The next day, a huge crowd assembled in Jerusalem for the Passover Feast. When they heard that Jesus was coming there for the festival, they took palm branches and went out to meet Him, loudly shouting to Him, "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in God's name. Blessed is the King of Israel!" But Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it, to fulfill what was written: "Don't be afraid people of Israel. Look, your King is coming, sitting on a donkey's colt."
At first, His disciples didn't get it at all. But after Jesus was glorified, they remembered all this and realized that everything had happened exactly as the Scriptures had said it would. Those in the crowd who had seen Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead, were talking about it incessantly. And as they kept recounting the story over and over, the excitement from the whole thing just spread like wildfire among the people.
And that's why the crowd was so huge and noisy that day. The whole town was so electrified with the news of Jesus' power and ability, that a kind of mania had set in among them. So when the Pharisees saw what was happening, they said to one another, "This thing is out of control! Look! The entire world has gone after Jesus!"
(John 12:12 - 19 - JITN)
Linda M Curtis said...
I love all the individual images that come together to make the picture ~
Torri Hornsby Griffin said...
Wow. Talk about multiple images. That one's deep.
Karl McIntosh Cobos said...
amen...lift up your heads oh ye gates...
Linda M Curtis said...
to be in the midst of that kind of "mania" ~ and then to realize later what you witnessed..........awe
Nonnie Lemmon said...
Izumi JOY muses: The next day! I appreciate how these words are a prelude to hope. It reminds me of Psalms - how weeping may endure for a night. (it may. But, then again. It may not. Ultimately, His FAVOR lasts a lifetime. Woohoo!)
I appreciate how JITN expands my perceptions. The crowd assembled at the "possession of peace", and "fountain of peace". Remember where Scripture says, the "steps of the godly are ordered by the Lord, and he delights in his way"?
When I study JITN'S account, it just makes me wonder. Stuff like... I thought only God was good. Of course, His steps were ordered. So, was this gathering a divine set up? Were the festivants (that a word? Is now.) always "godly"? (in Him, in the beginning) ... See More
Plus... why would Jesus calm them with, "Don't be afraid..."?
The picture incorporates many of my meanderings. The images - Scripture in microcosm? Jesus in the center, clasping the bridle. James 3:2? Proverbs 26:3?
Yes. Long post. Like those festifullants who witnessed something miraculous, I wanna recount this story. My part, anyway. I want to talk incessantly about this supernatural realm, be obnoxiously noisy, and electrified, and out of control about this thing (if there is such a thing) called God.
And so, I am.
What a tremendous experience it was to have been in the building yesterday for the celebration of Palm Sunday! All the nations and families in CITN were seeking Jesus, and the HOLY SPIRIT-- (the Greater One) showed up. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty who was, who is, and He who is to come. Well, needless to say, on yesterday, HE ARRIVED in a phenomenal way. There was nothing lacking in the building, and surely everyone should have left different and completely transformed from the way / mindset they they had before they entered in.
Great and mighty is the Lord, for in His Presence, there is POWER, HEALING, Deliverance, Peace, and Completion of every unfinished work / thing. As we worshiped the Lord in spirit and in truth, there was an incredible shifting in the atmosphere, whereas the timely and riveting message that Bishop Swilley delivered on yesterday absolutely remarkable.
Palm Sunday rocked in a huge way. I am blessed, grateful, and honored that I was able to be in the building on yesterday where there was an electric charge in the air that should have certainly left everyone wanting more. HOSANNA! Blessed is He who comes in the name and the presence of the Lord, as God saves and delivers us from our preconceived notions and ideologies. May we be open to receive-- as well as GIVE all that God desires to pour into/ through us for the building up of others, while our strength is restored, and healing, divine health, and wholeness floods / permeates every fiber of our existence. The Lord is great and is worthy to be praised, so I shall magnify Him, exalt Him, and lift Him up above every circumstance and situation.
I speak blessings, peace, the Love of God, and WISDOM to all on this day. May this week and new season usher in miracles and overflow in the lives and hearts of all, while we continue to work out our own salvation in the Lord, while accepting and receiving HIS Finished and Perfected Works of the Holy Spirit within us. Selah...
Amen, Scribe!
This is the first moment I've had to put down some thoughts about the teaching Sunday. First, it's turned into my new favorite "play-this-over-and-over-again" teaching.
Second, I've had one Hosanna-saving so far [that I've been shown, anyway]...from a half-truth.
If I can explain this right, specific details aren't important but I realized Monday that a movie I watched as a child had a half-truth in it. The deal is that I had written it off as a total lie and unknown to me it had stayed buried in the "why did I ever believe that could be true?" memory file.
Now here's the cool part. The realization on Monday was that it contained a half-truth about walking in the power of the Kingdom...and there was freedom [and maybe even a bit of forgiving myself?] that I had "believed" it because it did contain "some" truth.
Hosanna! Save us from our half-truths, Lord...Yes!...and thanks for shining a light in a hidden room of unforgiveness, too.
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