Seems like I've been on this theme all day today, but I'm going to say it again...don't ever let anyone make you feel inferior or "less than"...the second commandment is like unto the first...love your neighbor AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF...know who you are! You're valuable...you're special...you're fearfully (awesomely) and wonderfully made...in a word, YOU ROCK! Period. Embrace it...
Then I saw this morning that a friend of mine had posted this (thanks, Howie):
". . . for you to be here now, trillions of drifting atoms had to somehow assemble in an intricate and intriguingly obliging manner to create you. It's an arrangement so specialized and particular that it has never been tried before and will only exist once...for the supremely agreeable but generally underappreciated state known as existence." —Bill Bryson
Love it...hey, does anyone know how many we had in service last night? Can anyone predict how many we'll have this coming Sunday?
Beautiful Howie! Thanks!...and thanks Bishop for posting your FB comments...some of us are old school and not on FB....
Seems we only had ONE in service last night and will have only ONE on Sunday! :-) / Rene
Sometimes I feel like you have made camp in my mind...Thanks for these words today.
I think from here on out each service will be more full than the last...
I am one of ONE!
God is AMAZING! I was just having a very special talk with Jesus about fear and also self-worth. Jesus reminded me that He was human and He experienced the same emotions and fears. “Patience” was my Word from Jesus and assurance that God has heard my prayers and cries, and I should not worry. He told me that God has a special time clock. And so I rest knowing that “it is all good!!!”
Jesus spoke to me about my work and how I was basically the “Under Dog” and “Last Hope of so many of my clients. How my work was my ministry. He told me how special I was and that He "SEES Me" and loves my heart. I was immediately lifted up into a place of worth and value. The gift of the Holy Spirit is priceless and we are so privileged to be able to tap into God's presence through the Holy Spirit.
It blows my mind to think that God hears all of us and when we connect into that special "spiritual" realm, we can not only talk to God, but we can also hear Him and find peace. Oh how He loves us! Oh how He loves You and Me!!!!
I am responsible for about 120 disabled clients and it is sometimes extremely stressful with the "dire needs" and other issues I deal with daily, not to mention the phone calls that I have to return...Needless to say, I deal with a lot of depressed individuals waiting for Justice and I have to listen to a lot of whining and complaining about a very slow system...sigh....I can't imagine having "the whole world in your hands and having to listen to so much whining and complaining." How does God do it?
He is AMAZING!!!
P.S. In 2010
Be Born Again!
I love hearing testimony from others who have a miracle to share. It increases my faith! I know that sometimes testimony can cause others to be depressed and perhaps angry because their prayers haven’t been answered, but it can also build a person's faith. I am sure that some people feel like God doesn’t care about them because they do not have the answer to a specific prayer. But they are wrong!!! God is not a respecter of persons...He hears all of us and loves all of us just like we love all of our children…sure they are individually different and we love them differently, but “push come to shove” we will fight for all of our children and grandchildren. God has a specific timeframe and it is difficult to wait while we feel so helpless and unable to control the situation. This is when we need to release “into His hands” all of our burdens and our spirit because we KNOW that only He can change our circumstances. We have learned that God will never fail and HE ALWAYS comes through. Isaiah 53:4-5 Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.
One of my miracles:
This was in 1977, when I was about 21 year old (showing my age..sigh..) and I was looking for a church to attend, but was unsure of what type of church to even look for…I had gone to tent revivals in the past in Florida and experienced a “spiritual” dimension, something that I did not understand, but wanted more of. I didn’t know the correct “label” or type of church that I should look for, but God heard my prayer….He sent me a man from the local power company to hook up new power for my house. The power company electrician invited me to his church up the road from me (an Apostolic Faith Church). I immediately checked it out and accepted Jesus into my heart on 9/10/1977 (I wrote a poem about that day). A week later I was filled with the Holy Spirit and the congregation at that church seemed disturbed because they had been “tarrying for the Holy Spirit” for some time (years). I remember God using me the next week to deliver a prophesy to the church about Moses’ law and the bondage..AND Jesus’ sacrifice to eliminate the bondage (which was not well received..sigh). Anyway, God moved me to a different Church where I would get a more balanced message of His love…BUT I must admit, I was still unbalanced, because I could not shed my mask and expose who I really was. My self worth concept was badly destroyed and my concept of a loving Father was even worse…However, when I moved to GA, I found my way to CITN which was a place of refuge and freedom for me. I began to learn of God’s unconditional love for mankind, including me, regardless of the various circumstances and failures I "conceived"..I learned that “all are accepted” into the beloved and that I was important in the Kingdom. Cool…very cool…
So my miracle started on 9/10/1977 when I was born again, but has continued to “tweek” itself and lead me along the pathways of transforamtion and knowledge of God and His plan for my life…
From my estimate we should have a total of one this Sunday. I even used my calculator. Let me figure it again - yes, it still says ONE. It only takes ONE to change the world.
Pamela H
You see, yes I can figure out we will have ONE this Sunday - however it would be helpful if I could always remember my google account password - as you see I finally figured it out. YES...... The downside of too many passwords in my head.... :)
Pamela H
"One" is the "onliest" number that you'll ever do...
My hair stylist gave me a free haircut today...I am very thankful!
Having done all...STAND...
word ver: "Forecycl", before you walk in that same circle again, see if God has another way...
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