"Out of my distress I called upon the Lord; the Lord answered me, and set me free and in a large place. The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me? The Lord is on my side and takes my part, He is among those who help me; therefore shall I see my desire established upon those who hate me. It is better to trust and take refuge in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust and take refuge in the Lord than to put confidence in princes."
(Psalm 118:5-9 – AMP)

Today I will live in the now! I will live in the now because God has set me in a large place where people cannot limit my progress or diminish my gifts and talents; a place where they cannot dilute the force of my life, nor prohibit me from realizing all of my possibilities. No one can confine me to their vision of me, or make me be something that I am not. I will not let anyone put me in a box by their words, opinions, or beliefs about me. I am who God says I am, and that's all that matters!
Today I will bow my knees to Jesus, and let Him tell me what to do in the authority of the Father, by the power of the Holy Sprit, as He commanded:
"Don't set people up as experts over your life, letting them tell you what to do. Save that authority for God; let Him tell you what to do . . ." (Matthew 23:9 – The Message).
Today I will let no one define my personality, nor determine my potential. They cannot deter my progress, delay my promotion, or defeat my purpose. I am God's workmanship — He is the potter and I am the clay!

Today I will let no one choose the right path for me. I will be teachable, submitted to spiritual authority, and will wait for the confirmation of two or three witnesses; but, ultimately, I must choose for myself the way that I should go. I will be solely responsible for my own decisions.
Today I will get a bigger picture in my head of who I am, and what I am supposed to do, than what I have settled for up to this point.

Today I will break out of the mold that has been set for me (or that I have set for myself), not so that I can be seen as a rebellious maverick, but so that I can be the individual that God created in His own image, submitted to His unique will for my life.
Today I will just generally live a bigger life, and today I will live in the now!
Father, let Your will be done in me, on earth as it is in heaven today.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Rocky Walker said...
Love your book Living in the Now, Kelley Varner's son gave me one.
My brother in law gave away about 200 at his church in Seminole Oklahoma!
Thanks, Rocky...It's called 'A Year In The Now', and this post is the entry for today's date...Pastor Varner wrote a beautiful intro for it (I miss him), and his wife has been one of the book's greatest promoters...tell your brother-in-law I appreciate what he did...peace to you!
Brenda Forrester Pollard said...
Every time, without exception, I read a daily devotion from "A Year In The Now", it is a raehma? word to me again; a fresh word, even though I have read the same devotion many times over the years. Amazing...
Hello Bishop Swilley,
I want to thank you for this word today...it was a NOW WORD for me...GOD used you to bless my soul today and for that I am eternally grateful...May HE continue to pour into you as you pour out to us is my most sincerest prayer!
"PS" La'Donna
Sandra Rosser said...
I agree with Brenda - it's amazing how prophetic AYITN is. It goes to show how much we as people have in common, regardless of the differences in our daily lives.
This is my umpteenth time reading the devotionals so I'm glad it's digital; the book was highlighted in so many different colors over the years it's unreadable now!
Joe D. McCutchen said...
The best daily devotional ever written!
Yvette Smith said...
I agree with Brenda also......
Joan K. Harrington said...
Terrific blog. I so embrace it.
Leslie Holloway said...
so I posted my status before reading AYITN....ALWAYS ALWAYS in the flow of where my spirit is traveling. For that sir, I thank you! I thank you for your confirmation that I too am living in the Now. I will repost in notes because this is a word for many of my friends as well. Carpe Diem!
Karl McIntosh Cobos said...
Good morning Bish! Yes, God has SOLUTIONS to our problems (distresses)...let us expect them today. I believe that is His word to me this morning, and confirmed to me by A Year In The Now, June 23, #2.
Bishop, God is restoring you by working ALL things together for your good.
In God's green pastures feeding, by the still waters lie...
Got you close in prayer!!!!
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