Just got back in town...catching up on things in cyber-space...several of you have mentioned to me that you've tried to pre-order The Gospels In The Now and have encountered difficulty getting through to the office and/or Media Center (both phone and e-mail)...I don't know what the deal is, but I know they've been working on getting it fixed...Mike from the cyber-congregation (Florida) wrote me this on Facebook:
I want to pre-order the Gospels in the Now - I do not see anyway of doing it online - I will send December's gift in tomorrow, do you need a separate check in advance for book? I would like it sent to me the day it is available so I have no issues writing a check early, I just need price. Christmas gift to myself :) Hate to bug ya online but last two times I called bookstore no one answered - Don't you people want my money? :) strange Christians you are - everyone else wants my cash - :) I keep waiting for you to say something I don't believe - stop disappointing me - kidding aside have a great night and very glad our paths have crossed.Of course I assured him that we ain't mad at his money (and the price is $30)...for those of you who have had trouble getting through, sorry for the inconvenience...please try again...the book is supposed to arrive on the 11th, and I'll do a signing on the 13th after the 11:00 service...P. Judah was supposed to preach on that Sunday and spotlight Project 404 while I was going to be in the Philippines that weekend for a GPF, but I've decided not to go since I'll be there in January for the UNITE 2010 conference with Bishop Tommy Smith...Judah has asked to postpone doing a P-404 service until next month so that I can preach on the weekend that the book becomes available...

Speaking of services at CITN...don't forget that this coming Sunday we will go back to a two-service schedule...9 A.M. and 11 A.M...the nine o'clock service will be more casual in the Narthex (the Cafe' will be open for coffee and eats), and will conclude at 10...Communion will be served in the eleven o'clock only...also, for you who are a part of cyber-CITN, only the 11:00 service will be streamed over the internet...

Again, thanks for all the advance support for GITN (and a special thanks to the staff for working so hard to help get it out before the holidays)...hope to see you all Sunday...
That's all for now...
On behalf of the Media Department, Hello Mike...and all others interested in ordering GITN by phone..call CITN: 770.922.5334, select ext. 113 or 137 and leave a message with your name and preferred contact method. You will be contacted as soon as possible during the week,
Monday thru Thursday 9:30 to 5:00.
Home connection issues are forcing me to BBerry so I'm unable to check what's up on the web...but we're on it and will get back to you here with an update.
Hi All GITN fans!
Here's how to order online: www.churchinthenow.org, Shop Now, Books, and - here's the tricky part - PAGE 2. That'll getcha there.
I just placed an order online and it went through correctly, so, please try again...
Info for ordering online:
1. Go to the large "ShopNow" button midway down the main page at www.churchinthenow.org
2. Select "Books" from the column at the left of the page. There are three "pages"; go to page 2. You will see Gospels In The Now.
If anyone needs further help, call the number above, leave your number, a "best time to call" and someone will call you and help while you're ordering--even after hours :).
We're here to serve...hopefully these steps will help you get through to us.
The email coorespondence is a great idea for my kids to feel like they are doing something different & special this season for someone. Thanks for the perfect opportunity and for sharing.
Northern Light
Nicola Mason said...
Thanks for the update Bishop. Blessings on you...
Robert Smith said...
Thanks for helping me get that book order in Bishop ...
Brian Anderson-Paynes said...
Glad you're home.....
Cliff Hancock said...
"we ain't mad at his money"
- classic
Welcome back.
God's blessings to Dicen!
word ver: verba
Bishop, where did you go?
Glad you will be around for the next few weeks.
The 9 and 11 services are appreciated.
When I am away, I really enjoy the Blog, sometimes I do not write, but especially lately, it has been just a comfort to see it there. I am glad you have it here.
So often it has just what I am looking for in fun times and in challenging times.
yo i was just talking to my mom and wanted to share a few things.. Ive been feeling so alive recently and really tuning into the power of my thoughts and existence as 100% woman 100% god.We are each a breath of god both infinite and significant.
This year I have taken the time to understand different languages and as we are now in December I am realizing how awesome this year has been as well as life changing.. I never thought I had a gift for learning languages but find it fairly simple if coupled with practice and daily contact. Talking about language led me to thinking about the significance of words.
The fact that we have to classify such a thing as god is evidence that we are far from able to understand such a thing.
I recently watched a video on the life of Einstein and it was so interesting to me how he proved that no two events happen at the same time.after talking with my mom I realized that our 100% divinity allows us to order our day and make things happen as all things are possible. This past year I have realized how a single thought can become reality with little to no effort or prayer. All of my desires and needs have been met this year by simply thinking them. The fact that I have traveled so much is a direct result of thinking and imagining it.
I feel i am skimming the surface and the potentiality within me to create the miraculous because it must be infinite.
I feel so alive and hope that you are all enjoying each moment that comes. Life is good
Peace and love
Hey there, blog fam! Hoping this finds you well!
I agree, Erik, the blog is indeed a comfort to see. For me a "touchstone" of sorts that reins me in when the "craziness of me and the world" gets to be overwhelming.
I was blessed by a friend to a trip to the movies yesterday. We saw "The Blind Side". WOW. Such a gr8t movie. Exemplifying love to another just because it's the right thing to do.
Have a fantabulous day.
G8TRGRL...saw Blind Side tonight...agreed, good movie...and cool to know real people did the right thing--(smile)
FLASH! Dateline: Conyers, GA
Sunday, December 06, 2009
BACK by Popular Demand! STOP.
Church In The Now (CITN)’s Bishop, Jim Earl (aka Jamal) Swilley, announced a change to the regular service schedule. STOP. Beginning today, services will be held at 9 AND 11AM at the CITN campus located at 1877 Iris Drive, Conyers, GA 30013. STOP.
The Head Heathen has sent an urgent dispatch to ALL HEATHEN in Georgia and surrounding states. This reporter has discovered the contents of that urgent dispatch. It read as follows: STOP.
“ATTN: Heathen! Follow me to CITN! [sic] You'll B GLAD You did!” STOP.
This reporter believes it to actually mean what it says…that ALL are WELCOME at CITN.
When Pastor Joe Preacher of the Traveler’s Rest of the Shady Pastures by the Tranquil River’s Side was queried about the dispatch he said, “Well-ah, Brother Reporter-ah, all I can say is-ah that if Church In The Now-ah wants to open its doors-ah to the heathen-ah and the wretched sinners-ah of the world-ah, I say let them have them-ah, but the ground of our house is hallowed-ah and not one of the unclean-ah shall trespass against us-ah!” Please STOP.
This reporter determined that the very religious Brother Preacher was nothing more than a big, bloated, burly bag of badly behaved blustering breeze. This reporter attempted to speak with one of the Preacher’s congregants but could find none living… STOP.
When one of the CITN faithful was asked she replied, “As for me and my house, we will be at CITN on this day at 9AM AND 11AM to worship and serve our Lord!” NEVER…STOP!
Blessings Blog Fam! C U @ CITN!
I love the GITN paraphrase and how God uses your gifts and talents to communicate the "realness" of the gospels. Your eloquent way of revealing the truth through your obedience to digging deeply into original languages is truly a sign and a wonder. The artistic talent that is exposed by your inspired cover is just the cherry on top...
I appreciate your labor of love and am not wanting to push beyond this great accomplishment, but...What is in my spirit this morning as I read December's AYITN (that all come out of the book of Revelation) is how your anointing will truly be revealed as you complete NTITN and the world will "see" this great book and be released from years of fear and doomsday thinking...
I gratefully anticipate what comes forth through you as you proceed through all of the NT and most eagerly await the Revelation paraphrase.
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