...thanks for the reviews from Sunday's sermon...hope it didn't get too intense, but I was feeling that word really strong...almost forgot I was preaching for a minute there when I was in the middle of my unusual illustration...the inner voice said, "OK...you've made your point...now get up off the floor and finish this message with some decorum because you're scaring the children!"...

...anyway, I'm here on the other side of the planet now, and I believe in really being where you are, so I want to throw myself fully into this week's ministry experience...but I'll be looking forward to seeing all of you when I get back...
...in the meantime, stay strong, and "let patience have her perfect work, that you may be mature and whole, lacking nothing..."
Have a blessed time over there. You didn't scare all the people some of us took to heart what you said Sunday.
My prayers are with you & the team. Spread the Word. Mighty Followers Of The Lord.
The word Sunday was something I needed to hear and it stirred something in me!! Can't even explain and I could of handle more...please continue when you get back.
Tell the people we love them over there.
~Peace,Love, & Dream BIG~
*******"let patience have her perfect work, that you may be mature and whole, lacking nothing..."*******
Be blessed and I feel a great anointing flowing to there. Profound things are going to happen. Some kind of a connection with Haiti in the spirit.
Love and light,
Debra M.
Sylvia Taylor Johnson said...
I'm praying for you Pastor!
Linda M Curtis said...
I have heard nothing but GREAT things about both Sunday services......I am really looking forward to the dvd hitting my mailbox ~
Chuck Day said...
Hi Bishop! Great success to you there! Selena and I are in Kenya! Hope to see ya soon!
John W. Brumlow said...
Good morning from here, hope you are resting well there. The blessings from Sunday's teaching are still flowing here. Give our love to all there.
Angela Bunch said...
i think intense is good.... safe travel to u
Jon Scott said...
Be safe.... love you. Hope to see you soon. Really miss ya.
Linda M Curtis said...
Happy to know you're all there....LET IT BEGIN~ Peace
Karl McIntosh Cobos said...
Good morning Bish!..about brunchtime here, and you?
Peace, power, and prophecy in revelations of You, Lord...today!
Brenda Bevelle Yarbrough said...
Glad you all made it safely, I know great blessings will come to the people there. No, Sunday's sermon was not too intense, it was cooling waters for the thirsty soul.
Renaldo C. Blocker Sr. said...
Bishop Sunday's message was right on point...I've been sharing it with others. Glad I was ITB. good stuff.... love you and stay safe
Cliff Hancock said...
you are amazing ... you blow me away
Jere Luck said...
OK. I can't resist....wish I'd "been there".... :) Love you!!!!
Hey Bish - 9am here.
Reverend Swilley threw down last night...it was great...really glad to have your dad in the house, and the KITN band led us in great worship...Jonah rockin' on the drums.
Here are a few snippets from the message last night;
-establishing a "love relationship with God"
-getting excited when we think about Him
-we support that which we love
-knowing God doesn't come by a course/program/method but as you COMMUNICATE with Him. He will speak to you.
-Jesus works at a relationship with us night and day...and so should we. A relationship that is warm, good and productive (this particular point made me think of my own marriage relationship and how to look at it in a similar way)
-Be reflectors of God. He wants US to show the world HOW to love each other.
-God says "let me have your life and make out of it what I'd like..." (makes me think of the potter/vessel comparison)
-The blessings of God will CHASE AFTER YOU...and OVERTAKE you.
-it's the pressure/pushing against problems that strengthens you...much like going to the gym and working your muscles over time.
-don't let your prayers become quarrels with God...if you really love God, don't ARGUE with Him. He's making you what He wants you to be.
-where is God working?..and go there.
-God has some kind of "activity/ministry" for you to do. Be about His business. Find out what God IS DOING in your life. Ask "what do you want me to do, Lord?...and help me do that.
-WANT the will of God.
-WANT a deeper relationship with Him.
"I now know what you will do", God says to Abraham.
...step-by-step, as thou goest, THE WAY WILL BE OPENED unto you.
I know that many people are blessing you and those with you through prayer today. May His now words come to you and gush from you today to water the thirsty around you. Hang on for the explosion.
We love you.
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