We'll be leaving the Philippines in a few hours...I've been coming here every year since 1999, and I think I can honestly say that this was the very best trip yet...last night's ministry in Iligan City was amazing, and today's visit to the incarcerated children at the Ozamiz Youth Detention Center was heartbreaking (they actually put these beautiful little kids behind bars in hot, overcrowded cells)...I'll tell you about it all when I get home, and I'll post the rest of the pics on Facebook...but the shots below show what was probably my favorite part of the whole trip...

The UNITE 2010 conference was held at the Chinese church retreat center in Ozamiz City which was started by Watchman Nee's congregation back in the 30's...to be in a place that was connected with Nee was cool enough, in and of itself, but the church's pastor (Pastor Ting) invited us to stay and combine our Sunday service with them, and what happened in that service was (for me) even cooler...the man in the picture is Chua Behong, and he is an elder in the church...he is 100 years old...I had the privilege of helping him serve communion to the three nations represented in the service (China, Philippines, USA)...

There's no way to describe how awesome this man is...he has all of his faculties, but more importantly, he's just completely filled with the Spirit...and with love...and with wisdom...he's everything you would hope that a spiritual man would be at 100...just being in his presence affected me, and touched me very deeply...

Here he is looking out over the international congregation, clapping his hands and saying "So many people together!"

One thing that really impressed me was the way he worshipped...Pastor Jimmie was leading some very loud and upbeat praise, and this centenarian stood and clapped his hands and joined in on every song...

As the service was coming to a close, we took some pictures together...

This is Pastor Ting, one of the sweetest guys you could ever meet...he interpreted for me when I preached (in Chinese), while another pastor interpreted in Cebuano...here he is explaining the Chinese Bible to me...

Here we are after church with Bishop Tom...

Then Chua Behong invited us to lunch...he gave me a very generous offering, and then for an hour just poured out amazing wisdom to all of us...he shared with us the secret of his long life (basically it's just being happy, according to him), and he really sort of transformed us all...well, I can't speak for everyone else, but he certainly made an impact on me...meeting him was such a blessing...I don't think I'll be the same...I certainly won't forget that day...
More later...
I don't want to mess with words, while I looked at the photos and read what you said, I got a heavy chest and tears in my eyes. My heart was racing.
It was ALL GOOD !
Can't wait to hear.........
Peace ~
Northern Light
Sounds like you had an Awesome time. Can't wait till Wed. to hear more.
100 years old? Really?!! Wow!
They must use the metric system over there.
Linda M Curtis said...
I just had the nicest FB chat with Tony D and he praised you, Bishop, and the conference and already is looking forward to next year~ that's how it goes, isn't it ? GOD is so good !
Cliff Hancock said...
wow... I really enjoyed this. What wonderful work this is. Thanks for all the updates
Michael Gordon said...
Yes, thank u again Bishop for visiting our kids. You brought a word of LIFE to them. Some of them have family living in Ozamiz but they have never visited them. Your team made a difference in their day!
Hearty Joy Gloria Foster said...
Chua Behong who is very kind and very generous. I admired him.
Nicole Shwingbarks said...
we will miss you bishop and the CITN team . . . looking forward for UNITE 2011 . . see you soon! :)
Mayann Sabucido said...
hi bishop jim,,thank you so much for everything you've shared and taught to us during conference,,,we've learned a lot specially about L-O-V-E and RECONCILIATION,,,u are really a blessing to me and all BASOPI-Koronadal city,,,The hatred that i feel to my father turned into love,,,Be blessed!!!!!
Bing Vallespin said...
Hello Bishop Swilley, i was in the church last nite (The Sanctuary - Iligan City) it was an awesome nite and a great reunion too with the great men of God. Thanks for the powerful words u shared the life of joseph the dreamer. i was so touched and so blessed. hope to see u soon again.
Kevin Main said...
Bishop Swilley thanks so much for the gift, and I will live in the NOW and live the gospel. You are a true man of Father and a messenger for this world to hear truth as it should be taught. I count it an honor to have met you and become connected to Church in the Now through The Sanctuary. Fathers traveling mercies upon you and your staff. Be blessed!
Erwin Jayoma said...
Hi Bishop Jim, you really a blessing to me. The Messages that I heard during the conference has big impact in my life and lot of changes happened inside of me. I am thankful to God for your life! Thanks for being a blessing....
Jon Scott said...
Thank you for sharing this Bish. I can feel a sweet presence in the pictures.
Jody Adair said...
Chua is the real deal....
Giedah Mae S. Salig said...
WOOOOWWWW....nations...culture...different denominations...from north south east and west...coming together to magnify the name above every name..the name of God.Amazing fellowship!
Hannarisa Lim said...
weeeeehhh... see you in UNITE 2011... hehe.. can't wait..
Giedah Mae S. Salig said...
Giedah Mae S. Salig said...
Rosaly M. Tik-ing said...
bishop thank you very much for visiting us here in the phils...we are looking forward of seeing you again next year...we gonna miss you. we are so blessed!
Bishop Eduardo Deita said...
Thanks for your time to the Philippines. Though I was not able to make it but our workers was so blessed. Hope you can visit our church also
Richard Norbert B. Paclibar said...
we're not getting older, we're getting better...
i love this statement Bishop Jim, my mind was truly opened to achieve the best in me every single day that i live.. so as to see the best in every person.. when you release this statement "it is a waste of time to be in an argument with someone" something was truly awaken inside of me, i know that i have this already but the Holy Spirit made me more realize through you.. instead of arguing why not be a bridge builder and a peacemaker.. WOW! what a powerful word.
when you made us realize the true meaning of THE SANCTUARY..
i can't help but cry when i assess myself and ask the question "AM I REALLY THE SANCTUARY TO EVERYONE OR JUST FOR THE FEW?"
and have this thought that i am still too far from being a true SANCTUARY TO ALL. But when you let us sing and to mean the song LORD PREPARE me to the sanctuary. I was refreshed and realized that I am always the sanctuary to the the people who are in need. The only thing is Am i manifesting it.. Now i am bold enough to say that i will could still stumble in some ways but i will be the better sanctuary to people than yesterday, and better tomorrow than today..
thanks so much Bishop Jim..
Ptr Jun Andalan said...
to our beloved Bishop Jim Swilley, thanks for the word of life imparted to us.... the word became flesh and dwell among us, walking human and divine.... We love you bishop, from the philippines....
There are pictures that show how a cell divides, of zygotes and embryos. Scientists describe with words the stages of growth. But they don't describe the why or the how...just the what. Reading the statements here, hearing the testimonies from those attending is similar to seeing the scientists snapshots. The miracle of it all, the magnitude of the coming whole and at the same time the minutest details of growth are
essential for the forming of a healthy body.
Watching the body of the Christ in the earth form is so incredibly humbling and yet empowering. Is it possible to be on your knees and standing at the same time? Is this even a coherent statement? I don't know. But, in addition to Hallel to Jah, its the best I've got right now.
I can really tell your exhileration in the pictures, that's awesome...a great feeling just to see it. That was a very nice invitation and fellowship...very happy for you.
The love, compassion and excitement shown in these pictures and post are heart warming.
God Bless you Bishop.
Debra M.
Jim Muehlstein said...
Can't wait to hear about the trip...safe travels to the team...see you all ITB Weds...How Great is our God!
Thanks for the pics Bishop..You can see the LOVE that shines from Chua...see you all soon...Peace & Blessings to all of them...P.Deb Muehlstein
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