Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hey bloggers...loved your stuff from yesterday...the connection that we all have here feels very real, and it strengthens the community...I posted a sign here a few minutes ago that said "Have a great weekend", but the more I looked at it, I began to see that there was a subliminal message with the way the "E's" were capitalized that said "Get weed", so I removed may have just been my imagination, or I may be looking at everything like the message that Pastor Dennis posted yesterday...anyway, I still want you to have a great weekend, and I hope to spend some time with everyone who is local ITB!

I'm very excited about tomorrow's service, and I'm very excited about all that is happening right now...transition is taking place, and it's all good...even when I watch the news, I am increasingly convinced that something awesome is happening in the earth...the kingdoms of this world are becoming the Kingdom of our God, and of His Christ!

Enjoy this beautiful Saturday, and don't waste it on worry or fear or're an eagle, not a chicken, so mount up with wings today!

Can't wait to see you tomorrow...



Anonymous said...

Wishing everyone a beautifully blessed and glorious weekend. I'm going out to enjoy the day and spread my wings like an eagle. Looking forward to being ITB Sunday.

Love and peace to you all!!!


SCRIBE said...

Bishop and BITN Family,

Here is a little something that I hope will inspire, encourage, and cause many to examine what is happening within their own souls and spirits. Have a great day and Outstanding Weekend!

Excerpt taken from the book entitled:

“Trees along the Scenic Trail” {Not Yet Published}

Author: C. FORD

“Destinations, Motivations, Transportation”

Has anyone ever been on a mission to reach a specific place, while the journey itself may have taken longer than you expected? Timing is crucial and it becomes imperative that you act quickly, but not hastily, for you were assigned to be a blessing to someone and you do not want to miss you divine appointment…

What happens when you hear the voice of GOD, receive clear instruction as to where you are supposed to go, you commit to getting there and make every effort to ignore the distractions in your life while refusing to be hindered by anything or anyone desiring to through you off course? These people can clearly see that you are making strides to get to your appointed destination, a place where they may never have access to or the fortitude to remain even if they were allowed there. However, because they may see themselves at a standstill in life, whether it be by choice or circumstance, they attempt to get in your way in order to delay you, for they are not equipped to travel the road that you are walking. They appear to be excited and encouraging about your journey, yet there is something deeper beneath the surface. This where motivations must be discerned. Instead of rejoicing, they position themselves as roadblocks on your path, knowingly or subconsciously, in hopes to bring you to a screeching halt, even if the delay is but momentary. The motivation is that they seek control in whatever aspect they may have influence. This process may impede your vision or slow you down just long enough to aggravate you.

Who in your life desires to squelch your praise, interfere with your worship, or cause you to miss the appointments God made for you, or when all else fails, they want to make certain that you are late?

These things are not so subtle power moves initiated through psychological or spiritual warfare in the hearts and minds of the insecure. Although we may serve as the target, we are not the source of contention, for the conflict resides within that person,whereas they are their own worst enemy. These plagues of the soul are borne out of obsessive-compulsive disorders, passive aggressive tendencies, and a mind not truly at peace or oneness with God.

We must pray and ask God to reveal and expose the different “vehicles”, roadblocks, bridges, and detours in our lives, along with the “dead end streets”.

God may assign “vehicles” / people to us for a specific time, yet when that appointed time is due to expire, things may become shaky and unstable, for we may have grown, as well as imparted all that we were supposed to give, and when anything more is demanded, it becomes a strain. When we are simply walking out that which we are called to do by and through the grace of God, many may become intimidated and ruled by fear because they do not want to get left behind, yet they refuse to pick up their pace or stand back and graciously move aside to allow others to pass by. We must decide to go around them, try to drag them with us even if it is to our own detriment, or break off the shackles that bind and make a dash towards the finish line because God is calling us, leading us, and will meet us at His assigned place. This is why it is so important that we ask God to tell us exactly where we are supposed to be, the precise time of our next appointment, and what is the proper attire for the meeting, as well as if we are to travel solo- only accompanied by the Holy Spirit, or bring along guests.

The “bridges” in our lives are those sent or assigned to assist us in crossing over from one place or point to another place.

Bridges are there for the service and betterment of others, and do not complain because they understand their mission and faithfully serve their purpose. However, the bridges would not have been erected if there were no connections to be made between different people from different places and without the bridges in our lives, we would be forced to find alternate routes and hope that we would still make it to the correct destinations at the set time. Bridges can remedy isolation.

Now, we must examine those dreaded places of “detour”.

Detours can bring you to a temporary stop to prevent the imminent, unforeseeable dangers, which lie ahead of the current point. When we see detour signs, they redirect our course, steering us towards an alternate route and we ultimately end up at the desired location, should we follow the directions. However, after being detoured, it is probable that the journey may take a bit longer. Despise not the detours, because these are our protectors. Yet, those self-imposed or superimposed roadblocks in our lives can prove most lethal.

Pray and ask God to reveal to you what part you play in the lives of others and what is the role of others in your life. Or, are you that inconspicuous encourager on the sidelines yelling to others that they can make it, get up, keep going, and don’t lose the focus! Ask God for Wisdom and Discernment, guarding your heart, mind, and spirit as to not get derailed by those naysayers, envious, grievous, and devisive people who are uncertain of their own paths and dwell darkness and in abject disobedience to God.

Are you traveling the course / path that God has set before YOU? Or are you wandering aimlessly on the road to nowhere, and without a specific purpose, clue, or destination in sight and mind, while blaming everyone else for passing you by and leaving you behind?

Author: C. FORD
Thursday, 20 November 2008 @ 1434 Hours.

Anonymous said...

I thought you would appreciate God's infinite "humor" in this. As we spoke of me sending you some of our overload of MI snow to GA yesterday........I woke up today to a THAW....temps in the 40's (here in Michigan that feels like Spring from the Winter we're having!!).
I had to laugh at God's getting the last laugh to think if he wanted snow in GA.......HE'd put it there, huh ?


I LOVE the laughing God.....and the photo of Laughing Jesus is one of my all time pictures. You know that one, I'm sure.

Peace........and thawing in MI,
Northern Light

Son of Zadok said...

I never leave Pastor D, some days I'm just quiet.

Bishop, a subliminal "get weed" message couldn't be any edgier than your joint signaling, squinty-eyed, M&M from the day before. But again, perception is everything, maybe it's just me. But far from me to judge. Your so innocent sometimes its endearing.

Scribe, a big Happy Birthday to you! I think I'm a day late on every Birthday wish. Oh well, just keep that celebratory sprit rolling through the weekend.

A big praise report from our church here in Dayton, Paradox. We have established a permanent place to gather and it's really fantastic. We meet in a warehouse out of a company called DK bikes. They are a very highly respected BMX company. How many churches have a full skate/bike park built-in next to the sanctuary...we do! We have a space that can hold about 300 people now along with some great areas for socializing and our different childrens ministries. We've been averaging about 100 people a week. It's really a tremendous thing that's coming together. We have a very insightful teaching pastor who is totally behind reconcilliation and is not afraid to teach it. We also have a great 5 piece band that really brings it every week. A lot of young people here. We built a great stage this week and the place is really starting to look fantastic. Once we get everything together I'll send you all some pictures. Bishop, maybe someday in the years ahead we can fly you in and have you minister here. That would be awesome.
Well, I just wanted to give you all a little update on that. The excitement level is building here. I pray that in everything we do The Spirit is magnified and glorified. I feel led to initiate a weekly prayer meeting now that we have full access to a regular location.

Have a great weekend saints!

Larry Usher said...

This pic from "Astronomy Picture of the Day" website. Love outer space stuff!

Explanation: Sweeping through the inner solar system, Comet Lulin is easily visible in both northern and southern hemispheres with binoculars or a small telescope. Recent changes in Lulin's lovely greenish coma and tails are featured in this two panel comparison of images taken on January 31st (top) and February 4th. Taken from dark New Mexico Skies, the images span over 2 degrees. In both views the comet sports an apparent antitail at the left -- the comet's dust tail appearing almost edge on from an earth-based perspective as it trails behind in Lulin's orbit. Extending to the right of the coma, away from the Sun, is the beautiful ion tail. Remarkably, as captured in the bottom panel, Comet Lulin's ion tail became disconnected on February 4, likely buffeted and torn away by magnetic fields in the solar wind. In 2007 NASA satellites recorded a similar disconnection event for Comet Encke. Don't worry, though. Comet tails can grow back.


Larry Usher said...

Another article about this comet.

Funny that it's green!

February 4, 2009: In 1996, a 7-year-old boy in China bent over the eyepiece of a small telescope and saw something that would change his life--a comet of flamboyant beauty, bright and puffy with an active tail. At first he thought he himself had discovered it, but no, he learned, two men named "Hale" and "Bopp" had beat him to it. Mastering his disappointment, young Quanzhi Ye resolved to find his own comet one day.

And one day, he did.

Fast forward to a summer afternoon in July 2007. Ye, now 19 years old and a student of meteorology at China's Sun Yat-sen University, bent over his desk to stare at a black-and-white star field. The photo was taken nights before by Taiwanese astronomer Chi Sheng Lin on "sky patrol" at the Lulin Observatory. Ye's finger moved from point to point--and stopped. One of the stars was not a star, it was a comet, and this time Ye saw it first.

Comet Lulin, named after the observatory in Taiwan where the discovery-photo was taken, is now approaching Earth. "It is a green beauty that could become visible to the naked eye any day now," says Ye.


Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Hey Ray...

Thanks, Scribe...

That's cool, Northern's beautiful here today...Debye and I had lunch outside at a sidewalk cafe' felt like April...I know there's more winter coming, but it's nice to have a little sneek preview of spring...

Yeah, now that you mention it, SOZ, he does look a little stoned...I'll take your comment about my "endearing innocence" as a compliment..."to the pure in heart all things are pure"...guess I'm becoming more like Jesus than I realized...that's great about your sounds awesome...

Shout out to Larry the astronomer...

Peace to all...

Son of Zadok said...

It was a compliment and that's exactly what I meant. I'm reminded of the Payton Manning commercial again.

I've had a verse on my heart all week. I think you might have mentioned it not long ago.

Psalm 2:8

Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

That's gotta be true, because here I am!

Larry Usher said...

Back at ya Bishop! Gotta keep lookin' up! Had a great comet all of a sudden brighten up from obscure to naked eye last year and now this cute little green thing!

Yes, today was another glorious day. Tomorrow gloriouser! Ha!

Blessings to everyone! Hi Ray!


Larry Usher said...

Hey SOZ!


River said...

Wow Today Has Been Great

Didn't get to read today's BITN for today till just now.
Man must be in the flow.
Bishop you said to enjoy the day.
Started the day making cupcakes & a cake for the Prison Ministry's Bake Sale.
Then went to see a movie The first I've been to since last July.
It was an OK movie. Transporter 3 at the 1.99 theather in Lawrenceville.
So what's happening with you?
Hey Everyone Be ITB Tomorrow
Come and Support The Prison Ministry by buying some baked goods.
See Ya There

P. Avery said...

Hello everyone! I wasn't awake to see the "weed" weekend-wish but the "half asleep" smiley face felt right the first time I saw him :).

Yes, Bishop[feb6@413pm], it appears that this time of day--midday in Ozamiz now--is still my most wakefulness. I'm also still singing "Sayawan, Lukso, Singit, Hallelujah!"

I took your advice to give myself a break and declared that nothing but wonderful peace would reign this weekend. I've slept on various pieces of furniture, including the jacuzzi[which, blessedly, is heated] for the last 30 hours. For the few waking hours, I've laughed and planned payback to B.Tommy for his practical jokes, pondered the amazing [oh wait, Phil said to say "AMAZING!!"] things and moments that the Holy Spirit orchestrated to bless each member of the team as well as allowing us to witness the spark of His historical move in the Filipino people. I believe I sense the energy that the first disciples must have had as they continually witnessed the Holy Spirit's historic moves in their time and came to understand the fullness of why Jesus had to go away so that He could come.

Now for some tea [this coffee house does serve it, right?] and a few more sleep hours, so I can join the move He is making in THIS hemisphere!!

Anonymous said...

I am jealous with godly jealousy over your new church....seriously I rejoice with you all. The word of the Gospel of God is growing and expanding all over the world!


Anonymous said...

stanis is the word verification. I read it like stay in is sort of like stay in the now. It is kind of funny to me and real at the same time to think about staying in the is like it is the same thing that staying out of the ain't would be.

Excellent word today Bishop. I know that you said this teaching was fundamental and maybe repetitive but it is one of those teachings that we need to be encouraged in often. You made it very fresh with your antedotes, humor and practical comparisons with experiences you have had. That is what I love most about your personal ministry. You have a gifted ability to take something very important but often missed because of a mundane presentation and make it sound like something brand new. Thank you.

staying in the is...

Bishop Jim Swilley said...

Wow..thanks, Anon @ 4:04!