Today @ CITN was...
Jim Swilley...powerful...prophetic...revelatory...confirming...
Nonnie Lemmon...like an effervescent fountain... an artesian well
Timothy Ward...Awesome! Will definitely need to come and visit some Sunday in near future.
Nonnie Lemmon...a feather bow on my spirit/ heartstrings...
Jetaun 'The Diva' Ward...Unlike any experience!
Jennifer Bruce Fowler...Just what I needed! Can't wait till tonight!
Reginald Sawyer...A wonderful spiritual occurence. All that's left to be spoken is Selah........
Leslie Hancock...great, we watched online for a little bit :)
Linda M Curtis...Awesome ~ Amazing ~ Accurate ~ AND FOR REAL !
Ebony Thornton...You had to be there
John Wanza...Bishop, All I can say IS how GREAT IS OUR GOD...
Randy Patin...AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!
Amy Cantwell Carter...a renewing of the mind!
Linda M Curtis...wait...I missed one.....AN APPETIZER !! Yeah, that's the best one yet !
Donald Cofield...Very good!
Dennis Caldwell...An extraordinary stir of the Spirit.... waiting to see whats next...
Dennis Caldwell...Also the LORD spoke to me during the time of meditative listening through a vision I dont completely understand yet... had to do with a calendar turning pages. That's all I'm going to say right now....
Nancy Courter...We are there in the spirit....
Linda M Curtis...STILL an APPETIZER...........cause there's much more to be brought to the table....and we're hungry for it, still. Don't call me late for dinner!
Laura Benson...Interesting
Noelle Faith Singleton...Man...I can't wait to be back in ATL so I can stop missing the Glory! But I know God showed up and showed out!
Larry Usher...Validation of His word to many who have been listening for several years. Just kept the "amen" button pressed down!
Sandra Rosser...Affirming, uplifting, encouraging. God loves us!
Berita Mooneyhan...Awesome service. My first time there. Absolutely so anointed, just so thankful to be in the Lord's presence... Also, a VERY friendly family of God. All I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you. I am so thankful for the demonstration of the spiritual gifts. I felt like Mary at Jesus' feet.
Denise Graham...Sevice was phenomonal. I love this church. I actually look forward to going to church now!!!!
Terrell MuzicBoi Teezy Davis...Service was yes!!!!
Dana Williams-Cochran...Military duty, I missed it. Darn.
Karl McIntosh Cobos...refreshing, strengthening, confirming, revelatory like you said, creative and challenging.
Vanessa Faye Mattox...On point, on time and right on with the word for me and the house.
Leslie Holloway said...
...... :)
I have gotten a blow by blow account of the service from my daughters, really hate I missed it but God had me on assignment. The word was right on for my daughter, saw that in her from the beginning. God is awesome and when I'm told I sound different now I say I'm just like my daddy (you).
...revealing and healing, freeing and empowering, respectful and personal...a Cool of the day walk with Our wonderful Father and the Master Fisher of men...
Bishop you were wrong when you stated during service that this was the best service ever. I know that God can do wonders and I understand that he gives abundantly but when I asked him for a church I didn’t expect this! How is it possible that every week surpasses the last? I just started living in the now and every week for the last 8 weeks I have experienced the best service ever! I am excited that God has blessed me in the now. There is no amount of money I can give to repay everyone at CITN that has given their heart to me but if I had it I would give it all.
Cheryl Tiedemann said...
Great confirmation. Prophecy seemed to be accurate and timely but there is still more to come...
Cheryl, "there is still more to come..." That spoke to me, it may have something to do with my calendar vision during the meditative prayer time... A much clearer vision than I have had in a long time. I know this vision was from The Lord, you just know when you know... I was out like going to surgery then "awake" like the recovery room instantly afterwards (you that have had surgery will understand - I've had several) with the memory of the vision of the calendar..
I clearly saw a wall calendar turning pages from April to May which didn't make sense at first seeing that time is already past - till I remembered I was at "The Bridge" conference down there in GA at Robert Rutherford's Church "at the turning of the calender from April to May... Many Good words there from many anointed speakers, Robert Rutherford, Dr. Lovelace, D.E. Paulk, Gary Sigler, John Gavazzoni, Mark Eaton, Willie Cripps and others; I was even given a word from The Lord to speak a couple of times. I need to go back and review the videos - I videoed the whole conference.... Love the technological resources The Lord has blessed me with... I still take notes and have some of them from when the Lord speaks to my heart during a message.. Looks like I need to do some serious reviewing.
P. Dennis
Amalia Amaki said...
...better than eating as much as you want of all of your favorite desserts without feeling guilty, getting a stomach ache, or gaining weight...multiplied by 10,000!
So pregnant, my hands can hardly reach the keyboard. (hehe)
As always, The Flow of The Spirit is.
I was in a different geographical spot, and in the Flow with many others, and CITN. What was spoken among those I was with in the wee hours of Sat night/ Sun morn, was reverberated in the service I was at Sun morning, and blasted over the internet on Sunday night, watching the CITN service, on streaming video while streaming down the highway.
I know, I know, long run on sentence, but sometimes run ons happen!:) better than runs happening ;)
God is so damn cool. Love it !!!!
LOL - Amen Eric!
This morning my renewed mind embraces and "sees" differently.
My paraphrase of what Dr. Lopez spoke that really ministered to me...You have heard it said - God is everywhere, I say - Everywhere is God...such a simple statement...yet so powerful...
From today's AYITN - Father, love Your world through me today.
What an amazing prayer and sentiment.
Everywhere is God! Excellent.
God, loving the world through me, each of us.
See why this place stands out?
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