First of all, I posted this yesterday on Facebook:
"Several weeks ago a college room-mate of mine found a cassette tape of me preaching, circa 1977 or 78, and sent it to me...I finally listened to a little of it (had to find a cassette tape player) that ever disturbing! My sincere apologies to anyone who had to endure hearing me back then...I mean, yikes! Seriously...I guess we all have to start somewhere...thank God for growth..."
I got some very good (and funny) feedback on my statement...thanks, everyone...

The shipment of the first printing of
The Gospels In The Now came in last night, and I'm happy to say that I'm really very pleased with (and proud of) the way the whole project turned out. The books are in the Media Center, ready to go, and ready for the signing that I will do after the 11:00 service this coming Sunday. I'll also sign the ones that have been pre-ordered ASAP, and get them in the mail. I'm going to start teaching out of it on Wednesday nights, going verse by verse through all four Gospels, so those of you who are a regular part of the mid-week service experience will want to get a copy.
I want to say a big
THANK YOU to my staff for all their input and help with GITN...Debye, Rene' Babcock, Robyn Wells, Jane Conyers, and Pastor Avery Rogers (if I left anyone out, someone please tell me and I'll add their name) all did an excellent job!

Speaking of this coming Sunday...more chairs have been set up in the Narthex, and the sofas and bistro tables have been moved out of the way so that the 9:00 A.M. service will be more comfortable for everyone, and can accommodate more people. The area was already full to capacity last Sunday, and I anticipate that the number of attendees will be growing, but I want to put off having to move it back into the Sanctuary for as long as possible, because I like the intimacy and atmosphere that we experienced last week.
One other thing concerning this Sunday...I have some serious and very important matters to discuss with the congregation and cyber-congregation in both services that will affect the future of CITN, so I need to make a demand on all of you to be there if at all possible...
Love you all...
Lydell Carter said...
Bishop, I don't care about the past..., unlike others, just give it to me in the NOW...!
I am so glad that you've finally handed over once again a great biblical revelation to the universe through your writing. Having grown up in a catholic setting, looking at how in their religious stance, they've thrived all modes of challenges for eon, yet in some places religion growing strong, the solution is A NOW REVELATION, the past is far gone , yet many cling to it. Faith is a now thing, Rhema is a now thing. Can i encourage all to have a copy for better and now revelations. Remember the word POOR Stands for: Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly. This a great opportunity to leave positively.
Peace & love
Pr. Ben Nadiope.
Pastor Ben, It is so good to here from you.
Amen... and yes, the solution is a now revelation. Thank God that we have the opportunity to experience that every day in our lives...
Miss you, and can't wait to see you again here as well as in Uganda....
Love Iris
p.s. Send our love to the church as well as Rosette.
Phil Howard said...
I'm glad this turned out as you envisioned it would. It was/is an undertaking of monumental proportions and importance. For Christianity to remain relevant, those who embrace it's tenets must stay on the leading edge of it's evolution. This paraphrase, along with the ones to come, do just that. This is no surprise, however, seeing how you, the author, do just that as well.
The CITN family and those close to you are privileged to be the first to obtain this great work, but it can't stop there. This has to be available to the collective. It has to be on the shelves of the major retailers...religious and secular. I understand some of what it requires to get there, and with present circumstances, may seem impossible. You and I both's not. This is above and beyond anything going on 'in house', financially, or otherwise.
Open-mindedness is key. Entertain every idea. Your 'yes' will start the process and create the momentum to overcome any perceived obstacle.
As great and important as your previous works are, this is in a class all by itself. Not just because it's the Bible, there are plenty of Bibles, but because of it's transcendence of any prejudice or ideology,bringing, what I believe,the closest to what was said, taught, or experienced on any given day in the life.
A significant mark in your life and ministry for sure, this will not be your legacy, though. You are not close to being done. There is much more in you...but enjoy this season...for they change all to quickly....
Love ya
Lindsey Pettite said...
I just want to tell you that I love you and am really excited about CITNs future... whatever that is!
Thanks, Lydell..."now" is what it's all about...
Amen, Sonia...
Phil, when I read your words I just remembered why I love you...
Thanks, Lindsey...but I think you're just excited because your nail so big!
Lindsey Pettite said...
I was there the other day and was praying I wouldn't hear that for a second time, b/c then I'd KNOW it were true!! Lol...
Sorry to bring it up, but it just always makes me laugh because it's so absurd...your hands are delicate and microscopic...that's why it's so funny...btw, are you aware that your husband invited me to your house tomorrow?
...and thanks, Pastor Ben...I love the way you express yourself...always glad to hear from you...blessings on Uganda!
Lindsey Pettite said...
Thanks for bringing attention to my nails!! I'm going to wear gloves to church on Sunday! LOL!!!
He did? ;) just kidding! I hope you took him up on the invite. Maybe I'll have some crumbs on my shirt that Scott will beat off while I'm in mid sentence... Hahaha!!!
I'm in a Starbuck's right now and I just laughed out loud...everyone in the place turned to look at me...
Hey Bish,
I am so excited the book is finished and in CITN possession.
I'm psyched you'll be signing the GITN's, a special treat for those recipients of mine, which will be special Christmas gifts ~
Mine, too !
I will be in my "cyber-space" seat on Sunday morning, awaiting your words on the future of CITN ~
Can't wait for the long New Year weekend to be there ITB again!!!!
I see all good things coming at the end of 2009....PRAISE HIM
Northern Light
Jill Joines Christensen said...
I agree with that last sentence written by Mr. Howard. You aren't done yet. Definitely want the new book, though.
Jill Joines Christensen said...
About your early preaching, on one of your tapes you told about when you were a street preacher and somebody much larger than you came up to you and announced (I think) that he was Beelzebub. I can't remember what you did next, you?
Jill Joines Christensen said...
I remember it was cool though.
Hi Bishop,
I'm really happy to hear about the completion of Gospels In The Now.
Enjoy it...and keep writing. May the ink continue to flow and never dry up.
I wrote this today and wanted to share it with you:
Is it just a dream, can it really be true?
Being saved to the uttermost, me and you?
Not being afraid to leave the old behind.
A new covenant of grace in Him I find.
A new way of love, not saved by what I do.
Freedom from dead works, with them I am through.
A veil that is lifted that my face may see Yours.
And I am changed by the glory of the Lord!
- by Karl Cobos 2009
If you are interested in expanding your thoughts and embracing change as it is manifested in this physical world - check out this video. This challenges me to think bigger...
Yeah, Jill...he was honestly close to 7 ft tall and looked to be in excess of 300 lbs (maybe it's exaggerated in my memory) anyway, he got right up in my face, sneering, and loudly and menacingly growled "I am Beelzebub"...which really annoyed me because he interrupted my I asked one of the drunks laid out on the sidewalk what his name was, and he sat up and groggily slurred, "His name is Sam" I looked the giant in the eyes and said "Your name is not Beelzebeb, your name is Sam", at which he sort of shrunk down, dropped his head, and went and sat down on the sidewalk and listened to the rest of my sermon...point being, if I had responded to him in fear, the situation could have turned out differently...
That's good, Karl...
Cool video, Anon@805...
And thanks, NL...the book really turned out won't be disappointed...
Playing catch up. Congrads. on the book. May it change lives. As for Sunday I feel it will be a step for the better as it seems to always be. As for the past don't make me come and bring in the stick. See ya tomorrow.
Jill Joines Christensen, intriguing that you brought up Beelzebub. A series of events have lead me to an interesting review of G.I.Gurdijieff's "Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson". Your seemingly out of the blue mention turned it to a burning bush for me...thank you.
Interesting comments all...
Just saw a flock of birds leave their scattered positions underneath a tree and join together in its sparsely foliated leaves-becoming its cover. Saw a glimpse of the gathering of the Body in unity-and it all happened within 3 seconds time...
Mornin' Bishop,
May we all drink from the river of Joy this morning...I choose to.
Thanks about the poem, feel free to use it. Now I just need to memorize it.
Thanks for being a faithful shepherd tday.
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