Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power THAT IS AT WORK WITHIN US, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]--To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen (so be it). (Ephesians 3:20, 21 - AMP)
"The future is simply infinite possibility waiting to happen. What it waits on is human imagination to crystallize its possibility."
- Leland Kaiser
...remember that He is able to do more than we can ask or think ACCORDING TO THE POWER THAT WORKS IN US...anything can happen today...it's all in Him...it's all in you...look for possibilities everywhere...
Right on time! Thank you for reminding me.
I read it and I believe it! I know that God can do more than we ever ask or think. I just want to know how to turn off my mind and tap into the possibility! That is my question and my quest. How?
Today was very challenging but I decided to look at all the possibilities that were available to me and as I was pondering the power that is at work within me walked me right into the answer. It was more than I could have ever asked for. If truth be told it was not even one of the possibilities that I was thinking about. I was thinking to low but He is able to do superabundantly. I believe I love this thing call Life and who would have ever thought I would feel this way.
Thanks Bishop.
Really good for me to read that. As we all probably know, there are times we cannot even see a possible horizon, the future is so wide open.
Then, other times, the horizon is completely in front of us, we cannot seem to see past it. We get closer, expecting it to advance away, as horizons do, but it does not. We do not want to reach it, so we walk more slowly, waiting for the horizon to advance.
Aghast, it does not! We know we should keep going, but we really do not want to reach it. Tempted to stop moving, as we draw closer to the unmoving horizon, but determined to go on regardless. Understanding then, in our weakness, God's strength is understood on a whole other level.
Yay, and OMG. both exist in the same heartbeat. However, we keep going because ANYTHING CAN happen, in the Power that works within Us. It IS EVERYWHERE.
Let it ride!
PS. Be in agreement for my paradigm to change, as the Horizon draws near. I am really not used to ever being so near to it.
Joel Nunn said...
Reginald Sawyer said...
Melissa Geter said...
Oliver Bob Lagumen said...
That's Divine Energy at Work thrugh Human Vessels Now.
Pamela Holbrook said...
Oh wow - Amen
Phenomenal picture, Bishop! "Objects of faith are closer than they appear. Really, really BIG objects of faith." Very cool.
Agreed, Erik.
Man, this AMP version is inspiring...ABOVE all that I "dare"...really? 'Cos I can think of a lot!...!
And all I have to do is get His already-in-me power to work? Dude! There's a Beach Boys era comment I will avoid using...but its itchin' to come forth...
Short testimony: long phone conversation with bro strangely led to learning my Gpa passed convinced he was headed for hell. I launched into examples of where to draw the lines of who's in and out...when a God thought had me put my brother in Jesus' place deciding if his son, who would reject anything his dad offered, would get in. He got it! And even more, he gets what CITN is all about. I LOVE THIS PLACE!!! (No apologies for the extra exclamation points will be offered!)
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