I'm not really in writing mode right now, but I wanted to acknowledge the passing of Oral Roberts today...I may post something more about him later, but for now let me just say that many (if not most) in this generation have no real comprehension or appreciation of how revolutionary, pioneering, cutting edge, out of the box and visionary this man was...truly an original, and ahead of his time in nearly every area...the above photo is from Life Magazine, July 1, 1962...
My earliest rememberances of Oral Roberts was that of my dad watching him on TV with such interest. Dad was suffering with strokes from a brain tumor. Dad truly believed that God was still able to heal. An awesome thing, since so many churches did not believe in all the gifts being availabe to the church. Even though he was not healed, he still believed that GOD was able. God is still able to heal today; he can heal anything. Yet we still recognize that it is HIS WILL BE DONE. As hard as it was, my mother and dad accepted the will of God and completed their coarse, loving Him to the end of this earth walk. Oral Roberts was one who did not allow the opinion of the nay sayers to shake his work. There are a lot of opinions out there about his work, but the only one whos opinion mattered has received him today. I guess he and dad are really OK with the outcome tonight.
Harolene Leguizamon said...
So true!
Torri Hornsby Griffin said...
He was a great man.
John Wanza said...
Bishop, What can I say. As a child I would watch him on TV..I thank God I had a chance to be in one of his last meetings. I feel so blessed for that..What a great man of faith..
Jim McLeod said...
He shaped 2 generations in the US & Europe for Jesus ! What an amazing life !
well, this really sucks.
Not Oral Roberts, all good with him.
I mean the issue with foreclosure at CITN.
I think none or few who do not tithe read the blog. So, little will this reach those.
Maybe, Sunday a few of us who are not on staff can say why we do tithe? or maybe not, it might become even more offsetting to those who have not. we have done that to a degree. so maybe not.
All I can say is it really bites, the timing, that an apparent majority have not seen the value of giving, or not thinking actual money is needed to keep it going, like McDonald's, Sears, The local gas station, Walgreens is only available because we give them money for what we want.
Same with CITN, bit no profit motive, just exchange that produces huge returns in our lives, way more than a Big Mac, Craftsman Tools, fuel, prescriptions and handy needs.
CITN provides more than that, without a profit motive, just giving for trade (keeping things going, lights, brooms, staff paid) no financial dividends for the guests, but excellent investments into ourselves. Much more than McDs, Walgreens, Wlamart, Sears, or Ebay, Kroger, does for any of us.
They charge for profit (which is OK, but limited value) CITN receives voluntarily for value that is unlimited.
I left out certain words with a small number of letters, because Bishop would probably not like those on his blog, even though that may be what I feel.
However, The Spirit is the same, and The Holy Spirit counseled restraint.
Bless you all.
About Oral Roberts, i know very little about him, yet i have heard many celebrated bible and theological scholars talk about this great personality.All i can say is Bishop you've the mind for positive people, so this will give me the impetus to read more about the works of Oral Roberts.A good father like you, takes the children in the greener pastures, thanks.
Finally let some take the words of Brother Eric very seriously about giving into the works of God like CITN, the value for all we;re achieving in CITN/ church is priceless, everlasting,not purchased with silver and Gold but with the precious blood of JESUS CHRIST. When he compared how we've kept the bigger corporates afloat with our own hard earned money and have not given that much to keep our CITN debt free.
As we continue talking about the great faith in Oral Roberts, lets remember that there are so many who stood with him specifically, FINANCIALLY. while Bishop may not say it more often, we surely need to render it all. CITN voices must be heard world over.
Men! the time is now to sow, hold not on to your little seed, don't eat IT, sow now and wait for the results. David spoke of the seeding time saying. Those whose sowed weeping and ARE coming back with great yield/ REJOICE. May the spirit of the lord touch one, touch two, touch all to do much more than never before.
Bishop all will soon be alright.
Peace to you all.
Benard Nadiope
In response to Eric - those words with a small number of letters has never been a part of my language - however I feel like using them myself - high five you brother -
In response to Oral Roberts - what a pioneer!
Pamela H
ORU is my alma mater and I love it and Oral. Although the world often saw him as a joke because he was outspoken about his visions over the years, he was bold in his faith to an unbelievable extent. I am proud of the legacy of ORU, the mission is to 'go where My light is seen dim, My voice is heard small, and My healing power is unknown, even to the uttermost bounds of the earth.' He intended young people to train in every field and go "into every man's world" - no longer would pastors be the only ministers, but so would accountants, nurses, math teachers. What Vision!
I’ve been quiet up to now in regards to Sunday and the news we heard in regards to CITN. Pondering, Praying, Seeking, but most of all grieved that this could ever happen.
Like previously stated in the post here and earlier this week, CITN is something that is priceless and everlasting. It gives life to all who is touched by this ministry, whether it is recognized by each individual or not. Something happens here that the world needs to know about. There is an authentic move of the spirit that is invaluable to all.
I know for me personally, without CITN in my life I would not be alive. Without going into detail… CITN has walked me through some of the darkest times in my life, I have received hope, strength, peace, love, a wonderful family that believes in me and cheers me on, pulling me forward, showing me what I am really made of….and so much more. Most of all, the message preached has shown me God. A God that is reconciliation, that is love, that is grace, that is mercy. (Much needed by all).
Bishop and Pastor Debye, as well as a handful of the faithful core have laid down their lives for this ministry and for what it stands for. They, as Pastor Judah stated, have become the church, have become love, have become what God has ordained them to be. They have become the EACH program. Their lives radiate from the very essence of their being ALL that is spoken here. They truly ARE the message of CITN.
It is time for us all to look inward. Are we going to BECOME this ministry? Are we going to embrace the message spoken here? Or are we going to let it blow away in the wind of complacency. Do we really believe in this thing or not? Are the temporal things and possessions more important to us than the eternal things that really give us something worth living for?
As we approach Christmas, and all the miracles this season represents… I am reminded again of a song that has always touched my heart, and so often bring tears to my eyes, “The Little Drummer Boy”. Although it is a fictional story of a boy who stands before the manger and plays his drum for Jesus, there is a line that moves me every time I hear it… “I played my best for him.” Wow… even as I type the words tears begin to flow. “God, have I played my best for you?”
This season is a season of miracles… lets BE the miracle for this ministry. Let our lives be an unfading, unchanging miracle. Let’s be the candle flame that passes on its heat and light without losing any of its own.
I believe in this ministry with every fiber of my being… I proclaim the reason for the season… BECOME the miracle.
Merry Christmas
God bless Oral Roberts family... We will always remember his legacy. He was what he preached.
In remembrance of what he stood for... let us remember the legacy that is set before us now with CITN. Are we going to embrace it or will it die before it's time? What a travesty that would be.
Oral Roberts was a great man, and his message which was his life, changed how many of us embrace miracles and healing today.
Bishop Jim Swilley IS a great man, his message which IS his life… proclaiming the message of the Gospel, which is GOOD NEWS of a God that has reconciled us ALL to Himself.
Let’s become the message that has been declared since before the beginning of time. Let this legacy which is laid before us now… become a living entity… one that lives to proclaim the good news for ages to come.
With love to all
Iris, I am in total agreement with what you said and you said it so beautifully. You have spoken my heart. Thank you.
Let's become the message... it must carry on - we will do what has never been done before!!!
Pamela H
Amen Pamela... We WILL do what has never be done before...
Love Ya...
Pamela and Erik, amen...sometimes those short words are the only thing that penetrates to the deepest parts...
Pamela/Iris...making it so, with my donation check added to yours.
On Oral Roberts, I didn't belong to the nation that watched him as he changed the world. Had a Mom and Dad who in their own way protected me from the destructive religion they knew. But I belong to the nation that manifests his work. And that's cool.
Well done, faithful servant...enter into your rest.
Yes Avatar, making it so... with your donation check added with mine...
Yes Avatar - I second the AMEN to you - Let's roll!!!!
John W. Brumlow said...
Among my earliest memories of spirituality was placing my hand on the television screen to be blessed by God at the encouragement of Oral Roberts.
Lori Collins said...
I had planned to attend ORU in 1989. But God had other plans! Oral Roberts was indeed a pioneer!
Michelle Steinke said...
What are the chances of Oral Roberts, the founder of Oral Roberts University, and Billy Joe Daugherty, the founder of Victory Christian Church which started their church and purchased property from Oral Roberts University, dying within the same month? Losing both of these great men of God is a great loss to the the Christian community. We will miss you both!
I was just saying the very same thing at lunch today, Michele...
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