought I should tell you cause you were really rockin the joint in my mind.
Peace Bro,
Thank you Pastor Dennis.....but no, to tell you the truth, I did not figure anything out. What I did was.....reach under the computer desk and unplug that darn plug!!
THAT did it, too ! haha
Northern Light
Oi, Clausewitz, vou verificar o seu site, logo que eu tenho algum tempo livre.
They speak Portuguese in Mississippi?
Bishop, Thank you for such a good word today!
Blessings, Judah in all that your hand and heart finds to do for our Lord!
We're not all just dumb ole' stupid toofless idiots.
Some of us know how to use Google translator.
But I do need to learn Portuguese because our company is negotiating a contract with a company in Brazil.
So, what did our Brazillian brother say?
According to Google translate, he said:
Hi, I'm Clausewitz and would like to invite you to visit my blog and know something about Brazil. Abrasive
It is a somewhat political/anti-communist site.
Ah, well...whatever...
Thanks, everyone, for your good words today...
Nah, it's cool...you didn't say anything that would imply anyone wasn't welcome...and I didn't say anything about the dental condition of the fine people of Mississippi, either...
Anyway, I'm supposed to be writing Chapter 17 of MITN and working on an outline for LifeSkills for tomorrow night, so I'm signing out...
Prace to all!
Well, now that you deleted your comment, mine doesn't make any sense...oh well...it's all good...
You just about have to use the word cluster to fully explain this situation.
But, hey, I do have a partial so I guess that does qualify me as a bonafide Mississippian.
Dude, you're too funny...but seriously...I'm signing out now!
AH........the laughter before the sleep!
Love you all,
Northern Light
Bishop, you meant Peace, we know it, not Prace........fast fingers!
outta' here !
OK...I checked in again...NL, I said "Prace to all", and that's what I meant!
Actually, I don't know what is the dealio with my typos of late, but they do serve the purpose of supplying a good chuckle...
And thanks for the e-mail yesterday...your support is appreciated...
now...PEACE to all!
Good night...
I appreciate how this Scripture reminds me of Psalms 110:3. In the NIV, "Your people [shall be] volunteers In the day of Your power; In the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning, You have the dew of Your youth."
And, The Message Bible says it like this: "Your people will freely join you, resplendent in holy armor on the great day of your conquest. Join you at the fresh break of day, join you with all the vigor of youth."
I also receive the Words “PATIENCE and WAIT FOR THE LORD.” I am waiting on a phone call from someone who told me they would call me "later". So far, "later" is now 2 months. The world would say "He's just not that into you" and that may be the case except for that 'still small voice" I keep hearing that makes me believe God is doing a work in both of our lives before HE brings us together again.(as HE has done so many times before when I had totally given up). It is really strange how I was going to send this person an email and then something told me not to and then I checked out the blog and saw the Word about "Wait on the Lord". Wow!
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