Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
- Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 1850

ey bloggers...I hope that all of you had a beautiful and blessed Christmas, and that you’re anticipating and expecting great things for yourselves in the new year. In spite of a lot of things that are going on in my personal life and in the ministry right now, my household actually enjoyed a very peaceful and prosperous holiday, for which I am quite grateful. God is good. And now, hard as it is to believe, 2010 is soon to arrive, and with it comes new possibilities and new challenges for us all. I’ll talk about all of that in a minute, but first I want to give you who are interested and/or concerned a little update on what’s going on at Church In The Now.

s many of you know, a couple of weeks ago I shared with the CITN congregation some very serious and sobering news about our current financial situation, particularly as it relates to the security of our property. I also referred to it here on the blog, and immediately received an outpouring of response to what little I did say. I was surprised, truthfully, at the number of people who either called or e-mailed or texted me about it who aren't a part of CITN...people with whom I rarely speak...people who are not really a part of my current, every day life. I had no idea that so many of them visit here silently and in secret...in fact, I was glad to find out that the blog still garners such interest, especially because the number of daily comments has tapered off, considerably.

utting it in perspective, however, I really think that the decline of participation in the blog is probably due to two things...one is the fact that for the last year I've used it mainly as a vehicle to write
The Gospels In The Now, through which it became much less topical and interactive...and the other is the immediacy and accessibility of Facebook, where many of you seem to prefer to communicate with me. Anyway, it's all good...whatever works for you is fine with me...I'm just glad to know that I have friends and supporters who are still out there, and BLOGINTHENOW remains important to me. Of course, I realize that I created too many other blogs this past year to keep up with...it's hard to explain how my brain works with my gift...in a word, I don't
like to create things, I
have to create things...for me it's like breathing (I say that to keep from saying that it's a compulsion). But even though there are too many of them now, I don't want to delete any of them because I put a lot of work into them, and they each contain a lot of good stuff.

erhaps I should get back to the main topic now (I only have so many letters to use in this acrostic). The bottom line is that we have had a persistent problem of lack of participation in giving at CITN that began the very first Sunday we were in the new building 4 1/2 years ago...a problem that has finally caught up with us. That first Sunday the finances dropped dramatically, and we've been trying to recover ever since. I think that, psychologically, the people felt like we had raised the money for the building, and now that we were in it they could relax in their responsibility to keep it solvent (and they did).

ou add to that the country's current economic situation and widespread unemployment problem (which has affected every church), along with the fact that at CITN we don't threaten people with missing the rapture or going to hell or being under a curse if they don't give, and you have a recipe for an operation with all outgo with very little income. The other major financial factor has been the free streaming over the internet of every service that we have offered for years. I don't know how free streaming has affected other churches (it's a wonderful service to provide for people who can't get to church because of sickness or who are living out of town), but in our case it has created a situation in which hundreds of our local people stay home and watch, rather than actually come to church, and, for the most part, when they don't attend, they don't give. I really regret that so many of you out-of-state streamers (cyber-CITN) seemed to get the short end of the stick on our doing away with it (at least for now)...I know that the streaming was your church and you miss it (and you've let me know!)...but when you have as many or more of your congregation sitting at home in front of their computers on Sunday than are actually ITB (in the building), and not supporting financially, then, Houston, we have a problem. Fortunately, those of you who live out of state can still get the services on mp3 and on CD and DVD.

ow, I'm fully aware that the Scriptures say that we shouldn't give "grudgingly, or of necessity":
Let each one [give] as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves (He takes pleasure in, prizes above other things, and is unwilling to abandon or to do without) a cheerful (joyous, "prompt to do it") giver [whose heart is in his giving].(2 Corinthians 9:7 - Amplified Bible) And for that reason, I'm very reluctant to talk about these things, which is why I rarely do. People should give because of their love for God, and their covenant with Him, not just to pay the bills. But when the bank starts throwing around words like "foreclosure", I have no choice but to talk about it. I also know that the church isn't a physical building...it's a spiritual house built with living stones...and I never lose my focus on that fact. But I do think that there is something very special about what we've built here...something worth fighting for and keeping...a "Metron"...a geographical location that houses our message, and makes a statement of permanence to our community and to the world.

very year I like to come up with one of those rhyming themes like
"We want more in 2004", or
"Come alive in 2005". For this coming year I keep hearing in my spirit
"Begin again in 2010", and that could mean any number of things for me and for CITN. I've considered many options and possibilities, should the worst happen, but I don't think that beginning again in another location is best-case for me or us, especially after all we've done to develop these 43 acres on I-20. I know that my gift will always make room for me somewhere, but I would like to think that "begin again" means "begin a new, more responsible, more mature
Church In The Now right here at 1877 Iris Drive in Conyers is in 2010! This is especially true because it's so doable...if everyone would just simply do their part, we'd have absolutely no problem. Period.

hatever 2010 holds, I am confident that the Lord will perfect that which concerns us all. I am of the school of thought which was held by Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who said, "We believe the Lord will deliver us from the fire of this furnace, but even if He doesn't, we will not bow to Nebuchadnezzar!" In saying that, they revealed the concept of believing for the best, while being prepared for the worst, which basically caused them to be invincible. No doubt, I have learned from experience that in every chaotic situation, once the smoke clears and the dust settles, I always find myself standing...and I don't expect this current situation to be any different. I'm not afraid of the future. But I'd be lying if I said that it wouldn't break my heart to lose everything we've worked for, because it certainly would.

ou must know that it's very hard for me to make myself vulnerable like this on the world wide web. I prefer to always keep up a solid front, and only exalt the good stuff. But our current situation is serious enough that I am forced into discussing it in public. That's the reason that I opened with the Tennyson quote
..."Ring out the false, ring in the true"...it's time to tell the truth...and the truth is that CITN needs a paradigm shift...to move from just loving the ministry to supporting and taking ownership of the ministry (Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also...and where your heart is, there will be your treasure also)....

nvision a world...your world...without Church In The Now in its present incarnation. Imagine no Sunday services on our campus...no Wednesday night Bible Study...no CITN Cafe'...no Project 404...no Kids In The Now...no Kidzzone Learning Center. Think about what it would be like to drive down I-20 and see our beautiful campus vacant and overgrown, or perhaps see the buildings converted into something other than a church. If you are a part of CITN and aren't supporting what we now have, you could very well see that sight soon and be able to say "I helped do that...I helped make that happen by not helping". I know I'm being a little heavy-handed with the imagery, but we just have a little of window of time to turn this thing around, and I have to use every opportunity to make the point.

nyway...enough about that for now. It's a new year, and I do want to speak a blessing over you all concerning it. I pray that in 2010 you find within yourselves inexhaustible reserves of potential that you have never even come close to realizing before. God says, "I know the plans I have for you"...and those plans are all good...and I say that they unlock all that potential for you. You have far more intelligence than you have ever used, and in the new year, I believe that you will tap into a whole new level of that intelligence. I say in faith that some of the greatest achievements of your lives lie ahead of you in 2010, and that some of the happiest moments of your lives are coming to you in the next 12 months, along with some of the greatest successes you will ever attain. You are blessed when you go out (of 2009), and blessed when you come in (to 2010).

each forward to what lies ahead, while you forget those things which are behind. Let me leave you with this:
“In other words, it’s just pointless to worry and be anxious, saying, ‘What are we going to have to eat?’ or ‘What are we going to have to drink?’ or ‘What are we going to have to wear?’ For the nations are obsessed with these kinds of things, yet the fact remains that your heavenly Father already knows full well that you need them all. But seek out and search for a revelation of the kingdom of God in and through every circumstance, and in every situation. And seek it first (or first thing)...before you strive with the circumstance... before you start to worry about the situation…before you fret over it…before you allow yourself to become overwhelmed by it or let it become exaggerated in your mind. And along with your primary search, look diligently for His righteousness, (or His rightness) to be revealed somewhere in the thing, as well. When you prioritize the kingdom in this way, then you can be sure that everything in your personal world will come into order, and that all you need for your daily provision will just automatically flow into your life and will be added to you as a result of your quest. So don’t worry or be anxious about what may or may not happen tomorrow. Live in the now, because the kingdom is always revealed in the now. Deal with tomorrow and what it may bring when it gets here, knowing that tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. As you live each day as it comes, God will enable you to successfully handle each day’s trouble, whatever it may be.
(Matthew 6:31-34 - Matthew In The Now)

Know that all who love you are keeping you very close in prayer!
Sometimes I feel shut up like Zechariah. That or Jonah, can't tell sometimes. But, just like Willie Nelson says, "You were always on my mind CITN.."
As for me... I just know something even more glorious is going to appear out of all of this. Frost tells us that, We can dance around a ring and suppose, or sit secretly in the middle and just know..
Well I know! We know what is happening in this seeming illusion of not knowing. The Spirit never fails. Nothing has changed. If things seem as if they have, we only draw closer to what it is that drags and propels us on. This Spirit inside each one of us, our Great I Am! It is changeless; perfectly crafted, and purely effective towards and through us all. We do not fear. We do not end in our adversities or say to any thing that this cannot be or that is to be as that. All is, and we are. The unity of Spirit cannot be arranged and represented by yesterday’s reality. We are the creation of hundreds of relationships, creating and recreating us. And no doubt we will be going on together into higher realms and connections in love. Love can never fail us. Love is timeless and omnipresent. Love is God.
Love rule in our heart fresh this day.
Grace, Peace, and Big Big Love to all you wide eyed see-ers of tomorrow.
Feed the sheep Bishop! Just keep feeding the sheep. We see you!
We all die the death, to be made a servant of love in this one thing made.
The picture:
I see 2010 coming down from heaven as a gift, breaking through the ground that was the year before. Fresh new growth that can break through any fortified wall built against us in 2009.
Don't be afraid of what's before you, for "SEE!", I HAVE GIVEN THE YEAR OVER TO YOU. (...as the city of Jericho was handed over in Joshua 6:1)
As God commanded Joshua..."Be strong and very courageous...do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go (in 2010).
So, ... "go through the camp and tell the people, 'Get provisions ready for yourselves, for WITHIN THREE DAYS you will be crossing...to go in and take possesion of the land the Lord your God is giving you to inherit.'" (Joshua 1:9-11)
Yes, in THREE DAYS you will be crossing into 2010.
It is a gift from heaven, a land that is yours to inherit and possess. Be STRONG and VERY COURAGEOUS if you already see something in the natural that looks like a walled city to you in the year (land) to come.
May you hear God's voice saying to you, "SEE!, I have handed it over to you."
Go in, take possession, encompass and surround those things...for God will cause them to crumble before you!
..."MOVE FORWARD, march around what seems to be a fortress to you, that walled city,...and blow that horn and give a mighty shout! Then the wall will collapse, and you will ADVANCE...straight ahead."
-(Thoughts from Joshua 6:5,6)
Darlene Runner said...
Good morning Bishop. We have eyes to see and ears to hear.....waiting with hopeful anticipation on your continuation.
Stacy Bartel said...
It's strange how people read you in secret and do not offer feedback.....that has been a really big point of disappointment to me.... I would pour out my heart in my writing and not really get a response.... then see people out and they slip in a comment letting me know they are secretly following me.... what I write... It would even get to where I... See More wanted them to even disagree rather than just be silent....... BUT do know this.... we do it unto the Lord, so, our focus has to be that HE will never let us down...... people will. He does flow through people though.... and He will make sure that we do have people that will reinforce we are going in the right direction....Remember that Jesus trusted himself to no man....oh, BUT we can trust ourselves to HIM!!! Good things are acomin...... :)
Stacy Bartel said...
p.s. tapes that I am on now are the Destiny ones done in April 97.
Nicola Mason said...
Glad you and your family had a great holiday season inspite of it all...2010 is going to be great!
John Wanza said...
Bishop, I heard that! So be it..
Dennis Caldwell said...
May the new year bring you, your family, and our church overflowing blessing.
Grace, Peace, and Love to you and yours,
Yes, there are those of us who still breathe here, and always have. FB has created more chat, but this is a special place, and those of us that have been here appreciate it for much more than just talk.
Keep up what you're doing, HE loves it as much as we do.
Peace ~
Northern Light
Northern Light I agree with you. This is a special place where God speaks through Bishops gifts and yes that is much more than just talk. Although I have a FB page I have not connected there, not sure why, but I do love this blog...(I like all the blogs)It is a major part of my day every day and now with out streaming my only connection if I can't make it ITB from up here,which happens sometime.
Anyway, Peace for the New Year with Love and Light abundantly showing. Good things are coming.
Debra M.
Bishop just wanted you to know that I really got something out of the message before and after Christmas. I love coming to both services its like I get a preview then the main course. It was so funny how I was telling my friend "I see" something happening in my life and then you would come back and speak on the very same thing, talking about a conformation. We just looked at each other and but I didn't want to say that in front of everyone. I've being saying this will happen for the last fifteen years but "I see" it now and I believe the time is right. Thanks for the right now word.
2010 Where New Faith Begins.
This year take each day as it comes by. Be ready for anything but don't be disappointed if it doesn't happen the way you think it should. The timing is His so relax and take each day He gives you to heart. The best is before us.
201O Where New Life Begins
A "blue moon"(second full moon in a month) happens on New Year's Eve.
Hey Bishop,
This song's been in my head since Sunday, when we were all talking and singing about Moving Forward. Now I remember, it mentions about moving forward and straight ahead, but I never knew the rest of the lyrics, which are quite positive...you might remember it:
Devo Whip It lyrics
crack that whip
give the past the slip
step on a crack
break your momma's back
when a problem comes along
you must whip it
before the cream sits out too long
you must whip it
when something's going wrong
you must whip it
now whip it
into shape
shape it up
try to detect it
it's not too late
to whip it
whip it good
when a good time turns around
you must whip it
you will never live it down
unless you whip it
no one gets away
until they whip it
i say whip it
whip it good
-------word ver: curfo
"I'm up way past my curfo"
What do we name 2010?
The seventies, eighties, nineties...20 X?
I love this from AYITN..
Today I will prophesy to creation and announce that the earth is the Lord's. I will pull out of the invisible realm what needs to become visible to the natural eye.
That is just one of my prayers for CITN in 2010....
I have to say what lies so heavy on my heart:
If CITN were to relocate, it would completely change the dynamic of what CITN has meant to the immediate community and those it has affected worldwide. We have not been an infinitesimal part of any life. All that encounter CITN are forever affected. I came to CITN ten years ago. Prior to that, I never attended church. I knew God, I spoke to him, and I went about my business. It wasn’t that I thought church was a waste of time. I just hadn’t found a spiritual home that fed me. The moment I walked into CITN and heard Bishop speak, I knew CITN would always be in my life. My spirit is in turmoil to even see Bishop speak of the word ‘foreclosure’. I dare to ask – How can this be? But I know the answer deep down inside because I am guilty of the very thing so many of us have been doing. We have said to ourselves when time came to tithe: the person sitting next to me will contribute and their contribution will be enough until I can give. But this is not the truth! We cannot say that the next person will give because we are that next person! CITN has given so much to each of us and I am personally resolved to CITN remaining in its current home.
I remember many years ago when the new sanctuary was proposed. I was so excited to pledge and do my part to make it a reality. I came to church every Sunday and even as a teenager working a minimum wage job, I gave my portion and imagined the day I would sit in the new sanctuary. A place fit for the Word that was spoken inside. CITN is an incredibly anointed ministry and we must do all that we can do as a congregation - a family - to ensure that the legacy of CITN is not overshadowed by matters other families would quickly confront together.
There was a time when the old sanctuary was packed to the point where people sat in chairs lining the wall. We have been distracted Dear Family. I know I have. I’ve left others to care for a ministry that needs me just as much as I need it. We have stopped celebrating together. We have turned on our computers to watch sermons and save a trip and forgot that service is so much more than Bishop giving us the Word. Service is a time for Many to become One. Now more than ever I realize the importance of that covenant and I am resolved. Resolved to attending Service every week. Resolved to tithing, giving every time I attend.
And I call upon the entire CITN family to make the same resolution: resume your weekly attendance and give.
Give to something that has always multiplied your gifts. If we continue to receive and allow the distractions of the world to affect our tithing, we will lose the very place we have called home. Yes, the economy is rough right now. Yes, people have lost their jobs. Yes, we are all making tough decisions when it comes to budgeting our money. But this too shall pass. And when it passes, are we going to be able to drive past the current CITN campus and not see our family in it? Please think about this. Although I know Bishop will always have a ministry wherever his pulpit resides, I LOVE the ministry he has created right here in Conyers, GA. We must do all that we can to keep our home. Not only will it resolve the current financial problem of the campus, it will do something far greater: it will reunite us as a family and bring us to a place we left some time ago. A place where the CITN covenant was so strong, Bishop would be in the middle of a sermon and stop, only to begin an entirely different sermon because our spirit was one and he knew we needed something and as our Bishop, he was more than willing to provide.
Let’s begin together by resolving to attend and give. Two simple things that will strengthen our ministry in so many different ways.
I love you all and hope for many more decades at CITN.
Maybe it would be best not to write year. Just leave it at happy new. Why limit happy or new to just a particular year?
Happy New Year Everyone !
Am sick with a bug that has been hangin' on for awhile. Want to be ready for tomorrow night's watch night service, always a favorite. Remember the overnight services ?
Prayer, some home made chicken soup and sipro (sp?) will kick it's $%^ . I have a caretaker making sure the soup goes down, adding prayer agreement. I should be snappy tomorrow.
I've said my piece before about contributing.
Anon 1158 AM Dec 30, good.
All, 2010 is excellent!
Billie Smith said...
looking forward! & forward to NewYear's Eve @CITN!!!
Thanks, King's Cup...I appreciate it...
Excellent stuff, SOZ...makes me remember why I miss seeing you on here every day...
Great prophetic word, Karl...thanks...
Thanks for the encouragement, Darlene...
Amen, Stacy...thanks...
I believe that, Nicola...
Thanks, John...
Thanks, P. Dennis...sorry you've had such insanity with the internet...glad it's straightened out...hope to hear more from you now...
Thanks, NL...safe flight to ATL in Jesus' name...
Thanks, Debra...make yourself at home here...
Thanks for seeing, Brenda...
Amen, River...
That's the first time Devo has ever been referenced here, Karl...I was a fan...
Thanks for the AYITN reference, P. Nancy...
OK, Anon @ 11:58...wow...that may be the best comment ever...thanks so much...I may read that in church Sunday...
That would definitely be easier, Anon @ 4:37, but I need closure...
Rise and be healed, Erik...and not only have you said something about it, you've practiced what you preached...
Looking forward to it, too, Billie...
Amazing Bishop!
"Begin again in 2010" I was thinking about all the times I have tried to get back up and I wrote on here and on facebook - I'm back "AGAIN" but when I wrote it I was thinking this has some sort of parallel to "born again" being "begin again" but I did not tie it to 2010 till I read your post..... The Spirit is moving among us and saying the same thing....We all have been brought to this place of total dependence on the Holy Spirit to pick us up and carry us across these shores of sinking sand so when we reach the other side we will look back and see only one set of footprints. And Give Glory, Honor, and Praise to the only one responsible for our Restitution, Restoration and Salvation! YES! He will carry us through then allow us to look back and see not only the foot prints of the one that carried us through, across and over to the other side but we will also see that IT IS ALL STILL THERE, and was always there; even when we were being carried and hanging lifeless and limp in the Saviors arms! Hold me Lord Jesus! Take me across and let me see anew from the other side, Amen!
Psalm 28:9 (ESV)
9 Oh, save your people and bless your heritage!
Be their shepherd and carry them forever.
The paradigm shift that is (and must) occur throughout this covenant group is not about paying the bills - that is what is being used as a catalyst that people can relate to - it is about promoting and providing for a life-giving ministry that will not be silenced. So many lives have been forever changed as God directs us to join this community and we all bring a piece of the puzzle.
Our directive as we move forward (begin again in 2010) is to continue to pour the message of the tree of life into all that come in contact with any facet of the ministry "In The Now". Every ministry need must be provided for to effectively spread the message that has been an integral part of Bishop and so many others. It takes funding "in the natural world" to reach and feed the hungry individual spirits that surround us...that are calling us into our destiny.
The bills being paid on time is just the tip of the iceberg of the provision that is required to allow this collection of gifted and talented covenant community to do all that God has called us to do. We must embrace the bigger picture...we must take ownership...we must become the EACH...we must do it NOW!
Well-said, P. Dennis...thanks...
Prophesy, Anon @ 7:23!
Thank you Bishop. I meant every word. I look forward to celebrating the Word as well as making my contribution on Sunday. It is my prayer that others will be inspired to make resolutions of their own.
I'm also excited about tonight's New Year's Eve service and can't wait to Begin in 2010!
Ya know I was looking at the picture of the 84 movie 2010 online and do you remember the poster cover for the movie? It is of a baby in space still in the womb sac. Even the film makers knew then that 2010 is where new life begins. Maybe I'm out on the edge with that one & maybe not.
Thanks, and amen, 11:58...
River, I was just telling Christina about that movie this morning on the way to the airport...good observation about the poster (out on the edge is good)...
Nicola Mason said...
Bishop, that was an interesting read and I do not think that you should apologize for anything, as you have always been honest from the start. Besides, it is what it is and you needed to say what you have said. May you also “find within yourself inexhaustible reserves of potential that you have never even come close to realizing” (Bishop) Godspeed to you and your family in 2010…
Thanks, Nicola!
Sasha Wooley said...
Cant Wait!!!(exclaimations needed :))
Good afternoon Bishop...I am a 23 yr old single mother and I've been coming to your church for some years now...you have helped me alot in my time of need and I hope to return the favor w/ keeping CITN up and going. I absolutely love the services and especially ur soulful words of inspiration...Im looking foward to tonights service and will bring a friend...there is no place that I would rather be
*wiping tears now*
be Blessed
Thanks so much, Sasha! (returned exclamation point)
Berita Mooneyhan said...
Thank you so much for the Word on the blog. Very Impressive photos of your campus!!! Wow...when my husband and I visited before it was the store front ---several years ago. Is the "giving" and "attendance" improving? Oh, if only everyone would know what a blessing is in that city of Conyers!!! Keep us informed. Love u brother. Lord, open the blind eyes of everyone to see the TRUTH that taught in that city.
Thanks, Berita...yeah, we've come a long way since the storefront days...and things are better in that the people are starting to (in Jesus' name) get a revelation that it's THEIR church...not mine...and that if they want it to remain, they've got to treat it like it's theirs...we don't need a financial miracle at CITN, we need a paraidgm shift...it's not a money matter, it's a heart matter...a repentence matter...you know I'm a faith-man, but I'm also a realist, so I would say that I'm cautiously optimistic...things are better, but the next few days are crucial...I really need for the people to get it and step up...it's good for us to see it through the eyes of people like you...people who are removed enough from it to not take it for granted...thanks for caring about it, and I'm believing for your full recovery...Happy New Year...
Awesome! Just plain AWESOME! What a wonderful place for us to have.Let's don't insult God with acting like we lack and can't give.We are blessed and everyone should give. DO it now,set the tone for 2010 and bring out your blessings by being a blessing. It works,because tht is the way God intended.
I came, I saw, I partook, I gave, I sang, I cried, I worshipped, I offered, I loved, I was loved, I was blessed, it is well, it is CITN.
What a blessing and perfect way to end 2009 & bring in 2010. There's no place I would have rather been, or belonged!
Peace ~
Northern Light
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