LITN XVII, Verses 1 - 19
1. Then Jesus said to His disciples, "'s inevitable that people are going to do things that cause other people to stumble, but it's so regrettable for that one who causes it to happen.
2. In fact, it would actually be better for an individual to have one of those huge grinding-stones that they use in the mills fastened around his neck, and then be sunk in the depth of the sea, than to hurt one of these precious, little ones…or to abuse them in any way…or take advantage of their simple trust…or cause them to grow up and become less than what they should have been.
3. So watch yourselves. Furthermore, if your brother or sister wrongs you in any way, you should have the integrity to go and tell him or her about it, directly, and keep the conversation and the whole matter between the two of you. And if he or she gets what you're saying and has a change of heart and apologizes, you have no choice but to forgive them.
4. I mean even if they offend you seven times in a day, and seven times come back to you saying 'I sincerely apologize,' you must forgive them."
5. When the disciples heard how high His standard was for them in this area, they said to Him, "Lord, increase our faith to be able to deal with people in this way!"
6. He replied, "If you have faith, even as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and be re-planted in the sea,' and the thing will actually obey you. In other words, you can do this.
7. This is how I want you to look at it. Suppose one of you has a servant who comes in from plowing in the field, or tending the sheep. Would you take his coat, set the table, and just say to him, 'Sit down here and eat'?
8. Wouldn't you be more likely to say, 'Prepare my supper first, get yourself ready and wait on me while I eat and drink...and after that you may have your supper.'?
9. Now, does the servant get special thanks for simply doing what's expected of him?
10. Well, it's the same with you. When you've done everything that's expected of you, you should simply say, "We're just doing our job...carrying out what we were told to do.'"
11. Later, on His way to Jerusalem, Jesus was travelling along the border between Samaria and Galilee.
12. And as He was going into a certain village, ten men who were stricken with leprosy came to meet Him, but they stood at a distance.
13. And they all called out together in one, loud voice, "Jesus...Master...have compassion on us!"
14. When He saw and heard them, He said, "All yourselves to the priests." And they did as He said, and as they went they were completely cleansed from their disease.

15. But one of them, when he realized that his body was healed and made like new, came right back to find Him, all the while praising God in a loud voice.
16. When He at last saw Jesus, he ran up to Him, threw himself at His feet, and thanked and praised Him, profusely. And, for the record, the man was a Samaritan.
17. Jesus said to him, "Sir, your praise is excellent...but were not all ten men cleansed as you were? Where are the other nine?
18. Seriously...was no one able or thoughtful enough to return and give praise to God except for this one foreigner?"
19. Then he said to the man, "All right...get up and go into your new life as a well society...and know that your own faith has made you well."
Greg Crawford said...
Keep going Bish...... closer and closer
LITN continues to be real.
Copied from the post- Says it all. v 10 sums it up nicely. - Nuff said Spidey.
3. So watch yourselves. Furthermore, if your brother or sister wrongs you in any way, you should have the integrity to go and tell him or her about it, directly, and keep the conversation and the whole matter between the two of you. And if he or she gets what you're saying and has a change of heart and apologizes, you have no choice but to forgive them.
4. I mean even if they offend you seven times in a day, and seven times come back to you saying 'I sincerely apologize,' you must forgive them."
5. When the disciples heard how high His standard was for them in this area, they said to Him, "Lord, increase our faith to be able to deal with people in this way!"
10. Well, it's the same with you. When you've done everything that's expected of you, you should simply say, "We're just doing our job...carrying out what we were told to do.'"
Wed night service cruised. Fun, with depth, and intimate while getting beyond walls, with spiritual aplomb.
Thank You.
i love the picture of the 10 lepers when you click on it
Chandra Currelley said...
That is good bishop,I need that.
The picture with the ten lepers is amazing. Such depth... as the others go about their merry way enjoying their new found freedom and liberty to rejoin society and are no longer made to dwell amongst the outcasts, misfits, etc. there is the one- the LAST ONE that is as well happy to be cleansed and renewed, but show even a deeper and greater concern for the one whom they had received the healing from. The last leper has already decided to return to the place and person from where their healing / health was restored to simply say THANK YOU. In him / her is a spirit of Thankfulness, Gratitude, and Genuine Concern, for he / she is not simply moved by what they have received, but more so moved with compassion and THANKSGIVING to give something back in return, for if it were not for the Grace of the Lord, the one leper realizes that he / she could still be afflicted with the condition and not accepted by others. In the grand scheme of things, he / she is accepted in / by the Beloved, and I perceive shall receive even greater blessings than the healing for he / she treasures and appreciates the GIVER or Life more than the gift itself. Purity of heart and selfless-ness at its finest. Just as this one leper was touched by grace and received healing, he / she understood that LOVE, True Worship, and a heart of THANKSGIVING was not simply a sacrifice, but his / her REASONABLE SERVICE unto the Lord, Our Redeemer, and Healer. Hallelujah for such poignant and prolific insight and revelation. Amen.
Karin Przybilski SAID...
I really love the story about the 10 men stricken with leprocy! Jesus is soooooooo...COOL!
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