I have some really good news to share with everyone tomorrow night, and it has to do with the CITN community rising to the occasion and taking responsibility for the maintenance and preservation of this ministry! The paradigm shift that the collective congregation has needed is apparently becoming a reality now, and it's all good! Thank you for your faithfulness, and PLEASE keep up the good work!
For it is not by might, nor by power, but through MY SPIRIT, says the Lord that the blind eyes are opened, hearts are renewed, and MINDS ARE CHANGED!!! amen. What THEN SHALL WE SAY TO ALL THESE THINGS? YES, God is for us, so who may dare rise up against us and be triumphant. God is great and worthy to be praised, so we rejoice in knowing that His Word does not return void and through our faith in HIS never-ending Faithfulness, we are empowered with revelation knowledge, increase, and Supernatural Change (which comes about by doing our natural first and God graces it with HIS SUPER ).
Now unto HIM who is able to do exceeding abundantly above and beyond all that we may ask or think according to His Holy Spirit Power that is at great work IN US! Amen, and amen. We thank God in all things and Honor HIM in our giving that HIS PURPOSES may be established in the earth through earthen vessels. I pray that we no longer as a body seek out the miracles, but seek to BE THE MIRACLES--- walking, living, testimonies and Epistles of Faith throughout humanity. Let everything that have breath praise the Lord... for there is never a doubt as to what GOD can do, the question is WHAT ARE WE WILLING TO DO not only in the face of adversity, but in our everyday lives. Let the Word, Truth, and Precepts of God be established as absolute and everything /place / person that stands contrary to or opposes what has already been decreed BEFORE the foundations of the earth be proven wrong and made liars of.
As we REJOICE in the Lord always and again I say REJOICE, may we continue to do what is right and just ALL THE TIME, simply because it is RIGHT as unto the Lord. Then, when/if / should the adversaries speak ill of us--- they shall automatically be proven wrong because the report of the Lord shall stand as Divine TRUTH while we live quiet, peaceable, upright lives... loving, acknowledging, honoring God in all of our ways and treating our neighbors / fellow humanity as we treat ourselves. And as we fulfill these two commandments, all the more have we fulfilled the rest.
The changes come about as the collective whole undergoes CHANGES of HEART, MIND, ATTITUDE, SPEECH, and then Action. We rejoice in the Lord always as greater things are yet to come...
There's nothing better to be told is coming than GOOD NEWS ~
Northern Light
Woo Hoo Time For Some Good News.
We All Need Some Good News Now And Then.
Expecting The Good
Word Ver: GLOTSA- "Got Lotsa Good News!"
Just stoppin by to say hi- why? because I was nigh! Wry, my my, I guess you could say(said in a cockney accent!)
Was thinking about a former job I used to have as a quality assurance auditor and engineer where we used to implement "just in time" manufacturing principles. These are intended to improve the process to the point where you can do changeovers of machines and runs of parts quickly and on the fly. I thought how when we do not "stockpile" days of Manna in advance hoping it will last us a long time, we begin to operate in "Just In Time Faith" which is a daily improvement of the process of living in the now. The beauty of not being bound to the past and not being afraid of the future allows us to simply trust that God will provide, shedding the anchors of our own abilities to hoard and increase sets us free to be Just In Time Believers.
"Now we are aware that God is working all together for the good of those that are loving Him"
Linda M Curtis said...
I think it's gonna be a good good night !
Genna Saloff said...
Is there any chance I can hear this good news "live" on my computer tomorrow?!! Perhaps I could take responsibility for the preservation of the live broadcast... I used to forward to Wednesday... every night!
Hi Bishop,
The gospels in the now are good news for me. I was able to really take time to read over the past few days and how refreshing they are. So much clarity in this translation. I believe they can make great gifts for anyone for anytime.
I have a relative who is always attempting to minister the Jehovah Witness to me although I keep telling him how good I am with Jesus, he wants to minister this religion, so I will bless him with the gospels and let him chew on "truth" for a season.
I appreciate you giving us this gift from your giftings.
Peace and blessings
Jere Luck said...
Oooooh I'm with Genna. That sounds like a GREAT idea!!! :) I'd love to hear it live too. Yes?????
Hey Genna...thanks...the situation with the streaming is not that we can't afford it, it's that it just enables too many in our congregation to stay home and watch, and when they do that they don't give, and when they don't give, we don't have any income, and that's why we nearly lost our building and campus a few weeks ago...our church is not a community church, and internet capability, for us anyway, seems to make it even less so...I know it stinks for those of you who live out of state, (even thought most of the cyber-congregation didn't support financially, either), but right now I'm having to make the physical, local congregation my main focus so that we can still exist...all the services are on CD, DVD and mp3...and who knows what we may be able to do in the future?
Thanks, Yvonne...I appreciate it...
Hey Jere...I know, I know...btw, thanks for your encouraging word last Sunday...
Good news...buenas noticias!
Looking forward to tonight's service.
A few new songs I added to the playlist on the worship blog; Open the eyes of my heart Lord, precious blood, shout to the Lord, shake the foundation, let the rain of your presence, rain on us, say the name of Jesus...come and check it out and worship a little:
...and don't forget the Prison Ministry bake sale this Sunday...God willing I'll have baguettes, rolls, Latvian piragis (thanks to Erik's cookbook), and olive bread! Come support Pastor Michael and the ministry crew.
Love ya'll, have a great morning.
word ver: buytheo
Jennifer M. Carpenter said...
I used to watch you when you were on TV and I DID give! It is too bad everyone spoiled it for we "out of the way" folks. I will pray for you and your congregation, I wish you were closer to Alpharetta!
Genna Saloff said...
Ahhh--- this makes a lot of sense.. very smart. Sometimes I feel that way about my friendships now that we can talk on the internet.....and its interesting to think about the consequences there. I am very excited for the future for CITN and myself ( when i get a job. so i can contribute financially to places i want to support!)
Thanks, Jennifer...I appreciate it...we actually have members from Alpharetta and even further away ("A church that's alive is worth the drive!)...but it's not out of the question that I might start streaming Wednesdays again some time in the near future, because it is (legitimately)difficult for people who work in other parts of the city to make a mid-week service...
Thanks, Genna...I'm glad to know it matters to you...
Amen, Good News is water when we are thirsty. Yay CITN !
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