1. "Now, back to the subject of the Kingdom of/from the heavens...it's comparable to ten young bridesmaids who took oil lamps and went out to greet the bridegroom.
2. Five of them were silly and undiscerning...and five were smart and perceptive.
3. The five who didn't have a clue took lamps, but no extra oil.
4. The intelligent bridesmaids took flasks of oil to keep their lamps burning for an extended period of time.
5. Well, the bridegroom didn't show up when expected, so as they sat around waiting for him, the bridesmaids all fell asleep.
6. But sometime in the middle of the night someone yelled out, 'He's here! The bridegroom's here! Go out and greet him, as is customary for dignitaries, and accompany him into the city, and to the wedding feast!'
7. Then all ten of the bridesmaids got up and readied their lamps for use.
8. But the five who were irresponsibly unprepared said to the other ones, 'Our lamps are going out...lend us some of your oil.'
9. They answered them, 'There might not be enough to go around...you need to go buy your own.'
10. And they did go to buy their own, but while they were out making the purchase, the bridegroom arrived. When everyone who was there to greet him had gone into the wedding feast, the door was locked.
11. Sometime later, the other bridesmaids, the silly ones, showed up and knocked on the door, saying, 'Sir, we're here. Let us in.'
12. But he answered, 'Do I know you? I don't think I know you.' And he treated them as strangers.
13. Now, obviously the Son of Man knows the people who are His own creation, the foolish ones, as well as the wise ones...but I use this illustration to remind you to stay alert at all times. The operation of the Kingdom is very much about personal responsibility, and you have no idea when a visitation...an answer...a missing piece...a 'bridegroom' for a wedding, if you will...might arrive. So keep your eyes open, and stay ready for Kingdom manifestations!
14. And, speaking of personal responsibility, I could also say that the Kingdom operates like a man who was about to take a long journey, and called his servants together, and entrusted them with his property and investments in his absence.
15. To one he gave about $5,000. To another he gave about $2,000. And to another he gave $1,000...to each in proportion to his own personal ability. Then he departed and left the country, leaving the whole operation of the business with them.
16. The one who had received $5,000 got busy immediately, and in a smart investment deal, quickly made another $5,000.
17. Likewise, the one who had received $2,000 used his skills to double his money, as well.
18. But the one who had received $1,000 just decided to maintain, rather than to multiply...so he went and dug a hole in the ground, and hid his master's money in it.
19. Now after a while the master of those servants returned, and settled accounts with them.
20. And the servant who had received $5,000 came and brought him $5,000 more, saying, 'Master, you entrusted to me $5,000, and here I have made another $5,000!'
21. His master said to him, 'Nicely done, you good and faithful servant! You have been faithful and trustworthy over a little bit of finance, and now that I see what you're capable of, I will put you in charge of a lot more. Consider yourself promoted to live the lifestyle that your master enjoys...consider yourself a master, as well!
22. And then the one who was given $2,000 came forward, saying, 'Master, you entrusted $2,000 to me, and here I have gained $2,000 more!'
23. His master said to him, 'Nicely done, you good and faithful servant! You have been faithful and trustworthy over a little bit of finance, and now that I see what you are capable of, I will also put you in charge of a lot more. Consider yourself also promoted to live the lifestyle that your master enjoys...and consider yourself a master, as well!
24. Then the one who had received $1,000 also came forward, saying, 'Master, I knew you to be a harsh and hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you had not winnowed the grain. I know that you were just lucky in life, and that's why you have what you have.
25. So I was afraid, and I went and hid your money in the ground. But you'll be happy to know that every penny of it is here!
26. To his surprise and dismay the master answered him, 'You lazy, good-for-nothing loser! Do you indeed know that I "reap where I have not sowed, and gather grain where I have not winnowed?"
27. You don't know the first thing about how I acquired my wealth...but you should have at least invested my money with the bankers, so that at my coming I would have received what was my own with interest! Did you honestly think that I would be impressed with the hole in the ground idea?
28. All right, here's what's going to happen. The two of you who doubled your money can keep what I gave you, along with your profits. But take the $1,000 away from this guy, and give it to the one who has the $10,000!'
29. And the master spoke something that is indicative of how the Kingdom works, for he said 'To everyone who has will more be given...and he will be furnished richly so that he will always have an abundance. But from the one who does not have, even what he does have will be taken away from him.
30. And throw the good-for-nothing servant outside in the cold, where he will weep over his missed opportunities, and grind his chattering teeth in regret!'
31. One more thing...when the Son of Man is fully revealed in all His glory, and all His messengers with Him, then He will sit on the throne of Kingdom authority.
32. And the people of this nation will be gathered before Him, along with those from every other nation, and He will cause a separation in them as a shepherd separates his sheep from the goats.
33. And He will have that which is compassionately righteous and sheep-like in them to be at His right hand, but that which is wickedly indifferent and goat-like to be at His left.
34. Then the King will say to those who appear to be at His right hand, 'Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit as your very own the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
35. For I was hungry and you fed Me...I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink...I was a stranger and you welcomed, entertained and took Me into your home...
36. I was naked and you clothed Me...I was sick and you visited Me, and ministered to Me...I was in prison and you didn't forget to come to see Me.
37. Then the just and upright people will answer Him, 'Lord, when did we ever see You hungry and gave You food, or thirsty and gave You something to drink?
38. And when did we see You as a stranger and welcomed and entertained You? When did we see you naked and clothed You?
39. And when did we see You sick, or in prison, and came to visit You?
40. And the King will reply to them, 'This is the absolute truth...in so far as you did any of these things for one of My brethren, especially for one of the least in the estimation of men...one of the disenfranchised...one of the unfortunate ones... one who is overlooked and ignored...you did it for Me. My Kingdom is built on these principles.'
41. Then He will say to those who appear to be at His left hand, 'It's a different story with you...this part of you that is cold and uncaring needs to be gone and cursed...purged in the fires of judgment!
42. For I was hungry and you gave Me no food...I was thirsty and you gave Me nothing to drink...
43. I was a stranger and you did not welcome Me or entertain Me...I was naked and you did not clothe Me...I was sick, and in prison, and you did not remember to visit Me, nor did you care at all about ministering to me.'
44. Then they also will answer, 'Lord, when did we ever see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister to Your needs?
45. And He will reply to them, 'This is the absolute truth...in so far as you failed to do it for the least of these in the estimation of men...as you failed to care...as you didn't even notice the suffering going on all around you...you failed to do it for Me. In your callousness you have violated the most basic principles of My Kingdom, in which the first will be last, and the last will be first!
46. Then those who are uncaring...indifferent...unfeeling...will go into the fire for a period of time...into a fiery trial that will ultimately burn out everything in them that is beastly and goat-like...until, at last, they are empathetic and compassionate to 'the least of these'...until they are like righteous sheep, humble, and fit for the Kingdom...and then all those who are just and upright and in right standing with God will enjoy the fullness of the eternal life."
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
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38. WHEN????
39. WHEN????
40. And the King will reply to them, 'This is the absolute truth...in so far as you did any of these things for one of My brethren, especially for one of the least in the estimation of men...one of the disenfranchised...one of the unfortunate ones... one who is overlooked and ignored...you did it for Me. My Kingdom is built on these principles.'
YOU DID IT FOR ME ! Ah, yes Lord, I pray you look at me one day and say, Yes, I saw......and the part of what I saw I liked the most...was that YOU DID IT FOR ME!
Northern Light
veriword - (liant) taken from liable, a legal term of obligation. We are reliant when we consider and operate in the areas of right actions that we understand at the time and even more reliable when our actions become habitual but when our actions are given from a compassionate desire of making life around us better for those who encounter it without a conscious thought of what we are doing then, just as those who said to the master when did we do these good deeds, our actions are pure against which there is no law.
Very interesting...I can tell there is inner cleansing going on...
I see clues in all verses but right now vs.13, 33, 34 ("appear to be") and 46 are doing the "preliminary" lighted lamp work...
For many years I read these scriptures WAY too many times with fear...(seeing that its still there, I'm looking forward to the release of it)...and frankly am surprised that it is still there.
Thank you, Bishop, this chapter is searching the hidden rooms of my heart and cleansing it from fear...(still in process)...apparently I've lived in this fear a long time...I can tell its going to take a while.
I know what you mean, Avatar...these passages created a lot of fear in me, too, until I really started looking at the original Greek, and began to study the context in which Jesus was speaking to these people who were only familiar with what we call the Old Testament.
And one thing that I think should always be pointed out about the sheep vs. the goats section...whether you believe it means that the goats are a separate group of people who are sent into literal, everlasting fiery punishment or not...the issue with them is not about salvation in the sense that traditional Christians generally think about it...not about confssing Jesus as Lord, or praying a "Sinner's Prayer", or being baptized...it's all about their philanthropy and hospitality, or lack, thereof...
The same can be said of the parable of Lazarus and the rich man in Luke...regardless of how literally you interpret the flames of punishment in the story, according to the narrative, the rich man went to "hell" simply because he was a self-absorbed, uncaring man of wealth. In essence, the story implies that all rich people go to hell, and all poor people go to heaven (I'll refrain from making a political joke here about Democrats vs. Republicans)...again, nothing is said about salvation, or the acceptance or rejection of Jesus as Lord...
It's always interesting to me that when people use these passages to argue their views about eternal punishment, they tend to miss the point of both stories, which is about feeding the hungry and caring for the down-and-outers...
I am definitely on the page with understanding the wheat/tares sheep/goats in me...which is why I was so surprised at the fear that was STILL "connected" to these scriptures...I sensed a very clear difference reading these from previous chapters. "There's that mean God again." Yikes...he was in me!
I REALLY studied these "back then"...in LOTS of paraphrases and looking up Greek words too! These verses ALREADY sound so different in my head. I can hear a loving God now and moreso with every read. Its light overcoming darkness!! Man, I've loved MITN, and sensed its potential but now I know the healing power that it has in the hands of the Holy Spirit.
Now looking forward to finding out what cool things are in this room that just got all lit up--smile!
wordver: herrhit
"inherit"...eternal life...works for me!
Hey Bishop, dropping by to say "hi".
After reading the paraphrase about the wedding here, it reminded me of the "surprise" that Natasha and I had in Chile, 1992.(May 13,too)
You see, we were going to sign some paperwork with 2 witnesses that we were going to be married on July 18 (ya' know, the big church event).
Well, what actually happened when we got there after signing something was that we were moved to another larger room with a justice of the peace, and family and friends started trickling in with smiles and flowers and cameras!
Huh?...well, a ceremony started and while we were holding hands we looked at each other and realized that we were actually getting married THEN, for all practical purposes. Later, her dad said, "oh, I thought you knew!".
Of course we weren't prepared for that so everyone was wondering for the longest time why she went home and I went and stayed by myself across the river in San Pedro.
It all worked out ok as you can see, we married on July 18...but we also celebrate this day, too, as an anniversary one. Maybe I can surprise her with something today?...hmmm.
God bless you!
Love, Karl
"How could men like you who are supposedly intelligent allow yourself to become so dumbed down by details like this?"Man! I would like to say that to some...
"Let me put it this way…you’re just a bunch of snakes…vipers, full of the dangerous poison of dead religion! How do you not see that this whole, obsolete system of yours just needs to be dismantled and thrown into the garbage dump at Gehenna?"Woooohhh!
"they will lead many away from the truth of Who and what the Christ is, in reality."This brings much clarity.
"These events are a part of the natural order of things...but, in another sense, they are also the birth pangs of the destruction that is coming on this nation."Well put!
"the end of the covenant nation of Israel…in a word, the end of the world as you now know it."the REAL end of the world.
VSS 15-22 obviously speeking of the destruction in AD 70
"23. But, if during this period anyone says to you, ‘Look…this person right here is the Christ!’ or ‘That man over there is the Christ!’…do not believe it for a second.
24. For after my resurrection and ascension, the Christ will no longer be manifested and revealed as an individual person"
26. So, if they say to you, ‘Look…He’s out there in the wilderness’, don’t even bother to go out there and look. And if they tell you, ‘He’s in some secret place’, do not believe it."
Rapturist listen closely please.......
"29. Then, speaking to them in poetic, prophetic vocabulary, or in a symbolic language of prophecy that his audience understood from their familiarity with the Law and the Prophets (Genesis 1:14 - 16; Isaiah 13:9, 10; 34:4; Amos 8:9; Ezekiel 32:7, 8),"I like this......
"the sign indicating that this destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple means He is now enthroned in heaven, ruling over the whole earth..."NOW.
"40. As the darnel will be separated from the wheat in you...as the catch in the dragnet will be divided in you...so 'two men', as it were, will be working in the field...one will be taken, one left behind. The full revelation of the Son of Man will take away from you the man that needs to be purged, and will leave behind the real you...the righteous you...the man that He has chosen."Very Good, this really needed to be claified considering the culture and context in which it was spoken. But wont be taken well by many.
"from what he should have been paid as a steward"..."outside in the cold, where his teeth will chatter as he weeps over what he has lost."I have really enjoyed reading MITN; Very clarifying.
I also would mention that I like the inserted scripture references in these verses.
Things will get back to normal soon and you all will have to put up with me more often again.
I just thought about something I studied a while back about "sheep and goats" the word here translated as "goats" is from the Greek G2055 "eriphion" this means a "young, little, small" goat; thus, I would gather "immature"
the only other place I found "goats" in the New Testament was in Hebrews Ch. 9-10 and is the Greek word G5131 "tragos" which is a "full grown" goat. Sooo for me this shed some light on the deeper meaning of these scriptures and how they may be also speaking of our "process" of maturity spiritually.
What stands out to me in the first verse is the number ten. (tithe or a fraction of?)
In the previous chapter, verse 12 referenced "multiplied chaos".
Here, in the second verse, it's division. (preparedness, sure, but not complete)
3 - 30. Lamps & oil signify illumination & anointing.
So... what if the subject isn't about money, but intimacy with the Holy Ghost? (currency)
What if Jesus used this parable to get their attention? (like, sonar - treasures located where their hearts were?)
OH Bishop, I can't resist.
The word ver is: braine
Personally, listening to LifeSkills tonight, I like the way your "brain" works in little circles........boy I giggled !
RE: Wed night service. Thanks Bishop for the word. May we all be more in tune with the Spirit as we give and receive. Take no offense, and if their is offense to be taken, speak gently and forgive. Many are unaware of the power of the tongue. But, the quietness of the spirit can be just as powerful if not more impactful on someone.
Also thanks for the bells and pepper spray joke. See you were in tuned that some of your peeps need some comic relief. And it was just as funny streaming, as I laughed out loud by myself at my computer.
On a heavier note, please have the family and friends of the boy who was killed in an accident from Spencer's School Tuesday am and 2 boys are in critical condition in your prayers. We lift up these family and friends and the boys who are hospitalized, by the stripes of Jesus may they be made whole, mind, body and spirit. May the Glory of God shine through this horrific accident.
God Bless, Pamela T. (Alpharetta)
It's amazing to me that those who talk the most about giving to the "Poor"- themselves, as a rule, give a much lower percentage than those who say little but just do what their heart tells them is the right thing. The first is a demagogue, the second acts like God.
"Wealthy" and "rich" are also terms that are very subjective- ie, a man who makes 10,000 a year overseas is "rich" there, whereas here he is considered below the "poverty" line.
The whole point is, if you have it within your means to help and don't you miss the mark.
It's all about the heart and staying in tune with the one who truly owns it all anyway.
word ver: LARIBILT (my new truck company?)j/k
13. Now, obviously the Son of Man knows the people who are His own creation, the foolish ones, as well as the wise ones...but I use this illustration to remind you to stay alert at all times. The operation of the Kingdom is very much about personal responsibility, and you have no idea when a visitation...an answer...a missing piece...a 'bridegroom' for a wedding, if you will...might arrive. So keep your eyes open, and stay ready for Kingdom manifestations!
Avatar & Bishop- I always thought of this scripture in terms of a fear of being "left behind", but the context this statement is given in shows the way! Once again- "The Kingdom of God is like"...
If all can be shown their own kinship with the Creator and what a benevolent kinship it is, what a wonderful world it would be...
Pamela- praying!
uʍop-ǝpısdn ɹoʇıuoɯ ʎɯ ɥʇıʍ sıɥʇ pǝdʎʇ ı ʎɹɹos 'llɐ ʇɥƃıu pooƃ
So I found myself actually taking notes on surviving in the wilderness! Masterful, Bishop! Wrong :)...but masterful!
31. "...and all His messengers with Him" - never saw that before.
32. "and He will cause a separation in them..." - never saw that before.
Verse 33 reminds me of song lyrics: Salvation belongs to our God.
34. Like Romans 11! (2,5,6)
35-46. Wouldn't it be rewarding if that includes intercession? (reminds me of 2 Timothy 12-15)
46. I release my youngest daughter's kindergarten teacher to God. Reading this verse just reminded me of His mercy.
The assignment was in art. The children were to color an Easter chick, yellow. Problem: my daughter lent her Crayon to another student who took her time decorating her own paper.
Panicked, my 5 year old grabbed an orange one and scribbled quickly within the lines. Instructor walked over, grabbed her work, wadded it up, and threw it on the floor. Told her to start over. But, during recess. Alone.
When I picked her up at noon, her teary question bothered me (and obviously still does).
"Easter chicks can be orange, too. Can't they?"
Beasts, goats, sheep & chicks -mercy, Lord.
You made us all.
Pastor Dennis,
11:25 PM
Avatar, I very much relate to working out my inner fear. It makes me wonder at the reason for it being there sometimes. As Bishop mentioned he also experienced some fear related to these scriptures and that is also comforting to me.
My life experience has seen some terrific moments of personal endangerment with eminent threat of my life, in this realm of consciousness, being ended. At those times there was no sense of fear like what is within me during relative moments of peace but rather a sense of calmness that because the control over the particular situation was out of my hands, the outcome would be according to the will of my God in Whom I trust with every breath I breathe. This is so like the work of Christ in us and is also an important part of the example laid out in the work of Jesus the Christ. It seems to me that working out the internal fear in my life is akin to carrying a cross at times and those times when the circumstance placed in me an understanding that there was nothing in my control that could change it was like abandoning this life on that cross so that what occurred with the intervention of the Holy Spirit working through my spirit was a rebirth or a ressurection of my former self into a new dimension of light. These things happen with people continuously both internally and in the literal sense such as soldier might speak of concerning a battle experience.
These clear renderings in MITN are very helpful to understanding the Light we are to walk in as members of Christ's body/Body. Thank you for your candid expression of humanity and also to Bishop for the realistic agreement that the letter can and sometimes does kill but the Spirit gives life, it is a body/Body builder and I have been greatly streangthened by it.
Yes, Izumi chickens can be orange although it may be a little confusing to them. When we were small, my sister and me were given a baby duck and a chick for easter. Their down had been dyed, one orange and one yellow (circa 1958). We took care of them as they matured and not much after the dye had worn off we noticed that duck would attempt to crow with the rooster in the morning and the rooster would attempt to swim in the double number ten wash tub with the duck. Both were funny and pathetic in their attempts to assimilate. This could be why it is no longer acceptable to artificially change their color with chemicals at birth. Eventhough your five year old at the time was using crayons at the time, you can tell her that as a member of the Christ that it is fine with me for her chick to be orange.
Bro Lar, although you said j/k about the truck company thing, there are many other LARIBILT parts of the kingdom/Kingdom that have come from you and will no doubt continue.
Many Blessings to all and Pastor Dennis, you were too funny with your sign off last night, how did you do that?
My sign off vordver just jumped out at me so I'll share it. It is - fudinsi; Faith United w/Divine Inspiration Now Synergizes Illumination. Hey, maybe the illuminati will read this and it will save the vatican. Ya never know
20-23 - Again, what if the medium isn't monetary. What if it's words?
Like, how John said it was in the beginning.
Remember when Cornelius fasted and prayed?
He must have scratched his head in wonderment at a celestial being's response, "Your words. I was sent here for your words."
What a profound moment that must have been.
Imagine the $5000 word. Wonder what it was. Eureka!? Bonanza? Matinee? Popcorn?
The $2000 word; what was it?
Sunshine? Nap? Picnic? Chex-mix?
But, Lord, that $1000 word. What was so heavy, that caused its burial?
Instead of investing, distributing or expanding God - character, integrity, strength, ability, surety, faithfulness and confidence, did the recipient bury trust?
27. Resurrection - that why You as were so angry with that one, Lord?
28. I can just as easily see Christ saying, "You've been diligent sowing obedience, provision, direction, protection, clarity and exhuberance. Now, both of you bask in My reward.
But, before you do, take that one's words, too - they didn't convert to heaven's exchange."
Thank you Anon 9:30. My first couple of wordvers were: imixgmal and ishen. (God's slapping His knees over those.)
I don't think chickens really care what color coats they wear - long as they're not flour or bread crumbs.
I told my daughter something similar (dyed Easter chicks). Circa 60's, my parents bought each of us one.
In a Matthew 23:37 moment gone horribly awry, Daddy attempted gathering his brood of six children & six baby chicks together in our back yard. He inadvertently stepped on and injured my sister's pet.
The only solution was to put it out of its misery, was what he tried to explain. But, none of us really heard him.
We weren't "good, church-going folks", but "instinctively" my sister blurted, "Let me keep him. I'll pray. He'll live." (talk about the substance of things hoped for - outward show gave the appearance of a broken neck & wing)
I guess her crying wore Daddy down. Against his better judgment, he let her keep it, probably thinking it would pass on its own.
But, God resurrected that little chick. Though its neck stayed in one position & it walked funny, it lived.
Until one day when Momma made stew with dumplings. But, that's another story. On forgiveness.
I am so glad I took time to read everyone's comments this morning, what a blessing!
Tears/concern...to laughter and chuckles.
Verses 35-40 reminds me so much of the BODY of Christ for when we do something for a member of the body we ARE doing it to HIM, HIS BODY, of which HE is the head. Anyone we do that to will strengthen the body, and so strengthen us, too, as part of it!
I'm simply moving the blood along so it doesn't clot!...moving white blood cells in to fight the bad.
Prayers for the boys Pamela mentioned.
The Kingdom of God is like...
Isumi/JOY-multiplied blessings to your girls' heart for sharing.
P. Dennis, loved your stuff.
Avatar, yeah, I understand about that fear-fighting most of us have done.
N. Light - that you've done it to HIM, yes.
Well guys, today was the last day of work for us in this particular work phase of the Census Bureau. What will I do next?...not sure, but asking that you please agree for direction, vision/insight, clarity to see God's providence, and His awesome and abundant provision that is there...thanks!
word ver: peano
remember beano, the product that helps prevent gas. Well maybe peano perhaps eradicates hmmm...
"salmonella" when you've eaten too much peanut butter!
word ver: dingites
-little dingy people?
Thank you, Karl. (she'll be thrilled when I tell her)
P. Avery,
I giggled the first time and the second time I read through these posts at what you wrote. I was streaming in as Bishop started telling that story and I thought, "Oh this is gonna be a good one".......then I thought, well, maybe I'm being too sure of where I think he's going.
I don't think you were the only one to make a note, mental or otherwise, but I smile that you would tell it. Brave one for all the chickens....
It was a pretty good one in the end, wasn't it?
Northern Light
BroLar...ditto what Anon@930am said about Laribilt...and Anon even got some of your wordver anointing going too!
Karl@1100, your wordver definition for dingites: funny. I'm ignoring the first one :)!
NL, yep, the Excellence had to be honored at any expense--I totally did not see it coming. (It was a LifeSkill, of course I would write it down!) That's what separates the comedic men from the boys...
Izumi/JOY, add my high five to your granddaughter. Her experience reminds me of the time I decided to let my youngest in on the secret that the things he would learn from teachers would not always be because they were smart...though he still had to recognize their position. It helped OUR relationship, which was very cool.
I have thought about it, and I absolutely LOVE your paraphrase of verse 46. Although I do not care for the word "eternal" used here; I think I understand why you used it but it just goes against all the other literal translations of this word in defense of Universal Reconciliation.
Hey P.Dennis...if you look at the way I wrote the phrase (and the way I also used it in JITN), you'll see that there's really no conflict...the emphasis is on the word "enjoy"...
I guess I take for granted that my readers are familiar with my teaching on this...eternal life means just that...it is life that has no beginning or ending...to assume that eternal life starts at a salvation or conversion experience, or as a result of the new birth, would be to say that it's not eternal...if it's eternal, it can't have a starting point...
E.W. Kenyon defined eternal life as the nature of God, and I don't have a problem with that definition...but I kept the word in that verse and in that context, not to imply that the sheep or the purified goats would receive eternal life, but that the would start to enjoy it...
I do understand your point though, and I'm open to a suggestion via e-mail of an alternative way to say it...
It is the part labeled v 46, that says everything. All those in right standing (which is everyone, from the previous labeled verses) All do enjoy the fullness of eternal life.
I realize, from the posts here and previous services, and what people in general talk about, that there is a perceived fear that seems to hang on years and decades after Oz has been exposed. I guess it might be the errors of the council of Nicaea, maybe the K. James translators, maybe doctrines, whatever the case, it seems mortal fear has been a cornerstone. I hear it, see it, but it does not compute.
No offense, when it is talked about, I check out pretty much. It is one of those things that is like banging a head in the door. I can empathize without slamming the door on my head. I appreciate the sidestep I took on all of that so much at times like this.
The Bible represents a wonderful part of God’s expression, when rightly connected. The Spirit of the entire collection is also expressed in ch 46, all has been handled already, our kinship is already expressed in every person we see, it is every person we connect with that we connect with God. We give of ourselves to each other. We spiritually and naturally clothe each other, feed each other, connect with each other , and therefore ourselves and God in peace , joy, and right standing.
It is a light yoke, it is encouraging and beneficial. The scariness has no place here and is rejected, disbarred, with no standing in The Court.
All are in right standing, standing straight with fears burned away, with God , enjoying the fullness of eternal life. Amen.
It is the part labeled v 46, that says everything. All those in right standing (which is everyone, from the previous labeled verses) All do enjoy the fullness of eternal life.
I realize, from the posts here and previous services, and what people in general talk about, that there is a perceived fear that seems to hang on years and decades after Oz has been exposed. I guess it might be the errors of the council of Nicaea, maybe the K. James translators, maybe doctrines, whatever the case, it seems mortal fear has been a cornerstone. I hear it, see it, but it does not compute.
No offense, when it is talked about, I check out pretty much. It is one of those things that is like banging a head in the door. I can empathize without slamming the door on my head. I appreciate the sidestep I took on all of that so much at times like this.
The Bible represents a wonderful part of God’s expression, when rightly connected. The Spirit of the entire collection is also expressed in ch 46, all has been handled already, our kinship is already expressed in every person we see, it is every person we connect with that we connect with God. We give of ourselves to each other. We spiritually and naturally clothe each other, feed each other, connect with each other , and therefore ourselves and God in peace , joy, and right standing.
It is a light yoke, it is encouraging and beneficial. The scariness has no place here and is rejected, disbarred, with no standing in The Court.
All are in right standing, standing straight with fears burned away, with God , enjoying the fullness of eternal life. Amen.
but that theY would start to enjoy it...
Erik, looks like we were posting at the same time and said pretty much the same thing, except you said it twice...
Good stuff everyone...
Twice is nice. Especially when it is inspired by a writer of depth and unveiling in a paraphrase that transforms fear into security, as MITN does.
Thanks P. Avery, it's my youngest daughter - not my grand-daughter. Among the benefits of that lesson and teacher, I see compassion for others and grace in my daughter's life.
Erik, I got to say, your 1:51am response to Bish was beautifully stated and very gracious. You, too, captured the complete essence of this/these paraphrases in just 4 words" "...transforms fear into security..."
Well said, my brother.
Erik, havta agree with PM on the phrase, "...transforms fear into security..." It is like perfect Love casting out fear only better because it rearranges the elements of fear into security or perhaps it is a discription of the way pefect Love accomplishes the casting out of fear. All the Love overcoming fear scriptures are probably my favorites. I don't know the same type of peace you described that allows you to check out on thoughts of fear but do experience an increased ability to overcome them on each round of relying on Holy Spirit (I must say that for me Holy Spirit is a manifestation of Perfect Love) to enable me to do what I previously percieved that I could not do.
It is different for all of us but the eternal part of life is the same non the less. It was in my spirit as a child to know that eternal life was something more than a promise for the future based on what we do now but of course it was beyond my ability to describe what my heart already knew until after years of searching scriptures and dealing with the interpretations of those would be mentors whose advise was in conflict with my internal knowledge. I concluded that if God is not Love then there can not be a God that is omnipotent and therefore might as well be no real God at all. That conclusion was somewhat freeing to my internal man but my attempt at fitting into the society around me caused what is probably the shadows that sometimes need to be beaten down. You might imagine just how good for me it is to have been directed to the teachings of Bishop that have agreed with what my heart has known from before the foundation of the world. It has definately opened my eyes to see parts of etertiny that are usually overlooked by most and that is exciting to the person that I am. I love living in this part of history where so many thrilling pieces of information concerning the cosmos and the idea of life without beginning or end have been gathered and presented to so many of us. Many of those whose enlightenment during their own history have contributed this moment are to be honored. Bishop has gathered and compiled correct information about scripture in a plain and yet inspirational format that is also a contribution to our spiritual understanding and will likewise be honored. The most correct thing according to what is real in every perception of God, that Bishop expounds on in his teachings, is that it is more important for us to know the Author of the Bible than to know the words that have been written and rewritten by men through the years and is now falsely worshiped as the end all be all word of God. They were giving to the world that they lived in an interpretation of what they understood at the time about what they were hearing from God. Humanity must keep pace with the Truth that marches on or be left behind. What is being done with Bible in the Now is what should be done as a reference to this period of history that will be seen as an effective contribution to our progress by the incoming generations of Truth seekers.
It is indeed great to be conscious of this and adds great strength to my understanding of the growing light in my life that illuminates my path toward achieving the peace of Perfect Love.
Anon 1047 AM, on sidestepping the fear, I was specifically focusing on that component in relationship to God, and how a perception of this part of Matthew stirs that.
Shortly before I posted, I was speaking with a friend who echoed what others had said about the Bible being fear invoking, the scared kind 'look out God is p***sd' kind. My sidestep on that growing up was staying out of churches. The ones I had seen then seemed steeped in that kind of fear, so I just passed on it.
Which now, I really do not relate to that perspective, nor want to. I realize it is an aspect that is there, and has value in talking out. When it comes up in conversation or in services, I have nothing to offer or engage with it. Except maybe to say 'Really?' But when it comes up, unless in direct conversation with a person and agreeing with them that that is not The Spirit , I checkout. Its like someone speaking a language I don't know, so I checkout until I hear familiar words again.
hey did SOZ disappear?
OK transparent here-that comment was because this is a tough part of the Bible for me. I understand the mechanics of it, I even understand the heart of it, but i can honestly say-so far I still feel like there is a big middle part that is skipped. Like how you can do all the right things and give to the least of these and invest in the Kingdom for the right reasons and the harvest is still just out there. You see the greedy receiving, the last being first and you try to keep your heart right, but you can see why the $1000 dollar guy kept his stuff and was scared to try anything else. Just being honest.
I have rally enjoyed taking this journey with you. My favorite chapter is 25 because the first story that I recited during vacation bible school at the age of five was the story of the sheep and the goats. I don't think the translation was explained the same way, maybe things would have been different if not for the grusome way those verses were explained to me. Working so hard not to be with the goats and go to hell, but never feeling like I measured up. So many wasted years but this is a new day and I know the truth now.
Can't wait for Sunday to come, I had this dream of all my girls being at church with me and that dream is coming true Sunday because my oldest daughter is coming for a visit and that's a major thing because she goes to a church that don't believe in fellowshipping with other churches but God has a way of bringing all things to pass.
Tracy, your honesty is well recieved. I think it is tough for most of us especially if we were taught things that contradict what is real in our lives. I get where you are coming from on the $1000 guy and it is easier for me to think in terms of the others who made wise investments that were rewarded being like those who have invested in the KoG but yes there are those things that happen way out of sync with what I percieve to be right in the manner of reaping according to what is sown.
It is easy to become a little jaded in my view when dwelling on those things and when they come to mind now are more of a signal for me to start thinking on things that are holy, righteous, true and of a good report. That is a manner of side stepping the issue of what seems to be true I know but it really works for me in a good way to kill time until something good comes along kinda thing. All of us are flawed to say the least and most of our discontent with religion and its record of mistakes along the way are just a release from our own personal frustrations over not haven reached that place of perfection we hope for. Eternal Love is perfecting those things that concern us which is to say they have not yet been perfected.
Thanks for the provocation to express agreement with humanity over our progress to date.
Also to Erik, yea I totally get what you said about checking out. That is one of the beautiful things you can be thankful for your rearing about. Most of us that had religious parents have to unlearn so many domatic untruths just to begin understanding true agape. You are way ahead of the class there. That reminds me of one of Bishop's lines about zapping us with one of those things that the men in black used to erase memory so we can hear a passage of scripture for the first time. That is really the kind of excercise we have to self initiate if we desire greater enlightenment on issues that we seem to be stuck on.
It is great to be a part of the Body among this local group of humans.
Agape and see ya ITB tmoro
OOPS! I meant see ya ITB Sunday
Hi Tracy,
Even though I did not involve myself much in churches growing up, I did hear and know most of the parables. This one, I always figured that if the $1000 guy was for real, then no one had anything at all to lose.
That song ' You can't let me down, 'cause I'm already standing on the ground' was how I see that guy. hey, if that's me, then only way available is up, so take the 1k and spend it. The master will be angry no matter what from that mind set, so may as well go all the way, enjoy the 1k since the end result will be the same.
That was an option, but really what it did was say, use what you got, invest in your life, and it works. If I am scared, then may as well go to the max and spend it, then cut out of town before the master gets back, under that mindset.
But if that's all there is, then whatever god that is, kind of sucks. We can see in front of us that God is way more than that, so whatever the $1000 guy is, does not really matter, besides, The Spirit has him covered anyway.
Just say no to a sucky god !!!
thanks Anon-for not judging me and just feeling me. And Erik-I say no to a sucky god.....
Hey Bish,
As I said earlier in the comment; I really love this paraphrase of this verse. As a matter of fact I think it will be the best one in print when it comes out.
After reading your response to my comment and realizing the emphasis IS on “enjoying” eternal or age lasting life” I can totally relate to this phrase from that perspective. I am a little surprised at myself also; realizing that I actually taught the same thing you said in a YouTube video on this verse
OK, so this last comment, touched a thread in me.
The boogey man god just sucks. I know a lot of boogey pushers sell the sucky god real cheap, get people hooked on fear, and then use the addiction to press their spirit down so the pusher takes the spirit the people let go of in fear.
Fear pushers suck. (those in a position of influence hawking the wares of fear) They represent a failed god, and have no added value for us. A lot of them probably used Book of Matthew to mix in with the fear dope, insidious.
Except that even these fear pushers (will you go to hell, will the Russians bomb us, will the terrorists get us, will the flu get us, ) all which lead to sacrificing our beliefs for a non existent natural safety. bombs. terrorists, disease, or hell have no power other than what we give to empower them, or we withdraw the power they take from our fear, and choose otherwise.
Even the fear pushers have The Kingdom within them.
Security is in The Spirit, the authentic self expression of who we each and all are.
Great post Erik and we are agreed that Security is in the Spirit.
That particular truth is eternally advancing humanity and probably other forms of intelligence that are capable of reason in an evolution of ever increasing knowledge in Truth. I once thought there was a goal to be achieved in the pursuit of Truth and goals are mentioned in the Bible as well as in other forms of contemplative writings that reveal the thoughts of Truth seekers but it is more likely that there is no end goal to be reached. It seems that we are already secure and our use of this present consciousness to go with the Spirit of Truth that reveals itself to our own spirits is the only Truth there is. That revelation carries us through this present state, from a former shadow of memory that haunts with the perception of fear if we entertain it, into a greater place of increased Light. The beauty of what I enjoy the most about the teaching that is coming to me from Bishop and CITNrs was clearly laid out by Bishop yesterday in his twenty four points and they all spoke of an ongoing growth in our eternal state of being . He said in a recent teaching that expectation is a deceptive set up for disappointment. That is a real truth for me and has been the source of much frustration over such topics as peace on earth and good will toward man. The obvious lack of peace is like a thorn or a cross at times but what comes to me from looking for signs of its realness have been some of the most rewarding moments of joy that are stored in my place of personal peace. So it is about the pursuit as much as anything else for me and probably for most others too. I am still convinced that I will live to see the promise of peace on earth be a reality beyond what is percieved.
The BITN series that Bish is doing makes me think even more about the Security that is in the Spirit.
In agreement with DBA who I miss here, ain't God good!
My closing wordver is bugsie, that is funny to me and challenges me to do an acrostic so here goes, Bible in the now Unveils God's Spirit Internally Eternal.
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