I think this is actually the second re-post of this, and I've posted the prayer on the prayer blog before, but I think it's very relevant right now, so I added some pics and put it up again...peace...

"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

Where there is hatred...

...let me sow love;

where there is injury...


where there is doubt...


where there is despair...


where there is darkness...


and where there is sadness...


O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;

...to be understood as to understand;

...to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;

...it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

...and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life."

Grayling Chestnut said...
Thanks Bishop and I will. I shared a message with Pastor DE similiar to this earlier this week. I believe that we are in the right time, at the right moment to see a shift, if we would only pray and submit to the Lordship of Christ.
A beautiful way to start the morning.
Thanks and amen
From FB
Keith Mitchell said...
Yes, Bishop this is right on time. And I think even on it's 100th post it will still be just as meaningful. Thank You ...
From FB
Linda M Curtis...
Yeah, pretty much th words "classic & tmeless" can be applicable. Thanks, Bish.
From FB
Nancy Courter siad...
One of your most memorable posts....a beautiful prayer along with very meaningful pictures! Look forward to being ITB tonight!
From FB
Dennis Caldwell said...
I whole-heartedly AMEN that beautiful, much needed prayer today! I am going to re-post it on my personal blog....Thanks Bishop
Amen...so it IS!
From FB
Harold Lovelace said...
Enjoyed watching and listening to you and D.E. last Sunday..I got some friends to new streaming last Sunday...Keep up the good WORD. Greet CITN for me.
Brian Powers said...
Hey Bishop, thanks for having Jon and I come perform at CITN on sunday.....it was awesome! Also, I am digging the vibe with you and D.E.!!!
From FB
Dennis Caldwell said..
A little late, but "awesome service" Sunday. Unbelievable how busy I am now (I know you can relate and I probably don't have any idea) but anyway; I really appreciate all that you and DE are doing....PRAISE GOD!
I whole-heartedly AMEN that beautiful, much needed prayer today! I am going to re-post it on my personal blog....Thanks Bishop
Looking forward to what the Lord will show us this Sunday......
"when He gave us His life, He gave us His Christ"
Pastor Dennis
...and amen.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be prayed for as to pray for.
Peace to Afghanistan...peace to Christina, Daisson and family.
The photos are just worth looking at every so often.......amazing !
Northern Light
If I'd realized the FB post would have appeared here, I certainly would have corrected my spelling errors when I noticed!(such pain)
Taught me a lesson, thanks for that.......lol
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