Sunday, December 13, 2009


Anonymous said...

Jere Luck said...

So very sad!!! I feel I just lost a friend! I hope all turns around and my church service will be back streaming soon. Are Wednesday nights off too???

Anonymous said...

Lisa Pfenning said...

I am extremely sad also! Streaming has been my lifeline to home. I pray miracles abound and streaming is running again soon! I'd live in the building if I could......but it is 800 miles away!

Anonymous said...

Virginia Bills said...

Then we must all work together to make OUR HOME safe! If you are here than make a way to be in church! If you are away then continue to support the church - perhaps give a little extra! I did! Whose Next!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jere Luck said...

I know. I'm in Houston and there ain't nobody preaching reconciliation and good news here.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Bishop:

I'm on board and am in tears at the thought of my church foreclosing (it is not so). I will purchase the mp3 of service until we’re able to stream again.

I have faith that we WILL be streaming again, so I wanted to make a quick suggestion….can you set-up online streaming where we (streamers) will have to make a contribution to CITN in order to view the service online.

Currently, Streaming Faith requires us to enter our email address in order to view the service, requiring us to make a contribution before viewing shouldn’t be hard to implement. Just a suggestion and my attempt to save online streaming…


Donald said...

This situation is my fault.
My apologies to everyone who is having to suffer due to my lack of support.

Anonymous said...

Ebony Thornton siad...

Last night when I checked the blog and here on FB and you mentioned you had something important to share with us, I got a sense of "Uh-oh/Are we in trouble?" that came over me. Bishop, thank you for reminding us that we ALL are a vital part of the church, and giving us the charge to make sure it stands.

River said...

A poem about Standing Now is the time to Stand & Give.I wrote this poem two years ago.

Waves Of Life

As I start to enter the ocean
Waves start to hit my legs
Trying to knock me down but I stand
As I go out a little more the waves hit a little higher
Trying to knock me down but I stand
I go out to about my waist
The waves try to knock away my grace
It's then I see the waves are like the situations I face
Some are small and I glide over them and I stand
Some are bigger and I stumble but I get over it then I stand
Some are bigger still, knocking my feet out from under me
I struggle to stand but I stand
Bigger the waves become
Knocking me under from where I begun
I struggle even more and yet I find my bearings and I stand
As the waves try to pull me to the ocean floor
I struggle even more because I know I must stand
No matter how big the waves of life hit
Learn To Stand
In the standing you grow strong
You can get through anything
the waves will try to knock you down
Hold Tight and STAND

Laura Benson

Anonymous said...

It was great to be ITB today. I am also sad at the prospect of not being able to stream but for a different reason at the present. I strongly identify with all that CITN is and believe it identifies with me. The praise and worship is as good as it gets but mostly the way the good news is presented is just as good as though it came from my own lips. I do believe in the finished work of Christ. The world of today needs to hear that news as much as ever. A point made in today's teaching was on the difference between fear and wisdom.

The world of religion is way too full of fear and for good reason. In days soon to come religion will be transformed from superstitions that produce damage and destruction to the souls and bodies of humanity to an active force utilizing the energy of the cosmos for the benefit of all mankind. Those who preach fear and hatred will be silenced by truth.

The message of truth concerning God's love for all creation is being preached abroad in contrast to the doctrines of tormenting fear and exclusionist hatred. No where is that word going out more succinctly than by the communications of Bishop Swilley. The concepts taught at CITN that refresh the mind and reveal unconditional love are a delight for the weary and a light for those groping in darkness. The way to truth becomes real life for those who are encouraged to live the Gospels in a well communicated discourse by Jim Swilley.

The scientific community is making progress in their search for the origin of life. In a recent experiment that is still being analyzed, a new particle of energy smaller than any other yet seen will be revealed and there will be evidence of an even smaller energy particle in existence. The Hubble telescope is being refitted and a new super telescope has been launched. They will both be in place to view directly through the center of our galaxy in 2012. That center, believed to be a concentration of gravity previously known as a black hole, will also be in alignment with the darkest area of our universe. What is hoped for is a view created, by the bending of light around the super gravity, that will reveal sources of light well beyond our presently viewable universe. God will not disappoint the seekers but the religious who hold to superstition and fear will be shaken to the core in a revelation similar to the earth being proven to not be flat.

The beauty of this is that we have, at CITN, a teacher who is well in contact with the Source of this energy. Jim Swilley, whither or not he decides to keep the title Bishop and no matter what the fate of the physically located CITN of present is, has effectively and will continue to teach the victorious good news. Our all caring God also presented this truth as a human among humans so that we might evolve into a recognition of life. I do not believe the voice of reason that we have been inspired by will be kept from the world.

It is the very wisdom of God that humanity should know the Way, Truth and Life. There is none among the created that can silence the Creator and those who honor the Word will be greatly rewarded.

Let us lean in a little harder and do our part to keep the dream of Jim Earl Swilley moving forward.

btw I second the idea presented to make streaming available as a pay per view.

involved observer

Anonymous said...

Jeff Courter said...

There is a time to talk and a time to listen. Now is a time to listen.

Anonymous said...

Michele Lindsay said...

Bishop, no other pastor has reached me the way you do. Although, I don't have much I will give what I have, because I believe in what you do and in Church In The Now!

Larry Usher said...

All I can say is I'm with ya Bishop! I feel bad for not having the type of income I used to and supporting at an accordingly much lower level. Ugh! Looking for second job now, just to try to make ends meet. Help!
With God all things are possible!

Bro Lar

Karl said...

Hey Bishop,

I hope that the book signing went well. I believe it will help many to have a greater love and interest in reading the gospels. When I worked at Cracker Barrel we had a saying..."Country Fresh"... well, this is "Gospel Fresh."

...I'm sure it will be another signature stamp on an already prize-winning menu.

Thanks for singing "Hosanna" with the boys. Appropriate selection tying in with your message of concern..."Lord we praise You, but SAVE NOW!"

...and for those familiar with Pink Floyd I'd like to say, wherever we've been "Comfortably Numb", let's tear down "The Wall", and "ALL pull together as a team!"


word ver: epliet
"a relatively small epistle, but a significant one the same.

Karl said...

Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid -Elton John

you think I'd crumble
you think I'd lay down and die
Oh no, not I
I will survive
as long as i know how to love
I know I will stay alive
I've got all my life to live
I've got all my love to give
and I'll survive
I will survive

-Gloria Gaynor

Benard Nadiope said...

Hello Bloggers and Streamers,

Possibly the majority of you have read the story of the widow of Zarephath in 1 Kgs 17 in the days of Prophet Elijah. Humbly read the same story with a NOW REVELATION. It was a time of great famine, great economic slump, and she only obeyed the Rhema from the prophet to give up her very last drop of food. What appeared suicidal turned out to be a blessing to her and her son. They'd looked in the face of death in a few days, it all turned around, could it be you NOW?.

Yes the situation is not good at all, our Bishop isn't in the world of preaching to excite and entice many to give lavishly, yet the door to sow is very open. Might this be the time for everybody to come out and give unto the tune of hurting? a replica of the above story. You've all read the story in one of the epistles of Paul where the saints brought to feet of the apostle and non of them lacked. You've also read the story during the building of the tabernacle, when the Jews brought till Moses told them to stop.

By your comments it depicts that, streaming is doing a whole lot of good globally. I know our redeemer liveth and He will surely touch many who will willingly give so as to have streaming back. Thanks everybody.

Peace & reconciliation, a must message for this Xmas season.

Pr. Ben Nadiope
Uganda, Africa.

Anonymous said...

Darlene Swilley said...

no I'll say quiteness sometimes is simply trust...Rom 8;28 is my stand-by.....somehow, someway....we will all make it...and YOU are the man with a message we cannot stay quiet you, and so proud of you.......Mom

Anonymous said...

Felicia Ramirez Hoffman said...

diggin it Bishop!

Anonymous said...

Nancy Courter said...

Hosanna, Hosannna.... In the highest!

Anonymous said...

Jean de Sousa said...

I am so proud to be a part of CITN!! All I can say is "God is
Good". This vision will be carried around the world. This is
God's vision AND your vision which makes it OUR vision.
Love and Blessings...

Anonymous said...

Leslie Holloway said...

my heart hurts for what you must be going through. you're the wisest man I know and yet it proves we are all human trying to figure out this life. We are in the same situation just a smaller scale. This year has been a testiment of faith and everything I have ever learned or thought was real has been questioned. one tr...uth remains the same....God is love and somehow I made it through 2009. I love you!

Anonymous said...

John Wanza said...

Bishop, Thanks for pouring into us today. And as a church Family we will get through this issue...Love you.

Anonymous said...

Janice Langley Sobers said...

You know the saying "you don't know what you got til it's gone"? This cyber family in Memphis knew what we had with CITN and now to be disconnected from that really saddens us. I for one am feeling lost all ready and my heart hurts for Bishop and Pastor Debye. Come on Church!!

Anonymous said...

I can relate Larry. After the lose of my job in Oct and not being able to give in the capacity that I want, makes you feel terrible in times such as these. My only income right now is unemployment and what I get blessed with, but, I still give. In the natural I see I am on a roller coaster going down fast, but in the spirit I see a prosperous and financially sound bank account, and I still give.

So that brings me to our church, come on people it is as simple as doing your part. I know most people here on this blog are givers but please don’t let our Bishop and Pastor Debye down.Are we really going to let them lose their cars?(that they are so willing to give up)Are we willing to lose our church due to not supporting it? We are the body of Christ. Listen to him (Christ). If I can give in my situation then surely all can give. Besides, that is the only reason I am making it anyway is because I give. I mean really, people ask me all the time, because I am in such dire straights and I say "It is because I give" that I am making it and with a sound mind. When I lost my job, that day I went to a soup kitchen and said “I need to do something”, because I knew that I had to give and until I have a job again, I was going to give something, even if it was only my time. Any way the point is, praise God in all that is and all that will be, no matter what. God knows our situation and he will provide. He will provide through US. Take up your situation and give. There is no other way.Support your church or find one that you will support.Either way it is your responsibility.

Love, peace and Light,

I am so bummed about not having streaming, for myself on Wed night (2 hours away), but more so for the people we now won’t reach all over the world that have a connection to us and the ones we haven't reached yet.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bishop, just want to share this with you . At my son's karate school, they also have streaming because a lot of the grandparents out of state wanted to watch their kids in action at the dojo, and also when one parent can't go they can watch class online. But in order for them to do that they havea contract to pay a fee of 30 dollars per mont and is assigned a password to login. and can cancel anytime. But in invent they don't pay they can't view. It said this is the only way he can offer this to them.

just a thought


Anonymous said...

Valerie Bolton said...

My Family will continue to do our part we are committed to that.
That's a vote you can count on

Anonymous said...

Nicola Mason said...

I am so proud to call you my Bishop. Not many people in your position would ever step up the way you did to do your part. Honesty is always the way to are such a fine example to us all. The waters are stirred. Peace

Northern Light said...

Bishop & P. Debye,

CITN is a blessing and a vision that is the breath of life for many. I am very saddened at the loss of streaming. While being out of state, it is the only way to be there and supporting my church, I feel a part of. Is there no way to "allow" streaming to only out of state localities > since the stream registration is designed with an IP address and mailing address, it may be possible.

In any case, peace & love to you all. The "F" word claimed my home this year, too, so I hear ya about the building needed saving. I clicked my online button and did my monthly tithe, as always. I hope to be able somehow to add more.

God Speed and Blessings to CITN.

Northern Light

Anonymous said...

Bishop, I have every confidence that the God Who is Love that you preach will see us all through and especially you and your family. Just know that to what ever degree that I, or any of we at CITN for that matter, have given or not given according to our best that is all past. What we have done is done. What we will do is yet to be seen. You will always be surrounded by dear ones who love and support you. I understand the Rosa Parks analogy and it is similar to the exasperation that the young woman must have felt when told she would be impregnated by the Holy Ghost. You have communicated your feelings over this situation well and many have listened. You will prosper in all ways because you have given much to all. I don't know the future of this particular work any more than anyone else. I am simply grateful for your work thus far and thankful to God for the work of Jesus the Christ revealed to our present world by that work.

With all faith in the powerful name of Jesus whom you preach I grant you peace, wisdom and joy in this time of recognizing Christ in us.

be blessed

John W. Brumlow

Anonymous said...

I am very sad today. I am sad for all those people who can only connect via streaming. I can only stand and believe that somehow the mortgage will be paid. CITN not only affects people in the local area but around the world. Deep inside I just cannot grasp or believe that your vision Bishop - CITN can go away. God is good and He is love and I know we (CITN) are to show His love. My life has been changed by you Bishop and CITN and I draw strength from just being ITB - it must go on. To Him I give the glory and He will lead us and His glory, His truth, His love will be manifested. I stand. I love you all. It is in His hands.

Pamela H

Anonymous said...

To all of those who have expressed and feel sadness over the loss of streaming, please be assured it doesn't have to mean a disconnect from Bishop Jim and CITN. You are all used to getting your cup of coffee on Sunday morning and logging on whenever is the right time for you, or perhaps sitting down to dinner in front of the computer on Wednesday night and catching a good word from Bish. That's just your current habit. The word and the connection is still available. Get in the habit of buying a DVD or CD or MP3 - whatever works for you. If having to do that on a weekly basis is challenging, then become a partner or buy a subscription and CITN staff will do the work to get the word out to you.

We are here to help keep you connected. Check out our website or give us a call.

CITN Media Department
Robyn Wells

Anonymous said...

Berita Mooneyhan said...

So disappointed about the streaming, but I understand. There is no one around here, that I know of that teaches the same kind of message you do. I believe God is going to turn things around there and finances are going to prosper. Maybe we can carpool from Columbus. :)

Anonymous said...

Berita Mooneyhan said...

Are there any carpools from Columbus, GA?

Anonymous said...

Berita Mooneyhan said...

Wow! I just thought HOW BIG your congregation is -- counting all of us that are out of town. We ALL NEED TO TITHE and get the streaming back!!!! Come on folks!!

Anonymous said...

PLEASE podcast on iTunes!!

I know you want to sell the cd/dvd/mp3, but it could open up a "whole new world" of CITN'ers, who have the resource of support!! If opening up to giving the message in that way, it opens them to give in return.

Anonymous said...

“Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.”

“For it is in giving that we receive.”

“There is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving”

“Giving opens the way for receiving.”

I don't know about the rest of you, but I NEED Church In The Now!! I'm so thankful to have a place that pours LOVE, LIFE, PEACE, HOPE & JOY into me each week.

I don't EVER have to think twice about tithing... and frankly I'm shocked that there are SO many that do! Church In The Now is THE greatest church in the universe and you know it!! We can't make it without you! You're important to the future of this place!!!! Bish and the CITN staff shouldn't even have this on their shoulders, b/c giving should be a commitment between you and God... How could you not want to give??? WE are so blessed and serve a mighty God whos love & grace endures forever no matter what!!! Did you get that? NO MATTER WHAT! If you had no other reason to give that should be enough! So, from the bottom of my heart PLEASE do your part...and lets all stop taking this place for granted and step it up a notch! As P. Judah said yesterday: BECOME THIS CHURCH!!!

Anonymous said...

Amen, Robyn Wells @11:00am...
find the "different" connections, church!

Choosing to walk...

in Faith, not denial;
Wise, not fearful;
Discerning, not judgmental;
Free, not reckless;
in Peace-supernatural, not commonly complacent;
Loving without strings on either end;
and Responsible, not burdened...

...mouth-filled-with-laughter [sometimes close to hysteria but yet] no-more-tears-joy in the midst of a foggy path...

Loved the antonyms on Sunday, Bishop. Funny how the "counterfeits" or the antonyms, help to define and clarify the real so well.

Larry Usher said...

Only be strong and courageous...

Having done all, stand...

The unconventional comes...

Glorious: Characterized by great beauty and splendor; magnificent.

As I was coming down Stone Mountain yesterday evening in the fog, a single light suddenly pulsed in the clouds that surrounded me. There never was a subsequent thunder clap. I had a vision then of a single, powerful shaft of light being wielded by an angel, beaming and burning though the fog; then another beam, then another until the sky was full of light.

The light shines IN the darkness.
Though I make my bed in the unseen realms, you are there, you are the light even when there seems to be no natural source or reason to have illumination or even hope.

God is and we are miners, mining for the precious in the dark recesses, mining for the valuable where you would least expect it...these are the places where gold and diamonds are found.

Blessings from God to all today, may your path be illuminated by His wisdom and word, may you hear His voice today and may you speak out of your mouth His glorious works and promise.

Bro Lar

Northern Light said...

I always have streamed AND gotten the DVD to share and watch again, as the word is needed.

With the current situation of streaming off-line, will the DVD's be able to tape beyond the Word, given by Bishop, but right up through the end of the service itself ?

Just wonderin' any case I have my standing dvd order and the tithe does NOT stop !!

Come on people, this is our church, too !!

Northern Light