Hey bloggers...I missed being at CITN yesterday, but we had a great time at Impact Church with Pastors Don and Leesa Hughes...the title of my sermon was "A Holy Ghost Stimulus Package"...I especially enjoyed having the opportunity to speak into the lives of their newly appointed Care Pastors at a special luncheon after church...then we got back on the road so that I could be home in time to see the Oscars (I'm really happy that
Slumdog Millionaire won best picture!)...I'm sure the services at CITN were awesome (I'll watch the DVD)...there's new stuff everywhere here...the AYTIN blog (DEVOTIONAL) is very much in the flow of WHERE2OR3RGATHERED (PRAYER REQUESTS)...there you can find updates on the progress of Pastor Dony McGuire...write your own requests while you're there...besides a new 20/20 post, and a new AW4W post, I also added John Legend's beautiful song,
If You're Out There to the Now Ministries blog...BTW, I really enjoyed your anwers to the 20 Questions...here's a blessing that I posted nearly a year ago...I thought it was worth a re-post...

...In the name that is above every other name, I want to command a blessing on you today, whoever you are…just because you logged on here…because I am thinking about how appreciative I am for all of you who participate in BLOGINTHENOW in any capacity…for all that this cyber-community is NOW…for all that it is becoming…as each one of you bloggers “comes out of the tent” and “looks up and counts the stars”, I believe that you are moving beyond old limitations today…and by the Christ that is being revealed in you as individuals and as a network, I say that you are allowing yourself to express His nature freely and creatively in the earth, and in cyberspace…
...I speak a blessing of grace over those of you who are currently in transition in your life, whether you came to this site intentionally for inspiration, or just happened upon it as you were surfing the web…remember that life is about change, and so I say, in faith, that you are able to adapt easily to the new...and I also would like to add that I don’t believe you came to this site by accident…
...I prophecy over you that you are able to choose to allow all your experiences to be joyous and loving today…that you are really able to embrace, once and for all, that all things are working together for your good…that the Lord is perfecting that which concerns you…that something really good is about to happen to you, if for no other reason than that you logged on here today…
...Walk in the Spirit today, and as you manifest the peace that passes understanding, relax into the flow of life and let it provide all that you need easily and comfortably...Jesus said that to those who have, more will be given, and I say that you “have”…
...I bless you to forgive yourself and others…you are logged onto BLOGINTHENOW…it’s all about the NOW!…so release the past and move forward with love in your heart...go fearlessly into the next “glory” with a VISION for a brighter future…and if you happened to log on to this site to be critical or antagonistic in any way, I forgive you…and if you have written and posted unkind or untrue things about me on the internet, I forgive you, too…and if you are someone in my life whose reputation and online publicity has negatively affected my reputation, I forgive you, as well…I speak life and light to every broken relationship, and I release the mercy of God to flow right through cyber-space, right through your computer, and right into your heart!
...Know that God loves you just like you are, so you have permission to love and approve of yourself, and to be at peace with His plan for your life, and with your own feelings…stand tall and free today because you are not just a part of a cyber-community…you are part of a MOVEMENT…
...BLOGINTHENOW bloggers (or “Bloggers In The Now”), you are strong…great in number…capable…a loving and lovable segment of the Body of Christ…free…giving…united…active…powerful...
...the revelation knowledge that you post here today and in the future is going to be awesome…there will continue to be a free expression of love and synergy on this site…and you will receive a word from the Lord through the expressions of other bloggers that will enable you to enjoy your life as you allow the Holy Spirit to flow through every part of it…
...I am enthusiastic about this blog site…every part of it…I love seeing this vision of communication and restoration unfold every day of my life…each day gets better and filled with more energy, vitality and passion, article by article, post by post…
...I extend my love to all the citizens of this “cyber-city set on a hill”…you are being led by the Spirit today, so accept Divine guidance, trust the process of life, and believe that you are always safe, secure and protected in the Secret Place of the Most High...rest securely knowing that my God shall supply all of your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus…only right action is taking place in your life today, and all details take care of themselves…
...Be blessed today and every day…visit here often, whether you agree with the things I say here or not…I may not always publish your posts for various reasons, but your opinion is still valuable to me, and I appreciate you even taking the time to participate, whatever your motive…
...if you live in the metropolitan Atlanta area and are looking for a spiritual home, please come visit us at Church In The Now…if you live somewhere else in the world, become part of our cyber-congregation at www.churchinthenow.org, and if you are already a part of the miracle that is CITN, know that I love you more than I can say!
Live and move and have your being in Him today…and again I say, BE BLESSED!
Thanks Bishop for the blessing and encouragement.
I was laying in bed and couldn't sleep because I had some things on my mind, but I think I can go back and get some rest now.
Miss you today Bishop, but the kids in the now really make the Service enjoyable to even notice you’re absent.
I wish you are were here Bishop, you’ll be proud of your associates pastors (JIM and ROBIN JAROS) and their Teams who take the most outstanding times to train the children to be out of the box in their journey in life. And for them to be their selves and whom God has called them out to be.
Good job Bishop! For the fact you have the best people in your staff working with you to support your dream, say so much about your Dream and Vision. I come to realized it is not only your Dream and your Vision. But also our Dream and our Vision!
I believe it is a dream all of us believe in, and that’s the reason we did not let Fear scared us to stay in the box, but come out of the box to participate in something that is way bigger than we’ve anticipated.
MAY GOD BLESS YOU Bishop, for allowing us be part of not only your VISION, but GOD VISION for His Kingdom on hearth as it is also in heaven.
…I prophecy over you that you are able to choose to allow all your experiences to be joyous and loving today…that you are really able to embrace, once and for all, that all things are working together for your good…that the Lord is perfecting that which concerns you…that something really good is about to happen to you, if for no other reason than that you logged on here today…
…Walk in the Spirit today, and as you manifest the peace that passes understanding, relax into the flow of life and let it provide all that you need easily and comfortably...Jesus said that to those who have, more will be given, and I say that you “have”…
Those two Blessings speak to me today.
Fritz and I are blessed. After getting married we decided, we are going to trust God to direct our paths. Guide us in decisions we have to make, and bless us with the Wisdom of His Son Jesus Christ, and with His Understanding of things to come. Since then, I am not going to say things are being easy, but they also not being difficult either. God always find a way to cover us in everything we do, even when in times it does not look like a blessing. It is. We found each other with the help of the Holy Spirit. So, the sensible good thing to do is to allow the Holy Spirit to take full control in our life. And I just know because of this decision we have made we are no longer operate in the natural, but are trying our best to operate in the spiritual.
Thank you Bishop for blessings us.
Peace and Love
Amen! Let everything that have breath praise the LORD! Thanks Bishop for this awesome encouragement, prophecy, exhortation. That is really needed today. And by you "speaking" this blessing over us today, I know that things are looking up and phenomenal things are are the brink... what a tasty spiritual vitamin to get us started and carry us through for while. I'll be back a little later.
Welcome Back. Yesterday was great and not just because my grandaughter was apart of the program. There are many things that can be said about you mostly great. But the thing above all the rest is your ability to put the right people in the right places. I think when the time comes for your rewardes, this ability will put you over the top. GOD BLESS with all there is and more. I take great pride in saying you sir are my Pastor. Love from my family to yours. Bigg Keith
Good choice (re)-posting.......
Not being here back then, it is fresh to me today, and you spoke a few "right to me" things there. AWESOME so early in the morning!
Regarding yesterday's service,I did stream in yesterday after attending early service in my town, and was blessed & enjoyed a wonderful children's event there at CITN. I have to say, powerful message for the young and old, alike. Pastor Jim and Robin Jaros were so good to see (them formerly from Michigan, I love that.......I was fortunate to meet them in KidZone when I visited there in December....) They definitely are God picked for the service they render, it is evident their caring and love for the kids spirits.
Pastor Michael Sheppard as the emcee for the Fear vs. Love competition was right on and authentic in it's presentation, and kudos to the two fellas that "climbed in the ring"......awesome sports and they had the crowd and kids cheering! You should be proud and will love it when you see the DVD.
Pastor Debye is always awesome,but who needs to tell YOU that, huh? > ha ! She always so wonderfully takes care of things in your absence.......what a team you are!
Well, 6:45 am...... 3 kids out,two runs to the school bus stop down, one more to go at 8 am.....gonna catch another short snooze before then !
Northern Light
Can you preach the "Holy Ghost Stimulus Package" for us?
The children were wonderful. I know you will enjoy watching the DVD.
...and also to you, Blogmaster!
G'mornin', bloggers. Back later.
Thank you for the beautiful blessing. It is recieved in full and will be revisited all day.
Bish and blog fam,
Good Morning!
Thnx so much Bishop for the love! I command a ten fold return on that word right back at you and your entire household!
Have a great day guys,
Good Morning Blog Family!! Just wanted to say yesterday was very special for me. That service touched me deeply. You'll be touched 2, Bishop and very proud!!
Time 2 catch up on your other blogs.
Cya around. ~P.L.DB.~
Word ver.- bredun
just saying "hi" and welcome back.
Service and word were awesome and on point Sunday!...great job to all!
Liked what Pastor Jim spoke in his prayer about God living and moving and having HIS being in us.
What is God speaking to me?...hmm..
"For God has not given me a spirit of TIMIDITY...but of Power (enabling, can do, possibility)...that He wants to use the gift in us for miracles and mighty deeds.
word ver: bowanio
I started to say I recant, but since it's the Entrepreneur's Blogsite, that struck me as absurd.
Uh...I noted the author's name just as I hit "post". Ooops. Never mind...
Attempted to respond (at least 3 times - ARRRRGH) so I figured I'd try it, here. (that's kinda entrepreneurish, isn't it?)
Anyway, I receive allllll the blessings from this (BITN) post & apply them everywhere my NyQuil laden armada of words (may have) infected (negatively) today.
I bless you, your family, CITN, the Universe & the makers of those little candy cupcake confetti sprinkles that I wish I was having right now.
Welcome back Bishop!
Jim & Robin were hitting on all cylinders yesterday and the kids were awesome. Great spirit of family in the house. Something blew the top off my box yesterday, can't put it into words yet, but was like a cloud moved off to the side.
I thought to myself today while descending the mountain, "What if I was the last person left alive on Earth", and all of a sudden, the next person coming up this trail is the only other person left with me...how joyful and inspirational that would be! Each person should be viewed in this light- as such a gift, such a blessing, such a sign and wonder. There is something that stirs up the Holy Spirit within us when we defer to one another, when we honor one another.
I honor each one of you today and tell you I am honored to be alive on this Earth, at this time, with all of you making an impact on the destiny of this place.
Best to you!
Heya all~
Thank you Bishop for such a beautiful, peaceful, and comforting word!!! I recieve all of it!
I pray a million fold back to you and your fam!!!!!
Love everyone and every room here for various reasons!!! Each has something special to give~I love Izumi/Joy, Avatar and Tracy for the energy they give, Elle for being real and making me smile, Donald and Larry are funny too, SOZ, Larry, Pastor Dennis, River, Scribe, Water Walker, Mystic, Eric for the incredible wisdom (really everyone) they impart, Teezy and Northern Light so wonderful! Really each here is a mixture of it all on different days~each special and just wondeful as are you, Bishop and P. Debye!
Blessed night and blessed week everyone~
What a beautiful blessing! It was like in the days of old when the prophet spoke a blessing over the one anointed King as he poured oil over his head. Only as you spoke the blessing, the oil was poured into one's heart bringing comfort, healing and courage especially to those who are weary. So from those who drink deeply of the Love and Mercy of the Cup of the King of Kings - We, His Cups pour back to you all that we recieved a hundred fold! Blessings and Favor to you, Bishop!
Thank you for the blessing and I command a blessing on you,your family, your ministry & all those who work for you. May you lack for nothing. May you have many great adventures ahead.
Be Blessed
Thank you Bishop for the post. Always a blessing. From your post
– “...Walk in the Spirit today, and as you manifest the peace that passes understanding, relax into the flow of life and let it provide all that you need easily and comfortably...Jesus said that to those who have, more will be given, and I say that you “have”…”
We have Love, Peace, Clarity, Abundance, Creativity, Wisdom, Creativity, Strength, and are being given more.
We go courageously free into the next glory with a Vision of the bright and excellent lives we live and the world that God creates. Approved by God, each and every one.
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