"I had the pleasure of visiting Atlanta and CITN this morning. All I could do during worship was cry as I watched beautiful people from all walks of life love on Father together...I am deeply grateful for your commitment and your sacrifice for the Good News..."
- Jeremy Brooks
"Fabulous service! CITN is on the cutting edge of revival..."
- Jamie Gray
"...wonderful word today Bishop and enjoyed Judah singing...he was great."
- Don Craddock
"...tell your Dad he is My hero...I love your Dad so much...he is a great Dad."
- Alicia Neal
"What a mighty out pouring of the HOLY SPIRIT!"
"...U R Simply The Best and todays message was Awesome thank u!
- Luv Tuff
"Always love when Judah does that song..but in honor of fathers day and to you, as the cameras cut away to Jonah on drums and your face, the connection of love, passion, and gifts were greatly expressed and all tied together...so glad I get to be a part of that!!"
- Debra Murphy
"Thank you Judah and Jonah for sharing your gifts with us today."
- Barbara Clancy
"If grace is an ocean...we're all sinking...."
- Nancy Courter
"Judah did an awesome job on that song under the anointing. It's the best I have heard anyone sing it so far. He was "smoking". we enjoyed watching Jonah playing in the Spirit on those drums. You are so blessed to have such talented and gifted children."
- Nadine Coker
"Bishop u are a great father and a wonderful example to ALL men everywhere for ur truthfulness, integrity, and sprituality."
- Nechemyah Levy
Thanks so much, everyone, for your beautiful words about yesterday's service! It really was a great day...in fact, it was a great weekend. Jared's in Europe (I think...or is it California?...I don't know, we've been phone-tagging), but I got to spend time with Christina and the grandbabies Friday, and then Judah and Jonah blessed me so much in the Sunday service with their music (btw, the praise and worship was excellent, too!). Then we had a wonderful Father's Day lunch afterward with the whole extended family. By the way, Jonah is singing this coming Thursday night at CHURCH IN THE NOW MIDTOWN (don't forget to bring an hors d'oeuvre and/or dessert if you're coming!). The boys also got me/us tickets to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and are taking me to see it Tuesday night at the Fox. Awesome! It's going to be a busy week...Wednesday night at CITNE, Thursday night at CITNM, and then I'll be ministering in Houston over the weekend, but will be back for service next Sunday.
Lots of good stuff happening...
And we're still trying to perfect the website...thanks for your patience while we work some bugs out.
It's all good.
Love you all...
Amy Barnes said...
Soooo glad to be a part of it all!!!
Really enjoyed yesterday's message Bishop. You should check out this video on youtube. Funny, but true :)
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