He orders the snow, 'Blanket the earth!' and the rain, 'Soak the whole countryside!' No one can escape the weather—it's there. And no one can escape from God. (Job 37:6, 7 - The Message)

Fire and hail, snow and ice, hurricanes obeying his orders...
(Psalms 148:8 - The Message)

Just as rain and snow descend from the skies and don't go back until they've watered the earth, Doing their work of making things grow and blossom, producing seed for farmers and food for the hungry, So will the words that come out of my mouth not come back empty-handed. They'll do the work I sent them to do, they'll complete the assignment I gave them.
(Isaiah 55:10, 11 - The Message)

“Come now, let’s settle this,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow..." (Isaiah 1:18 - The Message)
(Thanks to Pastors Jim and Deb Muehlstein for the pix)
Your more than welcome...Is the check in the mail...HA>HA...Love you Bishop..Peace & Blessings...It is a "WONDERFUL LIFE"
Lindsey Pettite said...
These pics are beautiful... I love CITN...
Leslie Holloway said...
Beautiful pics! Were actually on 400N trying to get home and all lanes in both directions are shut down...not sure what's going on but we've been here parked for about 30 minutes with no movement. Please pray for those involved. Just heard its a 12 car pile up on both sides.Praise God we stopped for Waffle House...only problem is we didnt get gas, buurrrr. The snow is certainly beautiful though and I love it!
You Know I'm Happy To See The SNOW. B E A U TI FUL Pictures!!!
Oh! Precious Is The Flow
That Makes Me White As Snow
No Other Fount I Know
Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus
I enjoy the power of snow to change our perception...to take the everyday things in our lives, the "normal"...cover everything with its soft outlines...and add child-like Wonder to our hearts...
I agree...Beautiful pictures.
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
What an awsome God we serve!!!
The pics are beautiful.
Love looking at the snow and the pic are inviting. Not sure if I will be able to make it for service, again, from up here in the N.Georgia Mountains. I need my fix. It is calling my name. I dont want withdrawal to start. It is to painfull to go through. I would just soon stay intoxicated in the spirit. SO, please please Mr.Snow and ice, let me go to church tomorrow.
I love the pictures, thanks for sharing.
Just remembering the day of the ground breaking...the eagle flying overhead...
Walkin in a winter wonderland...
Love CITN!
nice comments, verses, and pics...looking forward to gathering Sunday. God bless you Anonymous (N. Georgia)
Linda M Curtis said...
IT's all beautiful, the nature of it, the pictures, the quotes you assigned to each picture~ just so good, just so GOD !
Joan K. Harrington said...
Love those pictures.
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