Hey bloggers, I'll post something later, but I just wanted to say that apparently the stronghold with the Rockdale Citizen is at long last broken! The
Walk By Faith was given front page coverage (CITN was mentioned three times), and the news is finally out that Church In The Now actually has a Sr. Pastor, and he has a name!
Thanks to all of you who came out for the event yesterday...it was awesome, and today was even better! What a wonderful day we've had!
Wow, that is really cool and a nice change. I know that only a good harvest is coming to all of the faithful at CITN.
I was in Lifeway Christian bookstore a couple of weeks ago and had the opportunity to speak to a Baptist couple who had many praises for CITN and the wife was saying to the husband that since he was a professional bus driver and worked into the wee hours of the morning, he could stream our services. I was proud to talk about CITN and all of the really cool things we are doing.
They have friends who travel 2 hours each way to attend our services.
At the swearing in ceremonies for the county officials this past Tuesday, whenever CITN was mentioned, people's reaction was very positive. Oz Nesbitt stated that he was sure to be there for the Walk by Faith on Saturday and another official who came back to say thanks, Ruth (last name, unsure) said we should keep praying for her and she thanked me for our support. These are all good things and we have come a long way.
I remember about 6 years ago when I worked at Reader's Digest (QSP) and I mentioned CITN or Bishop Swilley, I found myself having to defend you and the church. I believe the mission and the vision of unconditional love, genuine love for the community and a heart to see God's kingdom come in our lives and for our neighbors is becoming clearer.
The Lord has turned all of the negativity around and to God be the glory.
It is a new birth for the New Year.
God has made room for our gifts and is bringing us before great men.
It is going to be our best Year ever, in Jesus name, by His spirit.
Yvonne/word verification leran = learn
Her name is Ruth A. Wilson and she's the new Clerk of Courts and she was on the CITN stage yesterday.
It is a new day! Very Cool...
About Time They mentioned Bishop in the paper. That was a cool day.
Just wait 'til next year! Look for your name in Time Magazine! Or maybe on CNN?!
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