Friday, May 28, 2010

Recent FB Postings

"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart. And try to love the questions themselves." - Rainer Maria Rilke...I pray that we all have the liberty & courage 2day 2 work out our own salvation with fear & trembling (with awe & respect 4 the process)...don't let any1 or anything make u 4get that u r fearfully & wonderfully made...blessings on 2day's journey...stay strong & authentic...2 thine ownself b true...

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." e.e. cummings..."For we are God’s masterpiece..." (Ephesians 2:10 NLT)

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss

(5/23) Thanks, everyone who was in any way a part of today's was an amazing day from beginning to end...special props to my incredible are all A-list...and thanks FB, friends, for the reviews...seriously, CITN people, you're all awesome, and I mean it in the literal sense...I'm in awe of all of you, and how wonderful you all are...exclamation point!

"If you look into your own heart, and you find nothing wrong there, what is there to worry about? What is there to fear?"
- Confucius

Quit seeing life's events thru the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil paradigm, categorizing them n2 2 separate columns (good stuff vs. bad stuff)...c everything thru the Tree of He is the 'I AM', u r simply the 'U R''s written, "They that come 2 God must believe that He is..."...come 2 urself, & believe that u r...embrace all ur fear...only here...only now...only Him...only u...

And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree...there will be an answer, let it be. For though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see...there will be an answer, let it be. Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be...there will be an answer, let it be...

Some1 said, "It's not who u r that holds u back, it's who u think ur not"...every1 has's why we need each other...we might not have it all 2gether, but 2gether we have it all...Paul gloried n his infirmities (weaknesses), but knew who he was, & was sure of what he was here 2 do...whatever makes u feel insecure is probably, n reality, the thing that makes u special...the world needs u...just as u r...


SCRIBE said...

Amen and amen... to thine own self be true. As we strive to become our absolute best person (individual, unique, divinely crafted, carefully and wondrously made) in the likeness / image of God, through the working out of our very own salvation with honor, reverence, and relationship to/ with God--- this process births tremendous progress step by step. And as we begin to see ourselves in a different light / perspective because of the renewing of our mindsets, cutting ourselves some slack instead of being our own worst critic, we also graduate with grace so that we are able to be more compassionate, loving, kind to others. We are better able to love self as we come to terms with the greatness and TRUTH of God Almighty. The process is not necessarily painless,smooth or easy, while usually taking far longer time than we care for it to; yet through it all when we look back to discover how far we have come through His grace as well as having undergone grave transformations and character developments / re-developments to become His best version of us-- we can truly proclaim HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD !

He is not only a god that is real, but becomes more real to us, through us, and in us, allowing us to shine His light in all the dark places. As we love with the heart of God, it becomes clear that though we may not be able to give others what they may want in the way they may want / desire it, yet we can rest assured, and without guilt or regret- that we have given our best based on what we had to give at the time, which is for the most part what was actually needed and needful, whether it is received as such or not. As we give the best and sometimes the worst of who we are to others, we must accept that "it is what it is ", move forward and keep striving towards greatness while progressively pursuing and cultivating excellence by way of the Holy Spirit that lives within us.

I make no apologies for WHO I AM, for the Great I AM abides within and with me. Needless to say, He knew what He had to work with and through long before I ever came into being, seeing, knowing, and accepting. For I AM that I am, Salt and Light in the earth. Selah...

Anonymous said...

Cheryl Tiedemann said...
