Saturday, April 4, 2009

Hey bloggers...thanks so much for all the birthday messages yesterday...I actually had a really wonderful day, after was quite emotional, but it was good...we had orginally planned to be out of town, but had to cancel our trip for the funeral...but it was all good...I want to wait until Sunday to tell you about it, but I will say that for my birthday I was given the gift of peace in my extended family (really for the first time in years), and some much-needed reconciliation with several loved ones...even the fall-out from the things I talked about Wednesday night worked together for got bad for a little bit, but then it truly turned out good...

The best part of the day and last night was having all of my kids and granddaughter together under one roof...Daisson and Christina drove down for the service today, and Judah went and picked up Jared, who just got off and dad joined us for a family dinner at home...nothing fancy, just picked up Chinese food, but it was/is wonderful to have everyone together...

Thanks for the comments about the Streaming Faith can still read it in the archives there (Moving From Theology to Doxology)...

I'll also tell you about today's events on Sunday...looking forward to taking Communion with all of you locals ITB...

I'm very thankful for every one of you...



Erik said...

Hi Bishop & Everyone,

First – Happy B Day and Happy Birth Month Bishop. You know, it is actually a Birth Month celebration. So those born early in the month Score big time. You go !!!! You got 27 days to celebrate, every one bowing down, etc, A gift everyday, like Hanukah. Its in the Bible, seriously… so you know its true. Yee Hahh .

It’s All Good--- didn’t someone write about that ? :)

Anyway, It is.

I am in San Fran, land of Milk and Academy Awards. The land of The Dec of Independence and The Bible Belt, it is good to be back for a little while.

I am looking forward to Communion ITB too – Praise God !!! Family is excellent.

All is well. We are All blessed with unmerited favor, the Grace that pervades our economy and perceived struggles with any enemy, whom we Love and bless, of course. What other response has substance and blessing ? Godspeed to everyone in every action.

Each of us trusts God and Knows The Universe knows Us, and works for All of our good, Grace and Mercy do indeed follow Us every single moment. Amen.

Happy Saturday!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear about the reconciliation and peace! WE are thankful for YOU and Pastor Debye! Leesa

Leesa said...

WOW Bish! I love seeing where your blog is reaching! Right now there's Bermuda, India, London & Canada.... Welcome extended family abroad!

Anonymous said...

Ooo, Erik! The land of Ghiradelli & sourdough!

Brenda said...

Bishop, so happy that your birthday was full of peace and love and that you had a chance to spend it with your love ones.

Last night I had to go and preside over the family hour for a lady that I didn't know but her daughter knew me from my former church and just wanted me to do it. I wanted to say no but I had just prayed that God would use me in whatever way he wanted so I was hard press not to go. Of course I was agonizing over what to say and do but since I felt a strong urge from the Holy Spirit to go I left it in his hand and stopped worring over it. When the family walked in everybody was crying and I was like Oh my God what do I say to these people to calm them down. I said to myself now what would Bishop do and I began to flip through my mind. The Holy Spirit said music and I though really, I can't sing. Then it can to my mind the CD I had brought with a nice worship song on it and I asked the people over the funeral home to put it on and I asked the family to just reflect in their own way the memories of their mother and it worked. I know that you always tell us just to reflect and worship in our own way so thanks for helping me even though you were not there. After everyone was calm I was able to speak with them and I even made them laugh by using funny stories as you always do with us.

Before going to the funeral I went by the hospital to see my step daughter she is very sick. She was telling me she thought she was going to die but didn't want to die. She said the last time I saw you, you were so sick and now look at you but I'm still sick. I again thought about your sermon, let your yes be yes and your no be no. I told her if she wanted to live then let that be her yes and no matter how it looked or how she felt let that still be her yes. Man when I look back on yesterday I had a busy day and I need to be ITB so I can get ministered too. See you Sunday.

Before I went to the

Northern Light said...

So happy to hear my favorite Peace was what you were feeling, besides all the Love yesterday! Perfect.

We had Chinese last night for dinner, also, and funny thing, when I was opening up the cartons I tell you the truth, YOU popped in my head and I wondered "if Bishop would think Chinese was a good Birthday Celebration Dinner?". Now what was that > haha

Peace this weekend,
Northern Light

Northern Light said...

Just came in from out and wanted to share two songs that were playing on the radio, back to back. While not a station with any direct intent or purpose, both songs screamed out CHRISTIAN LIFE to me.

Miley Cyrus......THE CLIMB (I could let my kids sing this one all day!)

Nickelback......IF Today Was Your Last Day

So,check 'em'll be surprised


karl said...

Hey Bishop,
Just want you to know that yesterday several times I prayed that you and your family would have great birthday celebrations.

Love ya,

ver: flanappl

karl cobos said...


Had a great first day at work with the Census Bureau. Cool handheld gadget got me humming James Bond tune in class.

Our red car broke down on the freeway...I'm looking possibly at buying my uncle's car, if Natasha likes it, too...definitely could use agreement in prayer for things to come together in order and with peace...our nerves need a little healing right now.

I'm thinking of creating a blog myself...never done it before, but will try. I really want it to minister to people especially in the area of laughter and happiness, and see where that takes us. Some of the inspiration for this is from the word LAUGH that I colored in at worship service. Any thoughts?

Son of Zadok said...

Great article on streaming faith Bishop. I anticipate a day when all faiths can enter together into praise and worship. I see the glory falling in that Spirit. CITN has already had a taste of that type of experience. I hope in the future you can continue to push the boundaries and come into more of the fullness of what the revelation of Jesus Christ really means to the world.
Yesterday I was thinking about how when Jesus spoke on the Earth, the things He said continually flied in the face of the traditional dogmas and rules of the days religion. How many times did He say, "Your word says, or you've heard it said, but I say unto you..." Jesus said so many radical things that we completely overlook or take for granted now. And many of the things He said have been lost and need to be rediscovered in their proper interpretation. I truly believe that if He were to return in His glorified body today that He would have just as much to say that would break our dogmas and ideas to pieces. But He doesn't have to return in body, for He is returning in a people!
You made a great point a few weeks ago about how the word of God is what comes out from Him today, not just what's interpreted out of the Bible. But still thank God for the Bible. Thank God for this church, where the Good News of the liberation of the children of God is being shared throughout all the world.

Northern Light said...

Got last Sunday's service DVD & Wednesday's LifeSkills CD today in the mail. Tonight was a CITN fest and I feel wonderful and fed & full. (and all caught up! ha)

Blessings ITB, wish I was there for Communion Sunday for sure.....some-time, it WILL happen !

Hope to stream in, computer problems might block me again, like Wednesday for most of it. If so, there's always my DVD order ! ( I DO wish it was the "whole" service, but I know the WORD is the point of the copy ) :) smile

Northern Light

Anonymous said...

Finally an end.

Finally a new beginning.