This is the day the Lord has made...rejoice...enjoy this blessed day...make it everything that it can be...count your blessings...you have so much for which to be thankful...so much to look forward to...you are surrounded by miracles...God is doing more than you can ask or think right now...embrace the present...live in the moment...be happy and content right where you are...
Just posted this on Facebook: Worry = a waste of time...stop being so anxious about every little thing...some things just have 2 run their course & n the meantime u must believe that God's perfecting that which concerns u...in fact, He may b holding up the thing that u think needs 2 happen right this minute because He sees what u can't see...what u think is a delay may b Him sparing u a big heartache...relax...enter n2 His rest...easy does it...
I really like the picture at the top of the post...as I'm sure you know, the phrase 'Carpe Diem' is Latin for "seize the day"...it's a phrase I use a lot...it's actually a phrase from a Latin poem by Horace which is popularly translated as "seize the day"...Carpe means "pick, pluck, pluck off, gather", but Horace used the word to mean "enjoy, make use of"...
In Horace, the phrase is part of the longer "Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero" – ("Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the future"), and the ode says that the future is unknowable, and that instead one should scale back one's hopes to a brief future, and drink one's wine...this phrase is usually understood against Horace's Epicurean background...
Of course, we believe in a definite future, but it's important to live your life as if there is only today...I like this particular pic because it uses the phrase with the image of God touching Adam from Michelangelo's masterpiece, "The Creation of Adam"...I like that...this is the day He has made AND it's the day you make...God and you together...synergy...agreement...make it awesome today...
Great word - great reminder - now carpe diem with those grandbabies! :-)
Yesterday was fantastic.
Bishop, you and pastor D.E. are excellent on your own, and certainly raise the level in your own services continuously, especially now.
When you are both together, it is Bishop and Pastor D.E. squared squared. A double exponential, or exponential squared.
Thank you for the extended worship at the end of service.
'Seize the day, trusting as little in the future as possible' ... scale back ... and drink one's wine , Amen.
Today, just moments ago, as I was encouraging myself, with a little help from my friends, I received an excellent word from the TV show 'My Name is Earl' . As Earl walked out of prison, he wondered, "How did this happen ? Karma (God, The Universe) should have kicked my butt, instead, I am getting what I dreamed" -- For many reasons I laughed a wonderful laugh, and re-read your blog post, remembering Grace and Mercy follow us (me) always, as we receive or seize them now, today, again.
I sure hope they get paid overtime, double pay.
Thank you Bishop again for pouring yourself into CITN, very appreciated for us ALL.
Gather the day...I like the picture that brings to mind of holding the day in my arms...close...gathered...like an armfull of roses...thorns and all.
I have a clock on my desk that is engraved with "Seize The Day", What you do today is important because you are spending a day of your life for it... let it be something good.
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