Monday, November 16, 2009

That's Life...


Anonymous said...

Debbie Hartwig said...

Thank you for this

Erik said...

Yes !!!

It is only the beginning ...

The purpose to experience the sensuality (see, touch, taste,smell,hear) eagerly. vulnerable..

And ALL the rest expressed in the post.

This, as expressed,all combined and separated detail, the experience God as though each of our detailed experience. Every thought, hope, frustration, joy, that culminates in each moment of experience is Our gift to God, our feedback to The Creator, our Avatar of who We are in The Spirit, experienced and portrayed in This Natural Reality.

This is the point, free to express what We have and perceive in This reality, always communicating to The Creator with our experience.

God receives it ALL.We have free will, and in each moment give back to G-d, Allah, the relay, the experience.

The Creator makes ALL of it a composite of The Creator in This Reality.

Praise God !!!!

Anonymous said...

Keith Mitchell said...

A great way to start the day.

Anonymous said...

Felicia Ramirez Hoffman said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Monday Morning encouragement. But what I really wanted to comment on is you paraphrase of the New Testament. I appreciate so very much the revelation you continue to communicant, that God is Love, and God does not
have eternal punishment planned for temporary mistakes.
I really, really wish you would write the nest book and choose what will probably be the most challenge, Revelation!!!! I had already decidedly become Post Mil, when I discovered your ministry. I think it will be great to see your take on the all the wonderful and positive pictures of victory in revelation. And as you know, this book has been interpreted in many ways by many people. The world could surely use the light of love and optimism from the true revelation.
So please, jump in and do it!!!

Anon in North Georgia

Anonymous said...

Jim Muehlstein said...

How true...We wouldn't be where we are today...if it wasn't for all the yesterdays...How Great is Our God!

Anonymous said...

Nonnie Lemmon...

Bish, there's 6 'the's" in this post. Victory dance! You know what I often do? Forget to close parentheses. So, a lot of what I write, is like one long aside. Then, all my words escape out of the cyber corral. (And, I'm like, "Hold on thar!'

Anonymous said...

LaDonna Paulk Diaz said...

oh bla di / oh bla da!

Anonymous said...

Phil Howard said...

Some would say life is the opposite of death but that's not true. Birth is death's opposite. Life is that wonderful, mysterious, sometimes stressful, ever teaching, experience between the two. I no longer call life 'good' or 'bad'...I call it Beautiful...what ever it may bring. Life just is...

Karl said...

TODAY is the first day of the REST of your life!

Get it!
Jesus gives us the REST of our Him. We enter His REST through believing and serving Him. I will give you REST, the REST of your life...for the rest of your lives.

And TODAY can be the first day of REST for peoples lives...while it is still called TODAY. Hebrews4:7

...through a new and living way of the Spirit, alive to God, living with Him now, and not in old ways and dead works, but faith in the work of righteousness He has already done for us.

Nonnie: lol.

Ladonna: oh bla di, oh bla da!, life goes on...that's what I was thinking too.

Anon: That definitely would be interesting for a paraphrase of Revelation.

So, bishop, what are YOUR first impressions for the next paraphrase(s).

My first thought is ROMANS.

Enjoy this great Monday!

Anonymous said...

Jon Mark Swilley said...

I've got the world on a string sittin' on a that string around my da da..

Anonymous said...

wordver: "diftso"...did not...diftso...did not...DIFTSO!
Shout out to Izumi/JOY, somehow this wordver made me think of you and your playfulness!--(smile)

"without fear for newer and richer experience"---A dessert is richer when it has lots of fat and sugar in it...and Nehemiah told "us" to "eat the fat and drink the sweet"...(THANKS, Nehe!...the sugar coma in the morning is not too cool, though) So I wondered today what really is a "richer experience" in life and here's what I've found:

1-If you think you can buy it, there's a ton of people who will sell you a "richer experience"

2-Since the opposite of Joy is anxiety and the opposite of Love is fear, I'm gonna paraphrase the middle quote as:

"The purpose of life is to taste EVERY life reach out eagerly and without anxiety or fear for the next more joyful, more loving experience."

That sounds rich to me.
Later, Blog Fam...

Karl said...

Goodnight blog fam...(ha), I just thought of THE WALTONS when I said that!

word ver: urencook
"I'm a cook? Well thank you for the confirmation."

Anonymous said...

Joy Foster said...

thank you Bishop! your a blessing !

River said...

So true no matter what Life Goes On

Anonymous said...

Split service name: Morning In the Now, Narthex In the Now, or Life In the Now...Just some thoughts.