MARK IN THE NOW: MkITN I, Verses 1- 11

1. The beginning of the earth-revelation of the Good News...the manifestation of the Gospel in the now...seen in this dimension in the person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
2. Living out His earth-life exactly as it was written by the prophet Isaiah: "Watch this! I send My messenger before Your face, who will make Your path ready for You...
3. A voice of one crying in the wilderness...shouting out the message in the desert, which is 'Prepare the way of the Lord! Make His entry-way smooth and straight and level!'"
4. And, as Isaiah had prophesied, John, the Forerunner, did appear in the wilderness-like desert, preaching the need for a paradigm shift, which he symbolized by publicly performing the rite of water baptism.
5. And his unusual ministry so caught the attention and imagination of a spiritually-starved people, that the masses thronged to him from Judea and Jerusalem and, as they voluntarily confessed their sins, were baptized by him in the Jordan River into a new reality.
6. Everything about John, including his appearance and diet, was unusual. He wore clothing woven entirely of camel's hair, and had a large, leather belt strapped around his waist. He was vegetarian, and basically only ate the carob-like pods that came from the tops of the locust tree, and wild honey.
7. As he preached, he said, "I am delivering an important message to you, but there is One about to come on the scene Who is stronger and more powerful and has more authority than fact, I am not even worthy or fit to stoop down and unloose the straps of His sandals.
8. I can and have baptized you with water for the changing of your life by the changing of your mind...altering your perception is what you can do...the part that you can play to enter the Kingdom...but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit...a work that He will do for and in you that you cannot do for yourselves! The baptism in water is a great is the genesis of the Kingdom...but the baptism of the Spirit is about a finished brings the ultimate revelation of the Kingdom!"
9. During the time that John was saying these things, Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee, and was baptized by John in the Jordan.
10. And at the moment He came up out of the water, He perceived that the sky was split open, and God's Spirit...the Holy Spirit, in a visible incarnation of that of a dove...came down on Him, and remained there until it (He) was absorbed into Him.
11. And when that happened, an other-worldly voice began to speak loudly, saying, "You are my Son...My Beloved...chosen and marked by my love, in Whom I take pleasure and with Whom I am completely and absolutely delighted!”
This is going to be a very interesting work for you to paraphrase, and we, to read.
What I love about this particular narrative is Jesus is portrayed as kind of a hero; a man of action. It focus on his healings, exorcisms, miracles, and such. He's referred to as Son of Man, Son of God, and the Christ by the author.
Reading this from your inspired and somewhat metaphysical paradigm is going to be very enlightening and enjoyable, as already seen in these first 11 verses.
Write on, Brother...write on.
Bold opening, Bishop!
V.11..."chosen and 'marked' by my love...this phrase is thought provoking in itself but also makes me consider the times when "Mark" may have pondered the meaning of his name as I have mine. Cool.
I appreciate how the first two verses remind me of Psalms. The heavens declare God's righteousness.
The pic is a great illustration of, "All the people will see His glory".
..." seen in this dimension" is thought provoking. Causes me to wonder how He's perceived elsewhere. And, in what form?
The shadowy part of the firmament on the left side resembles Max von Sydow to me. (good morning laugh - he played Jesus in The Greatest Story Ever Told)
Hey Bishop,
God's blessing on your writing!
I like the part about the Holy Spirit dove absorbing into Him...makes me think of our being absorbed into one another (joined in Spirit)...and God's Spirit...the Holy Spirit, in a visible incarnation of that of a dove...came down on Him, and remained there until it (He) was absorbed into Him.
I really liked this too, "You are my Son...My Beloved...chosen and marked by my love, in Whom I take pleasure and with Whom I am completely and absolutely delighted!”
I definitely want to hear and know that each day in my experience that the Lord is completely and absolutely delighted in me, as I also take pleasure in Him, and He takes pleasure in me, awesome!
Love it, thanks!
This morning while Natasha and I were eating Zachary speaks up and says:
"Why do you need money when you have love?",
"love is everything!"
...and a few minutes later he says,"I'm full of so much love I could explode into a million pieces!"
Hope it brings a smile.
Love, Karl
word ver: exallyzy
I've got a really funny picture of Zachary that I posted on my blog, think you'll chuckle...when you get a chance:
Take care!
It did!
Great work Bishop! It speaks so loud. I need to cover my ears. (In a good way)
v.3 Wonder what effect it would have if the o was capitalized in the word, one. (messenger being Almighty's microphone in this desert scene)
John's cry makes me wonder. Were his words recognized or heeded? That why Jesus rode a donkey? Wasn't the entry-way smooth, straight and level?
I like the imagery of v. 4 - the description and role of John, the Forerunner.
Imagine the paradigm shift if he had been called, John the Dashing or John the jogger. Or, John the mime.
5-6 - yes, I can see that!
In MkITN mode, it's (brilliantly) hilarious. I used to read this verse and think, OK, prophets are peculiar - I get that. But, just now, it clicked.
God, the ultimate Sports Authority apparel designer, dressed this spokesman in His Desert Collection for a reason.
Coincidence that camel in Hebrew (gamal), means, "to repay, requite"? This word-garment covered John's physical form.
The elite runner, sprinted on ahead & opened the Gate for Redemption, to be carried on a burden bearer.
promato; now that's a word verification that provokes proactive promotion of the promise contained in the provocative work of Bishop's profound views of our Holy Progenitor. I profess that I am profitting from the prophet's professional production of a progressive project to project a prodigious revelation of the Christ. May you prosper and contine in a prolonged proliferation of your promenade in this part of eternity.
Blessings Bishop, and I agree that this will be exciting. What you choose to do with it has my full support. There may be some cherished lines that do not have manuscript support similar to the woman caught in adultery that you dealt with lovingly in JITN. You have the Spirit of the living God with you and your words will be rhema for we that are with you and generations to come.
Hi Bishop and everyone,
I like the part labeled v. 8, - “but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit...a work that He will do for and in you that you cannot do for yourselves!” … “but the baptism of the Spirit is about a finished brings the ultimate revelation of the Kingdom!"
I love receiving the things I cannot do for myself, like a great massage. The Spirit brings the ultimate revelation, yes! Amen !
This requires openness, vulnerability and strength, ultimate trust. Opening our core to be entered and revealed. Security, Peace, Righteousness from the inside out. Providing the ability to do all things through The Word made Flesh, The Christ, the Prince of peace, knowing our name that only is revealed to every one of us.
This brings me to tonight’s service. I love the way Rev. Swilley rolls. I appreciate tonight’s revealing of what Rev. Swilley perceives. From the Spirit that reveals who we each are - The unconditional power of Foregiveness. Forgiveness most edifies the forgiver. There is residual benefit to the one forgiven, and everyone that the forgiver comes into contact with. Their presence strengthens and brings peace to all they connect with, because The Spirit flows freely. Bitterness hinders The Spirit flowing through us. Forgiving everyone in the world, alive or dead (naturally or spiritually). Every time I hear Rev. Swilley speak, I appreciate him more, and see the branch Bishop stems from.
Karl, absorption – yes !!!!
Izumi/JOY – Excellent connection re Gamal. Priceless and enlightening.
One other comment on tonight’s service (not only tonight, but reminded me again) – Pastor Jimmie, we need your original songs. Many of the people who write what we sing lack what you have. They are future based, you are now. More of you please.
Speaking with an esteemed and insightful friend, considering Emmanuel, and the impact on timelines (starting well beyond chapter 1, the beginning, but retroactive to include all previous chapters) but linearly The Word made Flesh, came in about chapter whatever, 19, 20 ? goes forward and then links back to chap 1 of the story to cha 19 or 20. Like the movie ‘Pulp Fiction’. Remember, that movie starts somewhere in the midst of the story and lops back. Like Emmanuel.
Also, each person , all of us, are like Canaan, the futility of ‘the enemy’ however we perceive the ‘enemy’ is nothing when covered by Emmanuel. The ‘enemy’ is actually merely a tester, as flaws found, revealed to each of us, the adjustments from Emmanuel are received.
Speaking with an esteemed and insightful friend, considering Emmanuel, and the impact on timelines (starting well beyond chapter 1, the beginning, but retroactive to include all previous chapters) but linearly The Word made Flesh, came in about chapter whatever, 19, 20 ? goes forward and then links back to chap 1 of the story to cha 19 or 20. Like the movie ‘Pulp Fiction’. Remember, that movie starts somewhere in the midst of the story and lops back. Like Emmanuel.
Also, each person , all of us, are like Canaan, the futility of ‘the enemy’ however we perceive the ‘enemy’ is nothing when covered by Emmanuel. The ‘enemy’ is actually merely a tester, as flaws found, revealed to each of us, the adjustments from Emmanuel are received.
Compliments to Reverand Swilley for the food placed on our table by him last night. His analogies of the bitterness that if entertained can bring disaster to our lives is right on. This makes me think about the food that J the B ate. The combination of honey and locust (like most people hearing from the unlearned, I believed that to be grasshoppers until somewhere around thirty something) pods described by Bishop. That sounds like a real sweet combination of foods.
Among all the prophets mentioned in the Bible, except for the Prophet of prophets, John has my greatest respect and admiration. I love his honesty. It is also recognized by me that he was the last prophet of the Christ advent.
There are several things that are worth saying here about the presentaion of the gospels in the now. The language that may seem clear and simple is more thought provoking than other versions before it. I was amazed at some of the things that my thought processes had locked in so well that I couldn't see the forest for the trees in some cases until reading these so far. In one such case two of the versions of my choice either footnoted or left out the verse but it blew right over my head that was locked in the KJV version. Bishop placed the fact that these verses did not exist in original manuscripts in the correct order of where the verse is found in KJV. That was enlightening to me on several levels, most importantly how that I had struggled for no good reason with ideas that my heart and soul already knew to be incorrect. Secondly it is more clear to the this reader that the gospels were presented by people who had their own views of what was presented to them by the Living Word they wrote about. JITN presents the uniqueness of a man's view that was seeing as large a picture of the Christ as he could envision. MITN shows a man's view of his hope for an iron fisted ruler that would set the record of religion straight once and for all and the way MkITN is starting off, well I can already see the childlike awareness of a young man who was in total awe of the wonders his eyes beheld.
I also love the way this rendering is already stirring me and it seems to be similar for others based on their beautiful comments.
Thanks Erik @ 12:43 - the imagery of MkITN is so cool, that I actually laughed, wondering how the crowd perceived John the Forerunner: a vegetarian wearing animal skins.
Is God funny or what?
6-8 Kinda reminds me of school plays. When he got to wardrobe, John was handed a camel costume and leather belt, then directed to props. Carob-pods and bee hives?!
Did he say, "You've gotta be kiddin'. OK, what's my line? Lemme see if I got this. You're gonna send a camel from the desert, to lead others to water, then open floodgates for the Living Water. Sounds good to me."
Excellent again Izumi/JOY. I often think about the meeting with God before entering here. Mostly it is broader than what can be described in the natural, but how you imagined John checking out the process before entering the stage , is really good.
Again, thanks Erik. There's such great material here (Spirit, imagery, dialogue - kudos to Bish) that it makes reading Scriptures an adventure.
Hey bloggers...
I'm sitting at the airport waiting to fly home, and reading your excellent comments...
I love all of them, but Anon 9:06 (I think I know who you are)...your summation of the the Gospels would make a great foreword to the published books...
But really, everything that everyone has said is very encouraging and inspirational...
The theme of the conference in which I have just participated was "New Wine in New Wineskins", and I think that everyone who refers to that concept probably has his or her own perspective on it...
But for me, the idea of it is very fresh and real right now...I sincerely desire for this paraphrase to be just that...
Thanks for caring about it, and for seeing it as something that is important...
You're welcome, Bish. I agree - these translations are important. New wine and new wineskins - can't wait for the next chapters; how refreshing those will be.
Angel of the Lord encamps about you. Safe passage home.
(laughing to myself thinking how funny it would be if you found the sky mag where an anonymous person scribbled, "bloginthenow" at the top of the crossword puzzle page)
It is more than imortant!
Safe travels and God speed.
Just thinking about baptism as an outward manifestation of a paradigm shift. We are immersed, made totally wet, engulfed from head to toe with the Spirit. Where could we go to escape this wetness-this permeating presence of the One- we cannot, nor do we desire to. The wetness reminds us of whose we are, the wetness reminds us of our covenant position, the wetness reminds us of our Heavenly lineage...the wetness IS the One- omnipresent, beginning and end, persistent, determined, there.
Hail, hail, Lion of Judah! How wonderful you are!
From anon @9:06 AM 5/21
Thanks for the compliment, I'm glad you liked the summation and you are welcome of course to use whatever you find as significant here. I believe any anon and untitled work placed on the net is public domain anyway but it is certainly gratifying that you respond to us bloggers in the way that you do.
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