Just a quick note to CITN...both services were awesome today (yes, I said awesome)...doing the kids choruses was fun, and tapped us all into good memories of happy times...it was a hoot watching the men vs. the women on "Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah"...I was amazed that you all knew exactly what to do on that song...most importantly, I want to thank you all for stepping up in your partnership with the ministry...I have some good news to share with you Wednesday night! (and, yes, that was an exclamation point...)
"But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, "You are my God." My times are in your hand..." (Psalms 31:14, 15a)...Thanks for the joy, unity, and energy today, CITN...remember, your times in 2010 are in His hand...
Dennis Caldwell said...
Psa 62:5 My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation [is] from him.
GOD IS ENOUGH ........
Joy Foster said...
Linda M Curtis said...
I see you
Donna Robertson Nolen said...
I NEEDED that verse today, Pastor Jim. Thank you so much!
Brenda Bevelle Yarbrough said...
Great message today, amen to my times are in his hand.
Mekeba H. Bryant said...
Today's message was great, just what I needed to hear, thanks for keeping it real.
Sheri Travis said...
Just read an interesting story on abcnews.com. Last week Rick Warren posted a letter on the church website that their church was 900,000 in the red... In just a few days they took in $2.4 million. He pointed out it most of the money came in small amounts....Exactly what you have said numerous times. We are the church!!!! We got this!!! Greater things are yet to come, greater things are still to be done in CITN!!!
I predict in the next few monthes our financial woes will be behind us. And Bish, you will be calling up all those "concerned" and asking them," Is everything okay? Let us know if our church can do anything to help out"
I ♥ our church!!!
Karl McIntosh Cobos said...
Thanks bishop...Larry and I were just talkin' about "trusting the Lord" over lunch. Thanks for the word. Your evening is in His hand. God bless!
In 2010,I want to see all, experience all, know all and I will not stop until I'm there. It's time to put all aside and press in...Seriously, I can't think of anything I could possibly value more than all of Him, and all things that matter to Him... Like CITN a life changing ministry... It's time to put life into perspective and really purse the things that are eternal... He is anxiously awaiting... and I am passionately pursuing...
For all who want to go higher with me, I'll see on the milky way... Exploring the God of the galaxies...
YES...and AMEN!
<<<<<<< ! >>>>>>>
Linda M Curtis said...
It was quite a service, and it was really something today, just made perfect sense after the ending of 2009 how to bring in the first of 2010......song, fun, communion, water baptism. Nothing compares and what a sweet thing to be ITB ~
Jere Luck said...
Oooooh, I hope this means streaming is coming back soon. :) :)
Amalia Amaki said...
JL: that would be soooo nice...:)
Happy New Year Bishop and CITN family.
Recently, I have had the opportunity to tithe more than I have for years, simply because God is good. It was nothing I do so supernaturally, except allowing my super to be influence my natural. I have totally learned so many things about success, having the power of the living God live through me, walking in dominion, being the redeemed and having the say so, because of this ministry.
Truly, I came to hospital to be made well and to heal from the ills of poverty, self-doubt, depression, oppression, rejection, abuse, and just a gamet of negatively. I learned that it is God that gives me the power to get wealth. I have been that onion peeled layer by layer until transperancy.
Bishop, I learned this because I have watched you press and squeeze and move and breath and live through him and morph and grow, so I have alongside you, being a '58 baby as well.
I can come to this ministry and get a word of encouragement, prayer, counseling and support from a number of care pastors and intercessors as I did today. I have learned (I feel like Dorothy of the Wizard of Oz) that the horitizontal relationship is so key to our very spiritual and physical survival and I bless God for that.
I have had what seems to be tragedies in my personal life and sometimes I have felt that the "church" was not there for me. And every time I put on that pity church, a member of the body of CITN shows me the God in them as they pray or give a word or hug or any small act that lets me know, I am in the right place.
Being a viable member of this CITN community is a great place of pride as I show my friends and out of town family members, where I worship. CITN is a place to be proud of and a fertile ground for my tithes and offerings as I know much fruit will remain here.
I know that God is causing us to mature as he takes us from glory to glory and it is my pleasure to be a part of God's plan for this community as we light and salt.
Goodwill and Peace on Earth
Begin again in 2010
Speaking Spirit
Charlo Stamps said...
I enjoyed the service so much, as usual. Worship/Word was awesome. I was just thinking this week how special it was to hold Lauren's hand...and then you mentioned "in your hand" in the service. That happens alot for me. Thanks for all u do Bishop. Luv u.
20 minutes ago ·
Nancy Courter said...
No man can pluck us from His hand...
Karl McIntosh Cobos said...
Amen, Nancy, good one...Before one of my days began, were not all my times written in Your book, that is in Your hand.
Linda M Curtis said...
HIS hand......ahhh
Willie Bush said...
The lightness of the childrens songs, the precise content of the scriptures, and the heaping dose of humor were just the right mix I needed today. Thanks for making my day. #.-)
2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010....again, again, AGAIN!
Nonnie Lemmon said...
What I enjoyed about this teaching was the comparison of Ps. 31 to Ps. 22. (the David/Jesus prophetic connection) David committed his spirit and times into God's Hand (singular) and implored Him to bow down His ear (singular).
I found 31:9 fascinating, regarding the king's eye (singular - meaning sight) wasting away. Yes, adversity surrounded him. But, when I read through it, I asked, "Really?" It reminded me of another Scripture: "If your eye is single, your whole body is full of light." (kinda made me laugh a little, when David asked God to make His face shine upon him, considering he never stopped mentioning the Almighty!)
I know I haven't blogged in awhile. Not going to make up excuses. This is the New Year time to begin again. Today was Gr8!! Oops to many !!
There is no place like home. It's funny how you sung those songs today. I did "Hallelu, Hallelu" & "Deep & Wide" with kids this past Wednesday in AL. Only it wasn't as much fun as today. I like to sing songs to the kids, that I learned. I won't do the verse about the you know who...sit on a TACK. I could never understand why we sung that and pretend to sit on a TACK and say, "OUCH"
Everything was Gr8! After service I get a call from a friend. She said, "I saw the parking lot was full and wonders if Catherdral is back?" I told very little b/c she needs to be in CHURCH! (Find out yourself.) Not trying to be mean.** If someone asks about the service next time. I am just going to say, "U miss OUT, it WAS..." and I'll leave it as that. (for the locals only)
Good Stuff give me more please.
*If I don't it say enough N.O.W. choir...I love you guys and gals so MUCH!! I love worshiping with you each Sunday.*
~Peace, Love, & Dream BIG~
bishop, some of the songs/words from worship today I put on the blog:
I'll try to be adding more to the playlist over this month.
I was remembering the different schools/camps where I was when we were singing some of the old songs today. We need some of the "silly", some of the "kid stuff" at times, I think, to break through some of the hard stuff. Fun and laughter...both great weapons and both great healers!
Sunday Afternoon
04 January 2004 @ 1627 Hours
Hallelujah! All glory unto the Lord Almighty, for He alone is God over the great and the small. Offer up thanksgiving and praises unto me continuously, says God, and I shall equip and empower you to walk on the enemy territory, command them to evacuate, leave all their spoils behind, and then proclaim it as Holy Ground! Those whom worship me in Spirit and in Truth shall never be brought to ruin, as I grant them the power to grab the serpents by the neck and squeeze the life out of them with the Word of God- that rightly divides the temporal from the eternal, and truth from deception. Rejoice! For the enemy is living on borrowed time! The curse has been broken through the power of the Holy Spirit and the bloodshed of the ultimate sacrifice, also known as the Precious Lamb of God.
I encourage my people to be bold and radical in their faith, while exercising wisdom and discernment in all things that they are not overthrown due to zealousness, yet lacking in power and authority. Selah… Whenever my bondservants are supposed to speak, I shall make all the opportunities available as the Holy Spirit sets the precedence and itineraries. Therefore, my people are to be prepared to open their mouths as I speak through them. The just / righteousness of God shall live by faith and nothing shall separate them from the love of the Lord Forever Faithful! The joy of the Lord is to serve is your strength and strong tower. Arise and shout Hallelujah, for my greater glory shall be seen and received suddenly and immediately. As quickly as a need comes about for those who worship me in spirit and in truth, it shall be satisfied because my peoples’ hearts are pure before me. Those who have been placed in the fire, purged, consecrated by way of the Holy Spirit have emerged crystal clean, sparkling, and gleaming with the brilliance of the presence of God! Hallelujah!
(to be continued...in Part 2)
(Part 2)
Obedience unto the Lord thy God is greater than sacrificial offerings. While my people render emphatic praises unto me which erupt from the depths of the spirit, the chains of bondage shall snap off their loved ones and they shall be delivered into the mindset and glory of Christ. They whom the Son of God / Son of Man have set free are free indeed! I am the Lord of Hosts and I shall replenish my people every place they are dwindling down to empty for the betterment of others. I grant unto thee a refreshing and renewing in the spirit realm that shall increase availability and capacity in me, says God. Deny not my people spiritual food for the building of discipline and correction so that folly and rebellion is driven out of them, never to return. Therefore, regret not anything that you have spent for the purposes of restoration into any vessel, says God. Although they may not show appreciation, I shall deal with them on these things and drive greed and selfishness far from them, says God. They need not an upgrade in lifestyle, instead- they require a heart overhaul so that integrity and godly character is built in them. Those whom I have called, but they have chosen to run away instead, to do whatever pleases them and serves their own purpose, the enemy shall be given express permissions to sift them as wheat on the threshing floors as every vile thing is purged from the inside out. I shall then destroy every excuse and option that they have ever made or used to continue in rebellion. The enemies of my kingdom, declares God, have poured gasoline over their own heads and I- Lord Jehovah shall strike the match to bring about spontaneous combustion with urgency. Rejoice in all my goodness, says God, for I have never seen the righteousness of God through Christ forsaken, nor my faithful, obedient, pure at heart Sons and Daughters whom worship me in Spirit and Truth out begging for bread. Amen.
My word shall not return void and those who have cast their bread out on the waters as seed for the betterment of others, in this season, it shall be returned in sizeable measures and increased exponentially in every excellent work, says God. As my people give me their best, I shall build them up to receive overflow as they continue in diligence unto me. Let not your hearts be troubled, says God, nor grow weary in well doing because I am the Lord Almighty and I am unveiling the unthinkable and unspeakable on the behalves of my people. Therefore, arise and rejoice, for all the marvelous wonders that are being revealed, declares God Almighty.
Behold! I say unto thee, this is the time and season for total and complete cleansing and purging, says God. So, holdfast for further instructions and direction as I speak in ways that you have never heard before. Brace yourselves for long overdue repentance efforts, says God, for my ways are flawless and excellent. My people are to listen intently and be hasty in nothing- especially communications with others. The time is now and I am showing up in greater dimensions over the next thirty days, as my people humble themselves before me and they will not be left in the same states of minds or hearts that they were when they entered into my depths. Rejoice! I am the Lord of Hosts and I come forth by way of my Holy Spirit that the records are set straight and the captives are set free.
Amen, Anon@7:16pm...
Darlene Runner said...
Thank you for leading us into 2010 with (as always) excellence and a fresh anointing Bishop. Your teachings, and our" church body", reminds me why I "visited" CITN in 1998 and never strayed (or wanted to) from our church. Thank you for your continued faithfulness and insight.
John W. Brumlow said...
A great start on what will be a wonderful time in God's hand. Sing a long children's songs to lift the heart and encourage the soul, a delightfully delivered word to think, plan and act on. I say plan because the word made me think of how God's plan for humanity is to prosper us in all ways. Then there was the sacrement of eucharist delivered with assurance that we are not just following some tradition of men called Christianity but that we are honoring the Jesus of that sacrement that is the Holy Word of God to all humanity for all times. Yes, starting our year by acknowledging our times are in God's hand is the best action we can take to begin our path in the journey of 2010. A very timely word in season. Thanks Bish
Had to put this word ver:
...within psalm is a PALM
...within His hand, I am
...within the palm of His hand is His master plan
...and my times and plans I place in His hand...Hosanna!
His psalm is the key to my life.
Just had to add it since I saw it.
Word ver on the screen:
Love you guys. Whatever situations come up in your life today or this year of 2010, place it in His hand, for it will be well.
Even if your situation/circumstance seems like somthing is dying, let Christ's hand place yours within His, as He did Jairus dead daughter and told her to get up and live, and everyone was amazed!
So don't be afraid, only believe. Let your heart be established...walk in ILLOGICAL peace.
Resist the temptation to be anxious or fretful...worry wastes your time. Be calm and steady in your mind.
God bless!
Lydell Carter said...
Having been involved with the children's ministry for almost 11 years at CITN has helped me and Amy stay in touch with those awesome songs of childhood. However, the adults doing the Hallalu... song was the best "big kids day" at church in a very long time. My 12 year old was totally embarrassed... Good Times...
Remember this song? - Good times
Good times
These are the good times
Leave your cares behind
These are the good times
Good times
These are the good times
Our new state of mind
These are the good times
Happy days are here again
The time is right
For makin' friends
Let's get together
How 'bout a quarter to ten
Come tomorrow
Let's all do it again
- Good times, by Chic
Jim Muehlstein said...
Loved the service..brought back alot of memories from sunday school...Climb,Climb up sonshine mountain & the B>I>B>L>E...were two others we sang
Too cool this Sunday! I haven't touched the piano in many years and found an old piano book on New Years Day..I began playing an old favorite: "Something Beautiful." It brought back many memories of a time in the late 70's..That was a different time then..a GREAT time..a time of tent meeting revivals..a time of laying hands on something and claiming it in the name of Jesus...Sometimes I want to go back to that time and place...It seemed easier having someone else tell me what to do and what to believe..But the knowledge and revelation I received under your ministry makes that impossible....To whom much is given...much is required...
Anyway..too cool Sunday! You sang the song "Something Beautiful" at Church! :-) I love God! He is soooooo awesome!
Best time I remember is when we overtook Shoney's on a Sunday morning back in the old building. Again thanks & thanks for the memories.
I see you & I remember the good in you.
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