But it's really strong in my spirit today to remind you all of the importance of finding your own path...working out your own salvation with fear and trembling (or in a responsible and introspective way)...marching to a different drummer, if necessary...

Just because you may reject the conventional wisdom of handling things in certain areas of your life, it doesn't mean that you're unteachable, or some kind of rebellious maverick...it's just that you've already killed the lion and the bear, and you did it in the way that was right for you...but when you go out to deal with your own "Goliaths", there will inevitably be people who don't or can't understand your need to find your "five smooth stones" to confront your personal giants...because they see things from a particular paradigm, they will try to impose their version of Saul's armor on you...they mean well, and they're trying to protect you...
But don't let them put it on you! Find your own rhema word...your own way...yes, there's safety in the multitude of counselors, but at the end of the day, you have to deal with your stuff in a real and authentic way that only you can understand...submit everything to God, but trust your own instincts and do what's right for you...
If the teen-aged David had clumsily gone out to face Goliath wearing Saul's clunky armor, the giant would have most likely killed him, instantly...but he insisted, instead, on going in the strength of his own peculiar and unique anointing...comfortable in his own skin...and he prevailed!
Remember, there's no one exactly like you, and your relationship with God is your secret place of the Most High...
Just thought that might be a word for someone today...
tears....my word verification was beingso - almost too much to take...
Thank you for that word to the people.
The freedom to 'find your own path" has been well hidden from the masses in most traditional churches. Pastors, for various reasons, feel it is necessary to impose rules and threats to maintain control, and to teach their people 'what to think' instead of 'how to think'. You, on the other hand, are cut from a different cloth. You, with love and genuine concern, do, in fact, teach those who hear your voice 'how to think' and release them from long-time memes that kept them bound, and continually returning, to the one-way teachings of previous spiritual leaders. I know this first hand because if it were not for your teaching, urging and support; letting me know it was okay to find pastures on my own, I would not be where I am on my spiritual journey Now.
So for myself, and the countless others who have been shown the way onto the path of self-realization and enlightenment...Thank You
So true Bishop. The puzzle pieces of the Body are unique and designed for unique purposes, placements, colors and size, all important, lively and vital in forming a "picture" of Christ for the world to see. The best now, the best me, the best us...everything is exactly where the Lord knew it would be at this point in time.
No worries, g'day!
word ver: INGLATIN...new language?
ING is always in the now; doING, beING, livING, lovING, present tense...no other time to live! The language of "Nowness"
Felicia Ramirez Hoffman said...
Cliff Hancock said...
On my fathers shoulders I stand .. from here I can see Christ
Linda M Curtis said...
The book is awesome......and yes, that word can be used properly here..
Stephen Taylor said...
From John In The Now II Gospels In The Now? I am so chippin' in! Placing my order soon,Bishop! :-)
Aubrey Gallimore said...
I receive it!
KaShanna Wallace said...
I really needed to hear this today...thanks Bishop!
John W. Brumlow said...
This set of Gospel books has greatly increased my understanding of God's love for creation. When reading the wonderful story of the God/man Jesus, in this written version by Bishop Swilley, my soul feels great refreshing unlike other versions some of which occasionally have made me feel oppressed.
John W. Brumlow said...
One other thing to add is that reading this version has also given me an understanding of what it is to see God's face. Hearing and receiving the Word is a beautiful thing but the gospel of Jesus Christ as given in this version make the mysteries of God as man much more visible. Seeing God as Jesus here opens my eyes to see myself and others in the image of God thereby seeing God's face in us all.
Patti Cook said...
Thank you for articulating what GITN does for us, Mr. B! THIS IS definitely THAT! The true Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Being what everyone wanted me to be has been the norm in my life so long that it was a struggle just getting to know me. Now that I know who I am and whose I am, can't turn back now. It's so freeing (I don't think that's a good word) but it's my story.
Wow! That sounds like my Bishop talking!
Peculiar and unique anointing - David is a character. Comfort in our own skin, sometimes comfortable, sometimes not, but it is our skin.
The best part is our secret place of the Most High.
Thank You.
"Remember, there's no one exactly like you, and your relationship with God is your secret place of the Most High..." Absolutely powerful! RHEMA!!
Bishop, Thank you. A word in season.
I, as many needed to read this. I will now look at my five stones in a whole different way.
Thank you.
Hi Bishop,
Thank you for the word and after-chat last night.
Also, I just sent your post to my dad who lives in Columbus, who had reminded me to "think for ourselves", so I thought your words might reverberate with something in him.
God bless, have a great day!
It's my knowing my place with God that has gotten me this far...and into the new future for my life !
Northern Life
Being that David picked five stones from the brook, could he have been a roxstar?
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