Thursday, March 29, 2012


Just a couple of things...first, I hope to see many of you tonight at CHURCH IN THE NOW MIDTOWN, especially those of you who haven't been there since we started meeting at Virginia-Highland's more of a traditional setting than some of you might be used to, but it's a really nice (and beautiful) environment, and we've been having some really great services since we've been there...

I'm currently writing an article about this, but let me go ahead and give you a heads up so that you can know a little bit better what to plan for...

This coming Sunday (4/1/12) at CHURCH IN THE NOW EAST will be a very full day...we will have our First Supper/Upper Room service (Communion)...'His Hands' will be ministering in worship, as well as my good friend, Alain Emmanuel (you'll really like him)...we will also be receiving new members into the church (first time in a long time that we've done it that way), and immediately after the service I am inviting everyone to come into the Fellowship Hall (Kids In The Now/404 area) for a piece of my birthday cake...

The following Sunday (4/8/12) will be Resurrection Sunday (Easter), and will be CITN's final service at 1873 Iris Drive...I'll tell you more about that in my next post, just wanted to get you up to speed on everything that's happening as much as is possible right now...

Also, since I changed the template of BLOGINTHENOW, some of the posts may not look exactly right because of the layout edit...I can't go back through all 854 posts here and check on them, so I appreciate you just receving it as it is...just felt like it was time for something new...

I hope to have some news for future plans to share by this the meantime, check here for updates...

You're very important to me...

Have an excellent day!


Anonymous said...

...watching for the excellence of each moment...

Anonymous said...

the Mosaic version reminds me of your art..., I like the flipcard version...

One thing about definitely creates a pregnant climate...

For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been 'No' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. ~Steve Jobs