Wednesday, December 2, 2009

O Come Let US Adore Him!

For unto us... not unto me… not unto you... but unto us, the collective, corporate community of mankind...the household of humanity...unto all of us, a child is born; unto us, the global family, a Son is given, and the responsibility of the government will rest on His broad shoulders. In fact, all the governments of all the peoples of the world will ultimately recognize Him as their one true foundation, for the earth is His, and He belongs to all of us . He will be the physical embodiment of the “I Am,” the God who defies description; and, in an attempt to define the indefinable, He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase and expansion of His kingdom and government and peace there will be no end. He will reign initially from David's throne and over His kingdom, establishing it and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time, on into the eternal now. The passionate zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.

(Isaiah 9:6,7 - The Bible In The Now)

And the eternal Word morphed into flesh – into a manifested incarnation with human attributes and authority in the natural world – so that He could live with and among us human beings. And He did live with us here in our world, limiting Himself to the constraints of the human condition without reservation, but we could still plainly see His eternal, divine glory. It was obvious that He shined with the glorious light of a unique, firstborn son who was miraculously like His Father who had sent Him. The illumination from that glory revealed that He was literally filled with grace and that He overflowed with absolute truth.

(John 1:14, John In The Now)


Peacemaker said...

...and as He is, so are We in this World.

Anonymous said...

Leslie Holloway said...


Anonymous said...

Michael Gordon said...

Amen! I just started John In The Now this the words of the Filipino...GRABI!

And today I will be finishing SOTB Part 4!!! Can't wait for Part 5!!!??? I never knew fresh revelation could be so addicting!

Hook me up Jesus!

Larry Usher said...

So cool today...

had the word in BBs about "you don't have to believe what you think." Then a couple hours later Karl texts me with the message: "Don't believe everything you think." I look up from my phone and immediately spot a bumper sticker across the street that says the same thing! It's in the air...

Anonymous said...

Lynn Mays said...

Powerful interpretation!

Karl said...

Yah!..that was cool Larry. Love those Spirit moments of confirmation and connection!

word ver: wrothr

dgm2007 said...

Hi You guys!
really good services this week. I haven't been able to tune in regularly but I am still on the same wavelength.. I'm going to climb mt. Sinai this weekend once i finish my papers.Oh procrastination. I thought it was cool that you guys mentioned it this Sunday and that you went to climb Stn Mtn.Im excited for new years service. BTW are there any places people would suggest seeing in Egypt.. I would love to get some suggestions.
Alright peace and love

Anonymous said...

“He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase and expansion of His kingdom
and government and peace there will be no end.”
Yes! I agree!
I have always liked to think of Christ
as my best Counselor, my best
therapist, by best PHD, my best MD.
After reading this you have paraphrased in Isaiah,
I perceived this:
Christ is the counselor of all leaders of all
nations now, today, and always has been.
King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
Now and Today!
You may notice that most world leaders with
Integrity, of all religions seek the same
type of wisdom and have the same values.
Where did this come from, except the counsel of God?
I personally believe this all started
in a big way at the time of the Resurrection of Christ.
I think that was the final victory
in the war against evil over all nations.
I can compare it to growth:a child cannot build a 20 story building,
But that child can have within it the ability to do so.
I have seen amazing things in my lifetime,
and it gives me encouragement:
Communism collapsed from the inside
Apartheid ended
Segregation ended
Truth has begun to be preached
I believe this world in God’s hands,
no matter what
we see at times.
If you pay attention,
you may see
what I see.

Peace of Earth! Let’s start
believing it is coming.

Anon in North GA

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Amen, Peacemaker...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks, Michael...hmmm, Part 5...who knows? All things are possible...thanks so much for the support and encouragement...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Very cool, Larry...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks, Pastor Lynn...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Hey dgm...long time, no hear...haven't been to Egypt yet, so I don't have any travel safe...see you when you get here...peace...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Excellent, Anon in N GA...thanks for sharing!