The Tree of Life vs. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil...thanks for hearing the word concerning these concepts again this morning...revelation is manifesting, line upon line, precept upon precept...the nine o'clock service was fun and excellent ("It's Showtime!")...loved the on-the-spot feedback...crowd was bigger than expected...don't know how long we can keep it in the Narthex...we'll see...I am grateful for you all...
Great word today Bishop.
Scott A Boyer said...
That sounds like what I've heard from Smoldering Wick Ministries, still trying to grasp the concept of it.
Hey Scott...I'm not familiar with that ministry, but I'm still trying to grasp the full concept of it, myself...
Scott A Boyer said...
Smoldering Wick helps Pastors that get burnt out
Ahhh...do you have their number? Just kidding...sort of...
Scott A Boyer said...
I don't know if it's still good or not but the one I have is 1-918-919-9442
I haven't tried it in 3-4 years so they may have a new one.
Thanks...actually i was being facetious, but I'll check them out anyway...peace...
Scott A Boyer said...
They have a new number on their website 1-918-919-1490
Scott A Boyer said...
Well if you know of someone that could use their help pass the website or number along. They state that 1000 pastors a month are leaving the ministry never to return to it.
Wow...I had no idea the number was that high...that's a trip!
Hey Donald...thanks...good to hear from you...I miss you being on here every day...
Ebony Thornton said...
Great sermon today Bishop. You know, I was (and still am) told that I was "naive" or "simple" because I always tried to look for the good in people, saw everyone as a potential friend instead of enemy, but thanks to you for reminding me that as long as I use the discernment of the Spirit, it's not "naivete", it's "tree... of life-vision".
Jeri Nash said...
OOH, I LIKE THAT! Tree of Life Vision!
Thanks, Ebony
Always enjoy hearing more about the "Tree of Life" thoughts!
The photo here makes me think of the tree of life on BOTH sides of the river in Revelation, just like it is on both sides/hemispheres of this person's brain/mind/way of thinking. It has crowded out the other tree. This tree of life is fed by the Spirit/water/river flowing through us and it's fruit and leaves of love heal the nations.
Also, if people are called TREES of righteousness, then Christ was also the most righteous tree ever. He says He is also the LIFE. I guess that would also make Him a TREE OF LIFE, too.
Tree of Grace seems to be a tree of life, too. The Law then being a tree of knowledge of good and evil, for how would I have known not to covet unless it said, "thou shalt not covet..."
I want to climb the branches of the Life Tree and settle in its nooks, plucking and feasting on the best there is!
As I was taking communion today, as the lump of chewed bread was descending my throat, I heard the words "You are still my son", which allowed the lump to remain for a little longer. We are His children-always have been, always will be-nothing can change that.
Our perception, our view can tell us the great lie that all is not well, but it is, it is all well.
Repeat the sounding joy, repeat the sounding joy! Up joy!-to your post as the rudder of my heart and perpetuator of my steps; up joy! turn the mourning into singing, the ashes to the raiment of praise!
Let the unrelenting, irrepressible joy of the Lord that resides within hold sway, move the day, guide the way.
Joy to the World, the Lord is come, and we have received and continue to receive our King!
I concur! Today was another amazing day of rhema at CITN!
To His Hands: THANK YOU! You all were just WONDERFUL and I cannot express how much I enjoyed your art! What a treat! You guys RAWK!
Ebony: You just keep on doing what you're doing and don't let any person change your perceptions.
Karl...Yes, He IS the the Tree of LIFE! He spoke of being the vine while we are the branches. Isaiah 61 (one of my all-time faves) refers to us as "trees of righteousness, the plantings of the Lord."
Now considering this, may I suggest that you return to read the story of Jesus healing the blind man in Mark 8 (v 24)...What exactly did the blind man see the first timed?
Blessings Blog Fam!
I woke up this morning desiring to get a message that would kick start a wonderful week more so, set the real Xmas mood. So like many times i went to the blog, only to find, two interesting things. One that my lord Bishop swilley has started 9.00am services, please bishop and church CITN my ministry, family and i in Africa are very happy about this, our best support will be prayers owing to the global busy schedulle our Bishop has been blessed with. Secondly was the teaching that was so real, so original, so anointed about the TWO TREES. THE BISHOP FIRST PREACHED THIS RHEMA WORD WHILE I WAS IN THE USA, I HAVE CONTINUED TO LISTEN IT AND ONCE AGAIN HE'S REMINDED US THAT OUR CHOICES AT A TIME SUCH AS THIS ARE PARAMOUNT REGARDLESS OUR CIRMUSTANCES WE STILL HOLD ON TO THE POSTIVE ATTITUDES.I KNOW THIS MESSAGE WILL MAKE MANY COME UP WITH BETTER RESOLUTIONS FOR 2010 Note that the difference between CITN/ Bishop Swilley and religious denominations is that while religion is static/DOGMATIC and observational, Bishop Swilley is revelationsal. Bishop and entire ministry thanks for supporting Good shepherd, Uganda, financially and otherwise. Our prayers to you all.
God Bless you all. Merry Xmas & Happy New year.
Pr. Ben Nadiope.
A one tree mind...great pic.
Wordver: mulli...(for real)...had decided to erase that short comment and come back later' till I saw it. So, "mulling" both services over for a while longer...later blog fam!
Message on Sunday was great as always and my sister and family that was visiting from Alabama was quite taken with it. This is her second time coming and she couldn't wait to come to church with me. I was really shocked that she enjoyed it so much, talking about your die-heart baptist.
I had to rub my feet a little bit as you talked about if we are more prone to looking at things through the eyes of the knowledge of good and evil then we must ask ourselves are we really walking in love. Just as I was walking in church I had an experience that didn't quite sit well with me and I grumbly came in with that bad spirit. When you brought that up I started thinking about it and I went ah man why did I look at that as a negative. Then the more I thought about it, it really wasn't a big deal it was just that I was looking at it with the wrong eyes. Thanks for talking about that again because I must have not gotten it the first time.
Lisa Anderson said...
Great sermon on the Tree of Life vs. Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil!! It really spoke to my heart. At times, some folks (self included) get caught up or slip back into thinking in terms of Good/Evil events (i.e., Tiger Woods' marital affairs) when we need to put our focus on LIFE (and Love)!
There's really only one thing I can say. Speaking of exposing your brother what ever happened to walking in backwards and covering your brother.
Bishop when you spoke of all the news reports all I could think of was that 80's song Dirty Laundry.
What the world needs now is love & grace.
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