Sunday, November 29, 2009

Holy Spirit In the Now...

Ministering with my cousins, Pastor Beth Bonner and Pastor D.E. Paulk...


Anonymous said...

Erik said...

Another wonderful , nourishing service. Excellent worship with both choirs, the vitality of the word with Bishop and Pastor D.E., The Spirit so energizing, Pastor Beth sharing, the raining of Spirit infusion boost; the receiving of blessing, encouragement, anointing from all the pastors, and the closing Praise & Worship – Beautiful.

ThanksLiving – Perfect.

Our Spirits invited ourselves to a party today, again.

Thank You.

Anonymous said...

Vanessa Oduah said...

Pretty sure today was the best service I've been apart of! Thanks to you and your cousins for staying in the flow!

Anonymous said...

Ebony Thornton said...

Bishop I knew that today was going to be something special, but what actually took place was....let's just say El Shaddai showed up and he SHOWED OUT!!!! Just what I needed going into the work week.

Anonymous said...

Melissa Geter said...

Bishop service was sooooo awesome today, I love my church and enjoyed the shared message "Moving Forward" I recieve that living word, thanks for allow God to use your gift to bless the whole world...

Anonymous said...

Terrell Bishop Teezy Davis said...

Two houses under one Christ consciousness....Awesome tag-teamed word from Bishop Jim Swilley and Pastor Donald Earl Paulk!!! Can't wait until Christmas when CHS worships with CITN again!!! "Surrendered my life to Christ,I'm moving, moving, FORWARD!!"

Anonymous said...

Nancy Courter said...

A lot of healing took place...many prayers prayed today..such a blessing to serve at CITN!

Anonymous said...

Karen Disher Long said...

WOW!!! Nicely done... I am proud to be a member of a place that houses the full manifestation of the Spirit... Thank you Bishop for making this a place I can call home... I love this place, I love this family... Who so ever will... All come...

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the service today as always. However, I don't believe that we have to solicit illegal activities (such as drug dealers, prostitutes, etc.)to generate income. Personally I don't believe that God approves of such lifestyle, but I know that he loves everyone. This type of talk encourages those in bondage. Cain and Abel both gave, but God did not accept Cain's offering because Cain was unrighteous. It's not about the quantity with God, it's all about quality. Illegal activities should not be encouraged and to take the money of murderers and pimps is wrong.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Hey Anonymous@ 10:59...I'm assuming you're referring to what Debye said at the offering...she can answer for herself on that, but I assure you no one here is encouraging prostitution and murder...sorry if that's what you heard...

Larry Usher said...

Hey Bishop- dittoes on today's service being truly God controlled/breathed, feeling of love & family abounded!

Wanted to give a praise report too:

Several weeks ago during a service you gave a word for those of us who just have had nothing seem to go right in a while- well that was me...not to say that God hasn't been gracious and present, but...
During the economic downturn, my income has been drastically reduced and additional jobs/money have been scarce, so I have been doing what I can to keep my house & stay afloat, etc.
Well, after you gave the word, I just said, "That's me, I just NEED a break!" and went up and gave an offering that I really "felt".
This past week I got to the point of calling my real estate agent & told her to put the house up for sale. Before she could get back to me I received a final resolution from the loan modification dept. of my lender- reducing my monthly payment from 1,400 to 798! The first 5 years being reduced to 2% interest! I had to read the forms 3 times before I realized it was real! Larry wept. (Had to throw that in there!) This has infused me with a massive dose of hope!
It has taken a long time for me to be stripped of my "ownership" status to one of truly being a "steward" of the tings in my keep.
I believe this is a practical kingdom key- God owns it ALL, us & everything in our care-we are NOT our own, we are bought with a price; help us to take ownership of this peace, this freedom, this life- asleep in the boat with Jesus as the waves rage around us.

Thanks for listening for and hearing from the Lord Bishop.

Bro Lar

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:59

You must forget what Apostle Paul has said about giving. God loves a CHEERFUL GIVER. (2Corinthians 9:7) Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Or did you forget about the Ministry of Jesus was supported by women that was not as righteous as you stated. Furthermore Jesus the Great Savior of the world was not concerned that much about where the money came from, for the support of His Ministry. The only He was concerned with, is the heart of these people that was able to give up what they have to support what they believing in.

Anon 10:59, today if there was one word that needed to be discussed or even meditate on will be when Bishop’s cousin Beth says: she cannot wait for the day when all of us the Body of Christ can look one another and not judge them with our canal eyes, but rather see them the way God sees them, and love them regardless.

I do feel for you, because I can see that you’re still on bondage within your own mind. This person wants or would like to come out of bondage by wanting to let go of the very thing that can set him/her free, and you with your religious self- righteous wants to keep him/ her there. Sorry to ask you this question. What have happen to you? How die and make God? I truly really believe God is a very, very, very BIG BOY He does not wants you or me to make any unnecessary comments for him.
Let us stop our negatives thoughts towards others and start thanking God for the lost one’s that have a desire to participate in the enjoyment of experiencing the power of God through the Holy Spirit by releasing what he/she has.
May the Lord open your heart to forgive him/her for his/her illegal activities, and also forgive yourself, for your own understanding of what was said today.

God bless

Anonymous said...

What I heard Pastor Debye say is that God loves you , even if you are doing something illegal and in doing so you are free to give just like any one else...God loves US ALL!

Anonymous said...

Nicola Mason said...

What a moment you have brought to me such a freedom...This was such a blessing.

Northern Light said...

The service was pure joy and such a true experience of our REAL GOD! I will tell you that I felt a burning in my heart, right thru my chest and had eyes closed, opened them up, looked at the screen and saw Bishop touching Pastor D.E. heart and then realized what was happening. Now, whether it was for me or just a connection in spirit with what was happening, don't for one second think that I didn't feel "present and ITB".

It's a new season for me today, the "first day of the rest of my life" for reasons some know and some unaware..........but HE was present with me all the way and always is ! Yesterday's service gave me an additional Holy Spirit kick and it is a blessing to me today, beyond explanation.

Peace ~
Northern Light

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your comment Bishop. This isn't a deal breaker for me. However, I do not agree with Pastor Debye's statement. She went on to say that even if you (illegal activities people) don't want to be delivered, the church will still accept your money.

I also believes that it does matter where the money comes from expecially if you know that it came from any type of illegal activities. We are not saved by giving our money and we won't be delivered/saved by giving our money. We must repent (Change of mind, attitude and direction). When Judas betrayed Jesus, they would not put the blood money into the temple treasury. They bought a potters field called the Field of Blood, Matt. 27 God's law is higher than the President of the United States, and President Barack Obama would not accept money that came from illegal activities.....

SCRIBE said...

Wow! It seems that someone seems more than bent out of shape... or is that merely a perception? Really now, IS OFFENSE NECESSARY? Jesus also spoke several times about being offended. Yet if one is offended by anything that Bishop or Pastor Debbye, or any other minister of God speaks, then should not the matter be taken up DIRECTLY with that person as opposed to doing so in an open forum and posting anonymously? Both Pastor Debbye and Bishop are quite approachable people, and providing there was some type of misunderstanding / misinterpretation, may the Word of God stand as Divine Truth and everything contrary to that stand as a lie. We should all inquire of the Holy Spirit for what HE deems as TRUTH and provide to us the understanding and revelation knowledge to be imparted with the Spirit of PEACE, LOVE, and WISDOM in all things.

Many were offended at Jesus, yet that still did not prevent HIM from delivering the TRUTH by way of the Holy Spirit. At some point we must ask God to help us to step OUTSIDE of ourselves, our own paradigms, personal experiences, etc. so that we may properly discern and receive what is being delivered. To the PURE at heart, all things are pure. Therefore, may we all seek God so that we may sift through the dirt, debris and rocks in our minds to pick out those seeds of nourishment that sustains LIFE. As opposed to being stuck in our own interpretation of what was said, may we ask GOD to enable us to HEAR WHAT HE IS SAYING in all matters of life. Before we draw out swords to cut off the head of another, is it possible to drop the swords (especially our leadership),should we not think of beating the swords into plow shares when necessary, that we may plow up the hard ground in our own lives so that it may be fertilized with the Words of Life and TRUTH that brings about Healing, Deliverance, Repentance, Love, and Reconciliation to God Himself- by way of the rivers of living water that is to be pouring through us all, serving as wells of nurturing / hydration to others?

May we be so gracious and compassionate to our Leadership and those in authority to faithfully PRAY FOR THEM at all times (and when we are OFFENDED with them) our prayers for them are ineffective, and then we erect obstacles and hindrances in our own lives that shall ensnare us more so than others. May we ALL PRAY FOR PEACE, WISDOM, and be gracious enough to our leaders... for the same measure of grace that we are willing to extended to others should be NO LESS than the grace and mercy that God has generously bestowed upon us! Now, is there a witness in this sanctuary / house of worship and praise, or has all departed? Peace be unto ALL on this day and may God grant us Wisdom and insight of His Spirit so that we may receive all that He desires to give to us, as we shall be ever so careful not to miss out on HIS processions of Glory in getting tripped up by a pebble that we have made into a mountain or treacherous volcano....

Anonymous said...

I’m not sure where this is going, but the people in my section of the church were uncomfortable by her statement. I heard their negative response. I think that she needs to explain herself.

Anonymous said...

John Wanza said...

Bishop, A heart filled of thanks to you and Pastor D E. Service was outstanding yesterday. All I can say is how Great is our God..What was your manna today?

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Yeah...I'm still aware of the strong presence of God from the altar manna?...still chewing on it...

Anonymous said...

If people in "your section" of the church were uncomfortable by anything that Pastor Debye said, then maybe those people, including you should make an appointment with her to address your concerns face to face, instead of gathering together after service, comparing negative notes to determine who was more / most offended and probably having a gossip session or roasting over the telephone. Our Pastors and leadership are human and spirit. They should not have to be in the business of smoothing everyone's ruffled feathers and appeasing large egos or catering to small minds. God and CHRIST are BIG enough to handle theirs, so everyone else should start working out their OWN SALVATION with fear and trembling, and BEING OFFENDED, backbiting, grumbling, and complaining is as big of a sin as any other... what if being offended was illegal? Lord have mercy on us all... The word even says that if anyone is offended with his / her brother or sister at the altar when they go to present their gift to God, let them go FIRST and be reconciled to that brother or sister and THEN go and present their offering. It would seem that the offended heart is alot less gracious than those who acknowledge their faults , sins, illegal activities, etc. Judgmental attitudes and fault finding with everyone else is just as much of a trap as anything else that we see as being wrong because usually extremely critical and judgmental folks hide their issues behind "religious notions", where the obvious sins of others are picked apart and made spectacle of.

If the only thing that some folk were able to take away from the service was their problem with what Pastor Debye did and did not say, then that is such a shame, being that the Holy Spirit obviously was not offended because God showed up miraculously and permeated the atmosphere and touched so many lives and healed many who were broken.

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

All right, everyone...settle down...I don't mind some lively discussion and even an idea exchange, but it's time to chill here...I'm not avoiding the issue...Debye can answer if she so head is just in a different place...get back on the peace train...

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:59
Again, I strongly do not believe Pastor Debye, has anything to explain to anyone. In Ps. 51: 4 David said: Against God and only God that he has sin.(Has she sin?)She was only saying what the Spirit was given her to say). Therefore, no one wanted David to explain himself to them, because they knew he (David) did not owed them any explain.

Anon 3:59, I would suggest to you to let it go! And DO NOT TOUCH GOD ANOINTED. Like scribe said to you examined what you have heard before you bring it out before an open forum like this one. If the people or the section that were by you were offended why then only you feel big enough to say something. Do you think that make you BIG! Well, in my book you are NOT!!!! ….

If you never said anything out of the ordinary, that’s very good for you. But in the book of John chapter 8:7 “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.

In Romans 14: 13- Therefore let us Stop passing Judgment on One Another. Instead, make up your mind not any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way.

V. 16- Do not allows what you consider good to be spoken as evil.

V. 19- Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.

Hebrews 5:13-14- Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. 14- But solid food is for the MATURE, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish GOOD from EVIL.

Anon 3:59, let us be Mature on the things of God. Our Leaders have made it easy enough for all of us to come to them when we don’t understand things they might have said. My exhortation to you my dear brother or sister, if you are a member, of Church, and to all of us the Now members, I believe that we are, I will suggest when we have something we are disagree of , or have something we desire to discuss with our Leaders, we don’t have to use this blog or this open forum to make our points.
Also, we need to be aware why our Bishop created this blog. It was not to come to an argument when ever we don’t like what he said or what we heard. Let me remind us if I may! This particular blog was created by our spiritual father, so that he can develop a relationship with us, his spiritual children.
What is the matter with us? No wonder! We ourselves make it hard for him and ourselves to develop the kind of relationship he really intended this blog will do. So if we cannot have a non-judgmental relationship with him, how are we to have one with our Heavenly Father?

Remember members, not to hindered those that are still outside who may be reading this blog. Please try very, very hard to keep your comment to yourself until you can bring yourself to speak with our Leaders one in one.
Thank you and May the Good Lord bless you!

Let us live in HARMONY with each other.

SCRIBE said...

You have spoken what is pure and right with a heart of LOVE- Anon 6:33. May God bless you richly and reward greatly those who are the Peace-Makers. A word in due season spoken in Love is like a comforting melody to a hurting heart.

Bishop, THANK YOU for your manifold Labors of Love that you have bestowed upon us. You and Pastor Debye are wonderful "Parents" to us all and I thank God for your family and pray always for you. I am Most Thankful to God for all that He has imparted into you and for your words of wisdom, encouragement, and assurance that you provide. Most of all, THANK YOU ALWAYS and Forever for never failing to Keep it Real!

This place is also the "CyberCity" Set Up on a Hill. Thank you for creating / building THIS HOUSE for us to come and eat of the table to receive blessing, mercy, healing, understanding, peace, wisdom and true relationship from this global family stitched together as a coat of many colors. May God bless all who come here to worship HIM and serve as a blessing to others.

Anonymous said...

It was a dunamis day, Sunday...and a reminder that ITB or ITS have their privileges.

Like sharing pictures from a vacation [or carrying the shell from the ocean] they're great memory joggers but not if there are no memories to jog...and, of course, the sound is missing. This is certainly not a complaint...its a "man, you gotta be there next time" encouragement!

Bro Lar, your practical kingdom key may get buried in the field here, but I can't let your post go by without agreeing wholeheartedly that it is an important key. Congrats on your stripping!

And, so as not to ignore the elephant in the room...I think it was Pastor D.E. who said (my paraphrase), "hang in there while we figure all this out...together". I'm blessed by everything about CITN...where perfection is not the goal, Love is; where all the men are handsome, all the women are strong and all the children are above average.

For some, that Lake Woebegon-ism implies people aren't looking at "the truth". But here, it means we see the Spirit and by the flesh...and we're working it out, committed to the goal of Loving Anyway.

The day is THAT is really cool.

River said...

I agree Bishop. Everyone today is a new day move on. Where is the Love?

Anonymous said...

Jeff Nix said...

Sunday Service was great, Thanks too for the 9 + 11 :)

Northern Light said...

Did you read where my heart burned in my chest during service on Sunday? Now it just hurts reading all the debate on a comment made by P. Debye.

It's been said, reaction has been stated, take it up where you must, carry on.

Enuf said !!!

Northern Light

Unknown said...

Good morning All....WOW, I had no idea this discussion was taking place...did not get to read the blog yesterday...

When I woke up that morning, I felt so strongly that there would be someone who would feel unworthy to give because of their occupation...I gave the word as I got it never thinking it would be offensive in anyway....I am so aware of how much I totally depend on the mercy and grace of God and my heart was filled with compassion for those who cant see themselves receiving that same mercy and grace...after all...where sin abounds grace much more abounds...

Please hear the Spirit and not judge by the letter...the letter kills..but the Spirit gives life...

I make no apologies for loving, accepting and making the "unlovely" is the Goodness of the Lord that brings people to worked for me...and it is Love that never fails...

Thanks for your faith in me bloggers! Your awesome...and I love you all very much!

I am an example of God using the foolish things of the world to confound the wise! Woohoo!

Have an awesome day! Carpe Diem!


Anonymous said...

Amen P.Debye...where would any of us be without the mercy & unconditional love of God...the money they sow may be what brings them their key to the kingdom that they need in their lives...and open their eyes to the truth..All I know is that HOLY SPIRIT showed up BIG time...
here to Worship & Serve

Anonymous said...

Jean de Sousa said...

What a WONDERFUL day..I bought the CD, which I usually
do, and continue to be blessed... Thank you Bishop and Pastor D.E....

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone, how are you doing? Hopefully you are having a great day… I have been monitoring this discussion and I think that we can agree that it’s ok to disagree. Bishop has told us on many occasions that we don’t have to eat everything from the table. Please hear me in love, please. This issue is what was said by Pastor Debye. I totally agree with her that we should accept everyone regardless of their occupation and who are we to judge, we don’t have a heave n or a hell to put anyone in. And we should never judge anyone. The only time that we should look down on anyone is to help pick them up. Therefore the problem isn’t judging others. And I did not get that from the bloggers response.

The issue is Pastor’s Debye statement: She said that God loves those who are doing illegal activities (ex. prostitutes and drug dealers) and they are free to give and by doing so they may be delivered. Even if they do not want to be delivered, the church will still accept their money.

Now problem that I have is the part of accepting money from those who do not want to be delivered. Please hear me in love. I love Pastor Debye, but I have to disagree with that statement.
I read her comment and totally agree with her 100%. However, she did not acknowledge the issue which is receiving money from those who are doing illegal activities, even if they don’t want to be delivered. I believe she made an honest mistake by making that statement, honestly. I don’t believe that she really meant that, maybe it just came out wrong. I was hoping that she would have commented on that part of her statement because I don’t believe that she would attend a church that really believes that. I am trying to wrap my head around this issue and so is my family and friends.

If want she said is what she meant, then we can no longer be affiliated with such low morals because it is unethical and wrong. If what she said is what she meant, then the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.

Please hear me in love...