Excerpts from THE GOSPELS IN THE NOW (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)

“But seek out and search for a revelation of the kingdom of God in and through every circumstance, and in every situation. And seek it first (or first thing)...before you strive with the circumstance... before you start to worry about the situation…before you fret over it…before you allow yourself to become overwhelmed by it or let it become exaggerated in your mind. And along with your primary search, look diligently for His righteousness, (or His rightness) to be revealed somewhere in the thing, as well. When you prioritize the kingdom in this way, then you can be sure that everything in your personal world will come into order, and that all you need for your daily provision will just automatically flow into your life and will be added to you as a result of your quest. So don’t worry or be anxious about what may or may not happen tomorrow. Live in the now, because the kingdom is always revealed in the now. Deal with tomorrow and what it may bring when it gets here, knowing that tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. As you live each day as it comes, God will enable you to successfully handle each day’s trouble, whatever it may be.”
(Matthew 6:33, 34 - Matthew In The Now)

“Let Me reveal this truth to you...you're impressed with what happened to the fig tree, but the fact is that you have the power and ability to say to this entire mountain, "Be lifted up and be thrown into the sea!", and see it obey you! You've seen me actually speak to a storm...or command the dead to live again...well, in the same way, if you can connect the God-kind of faith that is in your own heart with the creative ability that is in your own mouth...if you say what you believe, and believe what you say...you can produce these kinds of results! This is why I am telling you, whatever you ask for in prayer...whatever you decree...BELIEVE...accept the reality that it exists in another, unseen dimension, simply because you say it. Don't suspend or delay belief until you see it manifested in the physical realm, because what is unseen is more real than what is seen. Be confident that your request is granted to you, and you will get it...your own irresistible faith will attract it to you."
(Mark 11:23, 24 – Mark In The Now)

"And while I'm on the subject of the operation of this new world order, I will also tell you not to pronounce judgment on anyone, and you will live beyond the authority of any one's judgment on your life...do not condemn or pronounce guilt on anyone, and you will exist beyond the reach of condemnation and personal guilt...acquit, forgive and release others from your agendas and opinions, and you will never be limited by the agendas and opinions of others. And give...give generously and freely...because if you do, gifts will be lavished upon you...and these gifts will be abundant (to demonstrate the infinite possibilities of the Kingdom), packed down (to make room for more), shaken together (to make sure that you never receive filler), and running all over the place (so that you never have a sense of lack)! People will come into your life just to give to you, and this is the way that they will pour into the pouch formed by the bosom of your robe and used as a bag. You define your own terms in this, for with the same measure you deal out...with the measure you use when you confer benefits on others...it will be measured back to you!"
(Luke 6:37, 38 - Luke In The Now)

"You see, God’s love for the whole world – His paternal affection for the entire cosmos – was so all-encompassing and complete that He freely gave His unique Son to it, so that anyone from that world who believes in Him would not perish, but would awaken to the fact that eternal life is theirs. It certainly was never God’s intention to send His Son into the world to pronounce a sentence of condemnation upon it. Rather, He was perfectly focused on saving it...on redeeming the whole of humanity, everyone and everything on the planet...through the gift of that unique, manifested Son."
(John 3:16, 17 - John In The Now)
Ok seems like your on the same page as me today. spoke of these same things. giving cheerfully material things. Doesn't it seem each time we give this way we also give spiritually? It's seems everywhere I go God puts people in my life that give physical & spiritual gifts. I love to give not so much for expecting something in return but to see how people react. I see so many people that seem down even more these past few years. I just want people to know they are loved. A smile, A look of surprise, A hug mean more to me me than anything else in this world. Today my husband & I have been talking about my dream and with us talking about it, it's time to put the Dream Into Action.
change is around the corner. I believe that as we put the dream into action that God will set the right people, the right blessings into place. I grew up in my family business and what I have in my heart is simular to that but with my own twist on it. One thing I know what is in my heart will become reality because I declare it will and my husband agrees with me and I feel God will bless it.
It only takes faith to take one step at a time. Each day is an adventure live for today for tomorrow is one step away.
This place is a wonderful sanctuary!
Hey Bish,
I know I don't comment very often, but I do try to read here every day. Congratulations on what's sure to be a masterpiece with GITN! Looking forward to reading in whole!
Thank you for the ridiculous amount of time that you have to put in to produce something like this! It will be worth it and I believe your best-selling book to date! Your commitment to the kingdom and the message of unfailing love is much appreciated and is changing the world one person at a time!
Love you and so proud to call you my pastor and Bishop!!
Pastor Jimmie
Truly OUTSTANDING and Incredible, which are both mere understatements, for lack of better words. The way that the pieces from these 4 books are sown together, the entire Gospel is summarized and personified-- representing LIVELY STONES... basic foundations and building blocks that are to impact humanity as a whole, shining the glorious Positive Light and Reinforcement of God to bring transformation of minds, the healing of hearts! Amen and again amen. Let God's Word stand as TRUTH and everything in opposition to these primordial truths be shown clearly as a lie. This is the day that the LORD has made and I SHALL REJOICE and be glad in it.... Hallelujah! Amen.
Hey Bishop,
Takin the little guy to the dentist today, chipped molar and cavities! He usually cries quite a bit, because of bad past experiences in another place. Peace, and wellness and strenth to him and the situation. Love ya.
Brilliant! Very enlightening!
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