That would be you Bishop. I know how time consuming a blog can be and you truly have to have a made up mind to be diligient to post regularly, let alone daily and you with 897 blogs, wow. Somehow they are all very relevant and deliberate and purposeful. My mind kind of works like that also, keeping things compartmentalized, it makes sense to me and helps me stay organzied. I am glad you are able to keep the momentum going.
I love all of your blogs and the two books 20/20 don't always require a comment althought I know it feels good tohave a response and AYITN is a timeless classic which is still to be realized by the folks outside of CITN who still have not experienced the daily prophetic utterance.
I am glad you chose to spend your time with posting blogs for us, they are very important.
Next month is BITN anniversary, it would be really cool to have a BITN anniversary party so we can meet the different screen names and fellowship. That would be a cool thing to happen.
A man was driving down the street in a lather because he had an important meeting and couldn't find a parking space. Looking up to heaven, he said, "Lord, take pity on me. If you find me a parking space, I promise to go to church every Sunday for the rest of my life and give up swearing."
Miraculously, a spot opened right in front of the building.
The man looked up and said, "Never mind. I found one."
Good Morning BITN'ers! Did anyone happen to see Dottie Rambo's mention/picture on the Grammy's? Just curious, I personally thought it was cool.
BTW-I have got back on track of making it ITB on Sundays and once again----confirmation that I am exactly where I am supposed to be!(Haven't got the hubby on board yet, but at least its not keeping me lazy in front of the computer streaming on The word is so what I need and I am so thankful to have Bishop and Pastor Debye as spiritual leaders. Anyone noticed how we are beginning to fill up? I think Bishop is on to something with the change of mindset in what is missing. :) Love to all, let us all have a day filled with surprises of annointed Kings and Queens! -Lhollow
The LORD is Magnificent and truly Worthy of All Praise, Honor, Reverence, and steadfast Devotion.
May we magnify the Lord of Hosts on this day and everyday, for the Lord is Faithful Forever More. Oh, give thanks unto the Great Jehovah God, for He Was, He Is, and He Will Be All and is In ALL. Let everything that have breath praise ye' the Lord. Shall we, whom are created in the glorious image of our Father in Heaven allow the rocks on the ground and the fowl of the air to cry out with OUR FAITH and in our place? Surely, this would be blasphemy! This is the day the Lord have made and WE SHALL REJOICE and be glad in it.
Standfast and Behold the Salvation, Goodness, and Grace of the Lord in the land of the living. I alone AM the Lord thy God of great and the small, the sinner and the saint, the lost and the found. All that were lost in Adam were saved in Christ! I am HE that dwells not only in the Heavens and in the earth, yet ALSO and foremost within the essence of MY PEOPLE. Those whom worship Me in Spirit and In TRUTH shall not be brought to total destruction. For I AM OF ALL LIGHT AND THE LIGHT of the HOLY SPIRIT THAT BURNS WITHIN MY PEOPLE. Let the redeemed of the Lord stand up and BOLDLY declare it as so, not with empty words, but through Lifestyles of Holiness, INTEGRITY, and Devotion unto Me. Be not only squeaky wheels which make much noise, but without oil and rusted to the inner most parts, thus being immovable and unusable! Selah...
AM I not the Lord over the Heavens and the Earth? Therefore, why must I compete for your undivided attentions and stand second, third, or even twentieth behind other things and people that you have erected upon pedestals in your livelihoods, serving them, worship them, far more than you do Me?
Let this stand as a foreboding: every single thing or person that has been put in the place of Me- whether it be worship of money, material possessions, jobs, children, habitual rituals, meaningless works under the cloaks of religion, etc. be brought to naught and crumbled to rubble! For You shall have NO OTHER GOD before me. I AM THE FIRST and the LAST, the Start and the Finish, the Beginning and the End. I am the Lord Almighty and worthy of All Praise! Amen.
Taste and see that I- the Lord thy God am Forever Faithful and Goodness and Mercy pours out of my nature and very core. Am I Not the same God of Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Noah, Cornelius, Anna, Bathsheba, Joanna, Leah, Suzanna? I change NOT! Because they worshiped Me for WHO I AM, not just because of what I do and provide, should I not receive the utmost respect and absolute reverence from MY PEOPLE of these present days? Or have you replaced me with the Gifts that I provide, thereby worshiping the gifts and provisions as opposed the the GIVER- the One True Living God who GIVES LIFE and Light of the World?!!!!
WAKE UP! WAKE UP! ARISE from your slumber, greed, debauchery, slothfulness, Hearts of Stone, and Complacency! Dare NOT take ME FOR GRANTED, nor those that I have set before you as Divine Purposed and Positioned Authority Figures- who not only labor before you for your betterment, but Labor and MINISTER UNTO ME with a Pure Heart of Love, Adoration, and Absolute Respect and Honor! GIVE HONOR to the Man and Woman of God, not to gain favor or for your own ulterior motives and hidden agendas, but HONOR THEM as THEY BRING HONOR unto ME, for I HAVE chosen them for such a time as this. They conduct the affairs of MY HOUSE as I HAVE INSTRUCTED THEM to do so, not for the purposes of people pleasing and stroking egos! I AM THEIR FIRST PRIORITY and they are at the TOP OF MY LIST! Therefore, dear people, if you Love Me as you profess, then stop all the madness and devisivness, for I am NOT the God of confusion, but JEHOVAH DIVINE of Exact Order. MY Kingdom IS ALREADY COME and SET in my Appointed Vessels of Faith. So stand up for what is right and just at all times, and dare not speak against the Man and Woman of God that I HAVE placed before you. And those that they have appointed under my instruction as the Ministers of Faith that labor before, among, and with you, show them the utmost respect as well. It matters NOT if you Like them or approve of them, I HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE and deal with them in my own ways. JUDGE NOT, lest ye be so judged!
May Mercy and TRUTH place a guard around your heart, that your mouths will NOT cause you to sin. Mercy and TRUTH abides within the clean hearts, and the hearts are cleaned through the Renewing of the Minds and Transformation in Christ by the Fire of the Holy Spirit that purges out the debris, burns away the impurities, and leaving behind only that which is PURE! Selah...
Let not my admonishments fall upon deaf ears. For what is done in and out of darkness shall be brought out underneath the spotlight suddenly and Immediately!
Despise not the Prophets, Teachers, Caregivers within the body of believers, for they are MY BODY and I have approved them. Therefore, even if you do not approve of or agree with MY MESSAGE, do not backbite MY MESSENGERS because they have told MY TRUTH as I desired it to be conveyed. I, the Lord of Hosts AM shaking up that which has been stagnant, while pulling back the covers off that which has been hidden and done in the darkness! REPENT ! those of you who have been dabbling in works of iniquity, witchcraft, controlling spirits, lying and talebearing tongues, gossiping, maligning, slandering, and slaughtering my people in spirit, word, and deed, while turning the blind eye to grave injustices, and looking at yourselves through rose colored glasses, then putting others underneath the mircoscopes and magnifying glasses!
I AM THE LORD ALMIGHTY! I see all, hear all, and know all. The consequences are severe for coming against those that I have set in a specific place and position. Touch not my anointed ones and do my prophets no harm! When you do not understand a thing, before it is voiced or discussed in your so called "Prayer Gatherings / Meetings" simply keep the matter quiet, and ASK ME FIRST and direct your questions to me and the source whom you may have the issue with. This cuts down on dissention, and chaos in MY HOUSE and amongst the brothers and sisters whom you proclaim to love. It also spares you from unnecessary calamity. Providing you desire not to speak well of another in the company of others, then keep silent, as to not ruin good reputations, covenant relationships, and repoires. Refrain from the works of Jealousy, Bitterness, Strife, Envy, and every evil work. The seed that are sown shall be the harvest that is reaped. Therefore, dare not plant anything that you do not desire to take root and spring up in your own yards / households that may choke the life out of you because the roots have grown into Strongholds. Selah...
I AM THE LORD OF HOSTS! It is my desire to bring about the best for and in my people. Therefore, come clean before me that I may bring you into Rivers of Living Water as Fountains and Fresh Springs are able to pour through you for the nourishment of others. Rejoice! for I have not come to condemn, but to bring about Divine Change, that MY HOUSE and the Lives of My Precious Sons and Daughters be shifted and Perfectly Aligned through the Holy Spirit in DIVINE ORDER! Let everything that have breath Praise Ye' the Lord, for I AM COME to Set the Records Straight; I am the Omnipotent, Tried, Tested, True, the ONE AND ONLY JEHOVAH GOD Almighty.
Choose ye' this day whose report you shall believe and what master you shall serve. The season of Divine Awakening has arrived like a tornado and hurricane in synchronicity, laying ruin to the unnecessary, washing away that which is not grounded in Me, excavating the gravesites, and Cleansing of the Land for the Ultimate Purpose of Supernatural Renewal. Shout Hallelujah, for there is none like Me- the Lord Almighty.
IN THE NOW, I shine My Glorious Light that Truth, Justice, Integrity, and Agape LOVE may override all else, while the standards that have been set from the Headship are to flow down throughout the Body of Believers. CHRIST is the sterling example that is demonstrated through the Head. So follow Me- the Lord thy God by My Example that I have set amongst and over You, and you shall not go wrong nor be led astray, yet shall receive all that I have desired to pour into you. It comes about through Faithfulness, Diligence, and the Call and Answer to Divine Order. Choose LIFE and the Light of the Holy Spirit to walk in LOVE. You are unique by design, so be not duplicitous in your pursuits, perpetrators of fraud, nor imitations of others. BE REAL in Me and WITH ME, for I AM REAL, I AM HERE, I AM FOREVER PRESENT, I AM HOLY, I AM NOW, I AM IN THE NOW! I AM the Lord over Creation! Rejoice and again I say Rejoice, for the Kingdom of God is giving birth within and through YOU! Now, who shall deliver and not abort?! The choice be yours...I- the Lord thy God have done MY PART already....
I got a very creative email today about the benefits of different foods and how many of them are actually shaped like the part of our bodies that they have nutrients to walnuts are shaped like brains and they help develop 3 dozen neuro-transmitters for brain function, carrots (sliced) are shaped like an eye and momma said eat them so we could see in the dark!
Anyway, it just seemed appropriate for today to mention that the heart has four chambers and is red, and a certain umentionable fruit-vegetable has four chambers, is red and is loaded with lycopine, a pure heart and blood food...but then says the whole email is creative but unproven, so I'm thinking my wordver applies here: semosh...which is surprisingly like the sound a squished red vegetable would make...(smile!)
Yes, lhollow27, I saw Dottie on the Grammy's (which, BTW, was the best Grammy show that I've ever seen)...glad to have you back here, and ITB...if more local people will stop staying home and streaming, you will continue to see the crowds grow...and they are, indeed growing, week by week!
Avatar, don't get anything started...besides, I like them cooked (ketchup, marinara sauce, soup, etc)...I do like them, Sam I am...just not in their demonic, horrible, disgusting, alien raw state...
Even little ole' me in MI knows what the red vegetable dislike is about........caught it on a day I "streamed". feel "in the know" is so much fun! Like the out of town relative not around, but not out of touch.
Waiting 'til the midnight hour to see what you blog next !
That would be you Bishop. I know how time consuming a blog can be and you truly have to have a made up mind to be diligient to post regularly, let alone daily and you with 897 blogs, wow. Somehow they are all very relevant and deliberate and purposeful. My mind kind of works like that also, keeping things compartmentalized, it makes sense to me and helps me stay organzied. I am glad you are able to keep the momentum going.
I love all of your blogs and the two books 20/20 don't always require a comment althought I know it feels good tohave a response and AYITN is a timeless classic which is still to be realized by the folks outside of CITN who still have not experienced the daily prophetic utterance.
I am glad you chose to spend your time with posting blogs for us, they are very important.
Next month is BITN anniversary, it would be really cool to have a BITN anniversary party so we can meet the different screen names and fellowship. That would be a cool thing to happen.
Just sharing...
Water Walker
A man was driving down the street in a lather because he had an important meeting and couldn't find a parking space. Looking up to heaven, he said, "Lord, take pity on me. If you find me a parking space, I promise to go to church every Sunday for the rest of my life and give up swearing."
Miraculously, a spot opened right in front of the building.
The man looked up and said, "Never mind. I found one." rock the Casbah - rock the Casbah
Good Morning BITN'ers! Did anyone happen to see Dottie Rambo's mention/picture on the Grammy's? Just curious, I personally thought it was cool.
BTW-I have got back on track of making it ITB on Sundays and once again----confirmation that I am exactly where I am supposed to be!(Haven't got the hubby on board yet, but at least its not keeping me lazy in front of the computer streaming on The word is so what I need and I am so thankful to have Bishop and Pastor Debye as spiritual leaders. Anyone noticed how we are beginning to fill up? I think Bishop is on to something with the change of mindset in what is missing. :)
Love to all, let us all have a day filled with surprises of annointed Kings and Queens! -Lhollow
The LORD is Magnificent and truly Worthy of All Praise, Honor, Reverence, and steadfast Devotion.
May we magnify the Lord of Hosts on this day and everyday, for the Lord is Faithful Forever More. Oh, give thanks unto the Great Jehovah God, for He Was, He Is, and He Will Be All and is In ALL. Let everything that have breath praise ye' the Lord. Shall we, whom are created in the glorious image of our Father in Heaven allow the rocks on the ground and the fowl of the air to cry out with OUR FAITH and in our place? Surely, this would be blasphemy! This is the day the Lord have made and WE SHALL REJOICE and be glad in it.
Standfast and Behold the Salvation, Goodness, and Grace of the Lord in the land of the living. I alone AM the Lord thy God of great and the small, the sinner and the saint, the lost and the found. All that were lost in Adam were saved in Christ! I am HE that dwells not only in the Heavens and in the earth, yet ALSO and foremost within the essence of MY PEOPLE. Those whom worship Me in Spirit and In TRUTH shall not be brought to total destruction. For I AM OF ALL LIGHT AND THE LIGHT of the HOLY SPIRIT THAT BURNS WITHIN MY PEOPLE. Let the redeemed of the Lord stand up and BOLDLY declare it as so, not with empty words, but through Lifestyles of Holiness, INTEGRITY, and Devotion unto Me. Be not only squeaky wheels which make much noise, but without oil and rusted to the inner most parts, thus being immovable and unusable! Selah...
AM I not the Lord over the Heavens and the Earth? Therefore, why must I compete for your undivided attentions and stand second, third, or even twentieth behind other things and people that you have erected upon pedestals in your livelihoods, serving them, worship them, far more than you do Me?
Let this stand as a foreboding: every single thing or person that has been put in the place of Me- whether it be worship of money, material possessions, jobs, children, habitual rituals, meaningless works under the cloaks of religion, etc. be brought to naught and crumbled to rubble! For You shall have NO OTHER GOD before me. I AM THE FIRST and the LAST, the Start and the Finish, the Beginning and the End. I am the Lord Almighty and worthy of All Praise! Amen.
Taste and see that I- the Lord thy God am Forever Faithful and Goodness and Mercy pours out of my nature and very core. Am I Not the same God of Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Noah, Cornelius, Anna, Bathsheba, Joanna, Leah, Suzanna? I change NOT! Because they worshiped Me for WHO I AM, not just because of what I do and provide, should I not receive the utmost respect and absolute reverence from MY PEOPLE of these present days? Or have you replaced me with the Gifts that I provide, thereby worshiping the gifts and provisions as opposed the the GIVER- the One True Living God who GIVES LIFE and Light of the World?!!!!
WAKE UP! WAKE UP! ARISE from your slumber, greed, debauchery, slothfulness, Hearts of Stone, and Complacency! Dare NOT take ME FOR GRANTED, nor those that I have set before you as Divine Purposed and Positioned Authority Figures- who not only labor before you for your betterment, but Labor and MINISTER UNTO ME with a Pure Heart of Love, Adoration, and Absolute Respect and Honor! GIVE HONOR to the Man and Woman of God, not to gain favor or for your own ulterior motives and hidden agendas, but HONOR THEM as THEY BRING HONOR unto ME, for I HAVE chosen them for such a time as this. They conduct the affairs of MY HOUSE as I HAVE INSTRUCTED THEM to do so, not for the purposes of people pleasing and stroking egos!
I AM THEIR FIRST PRIORITY and they are at the TOP OF MY LIST! Therefore, dear people, if you Love Me as you profess, then stop all the madness and devisivness, for I am NOT the God of confusion, but JEHOVAH DIVINE of Exact Order. MY Kingdom IS ALREADY COME and SET in my Appointed Vessels of Faith. So stand up for what is right and just at all times, and dare not speak against the Man and Woman of God that I HAVE placed before you. And those that they have appointed under my instruction as the Ministers of Faith that labor before, among, and with you, show them the utmost respect as well. It matters NOT if you Like them or approve of them, I HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE and deal with them in my own ways. JUDGE NOT, lest ye be so judged!
May Mercy and TRUTH place a guard around your heart, that your mouths will NOT cause you to sin. Mercy and TRUTH abides within the clean hearts, and the hearts are cleaned through the Renewing of the Minds and Transformation in Christ by the Fire of the Holy Spirit that purges out the debris, burns away the impurities, and leaving behind only that which is PURE! Selah...
Let not my admonishments fall upon deaf ears. For what is done in and out of darkness shall be brought out underneath the spotlight suddenly and Immediately!
Despise not the Prophets, Teachers, Caregivers within the body of believers, for they are MY BODY and I have approved them. Therefore, even if you do not approve of or agree with MY MESSAGE, do not backbite MY MESSENGERS because they have told MY TRUTH as I desired it to be conveyed. I, the Lord of Hosts AM shaking up that which has been stagnant, while pulling back the covers off that which has been hidden and done in the darkness! REPENT ! those of you who have been dabbling in works of iniquity, witchcraft, controlling spirits, lying and talebearing tongues, gossiping, maligning, slandering, and slaughtering my people in spirit, word, and deed, while turning the blind eye to grave injustices, and looking at yourselves through rose colored glasses, then putting others underneath the mircoscopes and magnifying glasses!
I AM THE LORD ALMIGHTY! I see all, hear all, and know all. The consequences are severe for coming against those that I have set in a specific place and position. Touch not my anointed ones and do my prophets no harm! When you do not understand a thing, before it is voiced or discussed in your so called "Prayer Gatherings / Meetings" simply keep the matter quiet, and ASK ME FIRST and direct your questions to me and the source whom you may have the issue with. This cuts down on dissention, and chaos in MY HOUSE and amongst the brothers and sisters whom you proclaim to love. It also spares you from unnecessary calamity. Providing you desire not to speak well of another in the company of others, then keep silent, as to not ruin good reputations, covenant relationships, and repoires. Refrain from the works of Jealousy, Bitterness, Strife, Envy, and every evil work. The seed that are sown shall be the harvest that is reaped. Therefore, dare not plant anything that you do not desire to take root and spring up in your own yards / households that may choke the life out of you because the roots have grown into Strongholds. Selah...
I AM THE LORD OF HOSTS! It is my desire to bring about the best for and in my people. Therefore, come clean before me that I may bring you into Rivers of Living Water as Fountains and Fresh Springs are able to pour through you for the nourishment of others. Rejoice! for I have not come to condemn, but to bring about Divine Change, that MY HOUSE and the Lives of My Precious Sons and Daughters be shifted and Perfectly Aligned through the Holy Spirit in DIVINE ORDER! Let everything that have breath Praise Ye' the Lord, for I AM COME to Set the Records Straight; I am the Omnipotent, Tried, Tested, True, the ONE AND ONLY JEHOVAH GOD Almighty.
Choose ye' this day whose report you shall believe and what master you shall serve. The season of Divine Awakening has arrived like a tornado and hurricane in synchronicity, laying ruin to the unnecessary, washing away that which is not grounded in Me, excavating the gravesites, and Cleansing of the Land for the Ultimate Purpose of Supernatural Renewal. Shout Hallelujah, for there is none like Me- the Lord Almighty.
IN THE NOW, I shine My Glorious Light that Truth, Justice, Integrity, and Agape LOVE may override all else, while the standards that have been set from the Headship are to flow down throughout the Body of Believers. CHRIST is the sterling example that is demonstrated through the Head. So follow Me- the Lord thy God by My Example that I have set amongst and over You, and you shall not go wrong nor be led astray, yet shall receive all that I have desired to pour into you. It comes about through Faithfulness, Diligence, and the Call and Answer to Divine Order. Choose LIFE and the Light of the Holy Spirit to walk in LOVE. You are unique by design, so be not duplicitous in your pursuits, perpetrators of fraud, nor imitations of others. BE REAL in Me and WITH ME, for I AM REAL, I AM HERE, I AM FOREVER PRESENT, I AM HOLY, I AM NOW, I AM IN THE NOW! I AM the Lord over Creation! Rejoice and again I say Rejoice, for the Kingdom of God is giving birth within and through YOU! Now, who shall deliver and not abort?! The choice be yours...I- the Lord thy God have done MY PART already....
Blog the Blog
Life is what you make it so Make It Good.
Psalm 121
1 I will lift up my eyes to the hills, from where comes my help.
2 My help comes from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.
3 He will not suffer your foot to be moved: he that keeps you will not slumber.
4 Behold, he that keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD is your keeper: the LORD is your shade on your right hand.
6 The sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD shall preserve you from all evil: he shall preserve your soul.
8 The LORD shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even for ever more
Stopping by to say HI, BLOGGERS!
I got a very creative email today about the benefits of different foods and how many of them are actually shaped like the part of our bodies that they have nutrients to walnuts are shaped like brains and they help develop 3 dozen neuro-transmitters for brain function, carrots (sliced) are shaped like an eye and momma said eat them so we could see in the dark!
Anyway, it just seemed appropriate for today to mention that the heart has four chambers and is red, and a certain umentionable fruit-vegetable has four chambers, is red and is loaded with lycopine, a pure heart and blood food...but then says the whole email is creative but unproven, so I'm thinking my wordver applies here: semosh...which is surprisingly like the sound a squished red vegetable would make...(smile!)
Have a smiley bloggy day, blog family!
Thanks so much, WW, but the blog's 1 year anniversary is actually tomorrow (from when I originally started it)...thanks for all of your support!
That's actually very deep, SOZ...
Yes, lhollow27, I saw Dottie on the Grammy's (which, BTW, was the best Grammy show that I've ever seen)...glad to have you back here, and ITB...if more local people will stop staying home and streaming, you will continue to see the crowds grow...and they are, indeed growing, week by week!
Thanks and amen, Scribe...
Amen, River
Avatar, don't get anything started...besides, I like them cooked (ketchup, marinara sauce, soup, etc)...I do like them, Sam I am...just not in their demonic, horrible, disgusting, alien raw state...
Even little ole' me in MI knows what the red vegetable dislike is about........caught it on a day I "streamed". feel "in the know" is so much fun! Like the out of town relative not around, but not out of touch.
Waiting 'til the midnight hour to see what you blog next !
Northern Light
p.s.I love the new Blog Menu......
and where 2 or 3 are gathered made me smile.......LOVE IT LOVE IT
You DO love the keys, the words, the opportunity, the thought process, the whole thing ! AWESOME isn't enough of a word for it all........
Peace again,
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