"My staff...they comfort me..."
Pardon me for taking a little license with the 23rd Psalm...I know David was referring to a different kind of "staff" there, but I want to use the phrase to thank the men and women who work with/for me for their strength, commitment and attitude during this very difficult time...you were all amazing yesterday at Staff Meeting, and I was inspired by your words...
I know many of you in the CITN community are waiting for me to update you on where things currently stand, but I'm just having to take everything a day at the time right now, and I don't want to say more than is necessary in the event that a miracle might be taking place behind the scenes...
Bloggers, thanks for your words here...and to those of you who are being silent because you don't know what to say, let me please encourage you to speak up so that I don't interpret your silence as indifference...I want to believe that you care about what is happening...
Also, thanks for all the apology/repentance messages that I've been receiving from non-tithers/non-givers who feel responsible for the situation...I appreciate the remorse, but that's not really helping...if you want to make a difference, write a check...every little bit helps...it's that simple...just keepin' it real here...
One other thing...those of you who have left CITN for various reasons over the years that have contacted me recently through e-mail or Facebook or by sending a message through someone else telling me that you made a mistake and regret leaving, three words: PLEASE COME BACK! If you left because of something I did, forgive me...if you left because of something you did, I forgive you...you haven't burned your bridge here, and it would be a real strength to us all to see some friendly familiar faces right now...I'm just sayin'...
And yet still another thing...I meant what I said last night in the service about wanting everyone to have a Merry Christmas...seriously...enjoy the holiday, and we'll deal with whatever afterward...
"Welcome, Welcome
Fah who rah-moose
Welcome, Welcome
Dah who dah-moose
Christmas day is in our grasp
So long as we have hands to clasp!"

There is NO PLACE like home, and NO PLACE I'd rather be this New Years Eve, than my new found church home for this past year-- CITN.
I will be traveling in from MI to spend New Years Eve Service and the Communion Sunday Service with my "family" at CITN.
Although I've only belonged (yes I said that) here for a year, it has been QUITE a personal year for me and this is where I found peace and support and good word and GOD in and through Bishop and P. Debye Sunday after Sunday (streaming) service. Wednesday nights too~
I tithe as a partner with CITN and it has blessed me to do so. I will continue, whether streaming available or not, until the day I sit every Sunday ITB and then still.
Shaken not stirred. Everything that can be shaken, will be. Yep, my year exactly. And many others.
We love you Bish & P. Debye and family. We will be here CELEBRATING the holidays and the coming New Year. God has great things for his people here at CITN.
Peace to you all, we trust you, we love you, we laugh and we cry with you ~ we are a family.
Peace ~
Northern Light
I may be silent in word right now, but I promise you that I AM BECOMING CITN...I support our CITN Family, and I certainly support you and P. Debye...I love you both with all my heart, I love the CITN family, and I love the building in which we reside. I simply cannot, will not accept that it somehow may not be available to us in the future.
I have not spoken because I may offend some people with what I want to say right now...I am hurt and angry and I think it's best if I don't say anything, but I'm praying and doing what I CAN do--supporting you and CITN with my finances and in prayer in the Spirit.
I want you to know that we--the true church--are in this together and the furnace may be stoked to 7x hotter and we know our God can deliver, but regardless, we will not bow to the pressures or attacks that come either directly or indirectly from religion!
I cannot imagine what this must be like for you and P. Debye and the wonderful people who make up the CITN staff...we are behind you, Bishop...we will hold your arms up until the battle is won...always. Where could we possibly go? You have the words of life!
Bishop, you have taught us well...Everything happens for a reason and all things work together for good...silence in this covenant community is certainly not indifference...silence is supernatural peace that passes all understanding...silence is waiting on God's provision to unfold...silence is not worrying or fretting about the future...our thoughts (based on our beliefs and constantly creating our reality) have evolved from "standing in faith" to a supernatural "knowing". The mustard seed did not have to "stand in faith" to grow up and become a tree...it just knew.
I personally do not believe I have to "stand in faith" that CITN (whatever new version of that we are becoming) will prosper and flourish, I just "KNOW" it will.
Many of us in this community have already been weathering storms over the past few years that have prepared us to respond maturely and appropriately to this current circumstance...there is no fault, there is no blame, just God's perfect will being done in all our lives...whatever needs purged and stripped away is being done in divine timing.
As I heard you preach last night about saying what you really believe and releasing your truth without considering the effect...my spirit leapt with joy. Woohoo! Possibly, this is a large part of the transformation of this ministry of "Real People Experiencing the Real God in the Real World" - bring on the transparency...bring on the "realness"...step out of conventional wisdom...bring on your truth as Holy Spirit has revealed it to you...take it to another level...what have you got to lose?...We (your flock) will honor that and God will honor that.
Thursday Morning
18 December 2003 @ 0655 Hours
Hallelujah! On this day, declares the Lord of Hosts, I am your Light, Strength, Power, Provision, Shelter, Deliverer, Kinsman Redeemer, Healer, Father, peace, and everything that is needed! Amen. As I have dealt with you in your prayer time with me on some of your deep-rooted hurts and the sources thereof, I have revealed to you in the spirit realm many whom you needed to release from all their past and present transgressions against you. For I- the Lord your God desires to heal you everywhere you hurt. When hurts are bandaged over and not treated for the potential infections, the wounds may heal, but leave much scar tissue, thereby building insurmountable walls of defense that do not allow the fullness of another’s love to permeate the vessel, says God. As I have shown you and ministered to your spirit today, while having pulled out roots of bitterness and pain that you were unaware of its existence and unknowingly still carried, I- the Lord thy God have released the Healing Balm of Gilead into your soul. Therefore, you are now able to forgive and release others that have deeply injured you, including those that have been gone for many years now. I am the Lord Almighty and I have delivered you and set you free from captivity of painstaking bondages rooted in unforgiveness and hurts. Now, I shall use those things to produce healing and harvests in the lives of others. For if a person is unaware of internal bleeding, they may very well die from the inside out without anyone else ever knowing. My people shall not hemorrhage to death, for I have cut out those things and people from within them, which inflicted injury and caused them to bleed Selah… I am Jehovah Shalom- the King of Peace and God of Healing. Amen.
I am the Great and Powerful Lord Almighty. I have called you out and pulled you aside on this day so that I may elevate you to a higher and more significant dimension in my glory. Be not weary in well doing and take it not upon yourself to bring conviction or condemnation to they whom have maligned and defiled you in speech and in deeds, for LOVE covers multitudes of sin. I shall deal with each person swiftly for the deeds that they have done and the seeds of contention that were sown in the lives of others, producing seedlings of hurt and disillusionment, declares the Lord of Hosts. I have required and sanctioned you on this day to release them from the actions and allow me- your Faithful Father in Heaven to deal with them, as I deem necessary. Many are the afflictions of the righteousness of God, yet the Lord God has delivered us from them all. Hallelujah! Lay down all cares, burdens, hurts, and worries upon me and I shall give you Divine Rest and Supernatural Peace surpassing all understanding. Dare not pick up the matters of offense or hurt again while I settle the matters immediately, causing the perpetrators to confess their sins unto me. I shall cause them to fall on their knees before me for repentance and forgiveness. Selah… Advise them that the matter has already been settled in the courts of heaven and forgiveness is granted. I am the Lord of Hosts and I have come to set the captives free and the houses of mine purposed people in order. Amen.
Trust me implicitly on this day, admonished God, and I shall show you wonders and glory unknown before. Tell the truth and shame the enemy, says God. In all things, extend love, and then peace shall be with you in great measure. Selah… Love the Lord thy God with all your heart and soul and lean not to thine own understanding, says God. I have come to right all wrongs and to break the shackles that bind. Amen.
Felicia Ramirez Hoffman said...
thank you for reaching out to each of us, bishop. i feel the love in your words and the sincerity from your heart. i do miss your wisdom, your teachings and i miss citn -- we'll be seeing you all again soon.
Part 2 (continuation...)
Prepare for awesome manifestations and believe me for every need that you have to be met regardless of how great or small the need may be. For I- the Lord your God has dispatched the angels to bring in your overflow, while the grace of the Holy Spirit shall clothe you with every step that is taken. Grace unto thee! Every good and perfect gift is seeking you out that your hands and heart may be filled with plenty. Goodbyes are not for good, says God, so expect the unexpected and Divine Order to be established quickly. Blessings are en-route suddenly and you shall be amazed, says God. Rejoice on this day- for I am the Lord Almighty and come forth by my spirit, to proclaim that which is Good and Wonderful News indeed!
Al Wiggins Sr. said...
They still won't get it.
Jeff Courter said...
No indifference here! - God is in control.
Bishop, I'm writing extra checks and trusting God to light your path as you lead. I've also removed all expletives to protect the soft-eared and am keeping my self-fashioned whips coiled, ear-removing swords sharpened and teeth-removing baseball bats at hand. This redeemed and reformed new creature remembers how to use them all. Just release me.
verification word: AMENS ! (wow) So be it.... i'm in agreement with the word of the Lord. Amen and Amen! (amens)
Not sure I am going to travel to NY for Christmas as I have done forever because of $$, but that will certainly be a good excuse to hang out at CITN over the holidays.
Bishop, ever since 2006 when the Lord accelerated my freedom walk, CITN has been an oasis, a refuge, a family, a place to bless and be blessed. It is all about the body! I would come to see the people no matter where they are, because we have become a family! Family that just happens to be "Jesus" in the flesh. Those that perceive the body will gather, those that do not...well...
Think I must head to the Mountain today and get a clear view...
Y'all have a blessed day and don't stop believin'...
Bro Lar
Felicia Ramirez Hoffman said...
al, i believe all those who are suppose to get it - will, indeed.
Ya know sometimes the foundation has to be shaken so that the thing we call the church will rise up to a new awakening of why they are called to be who they are. It time to get out of the routine of playing church and live as the Body Of Christ. It's time to put in to what we believe in.
All you rejected Come
All who are weary Come
There's room for Everyone
Just Come
John W. Brumlow said...
Just gotta say that your staff is a comfort to all at CITN including those who don't recognize it.
Been pouring through GITN recently. It was great to follow along while you were writing but I missed some of those moments and didn't catch up. I will probably always relate best to JITN simply because that's the way my mind thinks and it satisfies ... See Moremy own imaginings of an undefinable God Who is Love but I love the other gospels even more now. I am enjoying LITN as a continuous read. You have made it easy to fall into the greatest story ever told here. If you were a contestant on American Idol and I were Simon, I would have to say, "Jim, you have really made that song your own". But that is true of al the GITN, I am just really loving LITN right now.
Scribe...great word, and cool word ver: AMENS
Bishop...interesting that you mentioned the 23rd Psalm, because it is more confirmation to me. I believe the Lord is having this to be one of the things (word) for me to focus on at this time. I had picked up a book at the library entitled "a shepherd's look at PSALM 23" by Phillip Keller and have just started reading it.
Today at Cracker Barrel I passed by a calendar entitled "The Lord is My Shepherd", and each month has a line from that great Psalm.
It made me realize, or remember, that the Lord IS my Shepherd, not just today, but tomorrow, each month of the year, year after year, My Shepherd...and that His goodness, mercy, and faithful love will ALWAYS be with me and follow and pursue after me.
There is never a moment that we do not belong to Him. Once a sheep, always a sheep.
Have I wandered at times?..let's not even go there...
I thank God for any flock that invites me into the circle, along with any grinches, to sing a song of understanding, that it's all about LOVE...all about us. So I thank you and thank you all for hands to clasp. Hand-to-hand, hoof-to-hoof! Let LOVE come in under our roof. Now, I just want to know...who's cuttin' the turkey?..Let's eat!
My Bishop,
I have never felt a heartbreak vicariously through someone else like I do with what's going on now. It's kind of wierd in a way...how much my heart is in this church. But I refuse to believe that this is the end of anything.
I know this: I have lived in 5 houses in the last 9 years since starting my family. Some I was glad to get out of, some I had to go, and one was taken. And through this I have come to see the heart of love in my family grow. We enjoy each other more than ever. We are closer than ever. We are good to each other more than ever. We are stronger than ever. And through this I have come to see that this is all that is truly important to me. This love. This peace. This good. The houses were cool, but irrelevant without my tightness with my family. I had to go through what I went through to realize this. And I praise God for it.
There is no fear in me, whatsoever, that what is to come will not easily surpase what was. Joseph got beat and sold by his brother, but life went on. He got accused of rape and jailed, but life went on. He completed by being ruler of Egypt and most blessed by God...beyond his comprehension. You have much life to live, Bishop. I pray that your heart not be trouble for one moment through this ordeal (if at all possible), knowing that God has His arms wrapped around you so tightly that fear would almost be an insult to Him. (but I know my words are easier to say than do...I know)
Bishop, I have nothing in my life that was lost that wasn't later given again to me more beautiful. More fulfilling. More like God. This is the blessing of a Godly man. So, I figure if this is the worse case scenario, then...let Your will be done...I guess.
You and I both know this: You are finding God more true...more real than ever before. This is transforming you...and everything around you. And whatever this may cause, I praise God for it. You are being filled with the knowledge of God like never before and you are finding yourself surrounded by ignorance (even where you didn't know ignorance was)...and it hurts. This is the burden of a Godly man. But you are patient with us. Loving us even though. Waiting on us, patiently, to believe. You are a good pastor. And know that you are loved greatly because of it. (But not by everybody) (Forgive them, for they know not what they do)
My words are for your good, but my prayers are for your hurt. It's all going to be OK, and we'll all see it together.
I love you a bunch, Bishop.
I've had the blessing to spend some time with Bishop and get to see who he is. This man loves God with every fiber in his being...to the smallest particle in him. He wants truth more than anything else...aside of love. He seeks for love, as best as he can, where ever he goes. He wants to be good. He wants to love us and by doing so, he graciously pours it on us, as best as he can...which I have come to see him ridiculously good at. There will be a great blessing for those who stand in faith and work through whatever may come, and the root of it is our Bishop's faith...and he is doing his part.
I pray that everyone truly sees the Divinity of this man...and in doing so, forgives the humanity.
I know that Christmas is still but a week away, yet I would like to take the time to wish all who come here a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Even in these uncertain times, GOD is still certain and sure about us and we are not forsaken or abandoned. I am believing and praying for miracles for all the families that are represented here in this blog community as well as throughout CITN and all the families and nations that Bishop has reached and ministered to from the global platform of CITN. Peace, Favor, and Overflowing Joy, Deliverance, and Miracles to all. May God be exalted in us and through us as we strive to reach others not only in this season, yet also in the years to come. I'm expecting great things to erupt in the lives of my brothers and sisters SUDDENLY and IMMEDIATELY! God Bless you all and bidding you an Outstanding Weekend of Favorable Resolve, Divine Recompense, and Supernatural Restitution!
If you or anyone that you know of may be down or discouraged, I'd be honored if you take the time to visit my blog to receive some encouragement, wisdom, and seeds of truth, hope, and inspiration. Thanks in advance and feel free to leave a comment or two if one or several of the posts lifts you up and touches you in some way. Many Thanks in advance... and please pass it on to others as you are blessed.
I agreed with Larry on Facebook who quoted Winston Churchill, "Never, never, never, never, give up!" I will say it again here. CITN has been my home since October of 1997. I love this place. There is no place like home. Dorothy was right. The message spoken here is LOVE. It is the word proceeding from Heaven that all men need to hear. It is a wonderful life, my dear Bishop. I am holding up your and Pastor Debye's hands. It has been a hard year for us, but we have continued to give. Maybe not all we have wanted to but as things are improving we're doing more and we will till the tide turns here and it will.
Bishop, I am one of the silent ones you referred too. Just letting you know, I have done and will continue to do all I can to protect the things and the people I love. I trust your guidance your wisdom and your heart. Peace be with you.....Shara Greer
CITN FOREVER.....I became a Member of CITN in November 2003 and I have lived in California and now in Wisconsin…And this church has poured so much into me, I've been blessed and will continue to be blessed by the word God placed in Bishop to deliver to ME. I am expecting God to be on time for CITN this year and I find great comfort in knowing that God is always on time.
Bishop, I'm on board...you can count on me to do my part for now on (no excuses).
And that "F" word is "Fulfillment" the other word that many are referring to doesn’t exist at CITN.
Deana Furnish Malone said...
I have always been in love with CITN...all the way from Texas...and the light shines even brighter than before as you walk this out...check is in the mail.
Amalia Amaki said...
You are my Bishop and my friend. Love you. More is coming.
Miracles are in the air. It is true this time of year. You will see the truth come as you get closer to it. The path is coming clearer and the miracle will happen. God says remember those birds and those fields of flowers and how he loved and adored them, but you he loves more. Your gift and your heart is honored.The door is opening and you will walk through.It is your love that will bring it to you. Your true love and pure heart is known. The time is near and you can feel it coming, you reconize it from before.The last time it showed up you felt it in your face, this time it will be in your whole body. The knowing that you know that just makes it go to peace for you while you wait to see where the miracle shows itself is on you. It is there / here and only slightly hidden. You look for it every where you go and it is seeking you out. Hold on and be prepared, it will be big and faith building this time and you know it. You have never wavered, just sadend by the lesson. You would never insult God with unbelief. He holds your every important thought as a golden raindrop falling on a New York skyline sunset,he knows you that well. Miracles they come this time of year. You Know it!
Deep calling unto deep so not leaving my name.
Lou Smith said...
We're floating on the water of the Dead Sea. Thanks Lord for holding us up! The Dead Sea sounds negative, but..... it is so powerful because it keeps you afloat; bounces you to the top of the water and keeps you from drowning! God is amazing!!! There is great significance for us inthe Dead Sea! Just loving God.
Bishop I have just now gotten to a place that I can write. I've had to cut some things and internet was one of them so that accounts for my silence. I have been paying and praying all along so I will continue. In times when I don't know what God is doing are saying I just trust Him. I know he is in control and even if he don't work like I want Him to, He is still my friend.
I wish you only knew how broken I was when I came to CITN ready to really give up on "church". The pieces have finally begun to come back together,slowly at first, but under the healing of the words that God you to give us I'm growing in leaps and bounds.
Pastor Debye has helped me tremendously just by watching her praising and worshiping God. The wounds of my hurt is being healed and the people that hurt me, I can now open up my heart to love them again, through your teaching. I can't leave because although I have made great progress, God is still not through with me. There is so much more for me to learn and you and Pastor Debye have been ordained to teach me those things that I need to know. I love you both and CITN is my home.
Robert Smith said...
I know that its in our weakness he is made strong...I pray for your strength during this heavy season. I just received the Gospels in the Now...Thank you Bishop for delivering a current word ...even though your life was stressed and burdened...you pushed through and delivered "The Gift" I take it day by day Now...I am a builder of residential homes/...need I say more on what I have lost ...to only gain something much deeper..."A New Earth, The Inclusion message, CITN...has awakened me....Im not giving in...just not resisting the Journey any longer...May God continue to cover you at this time....You are a Winner Bishop Swilley !
A few days ago, as matter of fact [earlier this month]
I was having trouble sleeping – it was sometime around 2:30 a.m.[MST], had too much stuff going on with my family [daughters]; I was concerned about one of my daughters, the younger one in particular, and a supposedly rumor that was being said about her, anyway, not knowing how to react, respond and what to do, I turned to your website
I opened the Church in the Now website
Clicked the “Watch Now” button
Selected “Archived Messages”
Clicked the “Pastor Debye Swilley” tab
I have heard and know that she’s empowered to quicken the dead
I needed to hear her inspiring wisdom
The message “You’ve Got the Power”
Made a huge impact…
Pastor Debye is tremendously anointed – GOD has seated her next to you, together your united vision, words, wisdom, discernment, and power have and are moving mountains
Pastor Debye, tapped into a prophesy, that has already released and opened the floodgates of heaven onto CITN
That message made me free!!!
You’ve probably already heard the message [I don’t know how long ago it was produced, but it is still effective]
I encourage and recommend a re-visit
LOVE and POWER onto you
I agree with what many have written, Bishop, Pastor Debye, and all of The Staff have made CITN into the beautiful place it is for all of us to learn, share,relax, impact, and be impacted by.
Bishop's vision, including Pastor Debye and The Staff, that has drawn our vision, -- all of it a unique expression of God, constantly speaking in each of us and all of us together. The beauty is that everyone is welcome, regardless of anything, and as each chooses to express here, becomes another natural expression of this experience of God.
This experience, I have found, is the most engaging with topography covering every aspect, while weaving ,manifesting a most beautiful and cultivated and diverse tapestry. An enjoyment to God.
"Welcome, Welcome
Fah who rah-moose
Welcome, Welcome
Dah who dah-moose
Christmas day is in our grasp
So long as we have hands to clasp!"
Understand how you advocate reconciliation, Bish. But, c'mon. Now I gotta hold hands with moose?
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