Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Glory of the Lord Shall Be Revealed

"Then God's bright glory will shine and everyone will see it. Yes. Just as God has said."
(Isaiah 40:5 - The Message)


SCRIBE said...

Sunday Afternoon
04 January 2004 @ 1627 Hours

Hallelujah! All glory unto the Lord Almighty, for He alone is God over the great and the small. Offer up thanksgiving and praises unto me continuously, says God, and I shall equip and empower you to walk on the enemy territory, command them to evacuate, leave all their spoils behind, and then proclaim it as Holy Ground! Those whom worship me in Spirit and in Truth shall never be brought to ruin, as I grant them the power to grab the serpents by the neck and squeeze the life out of them with the Word of God- that rightly divides the temporal from the eternal, and truth from deception. Rejoice! For the enemy is living on borrowed time! The curse has been broken through the power of the Holy Spirit and the bloodshed of the ultimate sacrifice, also known as the Precious Lamb of God.

I encourage my people to be bold and radical in their faith, while exercising wisdom and discernment in all things that they are not overthrown due to zealousness, yet lacking in power and authority. Selah… Whenever my bondservants are supposed to speak, I shall make all the opportunities available as the Holy Spirit sets the precedence and itineraries. Therefore, my people are to be prepared to open their mouths as I speak through them. The just / righteousness of God shall live by faith and nothing shall separate them from the love of the Lord Forever Faithful! The joy of the Lord is to serve is your strength and strong tower. Arise and shout Hallelujah, for my greater glory shall be seen and received suddenly and immediately. As quickly as a need comes about for those who worship me in spirit and in truth, it shall be satisfied because my peoples’ hearts are pure before me. Those who have been placed in the fire, purged, consecrated by way of the Holy Spirit have emerged crystal clean, sparkling, and gleaming with the brilliance of the presence of God! Hallelujah!

Obedience unto the Lord thy God is greater than sacrificial offerings. While my people render emphatic praises unto me which erupt from the depths of the spirit, the chains of bondage shall snap off their loved ones and they shall be delivered into the mindset and glory of Christ. They whom the Son of God / Son of Man have set free are free indeed! I am the Lord of Hosts and I shall replenish my people every place they are dwindling down to empty for the betterment of others. I grant unto thee a refreshing and renewing in the spirit realm that shall increase availability and capacity in me, says God. Deny not my people spiritual food for the building of discipline and correction so that folly and rebellion is driven out of them, never to return. Therefore, regret not anything that you have spent for the purposes of restoration into any vessel, says God. Although they may not show appreciation, I shall deal with them on these things and drive greed and selfishness far from them, says God. They need not an upgrade in lifestyle, instead- they require a heart overhaul so that integrity and godly character is built in them. Those whom I have called, but they have chosen to run away instead, to do whatever pleases them and serves their own purpose, the enemy shall be given express permissions to sift them as wheat on the threshing floors as every vile thing is purged from the inside out. I shall then destroy every excuse and option that they have ever made or used to continue in rebellion. The enemies of my kingdom, declares God, have poured gasoline over their own heads and I- Lord Jehovah shall strike the match to bring about spontaneous combustion with urgency. Rejoice in all my goodness, says God, for I have never seen the righteousness of God through Christ forsaken, nor my faithful, obedient, pure at heart Sons and Daughters whom worship me in Spirit and Truth out begging for bread. Amen.

My word shall not return void and those who have cast their bread out on the waters as seed for the betterment of others, in this season, it shall be returned in sizable measures and increased exponentially in every excellent work, says God. As my people give me their best, I shall build them up to receive overflow as they continue in diligence unto me. Let not your hearts be troubled, says God, nor grow weary in well doing because I am the Lord Almighty and I am unveiling the unthinkable and unspeakable on the behalves of my people. Therefore, arise and rejoice, for all the marvelous wonders that are being revealed, declares God Almighty.

Behold! I say unto thee, this is the time and season for total and complete cleansing and purging, says God. So, holdfast for further instructions and direction as I speak in ways that you have never heard before. Brace yourselves for long overdue repentance efforts, says God, for my ways are flawless and excellent. My people are to listen intently and be hasty in nothing- especially communications with others. The time is now and I shall show up in greater dimensions over the next thirty days, as my people humble themselves before me and they will not be left in the same states of minds or hearts that they were when they entered into my depths. Rejoice! I am the Lord of Hosts and I come forth by way of my Holy Spirit that the records are set straight and the captives are set free.


Anonymous said...

2 Chronicles 16:9-For the eyes of Jehovah run to and fro through the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of those whose heart is perfect toward him.

His presence is so strong...somebody hand me a kleenex

P Nancy

Donald said...

Bishop, since you're too modest to say it I will, "You are the best preacher in the world."

Anonymous said...

Halleluja! Yes all honor and praise be to God. All thanksgiving be to Him as He works on my behalf perfecting all that concerns me! Thank you Lord for your favor, for your mercy, and for your grace. Great and mighty indeed! Yes and amen!

Anonymous said...

As a first time guest at CITN last Sunday 12/28/08 (from Michigan), I felt HIS presence and was blessed to be in the home of such true believers. And it felt like home to even me, the guest, SO that is a testament to what and who you have worshipping together on Sundays. Awesome! I thank everyone who welcomed me and my daughter that day.

Today 1/04/09, I tuned in to your service on line and want to say "Thank You" for the truth you spoke on the ONE and Most Holy thing I love about the Catholic Church. You hit the mark on it for me, that being the Reverence and Honor of the Eucharist. Being born and raised Catholic and very lucky & blessed to have been a part of a church home that was inclusive of all, ecumenical, bible teaching, charismatic and Jesus first, I listened to your words carefully and respectfully. Partaking of the awesome Body & Blood of Christ is a gift to me every time!

(***Kudos for the comment about Jesus' first miracle of turning water to WINE............I have had that discussion at the church we now attend (not Catholic)...but the grape juice suffices.) Truly, it's what we believe and what it means to us, not the stage of fruit fermentation it is delivered in! Praise God.

Praises & Blessings to you, Bishop & Pastor Debye and God Bless you and CITN in 2009 and on !

Northern Light

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone!
Check out the Sunday Citizen- Show of Faith...
Bishop-you made it in the paper this year :)

Anonymous said...

Great Service! I will amen what Donald said. Spirit was very Heavy (Glory) here this morning....

"they miss this because they are always looking for that" That's a keeper!

"This" = "Eternal Life NOW" = Gospel....Wow!

I think I will go tell someone......

Mom, my Uncle, and I took communion with you this morning. It was anointed.


JR said...

Great message today Bishop. And I would like to tell you that I also
despise tomatoes. Beware the evil

Anonymous said...

Today's AYITN is my favorite - Only Believe - that is all I want to do in every situation, in every circumstance, in every second of every day - Only Believe!

Anonymous said...

JR, you and Bish are just wrong about the wonderful raw tomatoe. I tell you it is the next best thing to manna. I do agree with you about the great message today though.

There is always something that stands out in a teaching word to me from Bishop and today that was the importance that is clear to discern, for those who want clarity, concerning how important we each are to the other. In his usual witty delivery, Bishop pointed out how dry the worship is in an all anglo/american environment and how much we were in need of african/american influence.

The beautiful thing about the United States is how we embrace the diversity of our nation. Sometimes that is sooner and sometimes later but it seems Providential that it continues to happen regardless of the variations in adaptation.

Yes, I do believe that Divine Providence is the same as the All Seeing God and that is the same as Christ. In addition to that I believe that Christ is ever existent for all humanity and that some have grasped the Christ as Buddha, others as Allah and the many other expressions of the Christ that has always been the worship of humans for the Creator.

Our Lord and Creator has empowered the created to do the work of the Creator by giving us the power of the spoken word. If we say it is bad then we have to live with the result of our proclamation but we also have the ability to say it is good. When we choose to say it is good then we have chosen life and blessing and that is in accord with choosing to live by the original proclamation from God that all is good.

Therefore let us not choose death and cursing, who wants that, but let us choose life/Life.


Anonymous said...

Hey Bishop,
God really has made us an offer we cannot afford to refuse...have no other God, seek Him continually, love according to his example and have a wonderful life...not free of challenges, mistakes, or regrets, but nonetheless wonderful and beautiful.

Thanks for being you.
(I am so blessed He placed me under your voice).