Several of you have asked for another one of these, so here it is. Please answer one, some, or all... 
1. How often do you visit this blog site?
2. If you are a repeat visitor here, what keeps you coming back?
3. If you are not a part of CITN or cyber-CITN, how did you find out about this blog?
4. Do you think that this blog site is an asset to CITN, and if so, why?
5. Of all the BLOGINTHENOW blogs, which one is your favorite?
6. What’s the most outrageous (repeatable) word verification that you’ve had to use to post a comment?
7. What’s your favorite song on the BLOGINTHENOW playlist?
8. If you visit AW4W, what’s your favorite song on that playlist?
9. Of the regular contributors on the comments pages, who do you most enjoy hearing from?
10. What motivates you to post comments?
11. How does regular participation with the blog enhance your sense of the necessity for community?
12. If you are a regular participant (blurker or blogger), how has your participation affected your thinking?
13. How has the blog affected your relationship with God?
14. How has the blog affected your relationships with other bloggers?
15. How has the blog affected your relationship with CITN?
16. How has the blog affected your relationship with (or perception of) the BLOGMASTER?
17. Who would you like to hear from more on the comments page?
18. Who would you like to hear from again who no longer contributes?
19. Has there ever been a post published that you were convinced was meant just for you, and, if so, what was it?
20. If you were asked to write an article to be posted on the blog, what would you write about?
#13 How has the blog changed my relationship with God?
I found out that God is more talkative than I am(believe it or not!) ;) Most times when I get on the blog I have nothing in mind to say, but then God shows up and I'm writing. Sometimes this wonderful feeling of awesomeness and power comes over me and I am amazed at the words that are coming out.
Therefore, I try to get on at least a couple of times a week to see what happens.
'Course, every one else is always stirring the pot...
is the anglicisation of a Greek word (κοινωνία) that means COMMUNICATION BY INTIMATE PARTICIPATION. The word is used frequently in the New Testament of the Bible to describe the relationship within the early Christian church as well as the act of breaking bread in the manner which Christ prescribed during the Passover meal [John 6:48-69, Matthew 26:26-28, 1 Corinthians 10:16, 1 Corinthians 11:24]. As a result the word is used within the Christian Church to participate, as Paul says, in the Communion of - in this manner it identifies the idealised state of fellowship and community that should exist - Communion.
I think this "communication by intimate participation" hammers the nail in so well! To have your identity in Christ roused and edified by another who is so identified is to have your embers burst into a flame and warm all.
In absence of face-to-face connections, the blog substitutes quite well.
Well done Bishop and mates!
OK Here We Go
1. At least 3 times a day
2. Every one's responses
4. Yes - It Helps to get other viewpoints.
5. Blog In The Now
6. evericro (Shout Out) LOL
7.God Is Great, New Season, and of coarse The River
9. Avatar, Izumi/Joy, G8TRGRL, JB,Larry. I love basically every one's responses.
10. Want to be a part of the group and just not a spectator.
11. It takes more than one to bring out what the message is saying. Look at the Bible most of the same messages were written be more than one person. Different viewpoints speak to more than one.
12. Open mind!!! closing out religious mindsets.
13. Open ears, eyes,mind,& spirit
14. It makes it easy to learn how much alike and different we really are.
15. Makes me see things in a new light.
16.Love the one on one concept. Each blog seems like a personal blog just for me.
17. Avatar, Izumi/Joy, G8TRGRL, JB,Larry. and any one I missed and those yet to come.
19. Every post seems for me if not by the Blog master then by one of the contributors.
20. How we express the Father through Arts, Dancing, Music, Poetry etc.
Amazingly, searching for something else this morning, I found my answers to the 3-8-08 questions--and wondered, did I actually write that good stuff--(smile).
I'll be back later since, as I said previously, I enjoy investing the time to find out what I really think about the questions. But two I can answer right away.
#18-want to hear from a no longer posting blogger? Doubleback Alley
#6-durn, wish I'd written some of the outrageous wvers down, 'cos there have been some doozies. Though not always, I usually share when it happens that the wordver confirms a post, or sometimes even inspires the direction of a post. And, although it seems a bit like expecting God to answer by pointing blindly to a verse on a page, there was one time, when I wasn't sure about a post, that the follow on vers were too freaky to ignore.
Larry, if there's a prize for wordver translation, you get it. This one's in honor of you: lisight...Love in sight!
River, I guess you already know that I would love your #11 answer--(smile)--that's the Body of Christ doin' its thing!
Hey Lar, I do the same thing...set the cursor in the box and wait. Sometimes I have a beginning before I checkin. But often not. So...silence is just that...I got nothin'!
This is bad (as in awful) but I'm doing it: wordver=metriw..."me try write" (and sometimes get nothin'). Collective groan.
Later, bloggers.
1). Almost every day; several times. (until the restraining order, I mean)
2). Addiction to spiritual revelation
4). Absolutely; strengthens bonds
5). Matthew In The Now. (I know it's a book - betend it morphed into its own site.)
6). Should have kept a log... hmmm... how about Mulan. (but then, had to keep clicking the refresh button, until I got a clean one)
7). Why do you do that? There's too many! Different ones evoke different sentiments.
* "One Voice" for the purity of the singer's voice. "Shower the People", for my oldest's crush on James Taylor.
We were traveling across country when she was 3. We stayed over in a hotel. Next morning, her eyes were horribly swollen & voice, scratchy. Before I could ask what happened, she chirped, "Guess what? I stayed up all by myself and watched JT on Saturday Night Live!"
* "A Whole New World" - my middle daughter gave me a cd of her fav songs. When I hear this, I'm back in the car again, driving her to work (the Disney Store), harmonizing & riding the waves of notes. And now, of course, it shows up in the PlayList & blog topic!
* "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" is mine and my youngest's. As a toddler, she had night terrors. Couldn't calm her unless this was playing on her wind-up musical toy. She pronounced rainbow as "bainbow". And it stuck. She still laughs, "Nonnie, sing me the bainbow, song."
* Takin' It The Streets - is my (prayer warrior) youngest sister's and mine.
* I Could Sing Of Your Love, Forever," is Hawaii & my prayer warrior/ intercessor o'hana (family) there.
* Personal Jesus" is Texas. It's summertime in the 60's. Saturday nights, my dad's buddies showed up with their guitars and amps. There's ashtrays, cigarette butts, beer bottles and pretzel boxes trashing the coffee table.
No room for a kid to walk, for all the scattered cords (no kids zone anyway, being "guys night" and all).
"Watch where yer walkin'!" Don't touch my stuff!" "Hey! Open your eyes! No, wait. They are. Har, har har!") Superfluous backslapping. Bunch of redneck, misogynous jerks. But, man, could they play and sing.
Food's cooked - piled all across the counter & up to the ceiling. Momma sits on the back porch with a stack of magazines from her country. (too loud in there!)
"Personal Jesus" is Sunday morning & redemption. The aftermath of the party; the pounding music and flying fists. Daddy's crying on the front porch, reading the Good Book. I pray in my defiant, adolescent way, "Oh God - don't make him preach again about love." (but, he always did)
God bless us all.
JOYful, JOYful belongs to Momma, P. Gloria C. and me. First heard it on, "Sister Act 2". I like the way it makes me feel, when I hear it.
I like knowing it transports others, higher, too.
1. try to several times a week.
2. always interested in the interaction of fellow humans, I can almost see the face of God here sometimes.
4. This has certainly meant alot to me and apparently to others. CITN benefits from it as an effective outreach that connects souls through dialogue. I also have a strong feeling that what is said here doesn't stay here. The desire to give the world some of what we enjoy through this fellowship tells them of the picture we collectively have of a truly great and loving God.
5. I probably like the front porch here the best but every room is quite cozy.
6. I remember one that followed a service the first time I heard Judah sing the song about the Holy Spirit giving us a wet kiss that read spookess and when I said it out loud it sounded like a wet kiss. The one today reads grackina. When I said that one out loud,the sound of it made me laugh.
7/8. Too hard to choose
9.I have to say that there is a different favorite almost every time I read. It amazes me sometime what I get out of various contributions that make my day better than it would have been without their encouragement.
10.I am motivated by what has been said by you in the topic section and sometimes there are bloggers who stir me with some inspired thought. I feel like most of my contributions are a reflection of what Holy Spirit is saying to me through others.
11. I like Larry's word about koinonia for that one.
12/13. This ministry gives me an opportunity to declare my love for the Creator and it stimulates my views by reading what others are also declaring. I feel like God talks to me through what is on these blogs.
14. I lovem all.
15. I would still support CITN without it but I get a feeling that I know more about CITN through this ministry.
16. You are a keenly sensative individual who understands leadership. You have allowed yourself to hear your church and it makes a difference to those who need the influence of someone who is real in their approach. To see the world effected so positively by your influence and feel that I am part of that gives me a sense of importance and purpose.
17. Those that are keeping their inspiration bottled up really should bring it to the table.
18. I miss DBA and Abraham. They had different views and it was good to see that in the mix.
19. That seems to happen on a regular basis.
20. What I see in humanity that lets me know God is real.
#1- It's my homepage. So even if I don't linger, it's the first thing I check out when I log on in the am.
#2- Insight, fellowship... family :)
#3- n/a
#4- Absolutely! It helps to create that sense of fellowship and family between those who may never actually meet face to face. In a church the size of CITN, I'd bet that even you ITBers don't know everybody.
#5- Not sure what you mean. Do you mean which of the 7 or 8 you have going right now, or which post on THIS site since inception?
#6- I don't typically get cool word vers, and it never cusses at me. I feel left out :(
I guess the craziest was 'packbust.' Got a little chuckle out of that one.
#7- I have to mute... SORRY! I mute when reading MySpace profiles, as well. Can't concentrate on what I'm reading otherwise.
#8- n/a
#9- I enjoy reading them all, but off the top of my head:
Iz/Joy, Avatar, Iris, Tracy (missing you lately; your job must be going well!), Crown Jewel, Donald................
#10- Hard to say. Guess it depends on the blog subject matter.
#11- Not being able to be ITB, this blog makes me feel a kindred spirit with many of you whom I've never met. Makes me feel like a tiny little part of CITN.
#12- Again, I guess it depends on the blog subject matter. Sometimes I find myself agreeing with lessons coming across, including nearly all the comments to follow... sometimes I play devil's advocate just for the heck of it... sometimes I think "what the hey are you people thinking?", although I don't often find myself there, and I do respect everyone's right to his/her opinion.
The important thing is that, generally speaking, the blog makes us think... even if it is about something as mundane as slimy, raw tomatoes (good times!)
#13- Oh, wow! God's my BFF and would be regardless of the blog. But He has spoken to me through many of you over the last year...
sometimes on very deep levels.
#14- Refer to #4.
#15- Refer to #11.
#16- You're 100% hands on, which proves that you truly care... not only about CITN, but about being global. I know the time involved in composing a 'blog-worthy' comment... precisely why I just have to disappear sometimes. But you offer the manna on a daily basis for those who want to partake. That's pretty cool! And I guess you and God have worked out some sort of time warp, time travel, time-space continuum thing, so that you get more than the rest of us! OH, I KNOW... ask a busy person!
#17- Anybody/everybody
#18- Okay, DBA, WHERE ARE YOU?!?!
It's pretty clear, you're missed. Come back and visit sometime.
BTW, haven't seen alot of SOZ lately either. What's up with that?
#19- I'm sure there was, but I'd have to think about it, and probably peruse the archives.
#20- No idea.
In reference to #16 on my previous comment:
all comments are 'blog-worthy,' but you know what I mean.
Here's the first 10. I'll come back later. Oh..Good morning everybody!!
1. I visit this blog almost everyday. The days when I am at home..@ least 3 times or more.
2. To see the new comments. To see what's new here.
3. -
4. YEAH!! This is a local & global fellowship! We can come here and laugh, cry, and lift every-1 w/ a WORD!! It's a gr8 way 2 come 2gether.
5. Well, I liked bishinthenow, but I understand you had to let that one go. Right now, where2or3gathered. It's almost a tie with AW4W's. (smile)
6. I have gotten some crazy ones. Sometimes I would copy my text and refresh, before I would send. Can't think of any right now. I know the more I blog...the word ver. turns to words. (Was about send when I realized you can check on all the word vers. you typed...This one was my fav. ~blesseri~)Has anyone had calamari for there word ver? I have.
7. Really a favorite. Here are some of my favorite's: Revelation Song; You Said; O Come, O Come Emmanuel; Breath on Me; Holy; Holy Spirit Come; How Beautiful; Where there is Faith; By My Side; He ain't heavy; Jerusalem; My Life Is In Your Hands; Where is the Love..whew Today it's By My Side!!
8. Really this was a tough one like #7. I like them all. Favorite on there: World's Outside/Chris Botti.
9. Avatar--You make me laugh!! G8trgrl, Eric,Izumi/Joy..and Peacemaker
10. I know.....the tomato picture motivates me!! JK--a lot of things motivate me. (comments, the blog post, blogmaster, and even just a picture.)
------To be Cont.---------
~Peace, Love, & Dream BIG~
I am back...thanks for leaving my spot open.(smile)
11. Let's me know what's going on...and I rather connect here, then any weird chatroom. Feels great to connect w/people who support CITN.
12. Has opened my mind up; even to more depths.
13. My relationship w/ God is stronger b/c of the Blog & friends here. I am so grateful for the internet so we can be able to touch others.
14. answer is in 13.
15. Stronger; just wished more would participate to the blog. That's one of my prayers for the blog.
16. I don't know any other Bishop/pastor that connects the way you do through this blog. I am so grateful you are our Blogmaster.
17. Pastor Debye; and of course "Avatar" (smile)
18. Abraham..I really do miss him.
19. Idk-Really, loved 4-22-08 blog. Felt like we all connected on that day.
20. I would probably write about "Fathers."
And guess what...my word ver. is? Seriously, mothers!! LOL
Anyway, this has been fun today.
Love ya all,
~Peace, Love, & Dream BIG~
Wonder if I'd work faster if I answered, differently.
20. Dreams, the supernatural realm; the miraculous
19. Several, but I'd have to scroll to find them.
18. With all the different screen names, it's difficult to say who's who. (btw, I was "gazelle" for a couple of hours one Sat. morning/afternoon)
17. Everyone!
16. Makes me think I can juggle eggplants and yodel. (no, wait... makes me believe All Things Are Possible!)
15. Keeps me connected, entertained, enlightened, educated & inspired.
14. Provokes a lot of banter ("Hey, I was gonna say that! Get outta my head!")
13. Offered different paradigms
12. Teaches me patience for starters. After I hit the orange button, I spazz over what I shared.
11. Makes me say, "Wow, I never knew they thought that, too." and, "Oh... we have the same scars."
10. I want to plant something eternal for my family.
9. All have something valid to offer!
8. "Emmanuel" for me, is a night after rocking a feverish baby. It's my sweaty shouldered T-shirt, where he rested his head. It's a sticky red splotch of Motrin, where I missed his mouth but wore on my neck.
"Smooth Jazz" is like sitting in a favorite secluded restaurant booth, sipping hot green tea. It's a thimble full of shoyu, poured into a miniature wasabi cup, right before the bowl of fried wontons, arrives. We turned our cell phones off & boy are our girls mad! It's winter & raining outside, but we don't care.
7. Don't even get me started. Again, I mean.
"You are the rose blooming in my desert,
You are the moisture in my soul,
You are the Great inspirer,
To you I render control,
Fly me away, fly with me,
Whisk me above thoughts-above my consciousness,
To the place you reside-abide,
I belong to you, you are mine,
My Desert Rose."
"The light in my baby's eyes,
How can I love you so, my child?
How can a touch so deep exist?
What is it that has me inextricably immersed in you?
Is this real? A passing mirage?
Tethered to my love, we soar to the secret place, where only freedom reigns."
Take me where you are
"I wish upon a star
take me where you are
I wish upon a dream
to tell me what to see
is it upon the waters
to see my life before me
to chase this grand illusion
of what I really thought I outta be
to add to my confusion
you send a test here for me
I close my eyes and
wait for the answer that
I know I'll recieve
your voice is like the wind
it journeys to my inner soul
it stirs and moves within
you are everything
you are everything
I wish upon a star
take me where you are
I wish upon a dream
to tell me what to see
Lorna Fiori
1. How often do you visit this blog site?
A. 0-5 per day
B. 6-10 per day
C. 11-15 per day
D. 16-20 per day
E. None of the above.
Answer: B
2. If you are a repeat visitor here, what keeps you coming back?
Answer: Well, I click on a few buttons on my computer and the next thing I know I’m back. But for real, after the initial visit, I like to see what others have had to say about the blog topic or about other’s comments.
3. If you are not a part of CITN or cyber-CITN, how did you find out about this blog?
Answer: Non Applicable.
4. Do you think that this blog site is an asset to CITN, and if so, why?
Answer: Well, like yah! I remember that before my first visit to CITN several years ago that I had been watching the services on INSP for awhile. I wanted to visit the church but was concerned that everyone, including you Bishop, might be uppity/snooty/snotty since y’all were big-time television stars. I finally made my first visit there and found my suspicions to be totally unfounded. This blog might cause anyone else who may be thinking as ridiculously insane as I was to dispel those thoughts and realize that the folks at CITN are almost as good as the folks from Mississippi.
5. Of all the BLOGINTHENOW blogs, which one is your favorite?
Answer: Without any question or doubt my absolute most favoritest one of the blogs is bloginthenow.blogspot.com except maybe for ‘A word for winners’ or possibly ‘Where2or3Rgathered’ or,…….No really, it’s a tossup between bloginthenow.blogspot and a word for winners.
6. What’s the most outrageous (repeatable) word verification that you’ve had to use to post a comment?
Answer: I can’t write that word here due to the sensitive nature of this site and for the possibility that minors might be reading. Honestly though, I don’t pay that much attention to the word ver’s although I believe that some of the other bloggers pray and seek the lard about their word ver’s. No offense anyone, just kidding around here.
7. What’s your favorite song on the BLOGINTHENOW playlist?
Answer: That could get lengthy, but I really like “Get Together” by The Youngbloods and often wonder why they never really made it any further in the music business than what they did and “What’s so funny ‘bout peace, love and understanding” by Elvis Costello because it has a good beat and is easy to dance to.
8. If you visit AW4W, what’s your favorite song on that playlist?
Answer: That is just simply my kinda’ music!!! I love that stuff! I won’t even try to narrow it down except to say that I am ferociously wild about Dave Koz. Even people in New Orleans think he’s the bomb! That kinda’ music makes me look over at Her Majesty sometimes and say stuff like, “You know you shore are a pretty little ole thang, you know that?”
9. Of the regular contributors on the comments pages, who do you most enjoy hearing from?
Answer: Now that’s almost like asking your mama which one of her children she loves the most. One day one of the particular bloggers will say just the right thing then the next day one of the other bloggers may be the one that nails it while the one that was right on time yesterday may not be hitting on crap today, so I guess they are all my favorite at one point in time or another.
10. What motivates you to post comments?
Answer: According to the psychology classes that I have taken, I guess I would have to say that my ego motivates me more than anything else. Although there is some truth to that, sometimes I really feel compelled to say something that I actually believe is meaningful while at other times I just feel like cutting up a little bit.
"He is the sun shining above the clouds.
He sits in the seat of perfect calm.
He is not moved by the storms.
No matter what the question, it is already answered...in Him.
Rise! Rise! Rise! Be resurrected in the spirit of your mind!
There is no surprise, no confusion at crossroads, only excitement and assurance.
Sail on to the edge of the Earth and fall faithfully into His arms."
I have Seven Question's For Bishop
1. What have you gotten from the bloggers?
2. Who is your most creative, funniest, insightful, etc..
3. Are you going to give us more 20 questions? Please
4. What is your favorite playlist song?
5. Which of the seven blogsites do you enjoy the most?
6. What motivated you to start the blogsites?
7. Are you planning on adding or switching out some of the blogsites?
Now It's Your Time Bishop.
Have Fun!!!
Hey River...I'll answer your questions later...
I have Seven Question's For Bishop
1. What have you gotten from the bloggers?
Inspiration, support, an exchange of ideas, a sense of being connected…mostly, however, it’s been a nice forum in which I can actually talk to the people I care about outside of the setting of a counseling appointment. When you’re on this side of the pulpit, you usually only hear from the people when they need something, or when they have a complaint, or a situation that needs to be resolved…this outlet has caused me to reframe the way that I communicate with the ones to whom I minister, and somehow that virtual reality has become reality…it seems to me that now people are actually talking to me more in a real sense, and not just when they have an emergency…in a way that makes me feel more human, and more in touch…
2. Who is your most creative, funniest, insightful, etc..
Of course I can’t answer that one, although I’ve affirmed different ones for various reasons…I will say, however, that I’m consistently amazed at some of the things that I read from the bloggers…if you were to ask who my favorite bloggers are, I could say, without reservation, that it’s the ones who write something every day…
3. Are you going to give us more 20 questions? Please
I never know what I’m going to post from day to day…
4. What is your favorite playlist song?
Honestly, each one is my favorite for different reasons…but I was very happy that I recently could get the original Carly Simon version of Let The River Run…it hadn’t been available before, and I was using a version of a duet with her and another artist that I didn’t like so much…but I love the song, so I used it anyway…but the one that is on there now makes me really happy when I hear it…
5. Which of the seven blogsites do you enjoy the most?
They’re all important to me…I like that AW4W opens me up to a kind of different audience…and the Wordpress blogs seem to give you more visibility on the internet…and I really want to see the Now Ministries one develop into something that will connect the different ministries…I love them all…
6. What motivated you to start the blogsites?
Without going into detail, the original purpose is pretty much irrelevant to me at this point…but basically now it’s just the need to create…to communicate…to design…to reach out…
7. Are you planning on adding or switching out some of the blogsites?
All things are possible…
Spirit in the sky was on the play list this AM. It is probably among my all time favorites and my thoughts on it have definately evolved over time. The thought of going to the place that's the best is much more in the now than ever before. This may be among some of the more important influences of CITN group under the leadership of its founder. It is by far more important to me now that I go to the place that's the best while still in this dimension. That is perhaps the strongest teaching of Jesus Christ and is something that Bishop has driven home in his teachings from many different perspectives.
The greatest of all commandments send us straight to the place that's the best when we follow them. Our actions when following them causes us to be a blessing to everyone and everything around us on a level that far exceeds conscious thought. Blessing is strongly tied to giving and giving is deep in the soul of every human that I know including those who are outwardly selfish.
The movie Slum Dog Millionaire is an excellent story about the product of giving. The characters are not only in pursuit of the place that's the best but found themselves attaining it. There were examples of giving and or blessing all through the story and each of those acts was connected to an increase of attaining the place that's the best.
When there is an imballance in proportion as a result of humans hording blessing to themselves and not allowing it to flow there is always some seemingly adverse reaction that occurrs that will bring things back into ballance. Slum Dog also shows this reality.
Giving is something that must be attended to and is a critical part of human survival. Giving encourages and produces more giving from those that are given to whereas taking in the sense of hording produces an insult to the flow that can lead to serious illness and even death.
Therefore let us not partake of the sin unto death but let us choose the abundant life that is ours from the beginning.
It is the perfect will of our Creator that we should live and be blessed. Increase is happening in every area of those who choose life. There are some small increases that will produce larger increases that are now in place as part of our President's desire to lead our nation into recovery from it dance with the devil but complete recovery and a return to wholeness is dependent on our choice to change dance partners and go back to our True Love.
Every gift given to another part of creation is a gift to the Creator.
The joy that is seen in the lives of our Bishop and his soul mate known to us as Pastor Debye is strongly tied to their own giving and it is most often in such abundance that it flows right into the lives of CITN group.
Giving through CITN is not just essential to paying off its debt but it provides the platform that is needed for effective giving to the world around us. That giving has litteraly saved lives and restored souls to their awareness of the God Who is Love.
The sure hope of my faith is directed toward a a coming into this place of existence what is best for all creation and that CITN be seen as leaders in its establishment on earth.
May all who read this experience the place that's the best today.
Here I go...
1. At least 5 times a day.
2. The connection, the community.
3. N/A!
4. Definitely so-- I wish more people connected here because of what you receive when you are participant... hmm coincidence, or what? You RECEIVE when you GIVE!! :o)
5. This one.
6. Man, I wish I remembered some.
7. I have two. "One Voice", and "Revelation Song". They have "that tug" every time I hear them.
8. This one I can't narrow down! All of those artists are faves in our house, and bring me to a good place. ( I'm very partial to Harry Connick, Jr.)
9. Donald, Pastor Dennis, Izumi/Joy, SOZ, Avatar, Tracy, Larry, PM... oh, I really guess everybody-- anonymii included.
10. Connecting with the blog fam!
11. I think what we have here is what we are aiming to cultivate at CITN at large.
12. It broadens my perspective.
13/14/15. God/bloggers/CITN: It has brought me closer to each one, and strengthens all 3. (Especially how AWESOME, encouraging and prayerful you all were when my brother died.)
16. It definitely brings a more personal insight and connection (there's that word again) that wouldn't be so otherwise.
19. Yes- the one where we "reached out" to the screen that 1st time; for mr it was a tangible thing that day.
20. "The Many Hats of Mom - Where's the Instruction Manual"?
...! started this Friday and was able to finally finish this a.m... so typical!
I win! I win! Woohoo! (hey... what are all these eggplants doing in the air?)
I feel ya G8TRGRL, here's my #20.
20. If asked to write a blog article, what would you write about?
Today? It would be listening to the words of our mouth...they are so revealingly helpful.
Tomorrow? No clue.
It’s on my mind today because I was listening, Bishop, to your 4-16-08 cd and I realized that you said, prior to KClement’s visit, that we don’t want to believe it, but we really are perfected through hardships. “Seeing the BIG picture, we have to know that somewhere in our journey we’ve got to have a vision of us, sitting on the throne in Egypt, looking at our brothers saying ‘you meant it for evil, but God meant it for good. Painful as it was we would have all starved, in Canaan, but it all needed to happen.’” And then you said “we’re gonna get to the place where we sit down and write all of our enemies a thank you note and tell them you’ve helped me become the person I was supposed to be.” And then KC came and gave us the vision...and a few weeks ago, we wrote the thank you notes! Interesting, huh?!
Let's modify the response to #9 since I really don't like the way I worded that.
I don't think that at any time any of the bloggers "aren't hitting on crap". I think a better way to say that would be to say that at some times one of the bloggers speaks to me more vividly than any of the other bloggers do at that particular time.
Just because what someone has to say doesn't necessarily apply to me doesn't mean that there is not someone else out there who is in dire need of what that person has to say.
Everyone's word is valuable to someone at some time, but maybe not to everyone at the same time.
Just because it does not seem valuable or relevant to me does not mean that it is not valuable or relevant to someone else.
Deleted my last one, a couple of real errors in spelling - This one should be correct ---
1- I plead the 5th here, sometimes more often than other times - especially lately. No excuse, I have been thankfully very busy with work, Praise God. I deeply love the people I work with, they are family to me, and I Thank God for my specific part that impacts our prosperity. I Thank God for the best job in the universe, in and out of ‘work’. We are a team, and each is specific, and now especially more dependant upon each other. As I pour into that part in the current environment, times seems to fly by, and I use the time I set aside for the blog there. Clearly, I need to become more efficient with my time. Bedtime has come quicker and quicker
2- This is such an easy place to breathe in The Kingdom.
4 – It is part of CITN everyday. We can express here direct from our Spirit in a manner that is more distinct than, however as importantly as in the body/building.
5- I have no idea, it is an ongoing exchange, each one adds to every other.
6- IDK , don’t remember ver words after I type them, one of those in and out things for me.
7- Let the River Run, Hold On Tight To Your Dreams ( this carried me through a great deal in the 70’s and 80s),Peace Train, The Ray Charles song about the Beautiful World ( often forget the name of the song, always love it. Names have not stuck with me much) I file mostly by experience, seldom by name.
9 – Elle, Izumi/Joy, JB, Peacemaker, SOZ, Iris, River, Mystic, Erik, and really all the others, these just come up first from the blog file in my mind.
10 – Fire in my bones
11- Connection. The more I know God, the more I know here, the more I know myself,-- repeat.
12 – I find like minds in Spirit, even with extremely different words. Spirit exchange is always expedient.
13 – Expands it.
14 – Deepened t with bloggers I know, and connecting with those I only or mostly know on the blog. Reminder that all exists from The Spirit into the Natural.
15 – Is a gift , transparency , stepping away from the rock Adam used.
16 – Score !!!!!!!!!! Blogmaster is even more in tune than I thought, which was a lot to begin with.
17 – Everyone, especially those who do not write often or at all. They are here to share what is in their Spirit, we need what they have to say/write. Please do, all who write rarely or not at all, you are especially needed here. The Spirit is prompting you, please, for our sake, give in and just do it !
18 – Ditto 17, for whoever will, has, but has not for awhile. You were here on purpose.
19 - Yes, each one I wrote on. Its fun having the internet talk to me regularly through a place and body I love.
20 – The complete presence of God in every thing, person, experience, - all dimensions and realities – the ones we can comprehend with understanding in this one, and the ones we know by The Spirit, but have no other reference for.
Ok here we go:
1. I read it almost everyday, but if I miss I will go back and read.
2. I love reading the blog, it enables me to get to know my Pastor better. Also reading the feedback from other bloggers is so interesting.
4. I think it is an asset because there is never enough time on Wednesday or Sunday so this becomes and extention for those that are hungry for more.
5.Its a toss up between the main one and AW4W.
10. I really enjoy writing, and expressing my views and giving feedback to the things I am learning.
Lets see I'll just answer one more which shall it be.
15. now that's a good question because the blog in a way has kept me connected with CITN. The blog keeps the big church with a small church feel. In a big Church you never get to know the Pastor or any of the members and you can just hide out and just be coming and going but on the blog you get to hear from other people and now you have that around the table feel. When my girls were all home after church we would sit around the dinner table and talk about what happen at church or just what was going on with them and I miss that now that they are grown and gone. The blog brings back the dinner table and gives my heart joy.
. How often do you visit this blog site? usually every day
2. If you are a repeat visitor here, what keeps you coming back? I love hearing all the wonderful insights.. I am a spiritual revelation addict.
4. Do you think that this blog site is an asset to CITN, and if so, why? It is an asset to CITN--it keeps us all connected.
5. Of all the BLOGINTHENOW blogs, which one is your favorite? I like them all. Love the pictures too!
7. What’s your favorite song on the BLOGINTHENOW playlist? Where there is faith...a long time favorite!! A voice calling keep walking , a peace like a child like sleeping -It is a wonderful powerful place, where there is faith.
8. If you visit AW4W, what’s your favorite song on that playlist? Midnight in San Juan
9. Of the regular contributors on the comments pages, who do you most enjoy hearing from? Everyone, every day
10. What motivates you to post comments? I'm interested in the subject matter-
11. How does regular participation with the blog enhance your sense of the necessity for community? Want to be involved, and not spectating
12. If you are a regular participant (blurker or blogger), how has your participation affected your thinking? opens my mind to new thoughts, ideas, revelations
13. How has the blog affected your relationship with God? He's given me new mindsets, bigger thinking, new neuropaths
14. How has the blog affected your relationships with other bloggers? I am amazed at the insights everyday
15. How has the blog affected your relationship with CITN? Fellowship is great! It's fun finding out how connected we all are.
16. How has the blog affected your relationship with (or perception of) the BLOGMASTER? Great being on the same page! Truly a covenant connection
20. If you were asked to write an article to be posted on the blog, what would you write about? THE LOVE OF GOD
A few more...
1. How often visit here? Visit? Is it called visiting when you’re home? I check in every day…if I can’t make it to post-midnight, then in the morning. Been thinking about saying “just checkin’ in” more, cos then the option of 24/7 message alerts is available!
2. If you are a repeat visitor here, what keeps you coming back?
Checking in to the day’s post gives clarity to what sometimes seems to be random and disconnected thoughts—the synchronicity is cool when I find out they haven’t been random! Reading other bloggers posts gives me a sense of the vastness of God…reading how the day’s Word resonates in them expands my thinking and I can more easily see the diversity of God and his creation [I get a glimpse of more of the elephant and not just the part I can touch], gives me a laugh, calls me to effective prayer, reminds me daily that I’m a part of the amazing Kingdom of God…now…it strengthens me to know [why is it so easy to forget?] that there are more cords wrapping together in unity to bring about the loving Kingdom of God…what we used to think was “for later” is actually for now…and coming to BITN keeps me aware that it really is already here.
4. Do you think that this blog site is an asset to CITN, and if so, why? YES! As Donald confirmed, it lets us show who we all really are to anyone who wants to find us…a moving, alive epistle that is available 24/7.
5. Of all the BLOGINTHENOW blogs, which one is your favorite?
7. Favorite song on BITN playlist? Different songs will bless me on different days, a line will be highlighted and repeat in my mind until I “get it”…and Wed.nighters will suspect why “He Knows My Name” is running in my head right now, even away from the blog (smile). But, I often press replay for The Prayer, You Raise Me Up, How Beautiful, and Let the River Run!
8. favorite AW4W song? Again, different ones at different times but Botti’s Worlds Outside always catches my attention to listen to every note, so does Nelson's Jazz Motion. And, Herb Alpert’s Rise makes me dance.
9. Of the regulars, who most enjoy hearing from? Whoever just posted…I love the email alerts! See #11
aaacckkk! Word ver just "slymed" me.
Hi everyone!
Enjoying reading all the answers from all these wonderful, unique individuals! Everyone is a different "hue" on the palette.
Took off to mountains after work today, went down enough unknown roads to finally get "lost"! Love that! Was an absolutely beautiful evening up there! Stopped at Yonah Burger and had their namesake offering all the way...SO good!
Listened to a little "preaching" on the radio and I can easily say I am sure glad I don't have to listen to that stuff! No offense, but seriously, so much interest in the devil and getting left behind, you wonder where the "good news" went! Just went to singing little made-up songs of thanks for still being alive, the day, my friends, our church, and how wonderful our Lord really is!
Blessed good night and sweet dreams to all.
ps- had one of my childhood friends contact me on Facebook yesterday that I hadn't seen/talked to in 30 years! One of our close-knit little group of next door neighbors growing up. So cool-amazing what you can remember after all those years!
WHEW! I have missed a lot in the last few days, and I have missed you all a lot. I am just going to have to "take" more time to come and visit.You all seem like family to me.
1. Used to several times a day, but I have been very busy lately.
2. Relationships
5. Too many favorites, (the tomato one is a runner up)
6. Like Donald, out of respect for the pure at heart I will not reveal that here.
7. I have grown to enjoy the atmosphere of smooth jazz for thinking and writing.
9. I like reading them all, but just off the top of my head it would be. Donald, SOZ, Eric, g8trgrl,
Scribe,Peacemaker, mystic, and more I cant think of right now.
10. The Relationships we share.
11. Relationships
12. broadened it considerably.
13. More intimacy
14. Becoming family (relationships again)
15. I feel more a real part of CITN
16. Feel Much closer to you after being here this past year.
17. Sarayu
18. ?
19. Oh Yes, Many........
20. The Goodness and Greatness of God.
Oops…missed one,
5. Of all the BLOGINTHENOW blogs, which one is your favorite? BITN-original flavor fits like a comfy robe and slippers! and the illustrations are beyond amazing. Also, I’m really looking forward to being a part of and watching NOWMINISTRIES grow up...but each one has been my favorite on one day or another.
10. What motivates you to post comments? Mostly, because it's easy to see that it matters...like showing up for services, except it’s a daily connection point. But I enjoy it because it pulls things out of me that I didn’t realize were there and it’s good to see [on paper]what I really think!
11. How does regular participation with the blog enhance my sense of the necessity for community? My relationshop with God and with the other bloggers? See #2.
12. How has regular participation affected my thinking? Again #2 and #10, but also its helped me be more aware of individual thoughts [helpful for capturing those I’d like to reprogram!] and to be a better communicator--more succinct, choosing more precise words, to consider what might be needed in order to make a sentence more clear to someone who cannot hear voice inflection.
17. Who like to hear from more on comments? The blurkers! Pick a name ya'll and if nothing else comes to mind, you can say “checking in!”
18. Who hear from again? Already said DBA, but also Mystic.
19. Ever convinced a post was meant just for you and what was it? Gosh, I assumed they all were...weren’t they? (smile) Seriously, Holy Spirit, I distinctly remember you saying “YOU really need to read this!” a whole bunch of times!
1. As often as I can (more than once a day or once a week)
2. I always like to know what you are talking about
4. I think it is...keeps you connected
5. I would saw this one. Lifeskill is cool too
6. Never took note
7. CTOO...I usually like your song choice
9. Whomever...feedback is good
10. The fact that I have an opportunity to comment feels good
11. How does regular participation with the blog enhance your sense of the necessity for community? It definitely helps you to know you belong
13. How has the blog affected your relationship with God? It is drawing me closer
15. How has the blog affected your relationship with CITN? I feel more connected
16. How has the blog affected your relationship with (or perception of) the BLOGMASTER?
I get a chance to be heard...it feels great
20. If you were asked to write an article to be posted on the blog, what would you write about?
Probably forgiveness
And the final two, which are really one…
15/16. How blog affects my relationship with CITN/BLOGMASTER?
I sense in my soul that I could answer this differently every hour of the day but the short answer that is always true is that it connects me daily to the reality of Oneness.
I heard an interview about Twitter yesterday. The comment that stood out: “it filled a need that nobody knew they had,” …which is also an answer to 15/16. Twitters premise: staying in touch. Its method: quick frequent answers to one question—what are you doing? BITN—and now its themed rooms, implicitly asks one question—what are you thinking?
One thing I see in Twitter is that people are looking for the answer to “How should I then live?” and twitterers have an inside track to a vast number of “doers” to pick from and decide if that’s for them. The new millennium version of packing your bags and leaving the small town you’ve been living in all your life. NOWMINISTRIES blog will do that too.
So here we are, bloggers/Blogmaster, becoming One…and nothing we shall determine to do will be impossible for us.
1. How often do you visit this blog site? twive a day
2. If you are a repeat visitor here, what keeps you coming back? The posts from Bishop and the others
3. If you are not a part of CITN or cyber-CITN, how did you find out about this blog? n/a
4. Do you think that this blog site is an asset to CITN, and if so, why? Yes, because it gives us all a chance to network outside of church
5. Of all the BLOGINTHENOW blogs, which one is your favorite? Gotta love the origina BITN
6. What’s the most outrageous (repeatable) word verification that you’ve had to use to post a comment? I honestly can't remember
7. What’s your favorite song on the BLOGINTHENOW playlist? God of this City
8. If you visit AW4W, what’s your favorite song on that playlist? n/a
9. Of the regular contributors on the comments pages, who do you most enjoy hearing from? Donald and Dennis, but everyone here is great! :-)
10. What motivates you to post comments? being involved.
11. How does regular participation with the blog enhance your sense of the necessity for community? We all have a part to play, even if we don't think so, it's like your body, yes there are organs that if push came to absolute shove you could maybe do without, but your body will never perform the same without them, that's what a community is all about.
12. If you are a regular participant (blurker or blogger), how has your participation affected your thinking? It gives me a chance to see different perspectives on issues and thougts I had about my own beliefs.
13. How has the blog affected your relationship with God? Deepened it.
14. How has the blog affected your relationships with other bloggers? it's always cool when I meet a blogger ITB and they tell me they enjoy my comments. :-)
15. How has the blog affected your relationship with CITN? I feel like I'm more a part of CITN
16. How has the blog affected your relationship with (or perception of) the BLOGMASTER? I feel like I really know you and have a relationship with you as my pastor, something I thought I would have to not have as a conesquence of joining a church of this size. I was wrong and I am sorry.
17. Who would you like to hear from more on the comments page? everyone
18. Who would you like to hear from again who no longer contributes? DBA come back!!!
19. Has there ever been a post published that you were convinced was meant just for you, and, if so, what was it? The posts on love always resonate with me.
20. If you were asked to write an article to be posted on the blog, what would you write about? "The classroom, making a mission field out of a mine field"
It all works out. Tonight, although unable to make a bowl game, a Wolverine opened and is hosting the Academy Awards . Even trade. Thank You God. :)
OK I'm back
Cool answers Bishop one more did you have fun?
It has been cool reading each responce.
These blogs & bloggers have really given me more insight to the Holy One.
Thanks to Bishop & all the bloggers for giving me something to think about.
May these sites just get more and more thought provoking.
Yeah...thanks, River...
Great stuff, everyone...I love it!
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