Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I already said some of these things on the Christmas post, but again I want to thank all of you bloggers, especially those of you who post here regularly, for sharing so much with me here in cyber-space for the last 365 days! Your words, ideas, thoughts, insights, interpretations, musings, exchanges, humor and revelation are valuable and greatly appreciated by this blogmaster, and I believe the connection that we have all made here this year is real and important.

Every day I look forward to hearing from you on the comments page, and I always find your feedback to be both thoughtful and inspirational. The need for communication is basic to all of us, and it is very gratifying to me to see that this website has become a nexus (I'm not sure that I'm using the word correctly, but I want to use it anyway) for daily authentic and life-affirming interaction.

REAL PEOPLE EXPERIENCING THE REAL GOD IN THE REAL WORLD®...this trademark of Church In The Now has definitely become applicable to BLOGINTHENOW, and, even though the blog reaches way beyond the borders of the local church community, the concept that began in a geographical location (Conyers, GA) is now extended to the expanse of the infinite internet. As CITN has a global pulpit, BLOGINTHENOW has a universal voice.

Reading your posts every day has been a no particular order, Avatar, Peacemaker, Erik, Iris, Crownjewel, Son of Zadok, Pastor Dennis, JB, Donald, Elle, Izumi/JOY, Nothing To Lose, Friend4Life, Linda, Tracy, Karl, Sweepea, Nancy, Clark Kent, Disciple, Teezy313, Bro Lar, Laura, The Centurion, G8TRGRL, Mystic, Brenda, Disciple, Kettly, SCRIBE, Lisa, River, dgm2007, Ebony, Speaking Spirit, Doubleback Alley, Pamela T., Typical Blurker, Abraham, Yvonne, Yve, vaughn, Water Walker, Reign!, Sheri, Creme Brulee, Leesa, Mayflower, Mayam, Heart after Him, JR, Northern Light, P. Debbie and sometimes P. Debye, and all of the hundreds and hundreds of Anonymi (plural for Anonymous)...people from all over the map (literally and figuratively), many of whom have never even been ITB@CITN...everyone makes a valid contribution (if I left your name/handle out, forgive me)...even the blurkers...we feel your presence...

You are all unique and special...many of you are actually gifted writers in your own right, and you express yourselves with intelligence and great sensitivity. Some days your revelation just blows me away...and I enjoy the little glimpses into your personal lives when you share anecdotes...and I pray for you when you have a prayer request...and you make me laugh. Always your support is appreciated.

Speaking of prayer requests, my goal was to have 7 blogs operating by the first anniversary, and the 7th (and last) one is now up and running. It's called WHERE2OR3RGATHERED, and it's a site just for prayer requests. If you click on it, you will find it to be self-explanatory.

I have a great word for you tonight at LifeSkills In The Now, and the outline will posted on that blog after the service.

Thanks again for being a part of this...

I love you all!


Anonymous said...


As the newest member (I think) of your blog family, I am feelin' blessed to be first to say HAPPY HAPPY 1 year.......and many many more ~

Northern Light

River said...

One year in.
Many more to come.
1. Eytyxismena Genethlia! or Chronia Pola! (Greek)
2. Yom Huledet Same'ach! (Hebrew)
3. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! (German)
4. Ilanga elimndandi kuwe! (Zulu - South Afican)
5. Joyeux Anniversaire! (French)
6. Buon Compleanno! (Italian)
7. Otanjou-bi Omedetou Gozaimasu! (Japanese)
In English Happy Birthday
Keep Speaking To Nations
I was wondering when you were going to put a prayer blog on. Thanks for doing it.

Larry Usher said...

Happy Bday Blog!
Great outlet to our musings!

Where there is great need, there is great provision. We are ready!

Millions of healings.
Resurrections by the thousands.

Holy fire coming to the Jewish community worldwide.

Hear oh Israel, the Lord your God is one.

Here, oh Israel, the Lord your God is one.

Common "language" coming to believers.

Carrying the heart in the hands.

The "Precious"- a completed circle around the globe.

Perfection needs not say "I am perfect", it is fulfilled in the knowledge that it is conforming others to itself.

How is it that as we are decreased He increases us so?

Your knowledge Lord is too lofty for me to phathom, my head spins out of control as my heart is leaping for joy and repeating Yes! Yes! Yes!



Larry Usher said...

The three stars of Orion's Belt.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!

My first wordver is "upful"...full of UP! YES!

I've been on a blog review...back to the early days. Some may not know that the blog was reborn on the uncommon day of February 29, 2008. It takes a while to scroll through "older posts" to see that first day of rebirth and the days following but its worth it and has been fun. Historical note: snapshots of the first 18 days, the days before the blog died, are rare...but they were exciting days. Not that we don't also do it now, but they were days when we all sensed the power and said how huge this site was for us and how huge and great it would be...I especially remember the "moving in" days, Saturday play day and the day Bishop told us to stop being so interesting 'cos he had to get some other things done! And then there was the day we showered love on an Anon and she came back with a name and a changed heart.

If you decide to go on the journey, I highly recommend March 12, 2008. Titled "Tell Me Something Good", Bishop shared quotes on blogging. Here's the first one:
1. The drops of rain make a hole in the stone not by violence but by oft falling. Lucretius.
Conversational blogging is not a sprint to happy high lands of massive traffic, huge link backs and Alexa rankings. It's a marathon of touching one person at a time with something that's meaningful to their lives.

So, Happy Birthday, indeed, BLOGINTHENOW!!!!!!!!!! You have walked in your purpose and your destiny since the day you were born. It is a singular joy to watch you shine your light and I joyfully dance with you on this day!

Backatcha, blogmaster...for changing the world with your own two hands, reaching out...letting us add each of our own two hands... and making this world, the blog world...and especially this bloggers world...a brighter place!

How Great is Our God is playing as I go through the final preview...ALL do see here...over and truly Great He is!
God within us...the Hope of Glory!

Anonymous said...

May our Gracious Father continue to grant you (Bishop) and all of us who blogs in the BLOGINTHENOW site Amazing Favor with rays of the sun to warm us.
With the fullness of the moon in the dark nights walls when you are writing. A roof for the rain!
And a sheltering angel so nothing can harm you or us in Bloginthenow.
May Bloginthenow be filled with laughter to cheer you and us always. Faithful friends in whom you love near and far.
And whenever you pray for us, Heaven will hear you and many blessings and much love will come down on us.

Bishop, thank your for word of encouragement! You always encourage us to go beyond our capabilities of our possibilities of letting the creativity in us out. And never let anyone or anything bring us down in our will to be the best God desire for us to be.
Thank you for the way, you love us.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all. Amen.



peacemaker said...

"As CITN has a global pulpit, BLOGINTHENOW has a universal voice."

To me, that says it all...

Happy Birthday!!

Anonymous said...

You say it's your birthday
It's my birthday too--yeah!
They say it's your birthday

We're gonna have a good time!

I'm glad it's your birthday!
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party
Yes we're going to a party party.

I would like you to dance
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance

I would like you to dance

You say it's your birthday
Well it's my birthday too--yeah!
You say it's your birthday
We're gonna have a good time!

I'm glad it's your birthday!
Happy birthday to you!

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday BITN!!!! What a journey it has been. I can't wait to see what year 2 brings!

Iris said...

1 year old - such great revelation has transpired over the last 365 days. God has truly shown up here. There have been so many times I have needed some encouragement, something to lift may faith, or just a good laugh, and this site has never failed me.

Bishop, thank you for giving us the opportunity to allow the Holy Spirit to flow through our hands as we write, to share our dreams and visions, prayer request and praises, insight and revelation, with the world.

I believe the people from all over the globe who come to this site are forever changed.

Happy Birthday bloggers…..

Love you all

G8TRGRL said...

Happy Birthday, BITN!

May the second 365 day journey around the Sun be even more inspiring, enlightening and wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday BITN!

This creative conduit has already brought to the attention of many onlookers the reality of humankind's love for its Creator as expressed by each individual that has posted here.

What an awesome forum for seekers and finders. We are all truly blessed by this opportunity to speak life and blessing into the universe.

This is a ginuine gift from you, Bishop, to the whole world.

You are blessed and because of your generous heart, many returns of provision beyond what you can even think to ask for are made real in your life. Your wealth is increased beyond your ability to contain it.

Thank you

Lise said...

Happy Birthday & Anniversary, BITN!
I'm truly grateful for this place. The opportunity to express one's beliefs, ideas, thoughts, opinions, and yes... even fears is cathartic.
The participants here have walked me through many days with their wisdom, carried me through others with their prayers, and sent me soaring on several occasions with laughter. Many thanks to all of you!
And to Bish (the greatest blogmaster around), I've visited your other blogs, and they all rock! But THIS one has my heart! It's the one I come back to day after day :)
Blessings to all of you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday BITN! Honey, you have created and nurtured one of the most beautiful outlets for anyone to come, be welcomed and celebrated! No prejudices, no judgements, only love, encouragement, insight, revelation and acceptance!

You are a wordsmith, an artist, a revelator, a visionary, a shepherd, a leader, a father, and a friend. Wow, talk about being "all things to all men/women"! I celebrate you and all who partake of this awesome place! May your next year be even greater!!!!

I am very proud of you!


Anonymous said...

Yes,happy birthday BITN...and thank you Bishop for creating and administrating this forum where everyone can come and share their thoughts and revelation in an environment of peace and love. Only in this type of environment can someone share themselves without fear of ridicule or rebuke and that is a true stimulus toward building confidence to walk ih the revelation the Holy Spirit is sharing with each of us. The new year of BITN will be greater than the first as we all join in the perpetual increase that is existing in the Kingdom. Thank you again Bishop.

Anonymous said...

I had an unusual but beautiful dream last night. I saw the sanctuary at CITN change from a traditional church setting to a great teaching hall. The dream translated into a vision during my first conscious hours this morning but I nearly dismissed it and went my way into the day. After being prompted to tell it, here it is;

The stadium seating area was completely reconstructed to accommodate seats with desks in front of them and they were filled with students of all ages, mostly mature adults but some mature youths also, that were intently gathering information from various teachers, moderated by Bishop who also was among the teachers, and they were also equipped to communicate with the teachers with audio capabilities that were heard by all listeners.

These were not ordinary people but were comprised of some well known individuals from all over the world as well as young scolars.

They came to learn, share their own knowledge and then go out to their perspective places in the earth and consult with their peers. They would then come back for other exchanges at CITN.

Not only did the demmand for this to happen come from outside the group of regular attendees at CITN but the funds to make it happen did also.

We who are presently attending, contributing and helping saw this with overwhelming joy and were happy to get an occassional seat in the building when it was available. Access to the teachings were made available by subscription where there was a requirement for interaction by written dialog.

All who were connected to the ministry were interacting in an ebb and flow manner so that the dream looked like numerous streams coming into the building with a mighty rushing river leaving the building and flowing toward the rising sun. The rising sun is breathtakingly beautiful by the way.

For what ever this dream/vision actually means is to be seen but in the spiritual realm this is happening right now.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Blog In The Now! While I don't post often, I come here every day to learn, so thank you Bishop for maintaining this amazing place, and thank you to all of you who are better at sharing than I am. You are a gift!

NTL said...

Happy Birthday!

BITN was one of the means that the Holy Spirit used to help me get back to CITN. I am very thankful for this place.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bishop

I stayed late last night to write this “FAITH DECLARATION” for your thirty fifth (35th) Anniversaries in the Ministry Declaring the LOVE of GOD; to anyone who has ears to hear.

I hope it pleases you!

I will rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say, I will rejoice in Him.
I greatly rejoice in the Lord because of my Heavenly Father’s favor.

The peace of God, which beyond human understanding, guards my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus. Therefore I let my gentleness be made known to all through my actions and not empty words.

I am wise to share in the process of giving and receiving that which God has established in the earth.

I am like- minded with my brothers and sisters in Christ, having the same love and unity of purpose.

I do nothing out of selfish ambition or haughtiness, but in the spirit of humility I place others before myself.

I do not look to my own interests alone, but to the interest of others as well.

I faithfully support ministries that are advancing the Kingdom in the earth, and every gift that I give is a deposit into my heavenly account.

I do all that I can to ensure that the ministries I support are amply supplied and more.

It is my heart’s desire that, through me and others of the same heart, God’s Word and financial blessings will shower over these ministries in so much abundance that they will have no idea what to do with all of the excess.

It is my desire to see God’s ministries living like true ambassador of heaven.

The purpose of my ministry is to bring encouragement to the heart and unity to the Body through love, so that others may have the full riches of complete understanding as I do that they may know the mystery of God, namely CHRIST, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

I have become a capable minister in the Church, by the commission of God, to present His Word to the world in all of its fullness.

The Gospel has been, and is continually growing within me and bearing an abundance of fruit ever since the day that I both heard and understood God’s grace in all of its truth.

I do not fret over who is preaching the Gospel, or from what motives they are preaching it; I just rejoice that it is being preached.

I pray regularly for my sheep’s: Pastors, Care pastors and teachers in the faith, that whenever they open their mouths to preach, words are given to them so that they can fearlessly make known the mystery of the Gospel.

I rest in full confidence that He who began this good work in me is well able to carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.

Bishop, again I truly do hope you like it, and hope you know I’m not trying to step over my ground!

Anyway it is truly your fault, forcing me to bring out something I never thought I have in me. Thank you again.

Glory and Praise be unto God forever and ever. Amen!


Anonymous said...

Anon 9:48, you’re actually confirmed my dreams of two (2) years ago.
You are right! It’s happening in the spirit and I also believe it’s already happening in the natural, Through the Body Builders Meetings every first Wednesday of the Month. (When all different Ministers from different churches come together to hear the NOW WORD from our Bishop REVELATION)
I am surely in agreement with you for this process to take place.
Let’s declare and decree together for our dreams to come to reality. In Jesus’name!


Donald said...

HYVAA SYNTYMA PAIVAA! Pronounced "who-vee sin tuh muh pi vah"

Finnish for Happy Birthday!

Water Walker said...

Happy Birthday to ya, happy birthday to ya, Happy Birthday...I literally hear Stevie Wonder's masterpiece he wrote in honor of Dr. MLK birthday being permanently honored as a federal holiday.

While BITN's 1st B.D. is not the same thing, the significance is far reaching to the lives that it has touched.

I personally have so many things to write for my own ministry and I keep telling myself, I don't have time to blog on BITN daily, but I must admit that I am compelled to join in to these beautiful discourses and conversations and to the other memebers of my body.

It is like fire shut up within me and I so look forward the entire experience.

It is funny how a celebration was in my spirit on yesterday and I totally didn't have the date right in the natural but yet my spirit knew, it is time to celebrate.

This venue has stretched me at times, while comforting me at other times, and the inspiration is ongoing, the presence of God's power and true agreement have been signature characteristic of BITN. I have truly been able to enter in to true relationships with some of the bloggers who I probably would have otherwise never known. I NOW have personal emailings with some of the bloggers on a regular basis and so this blog has definitely been a plus to my life.

BITN has been like a spiritual "Cheers" where everybody knows your name (in the spirit) and they are always glad you came. That feels really good to feel welcomed and loved and esteemed.

To to the blogmaster, we honor you today for your foresight to create this apostolic environment where we can explore the width and depth and height of the scriptures, God's love, deep revelation, reviews of events at church. We thank you Bishop, for leading us into greener pastures, even when we don't always want to go. We bless you for praying and giving attention to some real issues we have expressed through this timely work.

I am personally amazed that you have the time and mental stamina to stay abreast of (7) blogs. Wow, very cool. I heard Mike Murdock say in a service about 10 years ago, that we all have the same amount of time as Bill Gates, or the president, or Einstein and what we do with it is our decision but we are all on level playing ground as to what we accomplish in a day or one week or one year.

Bishop you are teaching us by example how to redeem the time we have and also to re-state an old NIKE commercial "Just Do It" doers of the word and not just hearers only.

I would be amissed if I didn't give a shout out to my fellow-bloggers. You guys are awesome and I look forward to see what your thoughts, ideas and meditations are daily.

Water Walker

Water Walker said...

Happy Birthday to ya, happy birthday to ya, Happy Birthday...I literally hear Stevie Wonder's masterpiece he wrote in honor of Dr. MLK birthday being permanently honored as a federal holiday.

While BITN's 1st B.D. is not the same thing, the significance is far reaching to the lives that it has touched.

I personally have so many things to write for my own ministry and I keep telling myself, I don't have time to blog on BITN daily, but I must admit that I am compelled to join in to these beautiful discourses and conversations and to the other memebers of my body.

It is like fire shut up within me and I so look forward the entire experience.

It is funny how a celebration was in my spirit on yesterday and I totally didn't have the date right in the natural but yet my spirit knew, it is time to celebrate.

This venue has stretched me at times, while comforting me at other times, and the inspiration is ongoing, the presence of God's power and true agreement have been signature characteristic of BITN. I have truly been able to enter in to true relationships with some of the bloggers who I probably would have otherwise never known. I NOW have personal emailings with some of the bloggers on a regular basis and so this blog has definitely been a plus to my life.

BITN has been like a spiritual "Cheers" where everybody knows your name (in the spirit) and they are always glad you came. That feels really good to feel welcomed and loved and esteemed.

To to the blogmaster, we honor you today for your foresight to create this apostolic environment where we can explore the width and depth and height of the scriptures, God's love, deep revelation, reviews of events at church. We thank you Bishop, for leading us into greener pastures, even when we don't always want to go. We bless you for praying and giving attention to some real issues we have expressed through this timely work.

I am personally amazed that you have the time and mental stamina to stay abreast of (7) blogs. Wow, very cool. I heard Mike Murdock say in a service about 10 years ago, that we all have the same amount of time as Bill Gates, or the president, or Einstein and what we do with it is our decision but we are all on level playing ground as to what we accomplish in a day or one week or one year.

Bishop you are teaching us by example how to redeem the time we have and also to re-state an old NIKE commercial "Just Do It" doers of the word and not just hearers only.

I would be amissed if I didn't give a shout out to my fellow-bloggers. You guys are awesome and I look forward to see what your thoughts, ideas and meditations are daily.

Water Walker

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday BITN!!!

Greater things have yet to come
Greater things are still to be done
In this "city"
Greater things have yet to come
And greater things have still to be done here

Son of Zadok said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Son of Zadok said...

..|^^^^^^B:I:T:N ^^^^^^|...........
.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.............

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!

This has been a great site and I have really enjoyed being a part of this. I may not always write something but I will always read and I am always uplifed after having done so. Please keep the inspiration flowing because it is food to my soul.

The Life Skills classes have been a God send to me and I'm happy that I am witness to them in my life time. You are indeed a gifted annointed Bishop and Pastor and I'm proud to say I am apart of CITN. I wish I have had this teaching so many years ago but thank God its not too late and my latter years will indeed be better than my former.

NTL said...

Donald, oletko suomalainen?
(are you Finnish?)

Anonymous said...


Love all your words...still reading them but have to go somewhere now.

I have a big prayer request and will try and post it on the other spot but if it doesn't work out here it is...feel free to edit or delete any part of this; thanks!

Prayer request;

I'm glad that we can open up(though sometimes hard to do so) about prayer need, current pain, and help needed from the rest of the body I'm sending out a signal...thanks in advance.

I really need clarity now because there are so many pressure areas going on such as;

-wife Natasha and I both looking for work and we have less than $50 between us left in the bank.

-I've been selling some of Zachary's used clothes for cash the past 2 days to have gas in the car.

Some of you may know the catch 22 I feel: the need to look for work, but the need for gas to go, hence taking extra time and energy to gather something for cash now, so you can have the gas and the milk in the fridge today...and then one of us needs to watch Zachary after 2:30 because he's not in an aftercare. His grandmother is not always able to do it, time-wise or physically many times.

My aunt has been helping some but is in hard times herself.

I'm going to see if my dad can send something soon maybe towards aftercare or for some new clothes for Zachary...he has 1 pair of jeans for school.

Please pray for Natasha's health...tomorrow she is supposed to begin working once a week on Thursdays(9-12) with a new language company teaching Spanish at the Center for Disease Control. If it goes well they may add another class/classes, however, she is in lots of pain and discomfort with sinus infections, even with her meds.

Please pray in agreement for wisdom/revelation over job hunting, clear thinking, favor and strength(in all areas), and vision that she has for her language company services and my biscotti selling, and things we'd like to write.

A number of things Natasha and I can do(in case you know anyone or something clicks with you or your work here);

Spanish/French/Latin teaching/interpreting or tutoring, cosmetic beauty advisor, I've had experience in hospitality (restaurant serving, room service, concierge/bellhop), marketing/promoting, type quickly and well also in Spanish , health shop, data entry, more.

I do thank you all and love you guys, and will pray for you, too. No one should be afraid here to tell their need/pain. Command center has to get your signal so it knows to send that body member help somehow and/or agreement in prayer.

To God be all the glory in the body as people see us helping one in the early when my storehouses burst, you know some of that flow is coming back to some other hurting member here. God uses it as a witness to the world!

Love and thanks,
Karl Cobos

Larry Usher said...

Teemu Selänne | Aarne Honkavaara | Ilkka Sinisalo | Esa Tikkanen
Jari Kurri | Reijo Ruotsalainen | Kari Lehtonen
Pekka Rautakallio | Raimo Helminen | Raimo Summanen

Great Finnish hockey legends.

Jari Kurri played in the Finland- USA gold medal game of the 1980 "Miracle on Ice" and went on to play with Wayne Gretzky on the Stanley Cup winning Edmonton Oilers.

(Hey being from Clinton NY, I got to see my share of championship hockey!- Also saw the 80 Olympic team play against the Ft. Worth Texans, never imagining they would win the gold a month or two down the road!)

Go Finland! Go USA!


Anonymous said...

Something I shared with Pastor Chad last week...I've gotta find the verse.

"The shepherd is fed of the flock"

ie-You feed us Bishop, but we have to digest that food of the pasture just right in order to give back to you milk...milk for you to drink, make cheese/curd, mix with YOUR you strength to lead the flock to the next pasture when it is time, and the cycle continues...

Thoughts anyone?

Larry Usher said...

Praying for you Karl!

Bro Lar

Donald said...

No NTL I'm not Finnish, but I worked with some guys from a Finnish shipyard several years ago and one of them taught me a few words.
I can't remember any of them except the one I wrote down earlier because one of the guys from Finland wrote it down for me on a piece of paper and I still have it.
I actually had to find the little piece of paper earlier because I couldn't remember how to spell it.
Well, I mean I know how to spell "it" which is of course "i" "t" I mean that I couldn't remember how to spell that other stuff I was talking about.
Well, I mean I know how to spell "that oth......"

Donald said...

I've been thinking about the group streaming thingy for quite some time.
I am also going to write a little something in the newspaper inviting folks to tune in to the services and give the instructions on how to get to the streaming.

Anonymous said...


The small group idea is of interest to me, and once you have it figured out, let's see. Of course, the Wednesday night Life Skills services are the ones I am thinking on at this time, as I am fortunate to be connected to a home church, here in MI, ALTHOUGH I have streamed in to CITN on more Sunday mornings than I have left the house since visiting ITB in December !

Let's work it.....keep figuring it out.

Northern Light

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Blog In The Now!!

It's so cool to be a part of the blog family! Around our house after we sing Happy Birthday there is major applause and lots of laughter...
Great thoughts make great words, great words make great days, great days make great weeks, great weeks make great months, great months make a great year!
Bishop, Thanks for all the GREAT BLOGS!

Friend4Life said...

Happy Birthday BlogInTheNow!!
Love ya ALL!!

~Peace, Love, & Dream BIG~

Ps--Pray 4 my voice to come back. Hasn't been right since the SuperBowl (smile)

dgm2007 said...

Wow. A whole year. I feel like I've grown up with this blog.. Whats great is that you can tell someone your bishop blogs..Its one thing to go to a cool church its another to actually connect to your Bish and hipster people around the globe. yeah thats right!CITN rules! I really love this place. Really good message last night. I like the life skills thingerue.. one last thing. I tried to start a blog and dear God you are a patient man... Do you write the code for all of this stuff. It took me like 10 minutes to figure out the dimensions on my music player..
alright Peace and love
and happy birthday world

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Thanks so much, everyone...beautiful words...Avatar, yours, especially...Donald, I was about to send a search party to Mississippi to look for you!

Your support and connection makes it all worthwhile...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Guess I'll conintue it for another year...