Sunday, April 12, 2009



Northern Light said...



Northern Light

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

...and We are in Him, indeed!

Pastor Nancy said...

Alive all over the world!!

Ebony said...

"all of creation testifies, this life within me cries. I know MY REDEEMER LIVES!!!!!!!!!!"

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Judah!
It has been such an honor to watch you grow physically as well as spiritually. You are one that has been set apart from the world to usher in the peace that this world is crying for.
I am honored to have been able to serve with you in the days of Velocity and then when you became music minister at FLC. God has a special ministry for you and I can't wait to see all the things He will do for you and through you.
God Bless You in all that you do.
I love you!
Pastor Debbie Timberman

Northern Light said...

WOW........Resurrection, indeed.

What a powerful day, already. I went to early service at our church and they "wowed" me with new an innovative drama & music (thanks be to God for a new, young, Worship Pastor). Only to rush home and stream in and hear you, Bishop preach the gospels and see Judah be ordained,(well, through the tears I "saw"....Momma Debye deserved to be proud and this mom so felt her joy". It is an obvious blessing for father & son, and the whole rest of your natural family is blessed beyond.

He is Risen...He is Risen,Indeed. We also sang My Redeemer Lives today and City of God and others that lifted me up and I'm still there.

When you sang Because He Lives, it reminded me of Easters past in my old church, our Pastor/Priest had a radio and tv ministry local, called "Because He Lives". cool

Northern Light

word ver: muslym

Northern Light said...

Although we have never personally met, I have known who you were since I was a first time guest in December at CITN at service and your whole family was there and your father referred to it.

Since then, I have become a regular "streamer" and DVD ordering CITN entended-family member and I have seen the opportunity afforded to you with Project 404 and how you took right to it. It sounds like things are rockin' and HE knew just who should be at the helm of that ship.

Watching you being ordained today, I felt like a special guest in the house, and I cried and laughed and laid hands from my spot, in front of the computer, but felt as if you were right there to know it.

Peace be to you, God Speed to Project 404 and GOD BLESS YOU and your MINISTRY for many years to come.

Northern Light

River said...

Jesus is Alive Alive Alive all over the World Over the World Over the World.

To Judah I have seen you grow up into a strong man. A man with a passion for God's heart. May you always keep seeking and walking in His light and let His Light Reflect off of you. You are going to reach those who are unreachable by our generation because you have His words in you that speak to your generation. Be the Lion I know you to be. Let your tribe hear hear the roar of God come through your voice. You go Mighty Warrior. Speak to your nations.

Today's service was great. I recieved a miracle today. During rehearsal this morning I couldn't hardly sing but when service started my voice was back. Thank You Jesus.

Bishop your message was great.

How awesome it was to see the seats being filled in the house today. I pray we see that every Sunday.

Iris said...

Wow!!! Once again blown away, once again changed… The word today Bishop, was amazing. I will never see may scars the same way. Thank you for once again changing my perception. You are truly my Bishop and Pastor.

Congratulations Judah, or should I say Pastor Judah. I watched you grow since you were around 5 yrs old, and have always seen God’s hand on you. I am proud of you. I know you are going to take this church and the youth to a new level. I am so excited about what God is doing with the youth, and can’t wait for my children (in a few years) to be a part of Project 404.


Larry Usher said...

Judah- You are what you are- that men recognize that is icing on the cake! Stay open to the eyes of God and always motivated with His love and all will be well...

Love you brother!


peacemaker said...

We are very proud of you and very proud for you. As you know already, you are exactly where you should be at exactly the time you should be there...not a moment too soon...not a moment too late.
A grand adventure lies ahead of you. You are coming into your own at the dawning of a new level human evolution--the evolution of consciousness. Within that process, those who may not label themselves as "Christian", or any other system for that fact, is experiencing God in a profound way and that is way outside the parameters of traditional belief systems. Those people need fresh, progressive, fearless voices to help them. You are one of those voices. Stay true to your traditions but be open and flexible to that which may challenge them. Truth is dynamic. Wayne Dyer says what is true in the morning, by the evening is a lie.
It is up to you to find your balance. Sometimes, as all true seekers and Sages know, extreme revelation causes you to rethink everything you ever believed. Your Father knows this well, but you will be taken to a whole other level in this.
I know you are ready.


Teezy313 said...

Happy Ressurrection Sunday Blogfam!

When you told me that you were being ordained today in the back of my mind I was thinking IT'S ABOUT TIME haha! But seriously even thought I couldn't stream in to see the service or be ITB I know it was amazing. I remember when I first met you the summer before my Senior year and you were doing the prayer over the offering and I knew that there was something different about you. Then when you moved into the position of worship leader I knew exactly what it weren't afraid of telling the world who you are but most importantly who you represent. I know that as our new youth pastor you are going to take us as a ministry to new levels in Christ and I personally can't wait to see all that God has in store for you. I also know that as a fellow college student/musician you meet and interact with different people throughout the course of the day, some of which you will find much favor with when it comes to your career and life goals outside of your ministry, and even they will recognize that you are different and set apart and that you are about your Father's Kingdom Business. I speak BLESSINGS to you, LIFE over you, FLOW through you, and LOVE around you!


Anonymous said...

Judah, you have been a pastor for most of your years now and it was a great blessing to be in the house yesterday and witness your ordination. That moment will be dear to you the rest of your life because it marks the time when man has acknowledged what God has already done.

Your overcoming faith is very strong and will only become stronger. That will fill our world with many more prosperous souls than there would have been otherwise.

There is not a stronger human mentor for you on this earth than your earth father. You both know Father and will enjoy many opportunities to lift up the name of Love together. You will never resent his advise and he will be cautious in giving it because it is his joy that you have chosen your own path.

There is no greater joy for a father than to see his offspring choose their own way and succeed in the pursuit of their dreams. Your dreams as you stated them yesterday are precious to all who were in witness of them both living in this realm and in the cloud of witnesses unseen but felt. There have already been many lights growing brighter because of your promotion and the day is just beginning for you. To what degree you may require my help, please do not hesitate to call on it. Based on yesterday's response to your ordination I will no doubt need to get in line for that opportunity and that is good because everyone who takes part with blessing your ministry should be in line.

John Brumlow, a friend

ps, my wordver is docirapi - you already have a (doc)torate (i)n (rap) (i)nspiration. pretty cool huh? Most of us will always see the divine connection with you because that is what we are looking for with expectation of seeing it just as it has been with your father and his father. Your grandfather was right on with his words and those of your mom and dad, well all of the words speak for themself.

Anonymous said...

I was just checking in but have to acknowledge the veriword, frindshr.

Thanks H.G., that was sweet to my ears.

P. Avery said...


When you spoke your hearts desire in front of the witnesses present at your ordination, the prophecy below, from five years ago, came to mind:

"The One is in the many and the many are in the One."

Three One the house called CITN. Have you ever watched the flame that is created when the flames of three burning matches are put together?

You expressed your One desire..."I just want to show the Love of the Father to the World."

As you spoke, it was done.

Anonymous said...

Loved the song "He's Alive"

Great sermon, still on the same train of thought I have been on for the past couple of weeks.......

Judah, Wow, what an anointed ordination! Be Blessed in your ministry......

Peace & Grace,

Anonymous said...

Bishop & P.Debye.. God was definitly smiling yesterday and saying "WELL DONE THY GOOD & FAITHFUL SERVANTS"..the service from beginning to end was priceless..P.Debye when you prophecied over Judah, my heart felt like it was going to burst..To see a mother speak into the inner man of her own son.. watching him grow from a small child to the man he has become...Bishop, a proud Dad in every sense & well deserving...
Judah, when I see you I think of David..a man after Gods'own heart..You are the REAL DEAL...The LOVE & PASSION for God just pours out of you and is contagous..Your a shining light not only to this generation but to the ones to come...Your journey is just the beginning of GREAT things to come... We just add our Amen to everything that has been already posted...Your family is not only a blessing to ALL of us...but you are a truly a BLESSED family...
We Love You
P. Jim & Deb