Monday, November 30, 2009


Pastor D.E. mentioned in the Sunday service about the rainbow that was over Conyers and CITN yesterday morning...I didn't even know it rained in Conyers Saturday night or early Sunday A.M...very interesting...anyway, it made me want to re-post this blessing...enjoy!

Today, on this last day of November, I speak a blessing over you...over every blogger and blurker...over all of CITN and cyber-CITN...over every believer, and even over every non-believer...over every man, woman, boy and girl...even over every Democrat and Republican...I speak into your life with hope for the future, because God has said, "I know the plans I have for you"...regardless of what is happening in the material world, you have the promise that God will not fail you...

All of the promises of God are YES and AMEN, and the same God who, in the ancient world, put a rainbow in the cloud to show Noah that the nightmare/storm was truly over, will watch over His word to perform it for you in the here and now...

I speak a blessing over your dreams, as the colors of the rainbow remind you of all the possibilities available to you...

I speak joy to unspeakable, and full of glory...Kingdom joy that confirms your righteousness and your in the Holy Ghost...the joy of the Lord which is your strength...

His word will not return to Him void, and His promises are now simply statements of fact...a revelation of what is already unveiling of the mysteries of understanding and realization of what you already possess...

You are blessed, in spite of what is happening in the economy...and you will continue to be blessed, regardless of anything that happens in the natural matter what you hear, the world - God's amazing creation - is still a beautiful place...

Keep looking up...there are signs in the heavens, and the heavens are declaring the glory of God...

Put on the garment of praise instead of the spirit of heaviness...His burden is easy, and His yoke is light...the sun is shining, and the rainbow is clear and brilliant...hope is everywhere, and the atmosphere is charged with faith...all things are possible...

Arise and shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you!


Anonymous said... if God the Father was the Godfather, "I know the plans I have for you"...might be a little scary! Praise God, He's a loving Father and follows with a hope and a future!

[wordver was "coemic" so I took that as permission to go for the laugh!]

Blessings backatcha, Bishop...1,000-fold!

SCRIBE said...

AMEN! Who would not willingly and have a deep desire to serve such an Awesome God as Our God! The God of the Universe, Creator of Heaven and Earth whom has given to us this beautiful planet to live in. Regardless of the situations in the earth, the Earth itself is indeed a place of Beauty, where Divinity kissed the land and called it "good", beautiful. And because HE created such a lovely and perfect environment in the beginning, how much more marvelous are we in HIS Sight, for he created this place for us, instead of creating us for this place. He had US in mind all along before the foundations of the earth were established... a slice of heaven to remind us that HE is never far. When we see the rainbows in the sky, catch a glimpse of the breathtaking sunsets and sunrises and nature in its untarnished form, surely we ALL should stand in awe declaring "HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD!!!"

Revived and Restored to our ultimate and premium best through the power and tenderness of HIS LOVE! Even if someone did not think that they believed in "a God" of sorts, there would have to be some curiosity, hunger, or quest for knowledge that would eat away at them to dig deeper to find the "GREAT I AM". Because God Himself called all the splendor into being and breathed HIS SPIRIT into Creation and into us,then how much more are we capable of should we simply believe that our words have power to breathe, create, and reproduce glorious Life.

This post stirs something from the deepest levels within me where I know beyond all else that GOD is GOD and HE LIVES, He lives IN US, Moves Through Us, and takes pleasure and Has HIS BEING's within the earth. As we become truly amazed at God, by God, and In God, may the Holy Spirit stir the waters within us where God will watch us with amazement and declare HOW GREAT AM I in them, and not only do I know it, THEY REALIZE IT, THEY FINALLY GET IT! Blessing and Honor, Glory and Power be unto the matchless King, Oh Lord we praise your name, we bless your name, all honor belongs to YOU! May we birth out the NEW THINGS that have been in gestation for seemingly way too long, yet as these NEW THINGS come forth, we shall all declare that GOD was in "this", with Me, and brought this about at just His Right Timing...Divine Timing... and that Divine Timing would be IN THE NOW and RIGHT NOW! Amen.

Anonymous said...

Linda Luke said...


Anonymous said...

Tracie Fogle Osburn said...

Yes!!!This is awesome!!:)

Larry Usher said...

Thank you for the blessing Bishop! I receive it for myself, my friends and family and all.
The ox that treads out the corn will not be muzzled and will himself receive greatly from God.

Erik said...

Amazing beauty Bishop in the pictures shared.

God is excellent, always and protective. Peace reigns.

Bishop, I am in a era of especially needing the blessing and promise. In the Spirit I have all that I always have, but the manifestation on the natural, in my buisness, I seem to lack. I and the company I work for have mysteriously been affected by the economical issues, which is extremely unusual.

So, I encourage myself as David did, remembering the challenges of Paul, and the failures and recovery of Peter, and knowing that Grace and Mercy follow me all the days of my life. With that and enhanced works, focusing on the point. Relying on faith and adding whatever works I have. Knowing that – the last few business days of November resulted in more than half of our results,

--- Thank God.

Scribe, yes and Thank You for posting. I embrace The Complete Awesomeness of God in everything always, even in these things we often consider less than, because I know God is everywhere. In my most ‘righteous’ and my most ‘un-righteous’ .

That is true across the board.

Rainbows remind me that all the promises are Yea and Amen to all and each of us. This is true in the macro and in the micro.

So I trust that all I do in the micro are reflected in the macro simply because I believe and that I am.

Praise God!

Iris said...

Amen! All received... I SAY BRING IT ON!!! Although God has come and made Himself known here and now, we conscientiously open our eyes as we make ourselves ready for the full manifestations of God's promises in our Now...Everyone seeing and knowing the blessings of God in our lives... in our present.

Blessing to all, and Merry Christmas.


Anonymous said...

Some months back, as I listened and you taught on reconciliation and the power of love over adversity, I reflected onmy own life; many of the life challenges I have had. Things I think are unique to myself. But not so …. The world is full of people that have challenges and each person believes that their own situation is unique.

We wrote notes to people that hindered or hurt us, and thanked them for being the grains of sand that helped form the pearls we are evolving into.

I was estranged from my family for many years prior to that teaching. I want to thank you for encouraging us to love for the sake of and the merit of being reconciled to Christ. What a beautiful message.

See bishop, my mom is dieing now, and though we have not been close and many years have past without us talking to each other….. I am so thankful for her life, and for the ability to go to her now in her last days and say “I forgive you, God Loves you, and not much else matters” Be in peace.
Thank you for giving me the strength to do that, and to be reconciled, released, and renewed.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I receive the Blessings!
One reason I jointed the blog-
to enhance my blessings!!
I also agree for Blessing to all non believers, all believers, all people,
all nations, all staff at CITN and D E’s.
What would happen if we agreed that all nations are
blessed and all people are loved?
What if we loved all people?
It’s a good challenge, but my hardest one is believing this for me.
The more I tap into the reality of God’s love and power for me,
the more I love all.

Anonymous in North Georgia
December 1, 2009

Anonymous said...

Kris Tanner Walker said...

Seriously the most beautiful post ever!!

Anonymous said...

Darlene Swilley said...

wow...the rainbows made my day much brighter...thxs...

Anonymous said...

Jean de Sousa said...

Absolutely beautiful!! This blessing sounds like "Washed in the Word." Thank you....

Anonymous said...

Kris Tanner Walker said...

Seriously the most beautiful post ever!!