There's a very good reason why Paul in his writings used phrases like "be transformed by the renewing of your mind", and "be renewed in the spirit of your mind"...transformation definitely happens when thought patterns change...
Want new results in your life? Take control of your thinking, and direct it to whatever end you choose (God has granted you that ability)...you can create your own best life (with props to Oprah and Joel Osteen)...
"For life is the mirror of king and slave.
'Tis just what you are and do;
Then give to the world the best you have,
And the best will come back to you."
I've been talking about this here on the blog for the last several days, but let me say again that you attract to yourself whatever is the substance of the predominant thoughts that you're holding in your awareness, whether those thoughts are conscious or unconscious...the whole 'Laws of Attraction' thing is not a new concept...in fact, it's quite ancient...eternal, really...the knowledge of the Lord fills all the earth as the waters cover the sea...
Emerson said, "The good news is that the moment you decide that what you know is more important than what you have been taught to believe, you will have shifted gears in your quest for abundance. Success comes from within, not from without."...but long before that, the Apostle John said things like "you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things", and "let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning", and "you have no need that any man should teach you"...
"Ninety-nine percent of who you are is invisible and untouchable."
Perhaps the greatest discovery of modern times is that every person has within himself/herself a particle of the creative force that birthed the universe...knowing that, if you can develop a mental attitude in which you are constantly expecting good, you exercise your fundamental right to good...Jesus said, "to them that have will more be given"...
"Most everybody is thinking so many kinds of thoughts, which pass each other and lack harmony. It is no wonder they are getting such results in their lives. If a gardener plants a thousand kinds of seeds, he has a thousand kinds of plants. You plant the seed of thought." - ERNEST HOLMES...James said it this way: "A double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways..."
Thought is creative...it's as simple as that...you are constantly in the process of creating your entire life with your thoughts...what you are now is the result of what you have previously thought and said...what you are thinking and saying now will determine what and who you will eventually become...
I don't want to over-quote Emerson...I know he was coming from a very different frame of reference...but allow me this one more: "Cause and effect, means and end, seed and fruit, cannot be severed, for the effect already blooms in the cause, the end preexists in the means, the fruit in the seed."...to use a Scriptural phrase: Selah!
One more thing...Job talked about being tried in the fire, and coming forth as pure gold...allow the present circumstances, whatever they may be, to reveal the creative power that is already in you...things don't have to stay the way they are...you can change them because you can change your mind...
Don't like the way today is going? Do something about it...
"Circumstances do not make the man; they merely reveal him to himself."
I've made the change from what I was taught to what I KNOW. That part was rather easy. I'm still fighting the most difficult part - to BELIEVE! (Yes, that was my word from that very special service! How did you know that I needed THAT special word?) I'm working very hard to keep my mind focused on creating and celebrating my world, what it can and will be. While words have power, the mind's power is unlimited! I have to use that power for good... My good! The goodness that God has already blessed me with. I have to BELIEVE it in order to receive it!
Thanks Bish, for another awesome reminder of what's really important!
you have just defined (and confirmed) the essence of my destiny walk since June 2009...btw - B. Fuller is one of my all time favorite architects...his vision was not only innovative and inspiring, it was pure genius.
Rest easy,
Amy Cantwell Carter said...
Superfantastic! TY for that today.
So does that mean I should take the fact that when people need money they come to me as a fact that I give off vibes of being wealthy and the return is coming, my friends need jobs, or a combo of the two?
I'm new to the church Bishop but I want you to know that I'm so glad I finally found a church that I can enjoy.
I touched on this briefly on FB, but I think it bears repeating, but one of the things that I think resonates so much with me about you Bishop is your stance on personal accountability (My pastor in Columbus was big on that too), and that WE (with God's help of course) can change ANYTHING about our lives if we want to. You don't say it'll be easy (nothing worthwhile in this life ever is), but it can be done. I've noticed that this has caused my "poor baby" factor with friends to take a HUGE decline, and when I tell them to fix things in their loves they don't like, I hear their "reasons" for not doing it as "excuses" and when I don't want to hear those, I am accused of not being compassionate, and some other things. When the truth is, your life is what you make of it. Accept it and stop complaining, or roll up your sleeves, put on your "big boy/girl pants" on, and fix it. I am starting to get the grasp of the power of the words of my mouth, so the power of what I believe is next. Thanks for the enlightenment (even if you don't like tomatoes).
Larry Usher said...
A metamorphosis of the mind...
Jeff Nix said...
good stuff. timeless... and.. a belief is just a thought we keep thinking.. who then is in control of our thoughts? Who then bears the responsibility of it all? excellent stuff
The beginning line of ACIM daily lesson for today - take from this what you will...recognize...
The peace of God is shining in me now
Why wait for Heaven? Those who seek the light are merely covering their eyes The light is in them now. Enlightenment is but a recognition, not a change at all.
Find what is inside and bring it out. The best of you is ready to shine. You make your future happen. No one can set your feet in motion only you can.
For those of you at BB or tonight's agreement meeting...I am in the process of reading (for the 2nd time) Bruce Lipton's new book "Spontaneous Evolution". Check it out if you are interested in exploring today's word even further. It's all about the reality that I am in agreement with is the healing of the earth spontaneously just as spontaneous remissions of dis-ease occur in individuals. It speaks to the new field of epigenetics (beyond genetics) that talks about the altering of DNA just as P. Jon Scott referred. It also has a very interesting section about returning to the original religion as the root of the word religion and the root of the word ligament come from the same word and that the original meaning of religion was a binding together of its members (not in a bad way, but in an agreeing way)...
My spirit is in agreement with the current Word coming forth at CITN and my world right now if full of the God that is more than enough...
what an enjoyable 7/7 and looking forward to Sunday...
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