Everything is beautiful in this conference...His kingdom continues to come, as His will is done on earth as it is in heaven...God is very real, and His presence is tangible in Ozamiz City this week...
I heard dad did great Wednesday night...thanks for the reports...
All the old fashions are now obsolete. Words like Jewish and non-Jewish, religious and irreligious, insider and outsider, uncivilized and uncouth, slave and free, mean nothing. From now on everyone is defined by Christ, everyone is included in Christ.
(Colossians 3:11 - The Message)
Karl Cobos said...
Hey Bish -
Reverend Swilley threw down last night...it was great...really glad to have your dad in the house, and the KITN band led us in great worship...Jonah rockin' on the drums.
Here are a few snippets from the message last night;
-establishing a "love relationship with God"
-getting excited when we think about Him
-we support that which we love
-knowing God doesn't come by a course/program/method but as you COMMUNICATE with Him. He will speak to you.
-Jesus works at a relationship with us night and day...and so should we. A relationship that is warm, good and productive (this particular point made me think of my own marriage relationship and how to look at it in a similar way)
-Be reflectors of God. He wants US to show the world HOW to love each other.
-God says "let me have your life and make out of it what I'd like..." (makes me think of the potter/vessel comparison)
-The blessings of God will CHASE AFTER YOU...and OVERTAKE you.
-it's the pressure/pushing against problems that strengthens you...much like going to the gym and working your muscles over time.
-don't let your prayers become quarrels with God...if you really love God, don't ARGUE with Him. He's making you what He wants you to be.
-where is God working?..and go there.
-God has some kind of "activity/ministry" for you to do. Be about His business. Find out what God IS DOING in your life. Ask "what do you want me to do, Lord?...and help me do that.
-WANT the will of God.
-WANT a deeper relationship with Him.
"I now know what you will do", God says to Abraham.
...step-by-step, as thou goest, THE WAY WILL BE OPENED unto you.
I know that many people are blessing you and those with you through prayer today. May His now words come to you and gush from you today to water the thirsty around you. Hang on for the explosion.
We love you.
[ok, this is for fun, but hopefully you will see something out of it]...
Did you say somethin? Hey, is this thing on. (uh hum)...
This just in...reports of Filipino pastors and worshipers from all over the county have been pouring into Ozamiz city. Something called "Interfaith 2010" has the whole city astir!
...eyewitness accounts say they hear lots of noises, like singing, and some people raising their hands in complete abandon. I don't know Katie but it recalls to mind a cult in the '70s who said people raised their hands, supernaturally flew to a ceiling and blew up! I think a guy named 'Logan' exposed that one.
...everyone is talking peace, but will there be sudden destruction? Is this the end of religion as we know it? Can cities and the religious communities handle an exodus from their denominations and "church" as we now know it? Is there a God behind all this? Some say that He is showing up all over the place...and saying even on their poster that "Christ is all and in all"...and even in me.
Stay tuned as this top story continues throughout the week...back to you Katie.
[uh hum...anyone seen my notepad?...uh, Lois, Lois...Ms. Lane!...excuse me.]
LaDonna Paulk Diaz aid...
Glad it's going well over there!
Corey Reid said...
amen, people seem to forget that its christ IN us the hope of glory, not christ instead of us
Mike Williams said...
I thank my Heavenly Father for the point of contact with a people who, with feverency, excellence, and joy, extend the borders and unite the inhabitants of the Kingdom of The Most High!! Thank You Bishop for your efforts and intensity!! I pray for continued earthly blessings and for future heavenly rewards!!
Machion Garrison III said...
Wow, you're in Oz. The Emerald City... Tell me how it feels when you ride the horse of a different color...
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